DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY EDITED BY SIDNEY LEE VOL. XLV. PEREIRA POCKRICH LONDON SMITH, ELDER, & CO., 15 WATERLOO PLACE 1896 [All rights reserved] 2_8 v.A-S LIST OF WEITBES IN THE FORTY-FIFTH VOLUME. G. A. A. . J. G. A. . P. J. A.. . W. A. J. A. W. A. . . . E. B-L. . . G. F. E. B. . M. B. . . . E. B. . . . T. B. . . . C. E. B. . L. B. ... G. C. B. . T. G. B. . G. S. B. . W. B-T. . E. H. B. . E. C. B. . W. C-B. . J. W. C-K. A. M. C. . A. M. C-E. T. C. ... C. H. C. . W. P. C. . L. C. . . J. A. D. . G. A. AlTKEN. J. G. ALGEE. P. J. ANDEBSON. W. A. J. ABCHBOLD. WALTEB ABMSTBONG. EICHABD BAGWELL. G. F. EUSSELL BAEKEB. Miss BATESON. THE EEV. EONALD BAYNE. THOMAS BAYNE. C. E. BEAZLEY. LAUBENCE BINYON. G. C. BOASE. THE EEV. PEOF. BONNEY, F.E.S. G. S. BOULGEB. MAJOB BBOADFOOT. E. H. BEODIE. E. C. BBOWNE. WILLIAM CAEB. J. WILLIS CLABK. Miss A. M. CLEBKE. Miss A. M. COOKE. THOMPSON COOPEB, F.S.A. . C. H. COOTE. W. P. COUBTNEY. , LIONEL GUST, F.S.A. J. A. DOYLE. G. T. D. . . G. THOBN DBUEY. E. D EOBEBT DUNLOP. C. H. F. . . C. H. FIBTH. E. F LOBD EDMOND FITZMAUBICE. J. G JAMES GAIBDNEB. W. G WILLIAM GALLOWAY. E. G EICHABD GABNETT, LL.D., C.B. J. T. G. . . J. T. GILBEBT, LL.D., F.S.A. A. G THE EEV. ALEXANDEB GOBDON. E. G EDMUND GOSSE. E. E. G. . . E. E. GBAVES. J. M. G. . . THE LATE J. M. GBAY. J. C. H. . . J. CUTHBEBT HADDEN. J. A. H. . . J. A. HAMILTON. C. A. H. . . C. ALEXANDEB HABBIS. E. G. H. . . E. G. HAWKE. T. F. H. . . T. F. HENDEESON. W. A. S. H. W. A. S. HEWINS. W. H. ... THE EEV. WILLIAM HUNT. T. B. J. . . THE EEV. T. B. JOHNSTONE. C. L. K. . . C. L. KINGSFOED. j. K JOSEPH KNIGHT, F.S.A. J. K. L. . . PBOFESSOB J. K. LAUGHTON. E. L Miss ELIZABETH LEE. S. L SIDNEY LEE. E. H. L. . . EOBIN H. LEGGE. J. E. L. . . JOHN EDWAED LLOYD. VI List of Writers. W. B. L. . J. E. M. . E. C. M. . L. M. M. . C. M. . . . N. M. . . . G. P. M-Y. J. B. M. . E. N. . . . A. N. . . . G. LE G. N. D. J. O'D. F. M. O'D. J. B. P. . J. F. P. . A. F. P. . B. P. . . . D'A. P. . . B. B. P. . W. E. K. . . THE BEV. W. B. LOWTHER. . J. B. MACDONALD. . E. C. MABCHANT. . MlSS MlDDLETON. . COSMO MONKHOUSE. . NORMAN MOORE, M.D. . G. P. MORIARTY. . J. BASS MULLINGER. . MRS. NEWMARCH. . ALBERT NICHOLSON. . G. LE GRYS NORGATE. . D. J. O'DONOGHUE. . F. M. O'DONOGHUE. . J. B. PAYNE. . J. F. PAYNE, M.D. . A. F. POLLARD. . Miss PORTER. . D'ARCY POWER, F.B.C.S. . B. B. PROSSER. . W. E. BHODES. J. M. B. T. S. . . W. A. S. C. F. S. B. H. S. G. W. S. L. S. . . i G. S-H. . ; C. W. S. J. T-T. . H. B. T. i T. F. T. , E. V. . . B. H. V. G. W. . . M. G. W. C. W-H. , B. B. W. W, W.. J. M. BIGG. THOMAS SECCOMBE. W. A. SHAW. Miss C. FELL SMITH. B. H. SOULSBY. THE BEV. G. W. SPROTT, D.D. LESLIE STEPHEN. GEORGE STRONACH. C. W. SUTTON. JAMES TAIT. H. B. TEDDER, F.S.A. PROFESSOR T. F. TOUT. THE LATE BEV. CANON VENABLES. COLONEL B. H. VETCH, B.E., C.B. GRAHAM WALLAS. THE BEV. M. G. WATKINS. CHARLES WELCH, F.S.A. B. B. WOODWARD. WARWICK WROTH, F.S.A. *V* In vol. xliv. ( p. 303, col. 2, 1. 2) the sentence following the words died in 1827 should read ; ' Pennsylvania Castle passed on the death of the second son, Thomas Gordon Penn, to his first cousin, William Stuart the heir-at-law, who transferred it to Colonel Stewart Forbes, a near relative ; it was purchased, with its historical contents, by J. Merrick Head, esq., in 1887.' DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY SMITH STANGER DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY Pereira Pereira PEREIRA, JONATHAN (1804-1853), pharmacologist, was born at Shoreditch, London, on 22 May 1804. His father, an underwriter at Lloyd's, was in straitened circumstances, and Pereira was sent, when about ten years old, to a classical academy in Queen Street, Finsbury. Five years later he was articled to a naval surgeon and apothe- cary named Latham, then a general practi- tioner in the City Road. In 1821 he became a pupil at the Aldersgate Street general dis- pensary, where he studied chemistry, materia medica, and medicine under Dr. Henry Clut- terbuck [q. v.], natural philosophy under Dr. George Birkbeck [q. v.], and botany under Dr. William Lambe (1765-1847) [q. v.] In 1822 he entered St. Bartholomew's Hospital, and, qualifying as licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries in March 1823, when under nineteen, was at once appointed apothecary to the dispensary. He then formed a students' class, for whose use he translated the ' London Pharmacopoeia' of 1824, published ' A Selec- tion of Prescriptions' in English and in Latin, and ' A General Table of Atomic Numbers with an Introduction to the Atomic Theory,' and drew up a ' Manual for Medical Students/ which was afterwards,with his consent, edited by Dr. John Steggall. Having qualified as a surgeon in 1825, he was, next year, appointed lecturer on chemistry at the dispensary, and soon after ceased for some years to publish, devoting much of his time to the collection of materials for his great work on materia medica. In 1828 he became a fellow of the Linnean Society. A powerful man, with an iron constitution, he rose at six in the morn- ing, and for many years worked sixteen hours a day. He took lessons in French and German for the purposes of his work, and, though possessing a very retentive memory, made copious notes on all he read. In 1828 VOL. XLV. he began to lecture on materia medica at Aldersgate Street, and, until about 1841, he delivered two or three lectures every day. On his marriage, in September 1832, he resigned the post of apothecary to the dis- pensary to his brother, and began to practise as a surgeon in Aldersgate Street; but in the winter of the same year he was made professor of materia medica in the new medical school which took the place of the Aldersgate Street dispensary ; and, in 1833, was chosen to succeed Dr. Gordon as lec- turer on chemistry at the London Hos- pital. His lectures on materia medica were printed in the * Medical Gazette ' between 1835 and 1837, translated into German, and republished in India. In 1838 he was elected fellow of the Royal Society. The two parts of his magnum opus, ' The Elements of Materia Medica,' first appeared in 1839 and 1840, and in the former year he was made examiner in materia medica to the university of London. He was offered the chair of chemistry and materia medica at St. Bartholomew's Hos- pital, but declined it on being required to resign all other posts. At this time he was making 1,000/. a year by his lectures, and had so large a class at Aldersgate Street that he built a new theatre for them at a cost of 700/. Nevertheless, in 1840 he resolved to leave London for two years in order to gra- duate at a Scottish university, but changed his plans to become a candidate for a vacant assistant-physicianship at the London Hos- pital. Within a fortnight he prepared for and passed the examination for the licentiate- ship of the College of Physicians— a needful qualification. About the same time he ob- tained the diploma of M.D. from Erlangen, and was elected to the post he sought. On the foundation of the Pharmaceutical So- ciety in 1842, he gave two lectures at their Pereira Perigal school of pharmacy in Bloomsbury Square on the elementary composition of foods, which he afterwards amplified into a ' Trea- tise on Food and Diet/ published in 1843. In that year he gave three lectures on polarised light, and, on being chosen the first professor of materia medica of the so- ciety, delivered the first complete course in this subject given to pharmaceutical chemists in England. In 1845 he became fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. His prac- tice as a physician increasing, he gradually gave up lecturing, resigning his chair at the London Hospital in 1851 when he became a full physician to the hospital, but continuing to give a winter course at the Pharmaceutical Society until 1852. He died from the results of an accident on 20 Jan. 1853, and was buried in Kensal Green cemetery. He had extensive foreign correspondence ; always in- sisted on seeing drugs, if possible, in the condition in which they were imported ; exa- mined them both with the microscope and the polariscope ; and paid equal attention to their botanical, chemical, and physiological characters. His collection became the pro- perty of the Pharmaceutical Society. A medal by Wyon was struck in his memory by the Pharmaceutical Society, and a bust, by McDowall, was executed for the London Hospital. There is also an engraved portrait of him, by D. Pound, in the ' Pharmaceutical Journal' for 1852-3 (p. 409). Besides thirty-five papers, mostly in the ' Pharmaceutical Journal,' 1843-52, many unsigned contributions, and a translation of Matteucci's ' Lectures on the Physical Phe- nomena of Living Beings,' which he super- intended in 1847, Pereira's works include : 1. ' A Translation of the Pharmacopoeia of 1824,' 1824, 16mo. 2. < A Selection of Pre- scriptions . . . for Students . . . ' 1824, 16mo, which, under the title ' Selecta e Prsescriptis,' has gone through eighteen editions down to 1890, besides numerous editions in the United States. 3. ' Manual for Medical Stu- 'dents,' 1826, 18mo. 4. ' General Table of Atomic Numbers,' 1827. 5. 'The Elements of the Materia Medica,' 1839-40, 8vo ; 2nd edit, under the title of f Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics,' 2 vols. 1842, 8vo; 3rd edit. vol. i. 1849, and vol. ii., edited by A. S. Taylor and G. O. Rees, 1853; 4th edit. 1854-7, and oth edit., edited -by R. Bentley and T. Redwood, 1872 ; besides several edi- tions in the United States. 6. 'Tabular View of the History and Literature of the Materia Medica,' 1 840, 8 vo. 7. ' A Treatise on Food and Diet,' 1843, 8vo. 8. ' Lectures on Polarised Light,' 1843, 8vo; 2nd edit, by B. Powell, 1854. [Pharmaceutical Journal, 1852-3, p. 409 ; Gent. Mag. 1853, i. 320-2; Alii bone's Diet. p. 1562; Koyal Society's Catalogue of Scientific Papers, iv. 825-6 ; Proceedings of the Linnean Society, ii. 237.] GK S. B. PERFORATUS, ANDREAS (1490 P- 1549), traveller and physician. [See BOOEDE or BOEDE, ANDEEW.] PERIGAL, ARTHUR (1784 P-1847), historical painter, descended from an old Norman family driven to England by the revocation of the edict of Nantes, was born about 1784. He studied under Fuseli at the Royal Academy, and in 1811 gained the gold medal for historical painting, the sub- ject being ' Themistocles taking Refuge at the Court of Admetus.' He had begun in 1810 to exhibit both at the Royal Academy and at the British Institution, sending to the former a portrait and ' Queen Katherine delivering to Capucius her Farewell Letter to King Henry the Eighth,' and to the latter ' The Restoration of the Daughters of CEdipus ' and l Helena and Hermia ' from the ' Mid- summer Night's Dream.' These works were followed at the Royal Academy by •' Aridseus and Eurydice' in 1811, his l Themistocles ' in 1812, 'The Mother's last Embrace of her In- fant Moses ' in 1813, and again in 1816, and by a few pictures of less importance, the last of which, ' Going to Market,' appeared in 1821. His contributions to the British In- stitution included l Roderick Dhu discovering himself to Fitz James ' in 1811, the ' Death of Rizzio ' in 1813, ' Joseph sold by his Brethren' in 1814, 'Scipio restoring the Cap- tive Princess to her Lover' in 1815, and, lastly, < The Bard ' in 1828. He for some time practised portrait-painting in London ; but about 1820 he appears to have gone to Northampton, and afterwards removed to Manchester. Finally he settled in Edin- burgh, where he obtained a very good con- nection as a teacher of drawing, and from 1833 onwards exhibited portraits and land- scapes at the Royal Scottish Academy. Perigal died suddenly at 21 Hill Street, Edin- burgh, on 19 Sept. 1847, aged 63. His son, AETHTJE PEEIGAL (1816-1884), landscape-painter, born in London in August 1816, was instructed in painting by his father. At first a drawing-master in Edin- burgh, he sent in 1838 to the exhibition of the Royal Scottish Academy a study of John Knox's pulpit and some scenes in the Tros- sachs, and from that time became a regu- lar contributor of landscapes, sending more than three hundred. He roamed in search of subjects over all parts of Scotland, and occasionally into the mountainous districts Perkins Perkins of England and Wales. He repeated^ visited Switzerland and Italy, and also made an extended tour in Norway ; but his pre- ference was for the scenery of the Scottish Highlands and the banks of the Tweed anc Teviot. In 1841 he was elected an associate of the Royal Scottish Academy, and in 1868 he became an academician. He painted also in water-colours, and exhibited occasionally at the Royal Academy and other London exhibitions. He was a keen and skilful angler. He died suddenly at 7 Oxford Ter- race, Edinburgh, on 5 June 1884, and was buried in the Dean Cemetery. ' Moorland, near Kinlochewe, Ross-shire,' by him, is in the National Gallery of Scotland. [Edinburgh Evening Courant, 20 Sept. 1847; Royal Academy Exhibition Catalogues, 1810- 1821 ; British Institution Exhibition Catalogues (Living Artists), 1810-28 ; Royal Scottish Aca- demy Exhibition Catalogues, 1833-47; Red- grave's Diet, of Artists of the English School, 1878. For the son, see Scotsman, 6 June 1884 ; Bryan's Diet, of Painters and Engravers, ed. Graves and Armstrong, 1886-9, ii. 273 ; Royal Scottish Academy Exhibition Catalogues, 1838- 1884; Royal Academy Exhibition Catalogues, 1861-84.] RE. G. PERKINS. [See also PARKINS.] PERKINS, ANGIER MARCH (1799 ?- 1881), engineer and inventor, second son of Jacob Perkins, was born at Newbury Port, Massachusetts, at the end of the last century. He came to England in 1827, and was for some time associated with his father in perfecting his method of engraving bank-notes, and of using steam under very high pressure. Following up the latter sub- ject, Perkins introduced a method of warm- ing buildings by means of hot water circu- lating through small closed pipes, which came into extensive use, and was the foundation of a large business carried on first in Harpur Street, and subsequently in Francis Street, now Seaford Street, Gray's Inn Road, Lon- don. The method was improved from time to time, the various modifications being em- bodied in patents granted in 1831 (No. 6146), 1839 (No. 8311), and 1841 (No. 9664). In 1843 he took out a patent (No. 9664) for the manufacture of iron by the use of super- heated steam, which contained the germ of subsequent discoveries relating to the con- version of iron into steel and the elimination of phosphorus and sulphur from iron. The patent includes also a number of applications of superheated steam. In later years the system of circulating water in closed pipes of small diameter, heated up to two thousand pounds per square inch of steam pressure, was applied to the heating of bakers' ovens. This has been ex- tensively adopted ; it possesses the advantage that the heat may be easily regulated. It was patented in 1851 (No. 13509), and subse- quently much improved. He also took out a patent in 1851 (No. 13942) for railway axles and boxes. He was elected an associate of the Insti- tution of Civil Engineers in May 1840, but, being of a somewhat retiring disposition, he seldom took part in the discussions. He died on 22 April 1881, at the age of eighty- one. His son Loftus is noticed separately. [Memoir in Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, vol. Ixvii. pt. i.] R. B. P. PERKINS or PARKINS, SIB CHRIS- TOPHER (1547 P-1622), diplomatist, master of requests and dean of Carlisle, is said by Colonel Chester to have been closely related to the ancestors of Sir Thomas Parkyns [q. v.] of Bunny, Nottinghamshire, though the precise relationship has not been ascer- tained, and his name does not appear in the visitations of Nottinghamshire in 1569 and 1611 (CHESTER, Westminster Abbey Register, p. 120). He was born apparently in 1547, and is probably distinct from the Christopher Perkins who was elected scholar at Winches- ter in 1555, aged 12, and subsequently became rector of Eaton, Berkshire (KiKBY,' p. 133). He was educated at Oxford, and graduated B.A. on 7 April 1565 ; but on 21 Oct. next year he entered the Society of Jesus at Rome, aged 19. According to Dodd, he was an emi- nent professor among the Jesuits for many years ; but gradually he became estranged from them, and while at Venice, perhaps about 1585, he wrote a book on the society which, in spite of a generally favourable vie\* ^seems ;o have been subsequently thought by the English government likely to damage the society's cause (cf. Col. State Papers, Dom. 1594-7, pp. 125-6). The book does not appear ,o have been published. About the same time Burghley's grandson, William Cecil (after- wards second Earl of Exeter), visited Rome ; an indiscreet expression of protestant opinions -here exposed him to risks from which he was saved by Perkins's interposition. Perkins is said to have returned with young Cecil, who recommended him to his grandfather's favour ; 3ut in 1587 he was resident at Prague, being described in the government's list of recusants ibroad as a Jesuit (STRYPE, Annals, in. ii. 599). There he became acquainted with Ed- vard Kelley [q. v.], the impostor ; in June .589 Kelley, either to curry favour with the English government or to discount any re- relations Perkins might make about him, B V Perkins Perkins accused him of being an emissary of the pope, and of complicity in a sevenfold plot to murder the queen. Soon afterwards Perkins arrived in England, and seems to have been imprisoned on suspicion. On 12 March 1590 he wrote to Walsingham, expressing a hope that Kelley ' will deal sincerely with him, which he doubts if he follow the counsel of his friends and ghostly fathers, the Jesuits ; ' he appealed to a commendation from the king of Poland as proof of his innocence ( Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1589-90, 12 March). This seems to have been established, for on 9 May he was granted 300/. for his expenses on a mission to Poland and Prussia (MuRDiN, p. 793). From this time Perkins was frequently employed as a diplomatic agent to Denmark, Poland, the emperor, and the Hanseatic League ; his missions dealt principally with mercantile affairs, in which he gained con- siderable experience. In 1591 he was am- bassador to Denmark, having his first audience with the king on 4 July, and on 22 Dec. re- ceived an annuity of one hundred marks for his services. He proceeded to Poland in January 1592, and was in Denmark again in the summer. In June and July 1593 he was negotiating with the emperor at Prague ; in 1595 he visited Elbing, Liibeck, and other Hanse towns, and spent some time in Poland. He says he was acceptable to the Poles gene- rally, and the king tried to induce him to enter his service ; but the clergy were bitterly hostile, and the pope offered 2,000/. for his life. In 1598 he was again sent to Denmark, returning on 8 Dec. ; in 1600 he was employed in negotiating with the Danish emissaries at Emden. His letters from abroad, preserved among the Cotton MSS., give a valuable account of the places he visited, especially Poland and the Hanse towns. During the intervals of his missions he acted as principal adviser to the government in its mercantile relations with the Baltic countries ; on 3 Jan. 1593 he was on a commission to decide with- out appeal all disputes between the English and subjects of the French king in reference to piracies and depredations committed at sea, and on 3 July was on another to inquire into and punish all abettors of pirates. His frequent appeals for preferment, on the ground of his services and inadequacy of his salary, were answered by his appointment as dean of Carlisle in 1595. On 20 Feb. 1596-7 he was admitted member of Gray's Inn, being erroneously described as ( clerk of the petition to the queen and dean of Can- terbury' (FOSTER, Register, p. 91). On ] 6 Sept. 1597 he was elected M.P. for Ripon, and again on 21 Oct. 1601 ; he frequently took part in the mercantile business of the house (cf. D'EwES, Journals, pp. 650, 654, 657). On the accession of James I his annuity was increased to 100/. ; in 1603 he was on a commission for suppressing books printed without authority ; on 23 July he was knighted by the king at Whitehall, and on 20 March 1604-5 was admitted commoner of the college of advocates. From 1604 to- 161 1 he was M.P. for Morpeth ; he also acted as deputy to Sir Daniel Donne [q. v.], master of requests, whom he succeeded in 1617. IIL 1620 he subscribed 371. 10s. to the Virginia. Company, and paid 50/. He died late in August 1622, and was buried on 1 Sept. on the north side of the long aisle in West- minster Abbey (CHESTER, Westminster Abbey Register, p. 119). In 1612 a ' Lady Parkins,' perhaps a first wife of Perkins, forfeited her estate for con- veying her daughter to a nunnery across the sea (Cal. State Papers, 1611-18, p. 107). Perkins married, on 5 Nov. 1617, at St. Mar- tin's-in-the-Fields, London, Anne, daughter of AnthonyBeaumont of Glenfield, Leicester- shire, and relict of James Brett of Hoby in the same county. She was sister of the Countess of Buckingham, whose son, George Villiers, became duke of Buckingham, and mother, by her first husband, of Anne, second wife of Lionel Cranfield, first earl of Middle- sex [q. v.] Perkins's marriage is said to have been dictated by a desire to push his fortunes^ but he stipulated to pay none of his wife's previous debts. Buckingham, hearing of this- condition, put every obstacle in his way, and Perkins in revenge is said to have left most of his property to a servant ; but his; will, dated 30 Aug. 1620, in which mention is made of his sister's children, does not bear- out this statement (CHESTER, Westminster Abbey Register, p. 120). Perkins's widow survived him, and had an income of about 700^. of our money. [Cotton. MSS. Jul. E. ii. 63-4, F. vi. 52, Nero B. ii. 204-5, 207-9, 211-12, 214-17, 218, 220-3, 240-1, 260, iv. 38, 195, ix. 161, 165 et seq, 170, 175 b, 178, xi. 300 (the index is very in- complete and inaccurate) ; Cal. State Papers,. Dom. 1581-1622, passim; Rymer's Fcedera, orig. edit, passim ; Murdin's State Papers, pp. 793, 801 ; Chamberlain's Letters (Camden Soc.),. passim ; Official Returns of M.P.'s, i. 436, 441 - Wood's Fasti, i. 166-7 ; Foster's Alumni, 1500- 1714; Chester's London Marriage Licenses and Westminster Abbey Register; D'Ewes's Jour- nals, passim ; Goodman's Court of James I, ed. Brewer, i. 329, 335 ; Nichols's Progresses of James I, i. 207 ; Metcalfe's Book of Knights * Archseologia, xxxviii. 108; Le Neve's Fasti, iii. 246; Spedding's Bacon, xii. 214; Brown 's Genesis- of the United States ; Dodd's Church Hist. ii. Perkins Perkins 417-18; Strype's Annals, in. ii. 599, iv. 1-3, 220 ; Whitgift, ii. 504 ; Lives of Twelve Bad Men, ed. Seccombe, pp. 49-50.] A. F. P. PERKINS, HENRY (1778 - 1855), book collector, was born in 1778, and be- came a partner in the firm of Barclay, Per- kins, £ Co., brewers, Southwark. He was •elected a fellow of the Linnean Society in 1825, and was also a fellow of the Geologi- cal and Horticultural Societies. In 1823 he commenced the formation of a library at his residence, Springfield, near Tooting, Surrey, which he soon enlarged at the •sale of Mr. Dent's collection. Messrs. John and Arthur Arch of 61 Cornhill, Lon- don, were then appointed his buyers, and rapidly supplied him with many scarce and valuable books. He died at Dover on 15 April 1855, when his library came to his relative, Algernon Perkins of Hanworth Park, Middlesex, who died in 1870. The books were sold by Gadsden, Ellis, & Co. at Hanworth on 3, 4, 5, and 6 June 1873, the 865 lots produc- ing 26,000/., being the largest amount ever realised for a library of the same extent; ten volumes alone going for ten thousand guineas. The ' Mazarin Bible,' two volumes, printed upon vellum, purchased for 504/., •sold for 3,400/. ; another copy, on paper, ob- tained for 195/., brought 2,690/. ; 'Biblia Sacra Latina/ two volumes, printed upon vellum in 1462, the first edition of the Latin Bible with a date, bought at Dent's sale for 173/. 5.s., sold for 7801. Miles Coverdale's Bible, 1535, imperfect, but no perfect copy known, purchased for 89/. 5s., brought 400/. Among the manuscripts, John Lydgate's * Sege of Troy ' on vellum, which cost 99/. 15s., went for 1,370/. ; 'Les CEuvres Diverses de Jean de Meun,' a fifteenth-cen- tury manuscript of two hundred leaves, brought G90/., and ' Les Cent Histoires de Troye,' by Christine de Pisan, on vellum, with one hundred and fifteen miniatures, executed for Philip the Bold, duke of Bur- gundy, sold for 650/. The 865 lots averaged in the sale rather more than 30/. each. [Times, 4, 5, 6, and 7 June 1873 ; Athenaeum, 1 March 1873 pp. 279-80, 14 June 1873 pp. 762-3 ; Proceedings of Linnean Soc. of London, 1855-9, p. xliii ; Livres payes en vente publique 1000 fr. et au-dessus, depuis 1866 jusqu'a ce jour, aperqu sur la vente Perkins a Londres, Etude Bibliographiqne par Philomneste Junior, Bordeaux, 1877 ; A Dictionary of English Book Collectors, pt. ii. September 1892.] GK C. B. PERKINS or PARKINS, JOHN (d. 1545), jurist, was educated at Oxford, but left the university without taking a degree. Going to London, he was called to the bar of the Inner Temple, and is spoken of as a ' t£ere' He ma? P°ssibly have been the John Perkins who was a groom of the royal chamber in 1516. He died in 1545, and is said to be buried in the Temple Church. Perkins is remembered by a popular text- book which he wrote for law students. Its title is, as given by Wood, ' Perutilis Tracta- tus sive explanatio quorundam capitulorum valde necessaria,' but the first edition pro- bably had no title-page. It was printed in 1530 in Norman-French. An English transla- tion appeared in 1642, and another in 1657. There is a manuscript English version in Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5035, which wasmade in the time of James I. A copy of the book itself forms Brit. Mus. Hargrave MS. 244. The fifteenth edition, by Richard J. Greening, was issued in 1827. Fulbeck, in his ' Direc- tion or Preparative to the Study of the Law,' praises Perkins for his wit rather than his judgment. [Tanner's Bibl. Brit. ; Greening's Preface to Perkins ; Fulbeck's Direction, ed. Stirling, p. 72 ; Wood's Athense Oxon. ed. Bliss, i. 147; Reg. Univ. Oxford (Oxford Hist. Soc.). i. 149 ; Boase's Eeg. Collegii Exoniensis (Oxford Hist. Soc.), p. 757 ] W. A. J. A. PERKINS, JOSEPH (ft. 1711), poet, born in 1658, was the younger son of George Perkins of Slimbridge, Gloucestershire. He matriculated from Oriel College, Oxford, on 16 July 1675, and graduated B.A. in 1679. After leaving Oxford he obtained a post as chaplain in the navy, and sailed to the Medi- terranean in the Norfolk under Admiral Ed- ward Russell (afterwards Earl of Orford) [q. v.J He was very prolific in compli- mentary verse, and wrote Latin elegies on Sir Francis Wheeler (1697) and other naval worthies ; he was, however, cashiered in the course of 1697 for having, it was alleged, brought a false accusation of theft against a naval officer. He wrote a highly florid Latin elegy upon the Duke of Beaufort, which was printed in 1701, and by flattering verses and dedications, together with occasional preach- ing, he was enabled, though not without ex- treme difficulty, to support a large family. His efforts to obtain preferment at Tunbridge Wells and at Bristol were unsuccessful. In 1707 he produced two small volumes of verse : ' The Poet's Fancy, in a Love-letter to Galatea, or any other Fair Lady, in Eng- lish and Latin ' (London, 4to), and ' Poema- tum Miscellaneorum a Josepho Perkins Liber primus ' (no more printed) (London, 4to). Most of his miscellanies were in Latin, and he styled himself the ' Latin Laureate,' or, to air his Jacobite sympathies, the ' White Poet.' He tried to curry favour among the non- jurors, and wrote in 1711 'A Pcem, both in Perkins Perkins English and Latin, on the death of Thomas Kenn ' (Bristol, 4to). The poet's elder brother, George, became in 1673 vicar of Fretherne in Gloucestershire ; but he himself does not appear to have obtained a benefice, and no- thing is known of him subsequent to 1711. In addition to the works named, two sermons and several elegies were separately published in his name. An engraving of Perkins by White is mentioned by Bromley. [Works in British Museum; Watt's Bibl. Brit.; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500-1714; Eawl. MSS. iii. 199, iv. 102.] T. S. PERKINS, LOFTUS (1834-1891), en- gineer and inventor, son of Angier March Perkins [q. v.], was born on 8 May 1834 in Great Coram Street, London. At a very early age he entered his father's manufactory, and in 1853-4 he practised on his own account as an engineer in New York. Returning to England, he remained with his father until 1862, and from that time to 1866 he was in business at Hamburg and Berlin, designing and executing many installations for warm- ing buildings in various parts of the continent. He again returned to England in 1866, when he entered into a partnership with his father, which continued to the death of the latter in 1881. Perkins inherited much of the inventive capacity of his father and grandfather, and from 1859 downwards he took out a very large number of patents. The chief subjects to which he directed his attention \vere, how- ever, the use of very high pressure steam as a motive power, and the production of cold. His yacht Anthracite, constructed in 1880, was fitted with engines working with steam at a pressure of five hundred pounds on the inch, and it is probably the smallest ship that ever crossed the Atlantic steaming the entire distance. The Loftus Perkins, a very re- markable Tyne ferryboat, was worked with compound engines on his system with boilers tested to 200 Ib. (Engineer, 2 June 1880). His experiments on the production of cold resulted in the ' arktos,' a cold chamber suit- able for preserving meat and other articles of food. It is based on the separation of ammonia gas from the water in which it is dissolved, the liquefaction of the gas, and the subsequent revaporisation of the am- monia, with the reabsorption of the gas by the water. This was his last great work, and his unremitting attention to it caused a permanent breakdown of his health. He became a member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 1861, and of the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1881. He died on 27 April 1891, at his house in Abbey Road, Kilburn, London. He married an American, a daughter of Dr. Patten. He left two sons, both of whom are engaged in their father's business, now carried on by a limited company. [Obituary notice in the Engineer, 1 May 1891, •which contains a full account of his various in- ventions, and private information ; Proc. Inst. C. E. vol. cv.J E. B. P. PERKINS, WILLIAM (1558-1602), theological writer, son of Thomas Perkins and Hannah his wife, both of whom survived him, was born at Marston Jabbett in the parish of Bulkington in Warwickshire in 1558. In June 1577 he matriculated as a pensioner of Christ's College, Cambridge, where he appears to have studied under Laurence Chaderton [q. v.], from whom he probably first received his puritan bias. His early career gave no promise of future eminence; he was noted for recklessness and profanity, and addicted to drunkenness. From these courses he was, however, suddenly converted by the trivial incident of overhearing a woman in the street allude to him as ' drunken Perkins,' holding him up as a terror to a fretful child. In 1584 he commenced M.A., was elected a fellow of his college, and began to be/widely known as a singularly earnest and effective preacher. He preached to the prisoners in the castle, and was appointed lecturer at Great St. Andrews, where both the members of the university and the townsmen flocked in great numbers to listen to him. Accord- ing to Fuller (Holy State, ed. 1648, p. 81), ' his sermons were not so plain but that the piously learned did admire them, nor so learned but that the plain did understand them ; ' and he seems to have possessed the art of conducting his argument after the strictly logical method then in vogue, while pre- serving a simplicity of language which made him intelligible to all. His reputation as a theologian progressed scarcely less rapidly, and at a time when controversy between the anglican and puritan parties in the univer- sity was at its height, he became noted for his outspoken resistance to all that savoured of Roman usage in the matter of ritual. In a < commonplace ' delivered in the chapel of his college (13 Jan. 1586-7), he demurred to the practice of kneeling at the taking of the sacrament, and also to that of turning to the east. Being subsequently cited before the vice-chancellor and certain of the heads, he was ordered to read a paper in which he partly qualified and partly recalled what he was reported to have said. From this time he appears to have used more guarded Perkins Perkins language in his public discourses, but his sympathy with the puritan party continued undiminished, and, according to Bancroft (Daungcrous Positions, ed. 1593, p. 92), he was one of the members of a ' synod ' which in 1589 assembled at St. John's College to re- vise the treatise ' Of Discipline ' (afterwards ' The Directory '), an embodiment of puritan doctrine which those present pledged them- selves to support. In the same year he was one of the petitioners to the authorities of the university on behalf of Francis Johnson [q. v.], a fellow of Christ's, who had been com- mitted to prison on account of his advocacy of a presbyterian form of church govern- ment (STRYPE, Annals, iv. 134 ; Lansdowne MSS. Ixi. 1 9-57). His sense of the severity with which his party was treated by Whit- gift, both in the university and elsewhere, is probably indicated in the preface to his « Arm ilia Aurea ' (editions of 1590 and 1592), it being dated ' in the year of the last suffer* ings of the Saints.' In the same preface he refers to the attacks to which he was him- self at that time exposed, but says that he holds it better to encounter calumny, how- ever unscrupulous, than be silent when duty towards 'Mater Academia' calls for his testimony to the truth. He also took occa- sion to express in the warmest terms his gratitude for the benefits he had derived from his academic education. The l Armilla ' excited, however, vehement opposition owing to its unflinching Calvinism, and, according to Heylin (Aerius Redivivus, p. 341), was the occasion of William Barret's violent at- tack on the calvimstic tenets from the pulpit of St. Mary's [see BARRET, WILLIAM J?. 1595] ; but the work more especially singled out by the preacher for invective was Perkins's ' Ex- position of the Apostles' Creed,' just issued (April 1595) from the university press, in which the writer ventured to impugn the doctrine of the descent into hell (STRYPE, Whitgift, ed. 1718, p. 439). Against the distinctive tenets of the Roman church, Perkins bore uniformly emphatic testimony ; and the publication of his < Reformed Catholike ' in 1597 was an important event in relation to the whole controversy. He here sought to draw the boundary-line indicating the essential points of difference between the protestant and the Roman belief, beyond which it appeared to him impossible for concession and concilia- tion on the part of the reformed churches to go. The ability and candid spirit of this treatise were recognised by the most com- petent judges of both parties, and William Bishop'[q. v.], the catholic writer, although •.niln/l 4-l Vir\r>lr in Tn'a lip. Dp- assailed the book in his ' Catholic De- formed/ was fain to admit that he had « not seene any book of like quantity, published by a Protestant, to contain either more matter, or delivered in better method ; ' while Robert Abbot [q. v.], afterwards bishop of Salisbury, in his reply to Bishop, praises Per- kins's ' great trauell and paines for the furtherance of true religion and edifying' of the Church.' Perkins's tenure of his fellowship at Christ's continued until Michaelmas 1594, when it was probably vacated by his marriage. He died in 1602, having long been a martyr to the stone. He was interred in St. An- drew's church at the expense of his college, which honoured his memory by a stately funeral. The sermon on the occasion was preached by James Montagu (1568 P-1618) [q. v.], master of Sidney- Sussex College, who had been a fellow-commoner at Christ's, and one of Perkins's warmest defenders against the attack of Peter Baro [q. v.] His will was proved, 12 Jan. 1602-3, by his widow, whose name was Timothie, in the court of the vice- chancellor. To her he bequeathed his small estate in Cambridge, and appointed his former tutor, Laurence Chaderton, Edward Barwell, James Montagu, Richard Foxcroft, and Nathaniel Cradocke (his brother-in-law) his executors. To his father and mother, ' brethren and sisters,' he left a legacy of ten shillings each. Of his brother, Thomas Per- kins of Marston, descendants in a direct line are still living. Perkins's reputation as a teacher during the closing years of his life was unrivalled in the university, and few students of theology quitted Cambridge without having sought to profit in some measure by his instruc- tion ; while as a writer he continued to be studied throughout the seventeenth cen- tury as an authority but little inferior to Hooker or Calvin. William Ames [q.v.] was perhaps his most eminent disciple; but John Robinson [q. v.], the founder of Con- gregationalism at Leyden, who republished Perkins's catechism in that city, diffused his influence probably over a wider area ; while Phineas Fletcher [q. v.], who may have heard him lecture in the last year of his life, refers to him in his 'Miscel- lanies ' thirty years later as ' our wonder, ' living, though long dead.' Joseph Mead or Mede [q. v.], Bishop Richard Montagu [q. v.J, Ussher, Bramhall (in his controversy with the bishop of Chalcedon, William Bishop), Herbert Thorndike, Benjamin Calamy, and not a few other distinguished ornaments of both parties in the church, all cite, with more or less frequency, his dicta as authoritative. By Arminius he was assailed in his' Exarnen Perkins 8 Perkins (1612) with some acrimony ; and Hobbes singled out his doctrine of predestination as virtual fatalism. The observation of Fuller that it was he who * first humbled the towering speculations of philosophers into practice and morality ' indicates the real secret of Perkins's re- markable influence. While he conciliated the scholarship of his university by his re- tention of the scholastic method in his treat- ment of questions of divinity, he abandoned the abstruse and unprofitable topics then usually selected for discussion in the schools, and by his solemn and impassioned discourse on the main doctrines of Christian theology — conceived, in his own phrase, as ' the science of living blessedly for ever ' (Abridgement, p. 1) — he won the ear of a larger audience. Method and fervour presented themselves in his writings in rare combination ; and Ames (Ad Lect. in the De Conscientia) expressly states that, in his wide experience of conti- nental churches, he had frequently had oc- casion to deplore the want of a like syste- matic plan of instruction, and the evils con- sequent thereupon. Whether he actually disapproved of subscription is doubtful. Ac- cording to Fuller, he generally evaded the question. He, however, distinctly gives it as his opinion that ' those that make a separa- tion from our Church because of corruptions in it are far from the spirit of Christ and his Apostles' (Works, ed. 1616, iii. 389). His sound judgment is shown by the manner in which he kept clear of the all-absorbing millenarian controversy, and by his energetic repudiation of the prevalent belief in as- trology. On the other hand, he considered that atheists deserved to be put to death (Cases of Conscience, ed. 1614, p. 118, II. ii. 1). The remarkable popularity of Perkins's writings is attested by the number of lan- guages into which many of them were translated. Those that appeared in English were almost immediately rendered into Latin, while several were reproduced in Dutch, Spanish, Welsh, and Irish, ' a thing,' observes John Legate [q. v.], the printer, in his preface to the edition of the ' Collected Works ' of 1616-18, 'not ordinarily observed in other writings of these our times.' Of his l Armilla Aurea' fifteen editions appeared in twenty years (HicZMAtf, Hist. Quinq. p. 500). Perkins's right hand was maimed (see LTJPTON, Protestant Divines, 1637, p. 357), and in his portrait, preserved in the com- bination-room of Christ's College, this defect is visible. The portrait was engraved for the ' Hercoologia ' of Henry Holland in 1620, and there is another engraved portrait in Lupton, p. 347. In Baker MS. vi. 2776 ( = B. 269) there are extracts from the registers relating to his family ; but there appears to be no sufficient warrant for assuming that he was in any way related to Sir Christopher Per- kins [q. v.J, dean of Carlisle. Of his collected works very incomplete editions appeared at Cambridge in 1597, 1600, 1603, 1605; a more complete edition, 3 vols. folio, 1608, 1609, 1612; at London in 1606, 1612, 1616; at Geneva, in Latin, fol. 1611, 2 vols. 1611-18 and 1624; a Dutch transla- tion at Amsterdam, 3 vols. fol. 1659. The collected editions of Cambridge or London include the following tracts, which were originally published separately: 1. 'Pro- phetica, sive de unica ratione concionandi,' Cambridge, 1592 ; Basle, 1602 ; in Eng- lish by Thomas Tuke, London, 1606. 2. ' De Prsedestinationis modo et ordine,' &c., Cambridge, 1598 ; Basle, 1599 ; in Eng- lish in f Collected Works ' (1606), by Francis Cacot and Thomas Tuke. 3. 'A Commen- tarie, or Exposition vpon the five first chap- ters of the Epistle to the Galatians, etc. . . . with a svpplement vpon the sixt chapter by Rafe Cvdworth,' &c., Cambridge, 1606, 1617. 4. ' A godly and learned Exposition . . . vpon the three first chapters of the Revelation. . . . Preached in Cambridge,' 1595 ; 2nd edit, by Thomas Pierson, 1606. 5. ' Of the calling of the ministerie, Two treatises: describing the duties and digni- ties of that calling. Delivered pvblikely in the vniversite of Cambridge,' London, 1605. 6. ' A discovrse of the damned art of witch- craft,' &c., Cambridge, 1608, 1610. 7. ' A treatise of God's free grace and mans free will,' Cambridge, 1602. 8. 'A treatise of the Vo- cations, or Callings of men,' &c., Cambridge, 1603. 9. ' A treatise of mans imaginations. Shewing his naturall euill thoughts,' &c. 10. * 'EirtfiKeia, or a treatise of Xtian equity and moderation,' Cambridge, 1604. 11. 'A godly and learned Exposition of Christ's ser- mon in the Mount,' &c.,4to, Cambridge, 1608. 12. ' A clowd of faithfvll witnesses, leading to the heauenly Canaan,' &c., London, 1622. 13. ' Christian (Economic: or, a short svrvey of the right manner of erecting and ordering a Familie,' &c. 14. 'A resolution to the Country- man, prouing it vtterly vnlawfull to buie or vse our yearely Prognostications.' 15. ' A faithfvll and plaine Exposition vpon the two first verses of the 2. chapter of Ze- phaniah. . . . Preached at Sturbridge Faire, in the field.' 16. 'The Combate betweene Christ and the Deuill displayed.' 17. 'A godly and learned Exposition vpon the whole Perkins Perley epistle of Jude, containing threescore and sixe sermons,' &c. 18. 'A frvitfvll dialogve concerning the ende of the World.' The treatises not included in the ' Col- lected Works ' are : 1. 'An Exposition of the Lord's Prayer,' London, 1582, 1593, 1597. 2. ' Perkins's Treatise, tending to a declara- tion whether a man be in a state of Damnation or a state of Grace,' London, 1589, 1590, 1592, 1595,1597. 3. 'Armillaaurea, a Guil. Perkins; accessit Practica Th. Bezse pro consolandis atfiictisconscientiis,' Cambridge, [1590], 1600; translation of same, London, 1591, 1592, Cambridge, 1597 ; editions of the Latin ori- ginal also appeared at Basel, 1594, 1599. 4. ' Spiritual Desertions,' London, 1591. •5. [His Catechism under the title] 'The foundation of Xtian Religion: gathered into sixe principles to be learned of ignorant people that they may be fit to heare Sermons with profit,' &c., London, 1592, 1597, 1641, Cambridge, 1601 ; translated into Welsh by E. R., London, 1649, and into Irish by God- frey Daniel. 6. ' A Case of Conscience, the greatest that ever was,' &o. . . . 'Whereunto is added a briefe discourse, taken out of Hier. Zanchius,' London, 1592, 1651 ; Cambridge, ] 595, 1606 ; also in Latin by Wolfgang Meyer, Basel, 1609. 7. 'A Direction for the Govern- ment of the Tongue according to God's Word,' Cambridge, 1593, 1595 ; in Latin by Thomas Drax, Oppenheim, 1613. 8. ' Salve for a Sickman, or a treatise containing the nature, differences, and kinds of Death,' &c., Cam- bridge, 1595 (with Robert Some's 'Three Questions'); with other works, Cambridge, 1597. 9. ' An Exposition of the Symbole or Creede of the Apostles,' &c., Cambridge, 1 595, 1596, 1597 ; London, 1631. 10. 'Two Trea- tises : I. Of the nature and practice of repent- ance. II. Of the combat of the flesh and the spirit,' Cambridge, 1595 (two editions), 1597. 11. 'A discourse of Conscience,' &c. (with * Salve,' &c.), Cambridge, 1597. 12. ' The Grain of Mustard seed, or the least measure of Grace that is, or can be, effectual to Salua- tion,' London, 1597. 13. 'A declaration of the true manner of knowing Christ crucified' (with other works), Cambridge, 1597. 14. 'A reformed Catholike: or, a Declaration shew- ing how neere we may come to the present Church of Rome in sundrie points of Reli- gion : and wherein we must for ever depart from them,' &c., Cambridge, 1597, 1598; in | Spanish, by William Masspn, 1599, Antwerp, I 1624 ; in Latin, Hanau, 1601. 15. ' How to live and that well : in all estates and times,' | &c., Cambridge, 1601. 16. ' Specimen Digesti sive Harmonise Bibliorum Vet. et Nov. Testa- menti,' Cambridge, 1598 : Hanau, 1602. 17. 'A warning against the idolatry of the last times. And an instruction touching religious or di- vine worship,' Cambridge, 1601 ; in Latin by W. Meyer, Oppenheim, 1616. 18. ' The True Gaine : more in Worth than all the Goods in the World,' Cambridge, 1601. 19. < Gulielmi Perkinsi problema de Romanse fidei ementito catholicismo, etc. Editum post mortem authoris opera et studio Samuel Ward,' Cambridge, 1604 ; translation in ' Collected Works.' 20. ' The whole treatise of the cases of Conscience,' Cambridge, 1606 and 1608 ; London, 1611. 21. 'A Garden of Spiritual Flowers. Planted by Ri. Ro[gers] = Will. Per[kins],' 1612. 22. 'Thirteen Principles of Religion : by way of question and answer/ London, 1645, 1647. 23. 'Exposition on Psalms xxxii. and c.' ' 24. ' Confutation of Canisius's Catechism.' 25. ' The opinion of Mr. Perkins, Mr. Bolton, and others concern- ing the sport of cockfighting/ &c. . . . ' now set forth by E[dmund] E[llis],' Oxford, 1600 (in ' Harleian Miscellany '). 26. ' An Abridgement of the whole Body of Divinity, extracted from the Learned works of that ever-famous and reverend Divine, Mr. Wil- liam Perkins. By Tho. Nicols,' London, 16mo, 1654. 27. 'Death's Knell, or, The Sick Man's Passing Bell,' 10th edit., b.l., 1664. [Information supplied by Dr. Peile, master of Christ's College, and F. J. H. Jenkinson, esq., university librarian; Baker MS. B. 269; Fuller's Holy and Profane State ; Colvile's Worthies of Warwickshire, pp. 573-6 ; Dyer's Cambridge Fragments, p. 130; Cooper's Athenae Canta- brigienses, ii. 335-41 ; Bowes's Catalogue of Books printed at or relating to the University and Town of Cambridge ; Mullinger's Hist, of the University of Cambridge, vol. ii.] .T. B. M. PERLEY, MOSES HENRY (1804- 1862), Canadian commercial pioneer and man of science, was son of Moses and Mary Perley, who were cousins. They came of an old Welsh family which settled in 1630 in Massachu- setts. This son, born in Mauger Ville, New Brunswick, on 31 Dec. 1804, was educated at St. John. In 1828 he became an attorney, and in 1830 was called to the bar ; but his tastes took him to outdoor life, and he went into the milling and lumbering (i.e. timber- cutting) business. Active in efforts for at- tracting capital into New Brunswick, and in advertising the capabilities of the province, he was appointed commissioner of Indian affairs and emigration officer. In this capa- city he made several tours among the Indians, the first of which began in June 1841, and took him through the territory of the Melicete and Micmac Indians. The Micmacs at Burnt Creek Point elected him head chief. Perne 10 Perne In 1846 Perley was chosen to report on the capabilities of the country along a projected line of railway. In 1847 he was sent on a mission to England in connection with this proposal. On his return he commenced that series of explorations among the fisheries of New Brunswick with which his name is chiefly associated. In 1849 he reported on those of the Gulf of St. Lawrence ; in August 1850 he was appointed to inquire into the sea and river fisheries of New Brunswick, and de- voted two months to the work, covering nine hundred miles, of which five hundred were accomplished in canoe. A year later he examined the fisheries of the Bay of Fundy. From notes made in these missions he compiled his ' Catalogue of Fishes of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia/ 1851. During the next two or three years he compiled the trade statistics in aid of the negotiations for a reciprocity treaty between Canada and the United States, and when, in 1854, the treaty was concluded, he was appointed a commissioner to carry out its terms. Perley died at Forteau, Labrador, on 17 Aug. 1862, on board H.M.S. Desperate, while on an official tour. He married, in September 1829, Jane, daughter of Isaac Ketchum, and had eight children, the only survivor of whom, Henry Fullerton Perley, is now chief engineer to the Canadian go- vernment. Perley contributed articles to many Eng- lish and American periodicals, and his various reports are well written. He was a good public lecturer, was interested in litera- ture and science, and founded the Natural History Society of New Brunswick. He was also an ardent sportsman. His chief reports were published sepa- rately, at Frederickton, and are : 1 . ' Re- port on Condition of Indians of New Bruns- wick,' 1846. 2. 'Report on Forest Trees of New Brunswick,' 1847. 3. 'Report on Fisheries of the Bay of St. Lawrence,' 1849. 4. ' Report on Fisheries of Bay of Fundy,' 1851, to which is appended the 'Descriptive Catalogue of Fishes.' 5. ' Reports on the Sea and River Fisheries of New Brunswick,' 1852. 0. ' Handbook of Information for Emigrants to New Brunswick,' 1856. [Morgan's Bibliotheca Canadensis, Ottawa, 1867; Perley 's works ; private information.] C. A. H. PERNE, ANDREW (1519 P-1589), dean of Ely, born at East Bilney, Norfolk, about 1519, was son of John Perne. Educated at St. John's College, Cambridge, he gra- duated B.A. early in 1539, and proceeded M.A. next year. He became a fellow of St. John's in March 1540, but a few months later migrated to Queens' College, where he was also elected a fellow. For three weeks he held fellowships at both colleges together, but soon identified himself with Queens', where he acted as bursar from 1542 to 1544, as dean in 1545-6, and as vice-president from 1551. He served as proctor of the university in 1546. He proceeded B.D. in 1547, and D.D. in 1552, and was incorporated at Oxford in 1553. He was five times vice-chancellor of the university (1551, 1556, 1559, 1574, and 1580). Perne gained in early life a position of in- fluence in the university, but his success in life was mainly due to his pliancy in matters of religion. On St. George's day 1547 he maintained, in a sermon preached in the church of St. Andrew Undershaft, London, the Roman catholic doctrine that pictures of Christ and the saints ought to be adored, but he saw fit to recant the opinion in the same church on the following 17 June. In June 1549 he argued against transubstantia- tion before Edward VI's commissioners for the visitation of the university (FoxE. Acts}, and just a year later disputed against Martin Bucer the Calvinist doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture (MS. Corpus Christi Coll. Cambr. 102, art. 1). In 1549 he was appointed rector of Walpole St. Peter, Norfolk, and in 1550-1 was rector of Pulham. Subsequently he held the livings of Balsham, Cambridge- shire, and Somersham, Huntingdonshire. Edward VI, convinced of his sincerity as a reformer, nominated him one of six chap- lains who were directed to promulgate the doctrines of the Reformation in the remote parts of the kingdom. For this service Perne was allotted a pension of 40/. a year. He was one of those divines to whom Edward's articles of religion were referred on 2 Oct. 1552. On 8 Nov. he became a canon of Windsor. W7hen convocation met shortly after Queen Mary's accession, he, in accor- dance with his previous attitude on the sub- ject, argued against transubstantiation ; but Dr. Weston, the prolocutor, pointed out that he was contradicting the catholic articles of religion. Aylmer attempted to justify Perne's action, but Perne had no intention of resist- ing the authorities, and his complacence did not go unrewarded. Early in 1554 he was appointed master of Peterhouse, and next year formally subscribed the fully denned Roman catholic articles then promulgated. As vice-chancellor he received in 1556 the delegates appointed by Cardinal Pole to visit the university. He is said to have moderated the zeal of the visitors, and he certainly protected John Whitgift, a fellow Perne Perne of his college, from molestation. His pusil- lanimous temper is well illustrated by the facts that he not only preached the sermon in 1556 when the dead bodies of Bucer and Fagius were condemned as heretics (FoxE), but presided over the senate in 1560, when a grace was passed for their restoration to their earlier honours. On 22 Dec. 1557 he became dean of Ely. As soon as Elizabeth ascended the throne, Perne displayed a feverish anxiety to conform to the new order of things, and in 1562 he subscribed to the Thirty-nine articles. He took part in the queen's reception when she visited Cambridge in August 1564, and preached before her a Latin sermon, in which he denounced the pope, and commended Henry VI and Henry VII for their bene- factions to the university (NiCHOLS, Pro- gresses, iii. 50, 105-6). Elizabeth briefly com- plimented him on his eloquence, but she resented his emphatic defence of the church's power of excommunication which he set forth in a divinity act held in her presence a day or two later, and next year his name was removed from the list of court preachers. In 1577 he was directed with others to frame new statutes for St. John's College, Cam- bridge, and was an unsuccessful candidate for the mastership. In 1580 he endeavoured to convert to protestantism John Feckenham, formerly abbot of Westminster, who was in prison at Wisbech. In October 1588 he officially examined another catholic prisoner, Sir Thomas Tresham, at the palace of Ely, and obtained from him a declaration of allegiance to the queen. In 1584 his old pupil, Archbishop Whitgift, vainly recom- mended him for a bishopric. Perne died while on a visit to Archbishop "Whitgift at Lambeth on 26 April 1589, and was buried in the parish church there, where a monument was erected to his memory by his nephew, Richard Perne. A portrait is at Peterhouse. To the < Bishops' Bible ' Perne contributed translations of ' Ecclesiastes ' and the ' Song of Solomon.' He was an enthusiastic book- collector, and was credited with possessing the finest private library in England of his time. At Peterhouse he built the library, and to it, as well as to the university library, he left many volumes. He also bequeathed lands to Peterhouse for the endowment of two fellowships and six scholarships. Among numerous other bequests to friends and uni- \ versity officials wras one to Whitgift of his j best gold ring, Turkey carpet, and watch. Immediately after his death he was hotly denounced by the authors of the Martin Mar- Prelate tracts as the friend of Archbishop } Whitgift and a type of the fickleness and lack of principle which the established church encouraged in the clergy. The author of 1 Hay any more Worke ' nicknamed him ' Old Andrew Turncoat.' Other writers of the same school referred to him as ' Andrew Ambo,' « Old Father Palinode,' or Judas. The scholars at Cambridge, it was said, translated ' perno ' by ' I turn, I rat. I change often.' It became proverbial to say of a coat or a cloak that had been turned that it had been Perned (Dialogue of Tyrannical Dealing}. On the weathercock of St. Peter's Church in Cam- bridge were the letters A. P. A. P., which might be interpreted (said the satirists) as either Andrew Perne a papist, or Andrew Perne a protestant, or Andrew Perne a puritan. Gabriel Harvey, in his well-known contro- versy with Nash, pursued the attack on Pern e's memory in 1 592. Perne, while vice-chancellor in 1580, had offended Harvey by gently repri- mandinghim for some ill-tempered aspersions on persons in high station. Nash, in attack- ing Harvey, made the most of the incident, and Harvey retorted at length by portraying Perne as a smooth-tongued and miserly syco- phant. Nash, in reply, vindicated Perne's memory as that of ' a careful father of the university,' hospitable, learned, and witty. Perne was reputed to be ' very facetious and excellent at blunt-sharp jest, and loved that kind of mirth so as to be noted for his wit in them ' (Fragmenta Aulica, 1662). Fuller represents Perne as a master of witty retort. But he seems, while in attendance on Queen Elizabeth, to have met his match in a fool named Clod, who described him as hanging between heaven and earth (DoKAN, Court Fools, p. 168). ANDEEW PEKNE (1596-1654), doubtless a kinsman of the dean of Ely, was fellow of Catherine Hall, Cambridge, from 1622 to 1627, when he was made rector of WTilby, Northamptonshire ; he held puritan opinions, and was chosen in 1643 one of the four representatives from Northamptonshire to the Westminster assembly. He preached two sermons before the House of Commons during the Long parliament — one on the oc- casion of a public fast, 31 May 1643, which was printed ; the other on 23 April 1644, at the < thanksgiving' for Lord Fairfax's victory at Selby. He died at Wilby on 13 Dec. 1654, and was buried in the chancel of his church, where an inscription to his memory is still extant. A funeral sermon by Samuel Ainsworth of Kelmarsh was pub- lished (William Perkins on the ' Life and Times of Andrew Perne of W7ilby' in Northampton Mercury, 1881). Ferrers 12 Ferrers [Cooper's Athense Cantabr.ii. 45-50; Maskell's Mar-Prelate Controversy, pp. 131-3, 159; Nash's "Works, ed. Grosart ; Harvev's Works, ed. Gro- sart ; Fuller's Worthies ; Cooper's Annals of Cambridge ; Heywood and Wright's University Transactions ; Dr. Jessopp's One Generation of a Norfolk House ; Notes and Queries, 6th ser. ii. 185.] S. L. PERRERS or DE WINDSOR, ALICE (d. 1400), mistress of Edward III, was, according to the hostile St. Albans chronicler (Chron. Antjlice, p. 95), a woman of low birth, the daughter of a tiler at Henney, Essex, and had been a domestic drudge. Another account makes her the daughter of a weaver from Devonshire (see Duchetiana, p. 300). It seems, however, more reasonable to suppose that, as a lady of Queen Philippa's household, she was a member of the Hertford- shire family of Ferrers with which the abbey of St. Albans had a long-standing quarrel (Gesta Abbatum S. Albani, iii. 49, 199-209). Sir Richard Ferrers was M.P. for Hertford- shire in several parliaments of Ed ward II and the early years of Edward III (Return of Members of Parliament}, and was sheriff of Hertfordshire and Essex from 1315 to 1319, and again in 1327, 1329, and 1330. He may be the same Sir Richard Ferrers who, in consequence of his quarrel with St. Albans, suffered a long imprisonment from 1350 on- wards, was outlawed in 1359, and whose son, Sir Richard Ferrers, in vain endeavoured to obtain redress (Gesta Abbatum, iii. 199- 209). Alice may have been the daughter of Sir Richard Ferrers the elder ; if so, this circumstance would go far to explain the manifest hostility of the St. Albans chro- nicler. It has, however, been alleged that she was daughter of John Ferrers or Piers of Holt, by Gunnora, daughter of Sir Thomas de Ormesbye, and was twice married — first, to Sir Thomas de Narford ; and, secondly, to Sir William de Windsor (PALMER, Perlus- tration of Great Yarmouth, ii. 430 ; BLOME- FIELD, Hist. Norfolk, i. 319, xi. 233). The first incident definitely known about her is that she had entered the service of Queen Philippa as ' domicella cameree Reginae ' pre- viously to October 1366 (Notes and Queries, 7th ser. vii. 449). It has been contended that 'domicella camerse Reginae' is the equiva- lent of ' woman of the bedchamber,' and that the designation was applied only to married women (ib. vii. 449, viii. 47). But it is de- finitely stated that the manor of Wendover, •which was bestowed on her in 1371, was granted to her 'ten qu'ele fuist sole' (Rolls of Parliament, iii. 1300), and she was a single woman when she obtained pos- session of Oxeye, apparently in 1374 (Gesta Abbatum, iii. 236). She was married — or at any rate betrothed — to William de Windsor in 1376 (Chron. Anglia, p. 97); she is else- where stated to have been his wife for a long time previously to December 1377 (Rolls of Parliament, iii. 416). The contem- porary chronicles and records do not show that she was ever the wife of Thomas de Narford, and the statement is probably due to a confusion. Alice Ferrers became the mistress of Ed- ward III in the lifetime of Queen Philippa, and her connection with the king may date from 1366, when she had a grant of two tuns of wine. In 1367 she had custody of Robert de Tiliol, with his lands and marriage, and in 1375 had similar grants as to the heir of John Payn and Richard, lord Poynings. In 1371 she received the manor of Wen- dover, and in 1375 that of Bramford Speke, Devonshire. On 15 April 1372 as much as 397/. was paid for her jewels (DEVON, Issues of Exchequer, pp. 193-4). On 8 Aug. 1373 Edward bestowed on her ' all the jewels, &c., which were ours, as well as those of our late consort, and came into the hands of Euphemia, wife of Walter de Heselarton, \ Knight, and which were afterwards received by the said Alice from Euphemia for our use' (Fcedera, iii. 989). This grant has not un- | naturally exposed both her and Edward to unfavourable, though perhaps exaggerated, comment, but it was not a grant of all ! Philippa's jewels, as sometimes stated. On 2 June 1374 the sum of 1,615/. 3s. lid. was [ paid, through her hands, to her future hus- i band, William de Windsor (DEVO^, Issues of \ Exchequer, p. 197). In 1375 she rode through ! Chepe ward from the Tower, dressed as the Lady of the Sun, to attend the great jousts that were held at Smithfield (NICOLAS, Chro- nicle of London, p. 70). In the following year, on 20 May, robes were supplied her to appear in another intended tournament (BELTZ, Memorials of the Garter, p. 10). Alice had obtained great influence over the king, and is alleged to have used her position to acquire property for herself by unlawful means. In this statement the St. Albans chronicler pro- bably has in view her dispute with his own abbey as to the manor of Oxeye, which com- menced in 1374 (Gesta Abbatum, iii. 227- 249). She is also accused of having inter- fered with justice in promoting lawsuits by way of maintenance, and of having actually appeared on the bench at Westminster in order to influence the judges to decide cases in accordance with her wishes ( Chron. Anglice, p. 96 ; Rolls of Parliament, ii. 329«). Her position induced John of Gaunt and his sup- porters, William, lord Latimer (1329?-! 381) Ferrers Ferrers [q. v.], and others, to seek her assistance. The scandal which she had caused no doubt contributed also to their unpopularity. When the Good parliament met in April 1376, one of the first acts of the commons was to petition the king against her, and to inform him that she was married to Windsor, now deputy of Ireland. Edward declared with an oath that he did not know Alice was married, and begged them to deal gently with her. A general ordinance was passed forbidding women to practise in the courts of law, and under this Alice was sentenced to banishment and forfeiture. She is alleged to have sworn on the cross of Canterbury to obey the order, but after the death of the Prince of Wales, and recovery of power by Lancaster, she returned to court, and the archbishop feared to put the sentence of ex- communication in force against her ( Chron. AnglifB, pp. 100, 104). She joined with Sir Richard Sturry and Latimer in procuring the disgrace of Sir Peter De la Mare [q. v.] The Bad parliament met on 27 Jan. 1377, and reversed the sentences against Alice and her supporters (Rolls of Parliament, ii. 374). She resumed her old practices, interfered on behalf of Richard Lyons, who had been con- demned in the previous year ; prevented the despatch of Nicholas Dagworth to Ireland, because he was an enemy of Windsor ; and protected a squire who had murdered a sailor, as it is said, at her instigation. Even William of Wykeham is alleged to have availed himself of her aid to secure the re- stitution of the temporalities of his see (ib. iii. 126-14« ; Chron. Anglia, pp. 136-8). Ed- ward was manifestly dying, but Alice buoyed him up with false hopes of life, until, when • the end was clearly at hand, she stole the rings from off his fingers and abandoned him. In his last moments Edward is stated to have refused her proffered attentions (ib. pp. 143-4 ; but in the Ypodigma Neustrite, p. 324, she is stated to have been with him till his death). In the first parliament of Richard II Alice Perrers was brought before the lords, at the request of the commons, on 22 Dec. 1377, and the sentence of the Good parlia- ment against her confirmed (Rolls of Par- liament, iii. 126). In the following year her husband appealed for leave to sue for a re- versal of judgment, on the ground that she had been compelled to plead as ' femme sole/ though already married, and by reason of other informalities (ib. iii. 40-1). On 14 Dec. 1379 the sentence against her was revoked (Pat. Roll, 3 Richard II), and on 15 March 1380 Windsor obtained a grant of the lands that had been hers (Gesta Ab- batum, iii. 234). In 1383 Alice had ap- parently recovered some of her favour at court. In the following year her husband died, in debt to the crown. His nephew and heir, John de Windsor, vexed Alice with lawsuits. She could obtain no relief from her husband's debts, though in 1384 the judgment against her was repealed so far as- that all grants might remain in force (Rolls of Parliament, iii. 1866). Her dispute with the abbey of St. Albans as to Oxeye still continued (Gesta Abbatum,\\\. 249). In 1389 she had a lawsuit with William of Wykeham as to jewels which she alleged she had pawned to him after her indictment. Wykeham denied the charge and won his case. In 1393 John de Windsor was in prison at Newgate for detaining goods be- longing to Alice de Windsor, value 3,000/.? and to Joan her daughter, value 4,000/. (Notes and Queries, 7th ser. vii. 451). In 1397 Alice once more petitioned for the reversal of the judgment against her, and the matter was referred for the Icing's decision, apparently without effect (Rolls of Parliament, iii. 3676). Her will, dated 20 Aug. 1400, was proved on 3 Feb. 1401. She directed that she should be buried in the parish church of Upminster, Essex, in which parish her husband had pro- perty (NICOLAS, Testamenta Vetusta, pp. 152-3). Her heirs were her daughters Jane and Joane ; the latter, at all events, seems to have been Windsor's daughter, for in 1406, as Joan Despaigne or Southereye, she successfully claimed property at Up- minster. In judging Alice's character it must be remembered that the chief witness against her is the hostile St. Albans chronicler. But other writers refer to her as Edward's mistress (e.g. MALVEKNE ap. HIGDEN, viii. 385, Rolls Ser.) ; and though the charges of avarice and intrigue may be exaggerated, it is impossible to doubt the substantial accuracy of the story. Still, some historians have taken a favourable view of her charac- ter (BAKSTES, History of Edward III, p. 872; CAKTE, History of England, ii. 534), and it has been ingenuously suggested that she was only the king's sick-nurse (Notes and Queries, u.s.) Sir Robert Cotton, in a similar spirit,, speaks of her mishap that she was friendly to many, but all were not friendly to her. In any case, Alice had used her position to- acquire considerable wealth, and, in addition to the grants made to her, could purchase Egremont Castle before her marriage (*. u.s.), and also owned house property at London. In her prosperity John of Gaunt had given her a hanap of beryl, garnished with silver gilt ; after her fall he obtained Perrin Perrin certain of her houses in London, and her hostel on the banks of the Thames. An in- ventory of her jewels, value 470/. 18s. 8d. and confiscated in 1378, is printed in 'Archaeo- logia' (xx. 103). Other lists of property be- longing to her are given in ' Notes and Queries ' (7th ser. vii. 450). The St. Albans chronicler says Alice had no beauty of face or person, but made up for these defects by the blandishment of her tongue. Naturally her influence over the king was ascribed to witchcraft, and a Dominican friar was arrested in 1376 on the charge of having been her accomplice (Chron. Anglice, pp. 95, 98). [Chron. Angliae, 1328-88 ; Walsingham's Gesta Abbatum S. Albani and Ypodigma Neu- strise (Rolls Ser.); Eolls of Parliament; Notes and Queries, 7th ser. vols. vii. and viii., especially vii. 449-51, by 'Hermentrude,' where a number of valuable notes from unpublished documents are collected ; Moberly's Life of Wykeham, pp. 113-14, 121 ; Morant's History of Essex, i. 107; Sharpe's Calendar of Wills in the Court of Husting, ii. 202, 301 ; Sir C-. F. Duckett's Duchetiana ; other authorities quoted.] C. L. K. PERRIN, LOUIS (1782-1864), Irish ]udge, is said to have been born at Water- ford on 15 Feb. 1782. His father, JEAN BAPTISTE PERRIN (Jl. 1786), was born in France, and, coming to Dublin, became a teacher of French. He often resided for months at a time in the houses of such of the Irish gentry as desired to acquire a know- ledge of the French tongue. He mixed in the political agitations of the period, and on 26 April 1784 was elected an honorary member of the Sons of the Shamrock ; and is said in 1795 to have joined in the invita- tion to the French government to invade Ireland. In his later years he resided at Leinster Lodge, near Athy, co. Kildare. The date of his death is not given ; but he was buried in the old churchyard at Palmers- town. He was the author of: 1. 'The French Student's Vade-meciim/ London, 1750. 2. ' Grammar of the French Tongue,' 1768. 3. 'Fables Amusantes,' 1771. 4. 'En- tertaining and Instructive Exercises, with the Rules of the French Syntax,' 1773. 5. ' The Elements of French Conversation, with Dialogues,' 1774. 6. ' Lettres Choisies sur toutes sortes de sujet,' 1777. 7. 'The Practice of the French Pronunciation alpha- betically exhibited,' 1777. 8. 'La Bonne Mere, contenant de petites pieces drama- tiques,' 1786. 9. ' The Elements of English Conversation, with a Vocabulary in French, English, and Italian,' Naples, 1814. The majority of these works went to many edi- tions, and the ' Fables ' were adapted to the Hamiltonian system in 1825. Louis Perrin was educated at the diocesan school at Armagh. Removing to Trinity College, Dublin, he gained a scholarship there in 1799, and graduated B.A. in 1801. At the trial of his fellow-student, Robert Em- met, in 1803, when sentence of death was pronounced, Perrin rushed forward in the court and warmly embraced the prisoner. He devoted himself with great energy to the study of mercantile law ; in Hilary term 1806 was called to the bar, and was socn much employed in cases where penalties for breaches of the revenue laws were sought to be enforced. When Watty Cox, the proprietor and publisher of ' Cox's Magazine,' was prosecuted by the govern- ment for a libel in 1811, O'Connell, Burke, Bethel, and Perrin were employed for the defence ; but the case was practically con- ducted Toy the junior, who showed marked ability in the matter. He was also junior counsel, in 1811, in the prosecution of Sheri- dan, Kirwan, and the catholic delegates for violating the Convention Act. In 1832 he became a bencher of King's Inns, Dublin. He was a whig in politics, supported ca- tholic emancipation, and acquired the sobri- quet of ' Honest Louis Perrin.' On 6 May 1831, in conjunction with Sir Robert Harty, he was elected a representative in parliament for Dublin. Being unseated in August, he was returned for Monaghan on 24 Dec. 1832, displacing Henry Robert Westenra, the pre- vious tory member. At the next general election he came in for the city of Cashel, on 14 Jan. 1835, but resigned in the follow- ing August, to take his seat on the bench. In the House of Commons he strove to pre- vent grand jury jobbery, and made an able speech on introducing the Irish municipal reform bill ; and he was untiring in his efforts to check intemperance by advocating regu- lations closing public-houses at eleven o'clock at night. From 7 Feb. 1832 to February 1835 he was third serjeant-at-law, from February to April 1835 first serjeant, and on 29 April 1835, on the recommendation of the Marquis of Nor- manby, he succeeded Francis Blackburne [q. v.j as attorney-general. While a Ser- jeant he presided over the inquiry into the old Irish corporations, and on his report the Irish Municipal Act was founded. After the death of Thomas B. Vandeleur, he was appointed a puisne justice of the king's bench, Ireland, on 31 Aug. 1835. In the same year he was gazetted a privy councillor. He was most painstaking in the discharge of his im- portant functions ; and, despite some pecu- Perrinchief Perring liarities of manner, may be regarded as one of the most able and uprigilt judges who have sat on the Irish bench. He resigned on a pension in February 1860, and resided near Rush, co. Dublin, where he frequently attended the petty sessions. He died at Knockdromin, near Rush, on 7 Dec. 1864, and was buried at Rush on 10 Dec. He married, in April 1815, Hester Connor, daughter of the Rev. Abraham Augustus Stewart, chaplain to the Royal Hibernian School, Dublin, by whom he had seven sons, including James, a major in the army, who fell at Lucknow in 1857 ; Louis, rector of Garrycloyne, Blarney, co. Cork; William, chief registrar of the Irish court of bank- ruptcy (d. 1892); Charles, major of the 66th foot from 1865; and Mark, registrar of judg- ments in Ireland. [For the father: ~W. J. Fitzpatrick's Secret Service under Pitt, 1892, pp. 199, 218, 245, 246; Life of Lord Plunket, 1867, i. 218. For the son: ,T. K. O'Flanagan's Irish Bar, 1879, pp. 307-15; Gent. Mag. 1865, pt. i. pp. 123- 124; Freeman's Journal, 8 Dec. 1864, p. 2, 12 Dec. p. 3 ; information from the Her. Louis Perrin and from Mark Perrin, esq.] Or. C. B. PERRINCHIEF, RICHARD (1623 ?- 1673), royalist divine, probably born in Hampshire in 1623, was educated at Magda- lene College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. 1641, and M.A. 1645, and was elected to a fellowship (Hist. MSS. Comm. 5th Rep. p. 481). He was ejected from his fel- lowship by the parliamentary commissioners under the ordinance of 13 Feb. 1645-6. On 2 Jan. 1649-50 his name appears for the last time in the college books as owing the society 4/. 10s. 2d. At the Restoration he was admitted to the rectory of St. Mil- dred's, Poultry, to which that of St. Mary Colechiirch was annexed on 1 Feb. 1671 (NEWCOTJRT, i. 503; WOOD, iv. 241). He pro- ceeded D.D. at Cambridge on 2 July 1663 ; his theses (' Potestas ecclesise in censuris est Jure Divino,' and ' Xon datur in terris pastor universalis totius ecclesiae ') were printed. On 3 Nov. 1664 he was installed prebendary of St. Peter's, Westminster, and on 2 Aug. 1667 prebendary of London (Chiswick stall). On 29 March 1670 he was collated to the arch- deaconry of Huntingdon (CHESTER, West- minster Abbey Reg. p. 174). He was also sub-almoner to Charles II. He died at West- minster on 31 Aug 1673, and was buried on 2 Sept. in the abbey * within the south monu- ment door ' (ib. p. 181). His wife had died on 15 June 1671. His will, dated 26 Aug. 1673, is in the prerogative court, and was proved on 16 Oct. 1673. In accordance with its terms, the executors, William Clark, D.D., dean of Winchester, and Robert Peacock, rector of LongDitton, Surrey, purchased land, the rents of which were to be given in per- petuity to the vicars of Buckingham. Perrinchief wrote, besides separately issued sermons: 1. 'The Syracusan Tyrant, or the Life of Agathocles, with some Reflexions on the Practices of our Modern Usurpers,' Lon- don, 1661 (dedicated to Thomas, earl of South- ampton) ; republished London, 1676, as ' The Sicilian Tyrant, or the Life of Agathocles.' 2. 'A Discourse of Toleration, in answer to a late book [by John Corbet (1620-1680), q. v.] entituled A Discourse of the Religion of Eng- land,' London, 1667 ; Perrinchief opposed toleration or any modification of the esta- blishment. 3. ' Indulgence not justified : being a continuation of the Discourse of Toleration in answer to the arguments of a late book entituled a Peace Offering or Plea for Indulgence, and to the cavils of another [by John Corbet], called the Second Dis- course of the Religion in England,' London, 1668. Perrinchief also completed the edition pre- pared by William Fulman [q. v.] of ' BacriAt/oi : the Workes of King Charles the Martyr,' with a collection of declaration and treaties, Lon- don, 1662, and compiled a life for it from Ful- man's notes and some materials of Silas Titus. This life was republished in 1676 as ' The Royal Martyr, or the Life and Death of King Charles I,' anon. ; and was included in the 1727 edition of the EIKWV /Sao-iA**??, as 'written by Richard Perencheif, one of his majesties chaplains.' [Luard's Grad. Cantabr. ; Wood's Athena? Oxon. iv. 241, 625, Fasti, ii. 186, 374 ; Le Neve's Fasti; Wood's Hist, and Antiq. of Univ. Oxon. 1674,ii.243; State Papers, Dom. Car. Entry Books 19, f. 147 ; Newcourt's Kepertorium; Lansd. MSS. 986 f. 164, 988 f. 2586; Walker's Suffer- ings of the Clergy, ii. 151 ; information kindly sent by A. Gv Peskett, master of Magdalene Col- lege, Cambridge, and Mr. J. W. Clark, registrary of the university, Cambridge.] W. A. S. PERRING, JOHN SHAE (1813-1869), civil engineer and explorer, was born at Bos- ton in Lincolnshire on 24 Jan. 1813. He was educated atDonington grammar school, and then articled, on 28 March 1826, to Robert Reynolds, the surveyor of the port of Boston, under whom he was engaged in sur- veying, in the enclosure and drainage of the Fens, in the improvements of Boston Harbour and of Wainfleet Haven, and the outfall of the East Fen, in the drainage of the Burgh and Croft marshes, and other works. In 1833 he proceeded to London, and was there employed in engineering establish- ments. In March 1836 he went to Egypt, Perring 16 Perronet under contract with Galloway Brothers of London, as assistant engineer to Galloway Bey, then manager of public works for Ma- homed Ali, viceroy of Egypt. One of the first undertakings on which Perring was en- gaged was the construction of a tramway from the quarries near Mex to the sea. After the death of Galloway he became a member of the board of public works, was consulted as to the embankment of the Nile, advocated the establishment of stations in the Desert between Cairo and Suez to facilitate the overland transit, and was employed to make a road with the object of carrying out this scheme. From January to August 1837 he was busy helping Colonel Howard Vyse and others in making a survey of the pyramids at Gizeh, and in the execution of plans, draw- ings, and maps of these monuments. He had already published ' On the Engineering of the Ancient Egyptians,' London, 1835, six num- bers. The years 1838 and 1839 he spent in exploring and surveying the pyramids at Abou Roash, and those to the southward, including Fayoom. His services to Egyptian history are described in ' The Pyramids of Gizeh, from actual survey and admeasurement, by J. E. [sic] Perring, Esq., Civil Engineer. Illus- trated by Notes and References to the several Plans, with Sketches taken on the spot by E. J. Andrews, Esq., London, 1839, oblong folio. Part i. : The Great Pyramid, with a map and sixteen plates ; part ii. : The Second and Third Pyramids, the smaller to the southward of the Third, and the three to the eastward of the Great Pyramid, with nineteen plates ; part iii. : The Pyramids to the southward of Gizeh and at Abou Roash, also Campbell's Tomb and a section'of the rock at Gizeh, with map of the Pyramids of Middle Egypt and twenty-one plates.' Perring's labours are also noticed in Colonel R. W. H. H. Vyse's < Ope- rations carried on at the Pyramids of Gizeh in 1837, with account of a Voyage into Upper Egypt, and an Appendix containing a Survey by J. S. Perring of the Pyramids of Abou Roash,' 3 vols. 4to, 1840-2 (i. 143 et seq., ii. 1 et seq., iii. 1 et seq.), with a portrait of Per- ring in an eastern costume. Perring, before leaving Egypt, made a trigonometrical sur- vey of the fifty-three miles of country near the pyramids. The value of these researches, all made at the cost of Colonel Vyse, are fully acknowledged in C. C. J. Bunsen's ' Egypt's Place in Universal History,' 5 vols. 1854 (ii. 28-9, 635-45), where it is stated that they resulted in furnishing the names of six Egyptian kings till then unknown to his- torians. Perring returned to England in June 1840, and on 1 March 1841 entered upon the duties of engineering superintendent of the Llanelly railway docks and harbour .x In April 1844 he became connected with the Manchester, Bury, and Rossendale railway, which he helped to complete ; and, after its amalgamation with other lines, was from 1846 till 1859 resident engineer of the East Lancashire railway. He was subsequently connected with the Rail- way, Steel, and Plant Company, was engineer of the Ribblesdale railway, and constructed the joint lines from Wigan to Blackburn. He was also engineer of the Oswaldtwistle and other waterworks. Finally, he was one of the engineers of the Manchester city rail- ways. On 6 Dec. 1853 he was elected a member of the Institution of Civil Engi- neers, and in 1856 a member of the Institu- tion of Mechanical Engineers. He died at 104 King Street, Manchester, on 16 Jan. 1869. [Minutes of Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers, 1870, xxx. 455-6; Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1870, pp. 15-16.] G-. C. B. PERRONET, VINCENT (1693-1785), vicar of Shoreham and methodist, youngest son of David and Philothea Perronet, was born in London on 11 Dec. 1693. His father, a native of Chateau d'Oex in the canton of Berne, and a protestant, came over to Eng- land about 1680, and was naturalised by act of parliament in 1707, having previously married Philothea Arther or Arthur, a lady of good family, whose paternal grandfather, an officer of the court of Star-chamber, lost a considerable estate near Devizes, Wiltshire, during the civil war. David Perronet died in 1717. One of his elder brothers, Christian, was grandfather of the celebrated French engineer Jean Rodolphe Perronet (1708- 1794), director of the 'ponts et chaussees' of France, and builder of the bridge of Neuilly, and of the bridge e de la Concorde ' (formerly Pont Louis XVI) in Paris ; he was a foreign member of the Royal Society, England, and of the Society of Arts, London. Vincent Perronet, after receiving his earlier education at a school in the north of England, entered Queen's College, Oxford, whence he graduated B.A. on 27 Oct. 1718 (Cat. of Graduates) ; in later life he was described as M.A. On 4 Dec. 1718 he married Charity, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Good- hew of London, and, having taken holy orders, became curate of Sundridge, Kent, where he remained about nine years ; in 1728 he was presented to the vicarage of Shoreham in the same county. He was of an extremely religious temperament, believed Perronet Perronet that lie received many tokens of a special providence, and wrote a record of them, headed ' Some remarkable facts in the life of a person whom we shall call Eusebius ' (ex- tracts given in the Methodist Magazine, 1799), wherein he relates certain dreams, es- capes from danger, and the like, as divine interpositions. On 14 Feb. 1744 he had his iirst interview with John Wesley, who was much impressed by his piety (J. WESLEY, Journal, ap. Works, i. 468). Both the Wes- leys visited him and preached in his church in 1746. When Charles Wesley preached there a riot took place, the rioters following the preacher to the vicarage, threatening, and throwing stones, while he was defended by one of Perronet's sons, Charles. From that time both the Wesleys looked to Perronet for advice and support ; he was, perhaps, their most intimate friend, and they respected his judgment no less than they delighted in his religious character. He attended the metho- dist conference of 15 June 1747. In April 1748 Charles Wesley consulted him about Ms intended marriage ; in 1749 he wrote to C. Wesley exhorting him to avoid a quarrel with his brother John, to whom Charles had lately behaved somewhat shabbily, and a letter from him in February 1751 led John Wesley to decide on marrying (TYEKMAJST, Life ofJ. Wesley, ii. 6, 104). He wrote in defence of the methodists, was consulted by the Wesleys in reference to their regulations for itinerant preachers, in one of which he was appointed umpire in case of disagreement, and was called ' the arch- bishop of methodism ' (ib. p. 230). Two of his sons, Edward and Charles, were among the itinerant preachers. His wife, who died in 1763, was buried by John Wesley, who also visited him in 1765 to comfort him under the loss of one of his sons. He encouraged a methodist society at Shoreham, headed by Ms unmarried daughter, ' the bold masculine- minded ' Damaris, entertained the itinerant preachers, attended their sermons, and had preaching in his kitchen every Friday even- ing. He held a daily bible-reading in his house, at 6rst at five A.M., though it was afterwards held two hours later. In 1769 lie had a long illness, and, when recovering in January 1770, received visits from John Wesley and from Selina, Countess of Hunt- ingdon [see HASTINGS, SELINA], who describes Mm as ' a most heavenly-minded man ' (Life and Times of Selina, Countess of Hunt- ingdon, i. 317). In 1771 he upheld J. Wes- ley against the countess and her party at the time of the Bristol conference. When in his ninetieth year he was visited by J. Wes- ley, who noted that his intellect was little if VOL. XLV. at all impaired. In his last days he was attended by one of his granddaughters by Ms daughter Elizabeth Briggs. He died on y May 178o m his ninety-second year, and was buried at Shoreham by Charles Wesley, who preached a funeral sermon on the occa- sion. Perronet was a man of great piety, of a frank, generous, and cheerful temper, gentle and affectionate in disposition, and courteous in manner. His habits were studious ; he at one time took some interest in philosophical works so far as they bore on religion, though he chiefly gave himself to the study and ex- position of biblical prophecy, specially with reference to the second advent and the mil- lennium (Methodist Magazine, 1799, p. 161). He owned a farm in the neighbourhood of Canterbury, and was in easy circumstances. By his wife Charity, who died on 5 Feb. 1763, in her seventy-fourth year, he had at least twelve children, of whom Edward is noticed below; Charles, born in or about 1723, accompanied C. Wesley to Ireland in 1747, became one of the Wesleys' itinerant preachers, was somewhat insubordinate in 1750, and deeply offended J. Wesley by printing and circulating a letter at Norwich contrary to his orders in 1754 ; he advo- cated separation from the church, and license to the preachers to administer the sacra- ment, against the orders of the Wesleys, and took upon himself to do so both to other preachers and some members of' the society, being, according to C. Wesley, actuated by ' cursed pride.' He was enraged by the sub- mission of his party, and afterwards ceased to work for the Wesleys, residing at Canter- bury with his brother Edward, where he died unmarried on 12 Aug. 1776. Of the other sons, Vincent, born probably in 1724, died in May 1746 ; Thomas died on 9 March 1755 ; Henry died 1765 ; John, born 1733, died 28 Oct. 1767 ; and William, when return- ing from a residence of over two years in Switzerland, whither he had gone on business connected with the descent of the family estate, died at Douay on 2 Dec. 1781. Of Per- ronet's two daughters, Damaris, her father's 'great stay,' was born on 25 July 1727, and died unmarried on 19 Sept. 1782 ; and Elizabeth married, on 28 Jan. 1749, William Briggs, of the custom-house, the Wesleys' secretary (Gent. Mag. January 1749, xix. 44) or one of J. Wesley's * book-stewards ' (see WHITEHEAD, Life of Wesley, ii. 261). Eliza- beth and Edward alone survived their father. Of all Perronet's children, Elizabeth alone had issue, among whom was a daughter, Philothea Perronet, married, on 29 Aug. 1781, at Shore- ham, to Thomas Thompson [q. v.], a merchant c Perronet 18 Perronet of Hull. From the marriage of Elizabeth Perronet to William Briggs was descended Henry Perronet Briggs [q. v.], subject and portrait painter. Perronet published : 1. ' A Vindication of Mr. Locke,' 8vo, 1736. 2. ' A Second Vin- dication of Mr. Locke,' 8vo, 1738 [see under BTJTLER, JOSEPH]. 3. ' Some Enquiries chiefly relating to Spiritual Beings, in which the opinions of Mr. Hobbes ... are taken notice of,' 8vo, 1740. 4. ' An Affectionate Address to the People called Quakers/ 8vo, 1747. 5. 'A Defence of Infant Baptism,' 12mo, 1749. 6. ' Some Eemarks on the En- thusiasm of Methodists and Quakers com- pared ' (see under LAVINGTON, GEOKGE, and London Magazine, 1749, p. 436). 7. 'An Earnest Exhortation to the strict Practice of Christianity,' 8vo, 1750. 8. 'Third Letter to the author of the Enthusiasm of Metho- dists ' (London Mag. 1752, p. 48). 9. l Some Short Instructions and Prayers,' 8vo, 4th edit. 1755. 10. t Some Reflections on Ori- ginal Sin,' &c., 12mo, 1776. 11. ' Essay on Recreations,' 8vo, 1785. Perronet's portrait was engraved by J. Spilsbury in 1787 (BROMLEY), and is given in the ' Methodist Magazine,' November 1799. EDWARD PERRONET (1721-1792), hymn- writer, son of Vincent and Charity Perronet, was born in 1721. He was John Wesley's companion on his visit to the north in 1749, and met with rough treatment from the mob at Bolton. He became one of Wesley's itinerant preachers, was on most friendly terms with both John and Charles Wesley, who spoke of him as { trusty Ned Perronet,' and seems to have made an unfortunate sug- gestion that led John Wesley to marry Mrs. Vazeille (TYERMAN, ii. 104). Yet even by that time his impatience of control had caused some trouble to John Wesley, who, in 1750, wrote to him that, though he and his brother Charles Perronet behaved as he liked, they either could not or would not preach where he desired (ib. p. 85). In 1754-5 Perronet, in common with his brother Charles, urged separation from the church and the grant of license to the itinerants to administer the sacraments. He was at that date living at Canterbury (see above) in a house formed out of part of the old archi- episcopal palace. His attack on the church in the ' Mitre ' in 1756 caused the Wesleys deep annoyance ; they prevailed on him to suppress the book, but he appears to have given some copies away to his fellow-itine- rants, after promising to suppress it. Charles Wesley wrote a violent letter to his brother John on the subject on 16 Nov. of that year, speaking of the ''levelling, devilish, root-and- branch spirit which breathes in every line of the "Mitre,"' declaring that Perronet had from the first set himself against them, and had poisoned the minds of the other preach- ers ; that he wandered about from house to house ' in a lounging way of life,' and that he had better ' go home to his wife ' at Can- terbury. Among Perronet's offences noted in this letter, the writer says that on a late visit to Canterbury he had seen his own and his brother's ' sacrament hymns ' so scratched out and blotted by him that scarcely twenty lines were left entire (ib. p. 254). By 1771, and probably earlier, he had ceased to be connected with Wesley ; he joined the Countess of Huntingdon's connexion, and preached under her directions at Canterbury, Norwich, and elsewhere, with some succes's. The countess, however, remonstrated with him for his violent language about the church of England, and he therefore ceased to work under her (Life of Selina, Countess of Huntingdon, ii. 134-5), and became minister of a small chapel at Canterbury with an independent congregation. He died on 8 Jan. 1792, and was buried in the south cloister of the cathedral of Canterbury, near the transept door. Unlike his father, he seems to have been hot-headed, uplifted, bitter in temper, and impatient of all con- trol. In old age he was crusty and eccentric. In 1892 nonconformists at Canterbury held a centenary festival to commemorate his work in that city. From the letter of C. Wesley referred to above, it would seem that he had a wife in 1756. There is, however, a strong belief among some of the descend- ants of Vincent Perronet that Edward never married. It is possible that the wife spoken of by C. Wesley was one in expectancy, and that the marriage never took place ; he cer- tainly left no children. His published works are : 1. ' Select Pas- sages of the Old and New Testament versi- fied,' 12mo, 1756. 2. ' The Mitre, a sacred poem,' 8vo, printed 1757 (a slip from a book- seller's catalogue gives the date 1756, with note ' suppressed by private authority : ' it was certainly printed in 1756, but a new title-page may have been supplied in 1757 ; see copy in the British Museum, with manu- script notes and corrections, and presentation inscription from the author, signed E. P. in monogram) ; it contains a dull and virulent attack on the Church of England. It was published without the author's name. In one of the notes the author says, ' I was born and am like to die a member of the Church of England, but I despise her nonsense.' 3. ' A Small Collection of Hymns,' 12mo, 1782. 4. 'Occasional Verses, moral and Perrot Perrot sacred,' 12mo, 1785; on p. 22 is Perronet's well-known hymn, ' All hail the power of Jesu's name,' which first appeared in the ' Gospel Magazine/ 1780, without signature. [Life of V. Perronet in Methodist Mag. vol. xxi i. January-April 1799 ; Tyerman's Life of J. Wesley, 2nd edit. ; Whitehead's Life of Wesley ; J. Wesley's Journal, ap. Works, 1829 ; Jackson's Journal, &c., of C. Wesley ; Life and Times of Selina, Countess of Huntingdon ; Gent. Mag. January 1749 xix. 44, July 1813 Ixxxii. 82; Day of Kest,new ser. (1879), i. 765 ; W. Gadsby's Companion to Selection of Hymns ; J. Gadsby's Memoirs of Hymn-writers, 3rd edit. ; Julian's Diet, of Hymnology, art. 'Perronet, Edward,' by Dr. G-rosart; family papers and other informa- tion from Miss Edith Thompson.] W. H. PERROT, GEORGE (1710-1780), baron of the exchequer, born in 1710, belonged to the Yorkshire branch of the Perrots of Pem- brokeshire . He was the second son of Thomas Perrot, prebendary of Ripon and rector of Welbury in the North Riding of Yorkshire, and of St. Martin-in-Micklegate in the city of York, by his wife Anastasia, daughter of the Rev. George Plaxton, rector of Barwick- in-Elmet in the West Riding of Yorkshire. After receiving his education at Westminster School, he was admitted a student of the Inner Temple in November 1728, and was called to the bar in 1732. In May 1757 he was elected a bencher of his inn, and in 1759 was made a king's counsel. On 16 April 1760 he opened the case against Laurence Shirley, fourth earlFerrers, who was tried for the mur- der of John Johnson by the House of Lords (HowELL, State Trials, xix. 894). On 24 Jan. 1763 he was called to the degree of serjeant, and appointed a baron of the exchequer in the place of Sir Henry Gould the younger [q. v.] He was seized with a fit of palsy at Maidstone during the Lent assizes in 1775, and shortly afterwards retired from the bench with a pension of 1,200£. a year. Having purchased the manor of Fladbury and other considerable estates in Worcester- shire, he retired to Pershore, where he died on 28 Jan. 1780, in the seventieth year of his age. A monument was erected to his memory in the parish church at Laleham, Middlesex, in pursuance of directions con- tained in his widow's will. He was never knighted. He married, in 1742, Mary, only daughter of John Bower of Bridlington Quay, York- shire, and widow of Peter Whitton, lord mayor of York in 1728. Perrot left no children. His widow died on 7 March 1784, aged 82. According to Horace Walpole, Perrot while on circuit ' was so servile as to recommend' from the bench a congratulatory address to the king on the peace of 1763 (History of the Reign of George III, 1894, i. 2J2). His curious power of discrimination may be estimated by the conclusion of his sum- ming-up on a trial at Exeter as to the right to a certain stream of water : ' Gentlemen, there are fifteen witnesses who swear that the watercourse used to flow in a ditch on the north side of the hedge. On the other hand, gentlemen, there are nine witnesses who swear that the watercourse used to flow on the south side of the hedge. Now, gen- tlemen, if you subtract nine from fifteen there remain six witnesses wholly uncon- tradicted ; and I recommend you to give your verdict accordingly for the party who called those six witnesses ' (Foss, Judges of England, 1864, viii. 355). It appears from a petition presented by Perrot to the House of Commons that in 1769 he was the sole owner and proprietor of the navigation of the river Avonfrom Tewkesbury to Evesham. [The authorities quoted in the text; Barn- well's Perrot Notes, 1867, pp. 108-9; Memorials of Ripon (Surtees Soc. Publ. 1886), ii. 315; Nash's Worcestershire, 1781, i. 383, 447-8, Suppl. pp.59, 61 ; Burke's Landed Gentry, 1846, i. 128; Martin's Masters of the Bench of the Inner Temple, 1883, p. 76; Alumni Westmon. 1852, p. 546; Gent. Mag. 1775 p. 301, 1780 p. 102, 1784 pt. i. p. 238; Haydn's Book of Dignities, 1890; Notes and Queries, 8th ser. v. 347,411.] G. F. E. B. PERROT, HENRY (fl. 1600-1626), epi- grammatist. [See PAKEOT.] PERROT, SIE JAMES (1571-1637), poli- tician, born at Harroldston in Pembrokeshire in 1571, is stated to have been an illegitimate son of Sir John Perrot [q. v.] by Sybil Jones of Radnorshire. He matriculated from Jesus College, Oxford, as Sir John's second son, on 8 July 1586, aged 14, left the university with- out a degree, entered the Middle Temple in 1590, and, 'afterwards travelling, returned an accomplish'd gentleman' (WOOD). He settled down upon the estate at Harroldston which had been given him by his father, and seems for a time to have devoted himself to literary composition. In 1596 was printed at Oxford, in quarto, by Joseph Barnes, his exceedingly rare ' Discovery of Discontented Minds, wherein their several sorts and pur- poses are described, especially such as are gone beyond ye Seas,' which was dedicated to the Earl of Essex, and had for its object to ' restrain those dangerous malecontents who, whether as scholars or soldiers, turned fugitives or renegades, and settled in foreign countries, especially under the umbrage of the king of Spain, to negociate conspiracies Perrot 20 Perrot and invasions ' (cf. OLDYS, ' Catalogue of Pamphlets in the Harleian Library/ Harl. Misc. x. 358). This was followed in 1600 by ' The First Part of the Consideration of Hvmane Condition : wherein is contained the Morall Consideration of a Man's Selfe : as what, who, and what manner of Man he is,' Oxford, 4to. This was to be followed by three parts dealing respectively with the political consideration of things under us, the natural consideration of things about us, and the metaphysical consideration of things above us ; none of which, however, appeared. Perrot also drew up ' A Book of the Birth, Education, Life and Death, and singular good Parts of Sir Philip Sidney,' which Wood appears to have seen in manuscript, and which Oldys ' earnestly desired to meet with,' but which was evidently never printed. In the meantime Perrot had represented the borough of Haverfordwest in the parliament of 1597-8, and during the progress of James I to London he was in July 1603 knighted at the house of Sir William Fleetwood. He sat again for Haverfordwest in the parliament of 1604, and in the 'Addled parliament' of 1614, when he took a vigorous part in the debates on the impositions, and shared to the full the indignation expressed by the lower house at the speech of Bishop Richard Neile [q. v.], questioning the competence of the commons to deal with this subject. When parliament met again in 1621 it contained few members who were listened to with greater willingness than Perrot, who combined expe- rience with a popular manner of speaking. It was he who on 5 Feb. 1621 moved that the house should receive the communion at St. Margaret's, and who, in June, moved a declara- tion in favour of assisting James's children in the Palatinate, which was received by the house with enthusiasm, and declared by Sir Edward Cecil to be an inspiration from heaven, and of more effect ' than if we had ten thousand soldiers on the march.' Later on, in November 1621, he spoke in favour of a war of diversion and attack upon Spain in the Indies. Hitherto he had successfully com- bined popularity in the house with favour at court, and had specially gratified the king by supporting his plan to try Bacon's case before a special commission ; but in December the warmth of his denunciation of the Spanish marriage, and his insistence upon fresh guarantees against popery, caused him to be numbered among the 'ill-tempered spirits.' He was, in consequence, subjected to an honourable banishment to Ireland, as a mem- ber of Sir Dudley Digges's [see DIGGES, SIR DUDLEY] commission for investigating certain grievances in Ireland (WOOD; cf. GA.RDINEK, History, iv. 267). In the parliament of 1624 Perrot, as representative for the county of Pembroke, played a less conspicuous part ; but in that of 1628, when he again represented Haverfordwest, he made a powerful speech against Laud. Perrot played a considerable part in his native county. In 1624 he became a lessee of the royal mines in Pembrokeshire, and from about that period he commenced acting as deputy vice-admiral for the Earl of Pem- broke. In August 1625 he wrote to the government that Turkish pirates were upon the south-west coast, having occupied Lundy for over a fortnight, and made numerous captives in Mounts Bay, Cornwall. From 1626 he acted as the vice-admiral or repre- sentative of the admiralty in Pembrokeshire, and wrote frequently to Secretary Conway respecting the predatory habits of the Welsh wreckers, and the urgent necessity of forti- fying Milford Haven. He was a member of the Virginia Company, to which he sub- scribed 371. 10s. In 1630 he issued his 'Medi- tations and Prayers on the Lord's Prayer and Ten Commandments,' London, 4to. He died at his house of Harroldston on 4 Feb. 1636-7, and was buried in the chancel of St. Mary's Church, Haverfordwest. He married Mary, daughter of Robert Ashfield of Chesham, Buckinghamshire, but left no issue. Some commendatory verses by him are prefixed to the ' Golden Grove ' (1608) of his friend Henry Vaughan. [Barnwell's Perrot Notes (reprinted froix Archseol. Cambr.), 1867, p. 59 ; Wood's Athene, ed. Bliss, ii. 605-6 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500-1714; Metcalfe's Book of Knights; Le Neve's Pedigrees of the Knights, p. 165; Old Parliamentary Hist. v. 525, viii. 280 ; Cobbett's Parl. Hist. i. 1306, 1310, 1313; Gardiner's Hist. ofEngl. iv. 28,67, 128, 235, 255; Spedding's Bacon, xiii. 65 ; Williams's Eminent Welshmen ; Williams's Parliamentary History of Wales ; Madan's Early Oxford Press (Oxford Hist. Soc.), pp. 40, 49.] T. S. PERROT, SIR JOHN (1527 P-1592), lord deputy of Ireland, commonly reputed to be the son of Henry VIII, whom he re- sembled in appearance, and Mary Berkley (afterwards the wife of Thomas Perrot, esq., of Istingston and Harroldston, in Pembroke- shire), was born, probably at Harroldston, about 1527 (NAUNTON, Fragmenta Regalia ; Archceologia Cambrensis, 3rd ser. vol. xi.) He was educated apparently at St. David's (CaL State Papers, Irel. Eliz. ii. 549), and at the age of eighteen was placed in the house- hold of William Paulet, first marquis of Win- chester [q. v.] Uniting great physical strength to a violent and arbitrary disposition, he was Perrot 21 Perrot much addicted to brawling, and it was to a fracas between him and two of the yeomen of the guard, in which he was slightly wounded, that he owed his personal introduction to Henry VIII. The king, whether he was acquainted with the secret of his birth or whether he merely admired his courage and audacity, made him a promise of preferment, but died before he could fulfil it. Perrot, how- ever, found a patron in Edward VI, and was by him, at his coronation, created a knight of the Bath. His skill in knightly exercises secured him a place in the train of the Marquis of Northampton on the occasion of the latter's visit to France in June 1551 to negotiate a marriage between Edward VI and Elizabeth, the infant daughter of Henry II. He fully maintained the reputation for gallantry he had acquired at home, and by his bravery in the chase so fascinated the French king that he offered him considerable inducements to enter his service. Returning to England, he found himself in- volved in considerable pecuniary difficulties, from which he was relieved by the generosity of Edward. The fact of his being a pro- testant did not a,t first militate against him with Queen Mary ; but, being accused by one Gadern or Cathern, a countryman of his, of sheltering heretics in his house in Wales, and, among others his uncle, Robert Perrot, reader in Greek to Edward VI and Alexander Nowell [q. v.] (afterwards dean of Lichfield), he was committed to the Fleet. His detention was of short duration, and, being released, he served under the Earl of Pembroke in France, and was present at the capture of St. Quentin in 1557. His refusal, however, to assist Pembroke in hunting down heretics in south Wales caused a breach in their friendly re- lations, though it did not prevent the earl from generously using his influence to bring to a successful issue a suit of Perrot's for the castle and lordship of Carew. At the coro- nation of Elizabeth, Perrot was one of the four gentlemen chosen to carry the canopy of state, and being apparently shortly after- wards appointed vice-admiral of the seas about south WTales and keeper of the gaol at Haverfordwest, he for some years divided his time between the court and his estate in Pembrokeshire. Since the outbreak of the rebellion in Ire- land of James Fitzmaurice Fitzgerald [q. v.] in 1568, it had been the settled determination of Elizabeth and her ministers to establish a presidential government in Munster similar to that in Connaught. In November 1570 the post was offered to Perrot, and was somewhat reluctantly accepted by him. He sailed from Milford Haven and arrived at Waterford on 27 Feb. 1571. A day or two afterwards Fitzmaurice burned the town of Kilmallock, and Perrot, recognising the importance of reaching the seat of his government with- out loss of time, hastened to Dublin, and, having taken the oath before Sir Henry Sid- ney [q. v.], proceeded immediately to Cork. From Cork he marched directly to Kilmal- lock, where he took up his quarters in a half- burned house, and issued a proclamation to the fugitive townsmen to return and repair the walls and buildings of the town. While thus engaged, information reached him one night that the rebels had attacked Lord Roche ; whereupon, taking with him his own troop of horse, he pursued them as far as Knocklong. But finding they were likely to make good their escape among the neigh- bouring bogs, he caused his men to dismount and to follow them in their own fashion, and had the satisfaction of killing fifty of them, whose heads he fixed on the market- cross of Kilmallock. Having placed the town in a posture of defence, Perrot pursued his journey to Limerick, capturing a castle belonging to Tibbot Burke on the way. From Limerick, where the Earl of Thomond, O'Shaughnessy, and Sir Thomas of Desmond came to him, he proceeded to Cashel, where he hanged several ' grasy merchants, being such as bring bread and aquavita or other provisions unto the rebels/ and so by way of Fethard, Clonmel, Carrick-on-Suir, and Lis- more, near where he captured Mocollop Castle, back to Cork, which he reached on the last day of May. Fixing his headquarters at Cork, he made excursions into the territories of the ' White Knight ' and the McSwiney s, and ' slew many of the rebels and hanged as many as he might take.' Though greatly harassed by his in- cessant warfare, Fitzmaurice had managed to enlist a large body of redshanks, and with these he scoured the country from Aharlow to Castlemaine, and from Glenflesk to Balti- more. Perrot, who spared neither himself nor his men in his efforts to catch him, in vain tempted him to risk a battle in the open, but, meeting him on the edge of a wood, he at- tacked and routed him, and forced his allies across the Shannon. On 21 June he sat down before Castlemaine, but after five weeks was compelled, by lack of provisions, to raise the siege. His eagerness to terminate the rebel- lion led him to countenance a proposal for the restoration of Sir John of Desmond as a counterpoise to Fitzmaurice [see FITZGERALD, SIE JOHN FITZEDMUND, 1528-1612], and even induced him to listen to a proposal of Fitz- maurice to settle the question by single combat. Fitzmaurice, as the event proved, Perrot 22 Perrot bad no intention of meeting Perrot on equal terms; and, after deluding- him with one ex- cuse and another, finally declared that a duel was out of the question. ' For,' said he, ' if I should kill Sir John Perrot the queen of England can send another president into this province ; but if he do kill me there is none other to succeed me or to command as I do ' (RAWLINSON, Life, p. 63). Perrot swore to ' hunt the fox out of his hole ' without further delay. Shortly afterwards he was drawn by a trick into a carefully prepared ambush. Outnumbered by at least ten or twelve to one, he would certainly have lost his life had not the opportune arrival of Cap- tain Bowles with three or four soldiers caused Fitzmaurice, who mistook them for the ad- vance guard of a larger body, to withdraw hastily. Even this lesson did not teach Perrot prudence. For having, as he believed, driven Fitzmaurice into a corner, he allowed himself to be deluded into a parley, under cover of which Fitzmaurice managed to withdraw his men into safety. In June 1572 he again sat down before Castlemaine, and, after a three months' blockade, forced the place to sur- render. He encountered Fitzmaurice,who was advancing to its relief at the head of a body of Scoto-Irish mercenaries, in MacBrianCoo- nagh's country. Fitzmaurice, however, with the bulk of his followers, managed to make good his escape into the wood of Aharlow. Perrot's efforts to expel them were crippled by the refusal of his soldiers to serve until they received some of their arrears of pay. But the garrison at Kilmallock, assisted by Sir Edmund and Edward Butler, rendered admir- able service ; and Fitzmaurice, finding himself at the end of his tether, sued for mercy. Per- rot reluctantly consented to pardon him. He was somewhat reconciled to this course by Fitzmaurice's submissive attitude, and com- forted himself with the hope that the ex- rebel, having seen the error of his ways, would eventually prove f a second St. Paul.' Having thus, as he vainly imagined, re- stored tranquillity to Munster, he begged to be allowed to return home. During his tenure of office he had killed or hanged at least eight hundred rebels, with the loss of only eighteen Englishmen, and had done some- thing to substitute English customs for Irish in the province. But the service had told severely on his constitution; and for every white hair that he had brought over with him he protested he could show sixty. He was dissatisfied with Elizabeth's determination to restore Gerald Fitzgerald, fifteenth earl of Desmond [q. v.] ; he was annoyed by reports that reached him of Essex's interference with his tenantry; and, though able to justify him- self, he could ill brook to be reprimanded -by the privy council for his conduct in regard to the Peter and Paul, a French vessel hailing from Portugal with a valuable cargo of spices, which he had caused to be detained at Cork. A graceful letter of thanks from Elizabeth, desiring him to continue at his post, failed to alter his resolution ; and in July 1573 he suddenly returned to England without leave. His reception by Elizabeth was more gra- cious than he had reason to expect ; and pleading ill-health as an excuse for not re- turning to Munster, where he was even- tually superseded by Sir William Drury Sl> v.], he retired to Wales. To Burghley he eclared that it was his intention to lead a countryman's life, and to keep out of debt. But as one of the council of the marches, and vice-admiral of the Welsh seas, he found plenty to occupy his attention, especially in suppressing piracy along the coast (cf. Gent. Mag. 1839, ii. 354). In May 1578 a com- plaint was preferred against him by Richard Vaughan, deputy-admiral in South Wales, of tyrannical conduct, trafficking with pi- rates, and subversion of justice. Perrot had apparently little difficulty in exonerating him- self; for he was shortly afterwards appointed commissioner for piracy in Pembrokeshire. In August 1579 he was placed in command of a squadron appointed to cruise off the western coast of Ireland, to intercept and de- stroy any Spanish vessels appearing in those waters. On 29 Aug. he sailed from the Thames on board the Revenge with his son Thomas. On 14 Sept. he anchored inBaltimore Bay ; and after spending a few days on shore, ' where they were all entertained as well as the fashion of that country could afford/ he sailed to Cork, and from Cork coasted along to Waterford, where he met Sir William Drury, who shortly before his death knighted his son Thomas and Sir William Pelham [q. v.] After coasting about for some time, and the season of the year growing too late to cause any further apprehension on the part of Spain, Perrot determined to return home. In the Downs he fell in with one Deryfold, a pirate, whom he chased and captured off the Flemish coast ; but on trying to make the mouth of the Thames he struck on the Kentish Knocks. Fortunately he succeeded in getting off the sand, and reached Harwich in safety. During his absence his enemies had tried to undermine his credit with the queen; and early in 1580 one Thomas Wyriott, a justice of the peace, formerly a yeoman of the guard, exhibited cer- tain complaints against 'his intolerable deal- ings.' Wyriott's complaints were submitted to the privy council, and, being pronounced slanderous libels, Wyriott was committed to Perrot Perrot the Marshalsea. But he had powerful friends at court; and shortly after Perrot's return to Wales he was released, and letters were ad- dressed to the judges of assize in South Wales, authorising them to reopen the case. Though suffering from the sweating sickness, Perrot at once obeyed the summons to attend the assizes at Haverfordwest. He successfully exculpated himself and obtained a verdict of a thousand marks damages against Wyriott. He had acquired considerable reputation as president of Munster, and a plot or plan which he drew up at the command of the queen in 1581 'for the suppressing of rebellion and the well-governing of Ireland ' marked him out as a suitable successor to the lord deputy, Arthur Grey, fourteenth lord Grey de Wilton [q. v.], who was recalled in August 1582. Never- theless, he was not appointed to the post till 17 Jan. 1584, and it was not till 21 June that he received the sword of state from the chan- cellor, Archbishop Adam Loftus [q. v.] From his acquaintance with the southern province he was deemed well qualified to supervise the great work of the plantation of Mun- ster. His open instructions resembled those given to former viceroys ; but among those privately added by the privy council was one directing him to consider how St. Patrick's Cathedral and the revenues belonging to it might be made to serve l as had been there- tofore intended ' for the erection of a college in Dublin. His government began propi- tiously, and a remark of his expressive of his desire to see the name of husbandman or yeoman substituted for that of churl was, according to Fenton, widely and favourably commented upon. The day following his installation order was issued for a general hosting at the hill of Tara, on 10 Aug., for six weeks. In the interval Perrot prepared to make a tour of inspection through Connaught and Munster for the purpose of establishing Sir Richard Bingham [q. v.] and Sir John Norris (1547 P-1597) [q. v.] in their respective governments. He had already received the submission of the chieftains of Connaught and Thomond, and was on his way from Limerick to Cork when the news reached him that a j large body of Hebridean Scots had landed in O'Donnell's country. Norris was inclined to think that rumour had, as usual, exag- gerated the number of the invaders ; but Perrot, who probably enjoyed the prospect of fighting, determined to return at once to Dublin and, as security for the peace of Mun- ster, to take with him all protectees and suspected persons. On 26 Aug. he set out for Ulster, accom- panied by the Earls of Ormonde and Tho- mond and Sir John Norris. At Newry he learned that the Scots had evaded the ships sent to intercept them at Lough Foyle and had returned whence they came. Half a mile outside the town Turlough Luineach O'Neill [q. v.] met him, and put in his only son as pledge of his loyalty, as did also Ma- gennis, MacMahon, and O'Hanlon. But having come so far, Perrot determined to cut at the root, as he believed, of the Scoto-Irish difficulty, and to make a resolute effort to expel the MacDonnells from their settle- ments along the Antrim coast. An attempt, at which he apparently connived (State Papers, Irel. Eliz. cxii. 90, ii.), to assassinate Sorley Boy MacDonnell [q.v.] failed, and Perrot, resorting to more legitimate methods of warfare, divided his forces into two divi- sions. The one, under the command of the Earl of Ormonde and Sir John Norris, ad- vanced along the left bank of the Bann and scoured the woods of Glenconkein; while himself, with the other, proceeded through Clandeboye and the Glinnes. On 14 Sept. he sat down before Dunluce Castle, which surrendered at discretion on the second or third day. Sorley Boy escaped to Scotland, but Perrot got possession of ' holy Columb- kille's cross, a god of great veneration with Sorley Boy and all Ulster,' which he sent to Walsingham to present to Lady Walsing- ham or Lady Sidney. A mazer garnished with silver-gilt, with Sorley Boy's arms en- graved on the bottom, he sent to Lord Burgh- ley. An attempt to land on Rathlin Island was frustrated by stormy weather, and, feel- ing that the season was growing too advanced for further operations, Perrot returned to Dublin. Meanwhile he had not been unmindful of his charge regarding St. Patrick's. On 21 Aug. he submitted a plan to Walsingham for converting the cathedral into a court- house and the canons' houses into inns of court, and for applying the revenues to the erection of two colleges. When the project became known, as it speedily did, it was vehe- mently opposed by Archbishop Loftus [q. v.] On 3 Jan. 1585 Perrot was informed that there were grave objections to his scheme, and that it was desirable for him to consult with the archbishop. Perrot for a time refused to de- sist from his project, and never forgave Loftus for opposing him. There can be little doubt that his blundering hostility towards the arch- bishop was a principal cause of his downfall. Another scheme of his for bridling the Irish by building seven towns, seven bridges, and seven fortified castles in different parts of the country fared equally unpropitiously. Given 50,000/. a year for three years, he promised to permanently subjugate Ireland Perrot Perrot and took the unusual course of addressing the parliament of England on the subject. But Walsingham, to whom he submitted the letter (printed in the ' Government of Ireland/ pp. 44 sq.) promptly suppressed it, on the ground that the queen would certainly resent any one but herself moving parliament. Nor indeed did his manner of dealing with the Hebridean Scots argue well for his ability to carry out his more ambitious project. Scarcely three months had elapsed since the expulsion of Sorley Boy before he again succeeded in effecting a landing on the coast of Antrim. He was anxious, he declared, to become a loyal subject of the crown, if only he could obtain legal ownership of the territory he claimed. But Perrot insisted on unqualified submission, and, despite the remonstrances of the council, began to make preparations for a fresh expedition against him. When Elizabeth heard of his intention, she was greatly provoked, and read him a sharp lec- ture on 'such rash, unadvised journeys with- out good ground as your last journey in the north.' As it happened, Sir Henry Bagenal and Sir William Stanley were quite able to cope with Sorley Boy, and the Irish parlia- ment being appointed to meet on 26 April, after an interval of sixteen years, Perrot found sufficient to occupy his attention in Dublin. A German nobleman who happened to be visiting Ireland was greatly impressed with his appearance at the opening of parliament, and declared that, though he had travelled all over Europe, he had never seen any man com- parable to him ; for his port and majesty of personage.' But Perrot's attempt to ' manage ' parliament proved a complete failure. A bill to suspend Poynings' Act, which he regarded as necessary to facilitate legisla- tion, was rejected on the third reading by a majority of thirty-five. Another bill, to substitute a regular system of taxation in lieu of the irregular method of cess, shared a similar fate, and Perrot could only pro- rogue parliament, and advise the punish- ment of the leaders of the opposition. Tired of his inactivity, Perrot resumed his plan of a northern campaign, and having appointed Loftus and Wallop, who strongly disapproved of his intention, justices in his absence, he set out for Ulster on 16 July. But misfortune dogged his footsteps. For hardly had he reached Dungannon when wet weather rendered further progress impossible. His time, however, was not altogether wasted. For besides settling certain territorial diffe- rences between Turlough Luineach O'Neill and Hugh O'Neill, earl of Tyrone [q. v.], he reduced Ulster to shire ground. He re- turned to Dublin at the beginning of Sep- tember. Six weeks later Sorley Boy re- captured Dunluce Castle, and resumed his- overtures for denization. Perrot, who was ' touched with the stone,' and provoked at the coolness of his colleagues, felt the dis- grace bitterly, and begged to be recalled. Eventually he consented to pardon Sorley Boy, and to grant him letters of denization on what were practically his own terms. In one respect Perrot could claim to have been fairly successful. The composition of Con- naught and Thomond with which his name- is associated, though proving by no mean» commensurate with his expectations, and due in a large measure to the initiative of Sir Henry Sidney, was a work which un- doubtedly contributed to the peace and stability of the western province. Parlia- ment reassembled on 26 April 1586, and,, after passing acts for the attainder of the Earl of Desmond and Viscount Baltinglas, was- dissolved on 14 May. With Loftus and Wallop Perrot had long been on terms of open hostility, and even Sir Geoffrey Fenton, who at first found him. 1 affable and pleasing,' had since come to change his opinion in that respect. Perrot, it is true, could count on the devotion of Sir Nicholas White and Sir Lucas Dillon ; but their influence in the council was com- paratively small, and their goodwill exposed him to the charge of pursuing an anti-Eng- lish policy. Nor were his relations outside the council much better. Sir John Norris and Captain Carleil had long complained of his overbearing and tyrannical behaviour. Perrot's conduct towards Sir Richard Bing- ham added him to the long list of avowed enemies. Early in September 1586 a large- body of redshanks invaded Connaught at the invitation of the Burkes of county Mayo» and Bingham, who felt himself unable to cope with them, sent to Perrot for rein- forcements. The deputy not only complied with his request, but, in opposition to the advice of the council, went to Connaught himself. He had, however, only reached Mullingar when he received information that the Scots and their allies had been completely overthrown and almost an- nihilated by Bingham at Ardnaree on the river Moy. But instead of returning to Dublin, he continued his journey to Galway,. though by so doing he inflicted a heavy and unnecessary expense on the country. His. own statement that he had been invited thither was manifestly untrue. But whether he was jealous of Bingham's success, as seems likely, or whether he really disap- proved of his somewhat arbitrary method of Perrot 25 Perrot government, his presence had undoubtedly the effect of weakening the president's au- thority and stimulating the elements of discontent in the province. His language towards the council was certainly most re- prehensible, and unfortunately he did not confine his abuse to words. In January 1587 he committed Fenton to the Marshal- sea on pretext of a debt of 70/. owing to him. But though compelled by Elizabeth instantly to set him at liberty, he seemed to have lost all control over himself. Only a few days afterwards he committed the indis- cretion of challenging Sir Richard Bingham, and on 15 May he came to actual blows in the council chamber with Sir Nicholas Bagenal. The fault was perhaps not altogether on his side, but government under the circumstances suffered, and in January Elizabeth announced her intention to remove him. In May one Philip Williams, a former secretary of Perrot, whom he had long kept in confinement, offered to make certain reve- lations touching his loyalty, and Loftus took care that his offer should reach Elizabeth's ears. This was the beginning of the end. Williams was released on bail, not to quit the country without special permission, in June ; but he steadily refused to reveal his information to any one except the queen her- self. In December Sir William Fitzwilliam [q. v.] was appointed lord deputy, but six months elapsed before he arrived in Dublin. Meanwhile, racked with the stone, and feeling his authority slipping away from him inch by inch, Perrot's position was pitiable in the extreme. But it must be said in his favour that when he surrendered the sword of state on 30 June 1588, Fitzwilliam was compelled to admit that he left the country in a state of profound peace. Shortly before his de- parture he presented the corporation of Dublin with a silver-gilt bowl, bearing his arms and crest, with the inscription ' Relinquo in pace' (cf. GILBERT, Cat. Municipal Records, ii. 220). He sailed on Tuesday, 2 July, for Milford Haven, leaving behind him, accord- ing to Sir Henry Wallop, a memory ' of so hard usage and haughty demeanour amongst his associates, especially of the English nation, as I think never any before him in this place hath done.' After his departure Fitzwilliam complained that, contrary to the express orders of the privy council, he had taken with him his parliament robes and cloth of state. Among others a certain Denis Roughan or O'Roughan, an ex-priest whom Perrot had prosecuted for forgery, offered to prove that he was the bearer of a letter from Perrot to Philip of Spain, promising that if the latter would give him Wales, Perrot would make Philip master of England and Ireland. The letter was a manifest forgery, but it derived a certain degree of plausibility from the recent betrayal of Deventer by Sir William Stanley &. v.] One Charles Trevor, an accomplice of Roughan's, knew the secret of the forgery, and, according to Bingham, Fitzwilliam could have put his hand on him had he liked to do so. But in a collection of the material points against Perrot, drawn up by Burghley on 15 Nov. 1591, O'Roughan's charge finds no place, though the substance of it was after- wards incorporated in the indictment. Still, if there was no direct evidence of treason against him, there was sufficient matter to convict him of speaking disparagingly of the queen. Notwithstanding Burghley's exertions in hia favour, there was an evident determination on the part of Perrot's enemies to push the matter to a trial, and there is a general concur- rence of opinion in ascribing the pertinacity with which he was prosecuted to the malice of Sir Christopher Hatton (cf. Cal State Papers, Eliz. Add. 12 March 1591). Accord- ing to Sir Robert Naunton, who married Perrot's granddaughter, Perrot had procured Hatton's enmity by speaking scornfully of him as having made his way to the queen's- favour < by the galliard,' in allusion to his proficiency in dancing. But Naunton was un- aware that Hatton owed him a deeper grudge for having seduced his daughter Elizabeth (Archceol. Cambr. 3rd ser. xi. 117). After a short confinement in Lord Burgh- ley's house, Perrot was in March 1 591 removed to the Tower. More than a year elapsed before his trial, and on 23 Dec. he complained that his memory was becoming impaired through grief and close confinement. On 27 April 1592 he was tried at Westminster on a charge of high treason before Lord Hunsdon, Lord Buckhurst, Sir Robert Cecil, and other spe- cially constituted commissioners. According to the indictment he was charged with con- temptuous words against the queen, with relieving known traitors and Romish priests, with encouraging the rebellion of Sir Brian O'Rourke [q. v.], and with treasonable cor- respondence with the king of Spain and the prince of Parma. Practically the prosecution, conducted by Popham and Puckering, con- fined itself to the charge of speaking con- temptuously of the queen. Perrot, who was extremely agitated, did not deny that he might have spoken the words attributed to him, but resented the interpretation placed upon them. Being found guilty, he was taken back to the Tower. He still hoped for pardon. < God's death ! ' he exclaimed. ' Will the queen suffer her brother to be offered up a sacrifice to the envy of his frisking adversary ? ' His last will Perrot Perrot and testament, dated 3 May 1592, is really a vindication of his conduct and an appeal for mercy. He was brought up for judgment on 26 June, but his death in the Tower in Sep- tember spared him the last indignities of the law. A rumour that the queen intended to pardon him derives some colour from the fact that his son, Sir Thomas, was restored to his estates. Two engraved portraits of Perrot are in existence, one in the * History of Wor- cestershire,' i. 350, the other prefixed to the ' Government of Ireland ' by E. C. S. (cf. BROMLEY). Perrot married, first, Ann, daughter of Sir Thomas Cheyney of Thurland in Kent, by whom he had a son, Sir Thomas Perrot, who succeeded him, and married, under mys- terious circumstances (STKYPE, Zz/e of Bishop Aylmer, and Lansdowne MS. xxxix. f. 172), Dorothy, daughter of Walter Devereux, earl of Essex. Perrot's second wife was Jane, daughter of Sir Lewis Pollard, by whom he had William, who died unmarried at St. Thomas Court, near Dublin, on 8 July 1597 ; Lettice, who married, first, Roland Lacharn of St. Bride's, secondly, Walter Vaughan of St. Bride's, and, thirdly, Arthur Chichester [q. v.], baron Chichester of Belfast, and lord deputy of Ireland; and Ann, who married John Philips. Among his illegitimate chil- dren he had by Sybil Jones of Radnorshire a son, Sir James Perrot, separately mentioned, and a daughter, who became the wife of David Morgan, described as a gentleman. By Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Christopher Hat- ton, he had a daughter, also called Elizabeth, who married Hugh Butler of Johnston. [Barnwell's Notes on the Perrot Family in Archseol. Cambrensis, 3rd ser. vols. xi. xii. ; Dwnn's Heraldic Visitntion of Wales, i. 89 ; Naunton's Frag. Regal.; Lloyd's State Worthies; Fenton's Hist, of Tour through Pembrokeshire ; Eawlinson's Life of Sir John Perrot; The Govern- ment of Ireland under Sir John Perrot by E.C.S.; Cal. State Papers, Eliz., Ireland and Dom. ; Camden's Annals ; Bagwell's Ireland under the Tudors; Annals of the Four Masters; Hardi- man's Chorographical Description of West Con- naught; Notes and Queries, 1st ser. ii. 254; MSS. Brit. Mus. Lansdowne 68, 72, 156 ; Harl. 35, 3292; Sloane, 2200, 4819; Addit. 32091, ff. 240, 257 ; Hist. MSS. Comm. 3rd Eep. pp. 45, 51, 367, 8th Eep. p. 36.] E. D. PERROT, JOHN (d. 1671?), quaker sectary, born in Ireland, was possibly de- scended, though not legitimately, from Sir John Perrot [q. v.], lord-deputy "of Ireland. It is hardly likely that he was the John Perrot fined 2,000/. in the Star-chamber on 27 Jan. 1637, and arraigned before the court of high commission on 14 and 21 Nov. 1639 (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1636-7 p. 398, 1639-40 pp. 271, 277). Before 1656 Perrot joined the quakers, and was preaching in Limerick. The next year he started, with the full authority of the quaker body and at its expense, with one John Love, also an Irishman, on a mission to Italy, avowedly to convert the pope. Perrot passed through Lyons, and on 12 Aug. 1657 he was at Leghorn. There he wrote a trea- tise concerning the Jews, and both travellers were examined by the inquisition and dis- missed. In September, diverging from their original route, they reached Athens, whence Perrot wrote an' Address to the People called Baptists in Ireland.' A manuscript copy is in the library of Devonshire House. He also wrote an epistle to the Greeks from ' Egripos,' that is the island of Negroponte (now called Eubcea). Returning to Venice, he inter- viewed the doge in his palace, and presented him with books and an address, afterwards printed. A work dated from the Lazaretto in Venice indicates either that he had fallen ill or was in prison. On arriving in Rome, probably in 1658, Perrot and Love commenced preaching against the Romish church, and were arrested. Love suffered the tortures of the inquisition and died under them. Perrot, whose zeal knew no bounds, was more appropriately sent to a madhouse, where he was allowed some liberty and wrote numerous books, ad- dresses, and epistles. These he was suffered to send to England to be printed, and many of them appeared before his release; His detention excited much sympathy in Eng- land. SamuelFisher (1605-1655) [q.v.], John Stubbs, and other Friends went to Rome in 1660 to procure his freedom. Two other Friends, Charles Bayley and Jane Stokes, also unsuccessfully attempted it, Bayley being imprisoned at Bordeaux on the way out. Some account of his experiences he contri- buted to Perrot's 'Narrative,' 1661. In May 1661 Perrot was released; but on his return to London he was received with some coldness. He was accused of extrava- gant behaviour while abroad. Fox and others condemned the papers issued by him from Rome, one of which propounded that the re- moval of the hat during prayer in public was a formal superstition, incompatible with the spiritual religion professed by quakers. This notion gained ground rapidly, and was adopted for a time by Thomas Ell wood [q.v.] and Ben- jamin Furly [q. v.] ; but Fox at once attacked 'it in a tract issued in 1661 (Journal, ed. 1765, p. 332). Perrot was unconvinced, although many of his friends soon forsook him. He was indefatigable in preaching his opinions Perrot Perrot in various parts of England or Ireland, and attracted large audiences. He was arrested, with Luke Howard (1621-1699) [q. v.], at a meeting at Canterbury on 28 Aug. 1661, and again at the Bull and Mouth, Aldersgate Street, on a Sunday in June 1662, when he was brought before Sir Richard Browne (d. 1669) [q. v.l, lord mayor. In the autumn of 1662 Perrot and some of his followers emigrated to Barbados, where his wife and children joined him later, and where he was appointed clerk to the magistrates. He seems to have still called himself a quaker, but gave great offence by wearing l a velvet coat, gaudy apparel, and a sword,' while he was now as strict in ex- acting oaths as he had formerly been against them. Proceeding on a visit to Virginia, he induced many quakers there to dispense with the formality of assembling for worship, and otherwise to depart from the judicious rules laid down by Fox. Perrot formed many projects for improving the trade of Barbados by tobacco plantations; he built himself a large house, surmounted by a reservoir of water brought from a distance of some miles ; he was also presented with a sloop, to carry freight to Jamaica. But his schemes came to no practical result. He died, heavily in debt, in the island of Jamaica, some time before October 1671. His wife Elizabeth and at least two children survived him. Perrot's i natural gifts ' were, says Sewel, 'great,' and he possessed a rare power of fascination. His following was at one time considerable ; but the attempts made by John Pennyman [q. v.] and others to give it permanence failed. His unbalanced and rhapsodical mysticism caused Fox, with his horror of ' ranters ' and the warning of James Naylor's case fresh in his mind, to treat him as a dangerous foe to order and system within the quaker ranks. A believer in perfection, Perrot held that an inspired man, such as himself, might even be commanded to com- mit carnal sin. According to Lodowicke Muggleton [q. v.], with whom Perrot had many talks, he had no personal God, but an indefinite Spirit (Neck of the Quakers Broken, p. 22). Martin Mason [q. v.], although he de- clined to accept his vagaries, celebrated his talents in some lines — ' In Memoriam ' — pub- lished in the ' Vision.' Perrot's works were often signed l John, the servant of God,' ' John, called a Quaker,' and ' John, the prisoner of Christ.' Some are in verse, a vehicle of expression objected to by Fox as frivolous and unbecoming. To this objection Perrot cautiously replied that ' he believed he should have taken it dearly well had any friend (brother-like) whom they offended turned the sence of them into prose when he sent them from Home.' Besides a preface to the ' Collection of Se- veral Books and Writings of George Fox the Younger' [see under Fox, GEOKGE], London, 1662, 2nd edit. 1665, his chief tracts (with abbreviated titles) are : 1. 'A Word to the World answering the Darkness thereof, con- cerning the Perfect Work of God to Salva- tion/ London, 4to, 1658. 2. ' A Visitation of Love and Gentle Greeting of the Turk,' London, 4to, 1658. 3. ' Immanuel the Sal- vation of Israel,' London, 4to, 1658; re- printed with No. 2 in 1660. 4. (With George Fox and William Morris) ' Severall Warnings to the Baptized People,' 4to, 1659. 5. ' To all Baptists everywhere, or to any other who are yet under the shadows and wat'ry ellement, and are not come to Christ the Substance,' London, 4to, 1660 : reprinted in 'The Mistery of Baptism,' &c., 1662. 6. ' A Wren in the Burning Bush, Waving the Wings of Contraction, to the Congregated Clean Fowls of the Heavens, in the Ark of God, holy Host of the Eternal Power, Salu- tation,' London, 4to, 1660. 7. 'J. P., the follower of the Lamb, to the Shepheards Flock, Salutation, Grace,' &c., London, 4to, 1660, 1661. 8. 'John, to all God's Impri- soned People for his Names-Sake, whereso- ever upon the Face of the Earth, Saluta- tion,' London, 4to, 1660. 9. 'John, the Prisoner, to the Risen Seed of Immortal Love, most endeared Salutation,' &c., Lon- don, 4to, 1660. 10. 'A Primer for Chil- dren/ 12mo, 1660, 1664. 11. ' A Sea of the Seed's Sufferings, through which Runs a River of Rich Rejoycing. In Verse,' Lon- don, 4to, 1661. 12. 'To all People upon the Face of the Earth,' London, 4to, 1661. 13. ' Discoveries of the Day-dawning to the Jewes/ London, 4to, 1661. 14. 'An Epistle to the Greeks, especially to those in and about Corinth and Athens/ London, 4to, 1661. 15. ' To the Prince of Venice and all his Nobles/ London, 4to, 1661. 16. ' Blessed Openings of a Day of good Things to the Turks. Written to the Heads, Rulers, An- cients, and Elders of their Land, and whom- soever else it may concern/ London, 4to, 1661. 17. ' Beames of Eternal Brightness, or, Branches of Everlasting Blessings ; Spring- ing forth of the Stock of Salvation, to be spread over India, and all Nations of the Earth/ &c., London, 4to, 1661. 18. ' To the Suffering Seed of Royalty, wheresoever Tri- bulated upon the Face of the whole Earth, the Salutation of your Brother Under the oppressive Yoak of Bonds/ London, 4to, 1661 19. 'A Narrative of some of the Perrot Perrot Sufferings of J. P. in the City of Rome/ London, 4to, 1661. 20. ' Two Epistles. . . . The one Touching the Perfection of Hu- mility. . . . The other Touching the Righteous Order of Judgement in Israel,' London, 4to, 1661. 21. 'Battering Rams against Rome : or, the Battel of John, the Follower of the Lamb, Fought with the Pope, and his Priests, whilst he was a Prisoner in the Inquisition Prison of Rome,' London, small 8vo, 1661. 22. 'Propositions to the Pope, for the proving his Power of Remitting Sins, and other Doctrines of his Church, as Principles destroying Soules in Darkness, and undeterminable Death. To Fabius Ghisius, Pope, at his Pallace in Monte Ca- vallo in Roma,' broadside, June 1662. 23. 'John Perrot's Answer to the Pope's feigned Nameless Helper ; or, a Reply to the Tract Entituled, Perrott against the Pope,' London, broadside, 1662. 24. 'TheMistery of Baptism and the Lord's Supper,' London, 4to, 1662. 25. ' A Voice from the Close or Inner Prison, unto all the Upright in Heart, whether they are Bond or Free,' London, 4to, 1662. 26. ' To the Upright in Heart, and Faithful People of God: an Epistle written in Barbados,' London, 4to, 1662. 27. ' Glorious Glimmerings of the Life of Love, Unity, and pure Joy. Written in Rome . . . 1660, but conserved as in ob- scurity until my arrival at Barbados in the year 1662. From whence it is sent the second time to the Lord's Lambs by J. P.,' London, 4to, 1663. 28. 'To all Simple, Honest-intending, and Innocent People, without respect to Sects, Opinions, or dis- tinguishing Names ; who desire, &c. I send greeting/ &c., London, 4to, 1664. 29. ' The Vision of John Perrot, wherein is contained the Future State of Europe ... as it was shewed him in the Island of Jamaica a little before his Death, and sent by him to a Friend in London, for a warning to his Native Country/ London, 1682, 4to. A tract, ' Some Prophecies and Revelations of God, con- cerning the Christian World/ &c., 1672, translated from the Dutch of ' John, a ser- vant of God/ is not Perrot's, but by a Fifth- monarchy man. [Hidden Things brought to Light, &c., printed in 1678, a pamphlet containing letters by Per- rot in defence of himself; Taylor's Loving and Friendly Invitation, &c., with a brief account of the latter part of the life of John Perrot and his end, 4to, 1683; Fox's Journal, ed. 1765, pp. 32,5, 332, 390 ; Rutty's Hist, of Friends in Ire- land, p. 86 ; The Truth exalted in the Writings of John Burnyeat, 1691, pp. 32, 33, 50 ; Besse's Sufferings, i. 292, ii. 394, 395; Bowden's Hict. of Friends in America, i. 350 ; Storrs Turner's Quakers, 1889, p. 150; Beck and Ball's Hist, of Friends' Meetings, pp. 45, 88 ; Sewel's Hist, of the Rise, &c., ed. 1799, i. 433, 489, 491 ; Smith's Catalogue, ii. 398-404; Ell wood's Autobiography, ed. 1791, pp. 220-3. Information about Perrot and his disciples is to be found in the manu- script collection of Penington's Works, ff. 58-62, at Devonshire House."] C. F. S. PERROT, ROBERT (d. 1550), organist of Magdalen College, Oxford, second son of George Perrot of Harroldston, Pembroke- shire, by Isabel Langdale of Langdale Hall in Yorkshire, was born at Hackness in the North Riding of Yorkshire. He first ap- peared at Magdalen College as an attendant upon John Stokysley or Stokesley [q. v.], afterwards bishop of London (who was sup- posed to have been too intimate with his wife). By one of the witnesses at the visi- tation of Bishop Fox in 1506-7 he is men- tioned as having condoned the offence for a substantial consideration. In 1510 Perrot was appointed instructor of choristers, and in 1515, being about that time made organist, he applied for a license ' to proceed to the degree of Bachelor of Music.' His request was granted on condition of his composing a mass and one song, but it does not appear from the college register whether he was admitted or licensed to proceed. Tanner, however, states that he eventually proceeded doctor of music. He was not only an emi- nent musician, but also a man of business, and he appears to have been trusted by the college in the purchase of trees, horses, and various commodities for the use of the col- lege. He was at one time principal of Trinity Hall, a religious house before the dissolution, and then converted into an inn. Having ob- tained a lease of the house and chapel from the municipality of Oxford, Perrot de- molished them both, and ' in the same place built a barn, a stable, and a hog-stie ' (WooD, City of Oxford, ed. Peshall, p. 77). About 1530, upon the dissolution of the monas- teries, he purchased Rewley Abbey, near Oxford, and sold the fabric for building ma- terials in Oxford. In 1534 he was receiver- general of the archdeaconry of Buckingham (WiLLis, Cathedrals— Oxford, p. 119), and receiver of rents for Christ Church, Oxford. He was also receiver of rents for Littlemore Priory, near Oxford. ' He gave way to fate 20 April 1550, and was buried in the north isle or alley joining to the church of St. Peter- in- the-East in Oxford ' ( WOOD, Fasti). By his will (dated 18 April 1550, and printed in full by Bloxam ) he left most of his property to his wife Alice, daughter of Robert Gardiner of Sunningwell, Berkshire ; and Alice Orpewood, a niece of Sir Thomas Pope [q. v.], founder of Perry Perry Trinity College, Oxford. He does not appear in his will to have been a benefactor to his college (as stated by Wood) ; but his widow, -who died in 1588, bequeathed ' twenty shillings to be bestowed amongst the Pre- sident and Company' of the foundation. Perrot had issue six sons and seven daugh- ters. Among his sons were : Clement, or- ganist of Magdalen College 1523, fellow of Lincoln 1535, rector of Farthingstone, North- amptonshire, 1541, and prebendary of Lincoln 1544; Simon (1514-1584), Fellow of Mag- dalen 1533, founder of the Perrots ' on the Hill ' of Northleigh, Oxfordshire ; Leonard, clerk of Magdalen in 1533, and founder of the second Perrot family of Northleigh ; and Robert, incumbent of Bredicot, Worcester- shire, 1562-85. Tanner says that Robert Perrot composed and annotated * Hymni Varii Sacri,' while, according to Wood, ' he did compose several church services and other matters which have been since antiquated;' but nothing of his appears to be extant. Among the probable descendants of Robert Perrot, though the pedigree in which the suc- cession is traced from theHarroldston branch is very inaccurate, was SIE RICHARD PERROTT (d. 1796), bart., eldest son of Richard Perrott of Broseley in Shropshire. He was in per- sonal attendance upon the Duke of Cumber- land at Culloden. He then entered the Prussian service, and fought in the seven years' war, obtaining several foreign decora- tions, and being employed in various confi- dential negotiations by Frederick the Great. He succeeded his uncle, Sir Robert, first ba- ronet, in May 1759, and died in 1796, leaving issue by his wife Margaret, daughter of Cap- tain William Fordyce, gentleman of the bed- chamber to George III (BuRKE, Peerage). A portrait of Sir Richard was engraved by V. Green in 1770 (BROMLEY). The scandalous ' Life, Adventures, and Amours of Sir R[ich- ard] P[errott],' published anonymously in 1770, may possibly be taken as indicating that the services rendered by the founder of the family were of a delicate nature, but was more likely an ebullition of private malice. [Barnwell's Notes on the Perrot Family, 1867, pp. 80-90; Bloxam's Register of Magdalen College, vols. i. and ii. passim ; Warton's Life of Sir Thomas Pope, 1 750, app. p. xxi ; Wood's Fasti, ed. Bliss, i. 42; Tanner's Bibliotheca, p. 593.] PERRY, CHARLES (1698-1780), tra- veller and medical writer, born in 1698, was a younger son of John Perry, a Norwich attorney. He spent four years at Norwich grammar school, and afterwards a similar period at a school in Bishop's S tor tford, Hert- fordshire. On 28 May 1717 he was admitted at Caius College, Cambridge, as a scholar, and gaduated M.B. in 1722 and M.D. in 1727. e was a junior fellow of his college from Michaelmas 1723 to Lady-day 1731. On 5 Feb. 1723 he also graduated at Ley den. Be- tween 1739 and 1742 he travelled in France, Italy, and the East, visiting Constantinople, Egypt, Palestine, and Greece. On his return he published his valuable ' View of the Le- vant, particularly of Constantinople, Syria, Egypt, and Greece,' 1743, fol., illustrated with thirty-three plates ; it was twice translated into German, viz., in 1754 (Erlangen, 3 vols.), and in 1765 (Rostock, 2 vols.) A reissue of the original, in three quarto volumes, in 1770, was dedicated to John Montagu, earl of Sandwich. Perry appears to have practised as a phy- sician after his return to England in 1742. He died in 1780, and was buried at the east end of the nave in Norwich Cathedral. An elder brother was buried in 1 795 near the spot. The tablet,with a laudatory Latin inscription, seems to have been removed, and Blomefield misprints the date of death on it as 1730. Perry published the following medical works: 1. 'Essay on the Nature and Cure of Madness,' Rotterdam, 1723. 2. ' Enquiry into the Nature and Principles of the Spaw Waters ... To which is subjoined a cursory Inquiry into the Nature and Properties of the Hot Fountains at Aix-la-Chapelle,' Lon- don, 1734. 3. ' Treatise on Diseases in General, to which is subjoined a system of practice,' 2 vols., 1741. 4. 'Account of an Analysis made of the Stratford Mineral Water,' "Northampton, 1744, severely criti- Explanation of the Hysterica Passio, with Appendix on Cancer/ 1755, 8vo. 6. 'Disqui- sition of the Stone and Gravel, with other Diseases of the Kidney,' 1777, 8vo. He also communicated to the Royal Society ' Experi- ments on the Water of the Dead Sea, on the Hot Springs near Tiberiades, and on the Hammarn Pharoan Water' (Phil. Trans. Abridgment, viii. 555). [Blomefield's Hist, of Norfolk (continued by Parkin), 1805, iv. 197; information kindly sup- plied by Dr. Venn and the librarian of Caius College • Peacock's Index of English Students at Leyden; Bibl. Univ. des Voyages, 1808, i. 220 (by G. B. de la Eicharderie) ; Watt's Bibl. Brit, i 747- Allibone's Diet. Engl. Lit. ii. 1566; Perry's Works.] G. LB G. N. PERRY, CHARLES (1807-1891), first bishop of Melbourne, the youngest son of John Perry, a shipowner, of Moor Hall, Essex, Perry 3° Perry was born on 17 Feb. 1807, and was educated first at private schools at Clapham and Hack- ney, then for four years at Harrow, where he played in the eleven against Eton on two oc- casions ; then at a private tutor's, and finally at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he en- tered in 1824. He was senior wrangler in 1828, and first Smith's prizeman, as well as seventh classic. He entered at Lincoln's Inn 12 Nov. 1830, and for one year studied law; subsequently, taking holy orders, he went to reside in college, graduated M.A. in 1831, be- came a fellow of Trinity and proceeded D.D. in 1837, and was tutor from that time to 1841. In 1841 he resigned his fellowship on his marriage, and bought the advowson of the living of Barnwell. Dividing the parish into two districts, he placed them in the hands of trustees, erected a new church with the help of his friends, and became the first vicar of one of the new districts, which he christened St. Paul's, in 1842. In 1847, when the then wild pastoral colony of Victoria was constituted a diocese independent of New South Wales, Perry was chosen to be its bishop. The post was not to his worldly advantage. About 800/. a year was the most he drew at the best of times, and he was a poor man till near the close of his life. He was consecrated, with three other colonial bishops (one being Gray, first bishop of Capetown), at Westminster Abbey on 29 June 1847. He went out with his wife and three other clergymen in the Stag, a vessel of 700 tons, and after a voyage of 108 days reached Melbourne on Sunday, 23 Jan. 1848. When Perry arrived in the c )lonv there was only one finished church Lhere," Christ Church at Geelong ; two others were in course of construction at Melbourne. He found three clergy of the Church of England already there, and three he brought with him. In his first public address he ex- pressed his desire to live on friendly terms with all denominations of Christians, but he declined to visit Father Geoghan on the ground of conscientious distrust of the Komish church. He made constant jour- neys through the unsettled country, oiten thirty or forty miles at a stretch; he bravely faced the anxieties caused by the gold rush and its attendant demoralisation. For the first five years of his colonial life he resided at Jolimont. The palace of Bishop's Court was built in 1853. Perry's influence was perhaps most notably shown in the passing of the Church Assembly Act, which constituted a body of lay repre- sentatives to aid in the government of the church (1854). Doubts as to its constitutional validity were raised at home, and in 1855 the bishop went home to argue the case for the bill. His pleading was successful, and the act became the precedent for similar legis- lation in other colonies. After his return, on 3 April 1856, he conferred on all congrega- tions the right to appoint their own pastor al- ternately with himself, and instituted a system of training lay readers for the ministry. Perry's first visit to Sydney seems to have been in 1859. In 1863-4 he made a second visit to England, during which he was select preacher at Cambridge, and assisted at the consecration of Ellicott, bishop of Gloucester. On 29 June 1872 the twenty-fifth anniversary of his consecration was celebrated with en- thusiasm at Melbourne. On 26 Feb. 1874, on the erection of the diocese into a metropolitan see, he left the colony amid universal regret ; and when he had arranged for the endowment of the new see of Ballarat in May 1876, he finally resigned. Perry's years of retirement were devoted to furthering the interests of the church at home, particularly the work of the Church Missionary Society and Society for the Pro- pagation of the Gospel. He attended and addressed every church congress from 1874 till 1888. He took a leading part in promot- ing the foundation of the theological colleges, Wycliffe Hall at Oxford and Ridley Hall at Cambridge, and actively aided in the man- agement of the latter. In 1878 he was appointed prelate of the order of St. Michael and St. George and canon of Llandaff. He was in residence each year at Llandaff till 1889, when a stroke of paralysis caused his resignation. Thenceforward he resided at 32 Avenue Road, Regent's Park, London, and died there on 1 Dec. 1891. He was buried at Harlow in Essex. A memorial service was held on the same day at Melbourne, when his old comrade, Dean Macartney, himself ninety- three years of age, who had come out with him in 1848, preached the sermon. Bishop Perry was a stout evangelical churchman, equally opposed to ritualistic and rationalistic tendencies. He published 1 Foundation Truths' and other sermons. Perry married, on 14 Oct. 1841, Frances, daughter of Samuel Cooper, who survived him. He celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of his wedding shortly before his death. His portrait, by Weigall, is at Ridley Hall, Cambridge. A memorial has been erected in St. Paul's Cathedral, Melbourne. The service of plate which was presented to him on leaving Melbourne was bequeathed to the master's lodge at Trinity College, Cam- bridge. [Melbourne Argus, 4, 6, and 7 Dec. 1891 ; Sum- mary of Macartney's funeral sermon in latter Perry Perry issue; Goodman's Church in Victoria during the Episcopate of Bishop Perry, London, 1892, which contains some autobiographical notes by Perry.] C. A. H. PERRY, FRANCIS (d. 1765), engraver, was born at Abingdon, Berkshire, and ap- prenticed to a hosier ; but, showing some aptitude for art, he was placed first with one of the Vanderbanks, and afterwards with Richardson, to study painting. Making, however, no progress in this, he became clerk to a commissary, whom he accompanied to Lichfield, and there made drawings of the cathedral, which he subsequently etched. Perry eventually devoted himself to drawing and engraving topographical views and an- tiquities, working chiefly for the magazines. He engraved two views of the cloisters of St. Katherine's Church, near the Tower, for Dr. Ducarel's paper on that church in Nichols's ' Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica,' and ' A Collection of Eighteen Views of Anti- quities in the County of Kent,' also portraits of Matthew Hutton, archbishop of York ; Dr. Ducarel, after A. Soldi ; and Dr. Thomas Hyde, after Cipriani. But he is best known by his engravings of coins and medals, which he executed with great neatness and accu- racy. The sixteen plates in Dr. Ducarel's ' Anglo-Gallic Coins,' 1757, are by him ; and in 1762 he commenced the publication of a series of gold and silver British medals, of which three parts, containing ten plates, ap- peared before his death, and a fourth subse- quently. In 1764 he exhibited with the Free Society of Artists his print of Dr. Hyde and a pen-and-ink view at Wai worth. Perry had the use of only one eye, and habitually etched on a white ground, which facilitated his working by candlelight. Though painstaking and industrious, he could only earn a precarious living. He died on 3 Jan. 1765. [Strutt's Diet, of Engravers; Bromley's Cat. of English Portraits ; Redgrave's Diet, of Ar- tists ; Universal Cat. of Books on Art.] F. M. O'D. PERRY, GEORGE (1793-1862), mu- sician, born at Norwich in 1793, was the son of a turner, an amateur bass singer who took part in the annual performance of an oratorio at the cathedral, under Dr. John Christmas Beckwith [q. v.] Through Beckwith's instru- mentality Perry became a member of the ca- thedral choir. His voice, if not refined, was powerful, and his musical propensity very marked. After quitting the choir Perry learnt the violin from Joseph Parnell, a lay clerk of the cathedral; pianoforte from Parnell's son John ; harmony, it is supposed, from Bond, a pupil of Jackson of Exeter j and the higher branches of composition from a clever ama- teur, James Taylor. About 1818 Perry succeeded Binfield as leader of the band at the Royal Theatre at Norwich, then an institution enjoying con- siderable reputation. While still resident in his native town Perry wrote an oratorio, 'The Death of Abel ' (text by George Bennett of the Norwich Theatre), which was first performed at a Hall concert in Norwich, and afterwards repeated by the Sacred Harmonic Society in 1841 and 1845. Shortly after his appointment to the theatre he wrote another oratorio, ' Elijah and the Priests of Baal,' to a text by the Rev. James Plumptre [q. v.], which was first performed in Norwich on 12 March 1819. In or about 1822 Perry was appointed musical director of the Haymarket Theatre in London, where he wrote a number of operas. One of them, ' Morning, Noon, and Night,' was produced, with Madame Vestris [q. v.] in the cast, in 1822. From opera, however, Perry soon turned again to oratorio, and in 1830 he produced ' The Fall of Jerusalem,' the text compiled by Professor Taylor from Mil man's poem. While still holding his appointment at the Hay- market, Perry became organist of the Quebec Chapel, a post he resigned in 1846 for that of Trinity Church, Gray's Inn Road. When the Sacred Harmonic Society was founded in 1832, Perry was chosen leader of the band, and at their first concert, on 15 Jan. 1833, the programme contained a selection from his oratorios ' The Fall of Je- rusalem ' and ' The Death of Abel.' Perry assiduously supported this society, and during his sixteen years' connection with it was never absent from a performance, and only once from a rehearsal. In 1848 Surman, the conductor, was removed from his post, and Perry performed the duties until the close of the season, when he severed his connection with the society on the election of Michael Costa [q. v.] to the conductorship. In addition to the works already men- tioned, Perry wrote an oratorio, ' Hezekiah ' (1 847) ; a sacred cantata, ' Belshazzar's Feast ' (1836); a festival anthem with orchestral accompaniment, * Blessed be the Lord thy God,' for the queen's accession (1838). His * Thanksgiving Anthem for the Birth of the Princess Royal' (1840) was performed with great success by the Sacred Harmonic So- ciety, the orchestra and chorus numbering five hundred, Caradori Allan being the solo vocalist. He also wrote additional ac- companiments to a number of Handel's works, besides making pianoforte scores of several more. Perry died on 4 March 1862, and was buried at Kensal Green. Perry's undoubted Perry 32 gifts enabled him to imitate rather than to create. His fluency proved disastrous to the character of his work. It is said that he was in the habit of writing out the instrumental parts of his large compositions from memory Before he had made a full orchestral score, and he frequently composed as many as four or five works simultaneously, writing a page of one while the ink of another was drying. [Norfolk News, 19 April 1862 ; Grove's Diet, of Music, s.v. Perry ; Sacred Harmonic Society, &c. ; private information.] R. H. L. PERRY or PARRY, HENRY (1560?- 1617 ?), Welsh scholar, was born at Green- iield, Flint, about 1560. He was descended from Ednowain Bendew, founder of one of the fifteen tribes of North Wales (Bishop Humphreys's additions to WOOD'S Athena Oxon.} He matriculated from Balliol Col- lege, Oxford, 20 March 1578-9, at the age of eighteen, and graduated B.A. (from Glouces- ter Hall) 14 Jan. 1579-80, M.A. 23 March 1582-3, and B.D. (from Jesus College) 6 June 1597 (Alumni Oxon.} On leaving the university, about 1583, he went abroad, and, after many years' absence, returned to Wales as chaplain to Sir Richard Bulkeley of Baron Hill, near Beaumaris. During his stay at Beaumaris he married the daughter of Robert Vaughan, a gentleman of the place. An attempt was made by his enemies to show that his first wife (of whom nothing is known) was still living, but Perry suc- ceeded in clearing his reputation. He may possibly be the ' Henry Parry, A.M.,' who, according to Browne Willis (St. Asaph, edit. 1801, i. 315), was rector of Llandegla be- tween 1574 and 1597. He was instituted to the rectory of Rhoscolyn on 21 Aug. 1601, promoted to that of Trefdraeth by Bishop Rowlands on 30 Dec. 1606, installed canon of Bangor on 6 Feb. 1612-13, and received in addition from Rowlands the rectory of Llan- fachreth, Anglesey, on 5 March 1613-14. The date of his death is not recorded, but as his successor in the canonry was installed on 30 Dec. 1617, it probably took place in that year. Dr. John Davies, in the preface to his * Dictionary ' (1632), speaks of l Henricus Perrius vir linguarum cognitione insignis' as one of many Welsh scholars who dur- ing the preceding sixty years had planned a similar enterprise. But the only work pub- lished by Perry was ' Egluryn Ffraethineb ' (' Elucidator of Eloquence'), aWelsh treatise on rhetoric, the outlines of which had pre- viously been written by William Salesbury [q. v.], translator of the New Testament into Welsh. This appeared in London in 1595 Perry in the new orthography adopted by John David Rhys in his recently published gram- mar (1592). A reprint, with many omissions, was issued by Dr. William Owen Pughe [q. v.] (London, 1807), and this was reprinted at Llanrwst in 1829. The preface shows that Perry knew something of eleven lan- guages. [Wood's Athense Oxonienses, with Bishop Humphreys's additions ; Kowlands's Cambrian Bibliography, 1869; Kowlands's Mona Antiqua (catalogue of clergy) ; Hanes Llenyddiaetli Gymreig, by G-weirydd ap Rhys.] J. E. L. PERRY, JAMES (1756-1821), journalist, son of a builder, spelling his name Pirie, was born at Aberdeen on 30 Oct. 1756. He re- ceived ^he rudiments of his education at Garioch cii.. •"'"••' • fT>e shire of Aberdeen, from the Rev. W. Tait, . . ian of erudition, and was afterwards trained at the Aberdeen high school by the brothers Dunn. In 1771 he was entered at Marischal College, Aberdeen University, and he was placed under Arthur Dingwall Fordyce to qualify himself for the Scottish bar. Through the failure of his father's speculations he was compelled to earn his own bread. He was for a time an assistant in a draper's shop at Aberdeen. He then joined Booth's company of actors, where he met Thomas Holcroft [q. v.], with whom he at first quarrelled, but was later on very- friendly terms (cf. HOLCROFT, Memoirs, i. 293-300). Perry is said to have been at one time a member of Tate Wilkinson's com- pany, when he fell in love with an actress who slighted him. His cup of misery was filled on his return to Edinburgh, when West Digges, with whom he was acting, told him that his brogue unfitted him for the stage. Perry then sought fortune in England, and lived for two years at Manchester as clerk to Mr. Dinwiddie, a manufacturer. In this position he read many books, and took an active part in the debates of a literary and philosophical society. In 1777, at twenty-one years old, he made his way to London with the highest letters of recommendation from his friends in Lan- cashire, but failed to find employment. During this enforced leisure he amused himself with writing essays and pieces of poetry for a paper called 'The General Advertiser.' One of his pieces attracted the attention of one of the principal proprietors of the paper who was junior partner in the firm of Richardson & Urquhart, booksellers. Perry was conse- quently engaged as a regular contributor at a guinea per week, with an additional half- guinea for assistance in bringing out the ' London Evening Post.' In this position he toiled with the greatest assiduity, and during Perry the trials of the two admirals, Keppel and Palliser, he sent up daily from Portsmouth eight columns of evidence, the publication of which raised the sale of the ' General Advertiser' to a total of several thousands each day. At the same time he published anonymously several political pamphlets and poems, and was a conspicuous figure in the debating societies which then abounded in London. He is said to have rejected offers from Lord Shelburne and Pitt to enter par- liament. Perry formed the plan and was the first editor of the l European Magazine/ which came out in January 1782 ; he conducted it for twelve months. He was then offered by the proprietors, who were the chief book- sellers in London, the post of editor of the ' Gazetteer,' and he accepted tho o^ . on con- dition that he should ' allowed to make the paper an organ of the views of C. J. Fox, whose principles he supported. One of Perry's improvements was the introduction of a suc- cession of reporters for the parliamentary debates, so as to procure their prompt pub- lication in an extended form. By this ar- rangement the paper came out each morning with as long a chronicle of the debates as used to appear in other papers in the follow- ing evening or later. He conducted the * Gazetteer/ for eight years, when it was purchased by some tories, who changed its politics, and Perry severed his connection with it. During apart of this time he edited ' Debrett's Parliamentary Debates.' About 1789 the 'Morning Chronicle' was purchased by Perry and a Scottish friend, James Gray, as joint editors and proprietors. The funds for its acquisition and improve- ment were obtained through small loans from Ransoms, the bankers, and from Bellamy, the caterer for the House of Commons, and through the advance by Gray of a legacy of 500/. which he had just received. In their hands the paper soon became the leading organ of the whig party. Perry is described as 'volatile and varied,' his partner as a profound thinker. Gray did not long survive; but through Perry's energy the journal main- tained its reputation until his death. Its cir- culation was small for some years, and the cost of keeping it on foot was only met by strict economy; but by 1810 the sale had risen to over seven thousand copies per diem. Perry was admirably adapted for the post of editor. He moved in many circles of life, l was every day to be seen in the sauntering lounge along Pall Mall and St. James's Street, and the casual chit-chat of one morning furnished matter for the columns of the next day's " Chronicle.'" In the shop of Debrett he YOL. XLV. 33 Perry made the acquaintance of the leading whigs, and, to obtain a complete knowledge of French affairs, he spent a year in Paris ' during the critical period ' of the Revolution. On taking over the newspaper Perry lived in the narrow part of Shire Lane, off Fleet Street, lodging with a bookbinder called Lunan,who had mar- ried his sister. Later Perry and his partner Gray lived with John Lambert, the printer of the ' Morning Chronicle,' who had premises in Shire Lane. Eventually the business was removed to the corner house of Lancaster Court, Strand, afterwards absorbed in Wel- lington Street. The official dinners of the editors in this house were often attended by the most eminent men of the day, and Person playfully dubbed them 'my lords of Lan- caster.' John Taylor states that Perry had chambers in Clement's Inn (Records of mv Life, i. 241-2). During Perry's management many leading writers contributed to the ' Morning Chro- nicle.' Ricardo addressed letters to it, and Sir James Mackintosh wrote in it. Charles Lamb was an occasional contributor, and during 1800 and 1801 Thomas Campbell fre- quently sent poems to it, chief among them being < The Exile of Erin,' the < Ode to Winter,' and ' Ye Mariners of England ' (BEATTIE, Life of Campbell, i. 305, &c.) Hazlitt was at first a parliamentary reporter and then a theatrical critic. Perry expressed dissatisfaction with the length of his contributions, which in- cluded some of his finest criticisms. Cole- ridge was also a contributor, and Moore's ' Epistle from Tom Cribb ' appeared in Sep- tember 1815. Serjeant Spankie is said to have temporarily edited it, and he introduced to Perry John Campbell, afterwards lord chancellor and Lord Campbell, who was glad to earn some money with his contri- butions to its pages (Life of Lord Camp- bell, i. 45-182). During the last years of Perry's life the paper was edited by John Black [q. v.] The success of the 'Morning Chronicle' was not established without prosecutions from the official authorities. On 25 Dae. 1792 there appeared in it an advertisement of the address passed at the meeting of the Society for Political Information at the Talbot Inn, Derby, on the preceding 16 July. An information ex officio was filed in the court of king's bench in Hilary term 1793, and a rule for a special jury was made in Trinity term. Forty-eight jurors were struck, the number was reduced to twenty-four, and the cause came on, but only seven of them ap- peared in the box. The attorney-general did not pray a tales, and the case went off. In Michaelmas term the prosecution took out a Perry 34 Perry rule for a new special j ury, and, on the opposi- tion of the defendants, the case was argued before Buller and two other judges, when it was laid down ' that the first special jury struck, and reduced according to law, must try the issue joined between parties.' Ulti- mately the case came before Lord Kenyon and a special jury on 9 Dec. 1793, the de- fendants being charged with ' having printed and published a seditious libel.' Scott (after- wards Lord Eldon) prosecuted, and Erskine defended. The jury withdrew at two in the afternoon, and after five hours they agreed to a special verdict, ' guilty of publishing, but with no malicious intent.' The j udge refused to accept it, and at five in the morning of the following day their verdict was f not guilty.' This result is said to have been due to the firmness of one juryman, a coal mer- chant (State Trials, xx'ii. 954-1020). On 21 March 1798 Lord Minto brought before the House of Lords a paragraph in the j 1 Morning Chronicle' of 19 March, sarcasti- cally setting out that to vindicate the im- portance of that assembly ' the dresses of the opera-dancers are regulated there.' Printer j and publisher appeared next day, when Lord Minto proposed a fine of 507. each and im- prisonment in Newgate for three months. Lord Derby and the Duke of Bedford pro- posed a reduction to one month, but they were defeated by sixty-nine votes to eleven, j Perry and Lambert were committed accord- j ingly (HANSARD, xxxiii. 1310-13). During the term of this imprisonment levies of i Perry's friends were held at Newgate, and presents of game, with other delicacies, were sent there constantly. On his release from gaol an elaborate entertainment was given to him at the London Tavern, and a ' silver- gilt vase ' was presented to him. Perry was tried before Lord Ellenborough and a special jury on 24 Feb. 1810 for in- serting in the ' Morning Chronicle' on 2 Oct. ! 1809 a paragraph from the ' Examiner' of | the brothers Hunt that the successor of J George III would have ' the finest oppor- tunity of becoming nobly popular.' Perry defended himself with such vigour that the jury immediately pronounced the defendants not guilty (State Trials, xxxi. 335-68). With increasing prosperity Perry moved into Tavistock House, in the open space at the north-east corner of Tavistock Square, London, and also rented Wandlebank House, Wimbledon, near the confines of the parish of Merton. Tavistock House was afterwards divided, and the moiety which retained that name was occupied by Charles Dickens. The house was long noted for its parties of political and literary celebrities, and Miss Mitford, who from 1813 was a frequent visitor, says that ' Perry was a man so genial and so accomplished that even when Erskine, Romilly, Tierney, and Moore were present, he was the most charming talker at his own table ' (L'EsTRANGE, Life of Miss Mitford, in. 254). His house near Merton adjoined that of Nelson, who stood godfather to his daughter, and wrote him a letter on the death of Sir William Hamilton (Notes and Queries, 4th ser. v. 293). On the banks of the Wandle, near this house, some ma- chinery for multiplying pictures, designated the ' polygraphic art,' was set up by Perry. It resulted in failure, and after some years the premises were converted into a corn-mill. In his hands this undertaking was not a success, but it was afterwards let at a good profit. Particulars and a plan of this estate, comprising house, mill, calico factory, and in all 160 acres of land, were flrawn up by Messrs. Robins for a sale by them on 24 July 1822. Perry's health began to decline about 1817 through an internal disease, which compelled him to undergo several painful operations. In 1819 Jekyll writes that he was ' quite broken up in health and cannot last.' His physicians recommended him to spend the close of his life at his house at Brighton, and he died there on 5 Dec. 1821. He was buried in the family vault in Wimbledon church on 12 Dec., where a tablet to his memory was erected by the Fox Club on the east side of the south aisle. He married, on 23 Aug. 1798, Anne Hull, who bore him eight chil- dren. Apprehensive of consumption, she took a voyage to Lisbon for the benefit of her health. Her recovery was completed, and she was in 1814 on her way back to England in a Swedish vessel when it was captured by an Algerine frigate and carried off to Africa. She suffered much through these trials, and even after her release, by the exertions of the English consul, was detained six weeks waiting for a vessel to take her away. Her strength failed, and she died at Bordeaux, on her way home, in February 1815, aged 42. Their son, Sir Thomas Erskine Perry, is men- tioned separately. Another son was British consul at Venice (cf. SALA, Life and Adven- tures, ii. 94-5). A daughter married Sir Thomas Frederick Elliot, K.C.M.G., assistant under-secretary of state for the colonies, and soothed the last years of Miss Berry (Journals, iii. 513). Perry maintained his aged parents in comfort, and brought up the family of his sister by her husband Lunan, from whom she was divorced by Scottish law. This sister married Porson in November 1795, and died on 12 April 1797. Porson lived with Perry ' Perry 35 Perry before and after his marriage, and it was at his house inMerton that the Greek professor lost through fire his transcript of about half of the Greek lexicon of Photius and his notes on Aristophanes (' Porsoniana ' in ROGERS'S Table Talk, p. 322). Perry had remarkably small quick eyes and stooped in the shoulders. Leigh Hunt adds that he ' not unwillingly turned his eyes upon the ladies.' His fund of anecdote was abundant, his acquaintance with secret his- tory 'authentic and valuable.' J. P. Collier complains that he was ' always disposed to treat the leaders of the whigs with subser- vient respect. He never quite lost his retail manner acquired in the draper's shop at Aber- deen.' He is said to have died worth 1 30,000/. , the sale of his paper realising no less than 42,000/. His library of rare and valuable editions of standard works was dispersed a few weeks after his death. Letters from him are in Tom Moore's ' Memoirs ' (viii. 127-8, 146-7, 177-9), Dr. Parr's 'Works' (viii. 120), and in Miss Mitford's 'Friendships' (i. 110- 111). He reprinted, with a preface of thirty- one pages, the account of his trial in 1810, and lie drew up a preface for the reprint from the ' Morning Chronicle ' of November and December 1807 of 'The Six Letters of A. B. on the Differences between Great Britain and the United States of America.' A portrait was painted by Sir Thomas Lawrence. Of this Wivell made a drawing which was engraved by Thomson in the 'European Magazine' for 1818. An original drawing of Perry in water-colours by John Jackson, R.A., is at the print room of the British Museum. [Gent. Mag. 1797 pt. i. p. 438, 1798 pt. ii. p. 722, 1815 pt. i. p. 282, 1821 pt. ii. pp. 565-6 ; Ann. Biogr. and Obituary, vii. 380-91 ; European Mag. 1818 pt. ii. pp. 187-90 ; Grant's Newspaper Press, i. 259-80 ; Fox-Bourne's Newspapers, i. 248-68, 279, 363-7 ; F. K Hunt's Fourth Estate, ii. 103-13; Andrews's Journalism, i. 229-33, 248, 265-6, ii. 40, 48 ; Cunningham's London (ed. Wheatley), ii. 365, iii. 349; Watson's Life of Porson, pp. 125-9 ; Collier's Old Man's Diary, pt. ii. pp. 42-5, 86 ; Jerdan's Men I have known, pp. 329-35; Miller's Biogr. Sketches, i. 147-9; P. L. Gordon's Personal Memoirs, i. 235-63, 280- 285; Bardett's Wimbledon, pp. 83, 89, 170-1.] W. P. C. PERRY, JOHN (1670-1732), civil en- gineer and traveller, second son of Samuel Perry of Rodborough, Gloucestershire, and Sarah, his wife, daughter of Sir Thomas Nott, was born at Rodborough in 1670. He entered the navy, and at the beginning of 1690 is described as lieutenant of the ship Montague, commanded by Captain John Lay ton. In January 1690 he lost the use of his right arm, from a wound. received during an engagement with a French privateer! In 1693 he superintended the repair of the Montague in Portsmouth harbour, on which occasion he devised an engine for throwing out water from deep sluices. In the same year he appears as commander of the fireship Cygnet, attached to the man-of-war Diamond, the commander of the latter being Captain Wickham. While the two vessels were cruising about twenty leagues off Cape Clear, on 20 Sept. 1693, they were attacked by two large French privateers, and compelled to surrender. Perry declares.that his superior, Wickham, gave him no orders, and struck his flag after a slight resistance, thus leaving the Cygnet a helpless prey to her stronger assailant. Wickham, however, maintained that Perry refused to co-operate with him, and was also guilty of a dereliction of duty in not setting fire to his ship before the French- men boarded her. Perry being put on his trial before a court-martial, Captain Wick- ham's charges were held proved, and Perry was sentenced to a fine of 1,000/. and ten years' imprisonment in the Marshalsea. While in prison he wrote a pamphlet en- titled ' Regulations for Seamen,' in the ap- pendix of which he gave a long statement of his case, protesting bitterly against the in- justice of his condemnation. The pamphlet is dated 18 Dec. 1694. Perry eventually obtained his release, for in April 1698 he is mentioned as having been introduced by Lord Carmarthen to the czar Peter, then on a visit to England. Peter, struck with Perry's knowledge of engineering, engaged him to go out to Russia immediately, to superintend the naval and engineering works then under progress in that country. Perry was pro- mised his expenses, an annual salary of 300/., and liberal rewards in case his work proved of exceptional value. Perry arrived in Russia in the early summer of 1698. He was first employed to report on the possibility of establishing a canal between the rivers Volga and Don. This being de- clared feasible, the work was begun in 1700, but the progress made was slow, owing to the incapacity of the workmen, the delay in supplying materials, and the opposition of the nobility. Perry also was much annoyed at the czar's neglect to pay him any salary. In Sep- tember 1701 Perry, who now received the title of ' Comptroller of Russian Maritime Works/ was summoned to Moscow, and early in 1702 ordered to Voronej, on the right bank of the river of that name, to establish a dock. This was completed in 1703, after which Perry was employed in making the Yoronej river r Perry Perry navigable for ships of war the whole way from the city of Voronej to the Don. To 1710 Perry continued to be employed in surveys and engineering work on and around the river Don. After some delay, caused by the Turkish war of 1711, he received instructions to draw plans for making a canal between St.. Peters- burg and the Volga. He fixed on a route, the works were begun, but Perry was now ren- dered desperate by the czar's continued refusal to reward his services. A final petition to Peter was followed by a quarrel, and Perry, afraid for his life, put himself under the protection of the English ambassador, Mr. Whitworth, and returned und»r his care to England in 1712. During fourteen years' service in Russia, he had only received one year's salary. In 1716 he brought out an interest- ing work on the condition of Russia, entitled ' State of Russia under the present Tsar.' It contains a full account of the personal annoyances suffered by Perry during his stay in Russia. In 1714, tenders being invited to stop the breach in the Thames embankment at Dagen- ham, Perry offered to do the work for 25,000/. The contract was, however, given to William Boswell, who asked only 16,300/. Boswell having found his task impossible, the work was entrusted to Perry in 1715. He com- pleted it successfully in five years' time ; but the expenses so far exceeded anticipation that, though an extra sum of 15,000/. was granted to him by parliament, and a sum of 1,000/. presented to him by the local gentry, Perry gained no profit by the transaction. He pub- lished an account thereof in 'An Account of the Stopping of Dagenham Breach' (1721). In 1724 Perry was appointed engineer to the proposed new harbour works at Rye. He subsequently settled in Lincolnshire, and was elected a member of the Antiquarian Society at Spalding on 16 April 1730. He died at Spalding, while acting as engineer to a com- pany formed for draining the Lincolnshire fens, in February 1732. [Perry's works ; Report of Lawsuits relating to Dagenham Breach Works, John Perry, Ap- pellant, and. William Boswell, Respondent ; Nichols's Lit. Anecd. i. 115, vi. 104: Smiles's Lives of the Engineers, i. 73-82.] G. P. M-Y. PERRY, SAMPSON (1747-1823), pub- licist, was born at Aston, Birmingham, in 1747, and was brought up to the medical pro- fession. While acting as surgeon, with the rank of captain, to the Middlesex militia, he published in 1785 a 'Disquisition on the Stone and Gravel,' and in 1786 a ' Treatise on Lues Gonorrhoea.' In 1789 he started or revived the 'Argus,' a violent opposition daily paper. In 1791 he was twice sentenced to six months' imprisonment for libels respectively on John Walter of the ( Times,' and on Lady Fitz- gibbon, wife of the Irish lord chancellor. He was also fined 100/. for accusing the king and Pitt of keeping back Spanish news for stock- jobbing purposes, and was convicted of a libel on the House of Commons, which, he alleged, did not really represent the country. To avoid imprisonment for this last offence, he fled, in January 1793, to Paris, where on a previous visit he had made, through Thomas Paine, the acquaintance of Condorcet, Petion, Brissot, Dumouriez, and Santerre. A reward of 100/. was offered by the British government for his apprehension. He joined the British revolu- tionary club, gave evidence at Marat's trial respecting the attempted suicide of a young Englishman named Johnson, was arrested with the other English residents in August 1793, and spent fourteen months in Paris prisons. Herault de Sechelles summoned him, on the trial of the Dantonists, to testify to the innocence of his negotiations with the English whigs, but the trial was cut short without witnesses for the defence being heard . On his release at the close of 1794 Perry returned to London, surrendered on his out- lawry, and was imprisoned in Newgate till the change of ministry in 1801. While in Newgate he published ' Oppression : Ap- peal of Captain Perry to the People of Eng- land ' (1795), ' Historical Sketch of the French Revolution' (1796), and ' Origin of Government' (1797). On his liberation he edited the ' Statesman,' and had cross suits for libel with Lewis Goldsmith [q. v.], being awarded only a farthing damages. At the close of his life he was in pecuniary straits, and was an insolvent debtor, but was on the point of being discharged in 1823 when he died of heart disease. Twice married, he left a widow and family. [Gent. Mag. 1823, pt. ii. p. 280; Annual Re- gister, 1791 p. 16, 1792 p. 38; Morning Chro- nicle, 25 July 1823 ; Ann. Biogr. 1824 contains a fabulous account of his escape from the guillo- tine ; Andrews's Hist, of British Journalism; Alger's Englishmen in French Revolution ; Athenaeum, 25 Aug. and 1 Sept. 1894.] J. G. A. PERRY, STEPHEN JOSEPH (1833- 1889), astronomer, was born in London on 26 Aug. 1833. His father, Stephen Perry, was head of the well-known firm of steel- pen manufacturers in Red Lion Square. His mother died when he was seven years old. At nine he was sent to school at Gifford Hall, whence, after a year and a half, he was transferred to Douay College in France. During his seven years' course there a voca- Perry 37 Perry tion to the priesthood developed in him, and he proceeded for theological study to the English College at Rome. He entered the Society of Jesus on 12 Nov. 1853, and in 1856 came to Stonyhurst for training in philosophy and physical science. His mathe- matical ability led to his being appointed to assist Father Weld in the observatory; he matriculated in 1858 at the university of London, studied for a year under De Morgan, then attended the lectures in Paris of Cauchy, Liouville, Delaunay, Serrat, and Bertrand. On his return to Stonyhurst, late in 1860, he was nominated professor of mathematics in the college and director of the observatory; but the three years previous to his ordination, on 23 Sept. 1866, were spent at St. Beuno's College, North Wales, in completing his theological course; the two years of pro- bation customary in the Jesuit order fol- lowed ; so that it was not until 1868 that he was able definitively to resume his former charges. His public scientific career began with magnetic surveys of western and eastern France in 1868 and 1869, and of Belgium in 1871. Father Sidgreaves, the present di- rector of the Stonyhurst observatory, assisted him in the first two sets of operations, Mr. W. Carlisle in the third. The successive pre- sentations before the Royal Society of their results, as well as of the magnetic data col- lected at Stonyhurst between 1863 and 1870, occasioned Father Perry's election to fellow- ship of the Royal Society on 4 June 1874. He became a fellow of the Royal Astrono- mical Society on 9 April 1869, and was chosen to lead one of four parties sent by it to observe the total solar eclipse of 22 Dec. 1870. His station was at San Antonio, near Cadiz ; his instrument, the Stonyhurst 9^-inch Cassegrain reflector, fitted with a direct- vision spectroscope ; his special task, the scrutiny of the coronal spectrum, in the discharge of which he was, however, impeded by the intervention of thin cirro-stratus clouds (Monthly Notices, xxxi. 62, 149 ; Memoirs Royal Astron. Society, xli. 423, 627). Perry's services were thenceforward indis- pensable in astronomical expeditions, and he shrank from none of the sacrifices, including constant suffering from sea-sickness, which they entailed. On occasion of the transit of Venus on 8 Dec. 1874, he was charged with the observations to be made on Kerguelen Island. They were fundamentally success- ful; but the dimness of the sky marred the spectroscopic and photographic part of the work. The stay of the party in this 1 Land of Desolation' was protracted to nearly five months by the necessity and difficulty, in so atrocious a climate, of determining its absolute longitude. This end was attained in the face of innumerable hardships and the gloomy prospect of half-rations. After a stormy voyage Father Perry left the Volage at Malta, and was received by the pope at Rome. His graphic account of the adventure was reprinted in 1876 from the ' Month,' vols. vi. and vii. A ' Report on the Meteorology of Kerguelen Island,' drawn up by him for the meteorological office, appeared" in 1879, while his statement as to the astronomical results of his mission was included in the official report on the transit. For the observation of the corresponding event of 6 Dec. 1882, he headed a party stationed at Nos Vey, a coral reef close to the south-west shore of Madagascar, where, favoured by good weather, he completely carried out his programme. Father Sid- greaves, his coadjutor here, as at Kerguelen, described the expedition in the 'Month' for April 1883. Father Perry next formed part of the Royal Society's expedition to the West Indies for the solar eclipse of 19 Aug. 1886. His spectroscopic observations, made in the island of Carriacou, were much impeded by mist. His report appeared in the 'Philo- sophical Transactions,' clxxx. 351. Again, as an emissary of the Royal Astronomical Society, he was stationed at Pogost on the Volga to observe the eclipse of 19 Aug. 1887 ; but this time the clouds never broke. His last journey was to the Salut Islands, a French convict settlement off Guiana. This time he was charged by the Royal Astro- nomical Society with the photography of the eclipsed sun on 22 Dec. 1889, for the purpose of deciding moot-points regarding the corona. In the zeal of his preparations, however, he disregarded danger from the pestilential night air, contracted dysentery, and was able, only by a supreme effort, to expose the designed series of plates during the critical two minutes. Then, in honour of their apparent success, he called for ' three cheers' from the officers of her majesty's ships Comus and Forward, in which the eclipse party had been conveyed from Barbados, adding, < I can't cheer, but I will wave my helmet.' But collapse ensued. He was taken on board the Comus, and Captain Atkinson put to sea in the hope of catching restora- tive breezes. But the patient died on the afternoon of 27 Dec. 1889, and was buried at Georgetown, Demerara, where he had been expected to deliver a lecture on the results of the eclipse. The photographs taken by him were brought home, necessarily undeveloped, by his devoted assistant, Mr. Rooney, but proved to have suffered Perry 3 damage from heat and damp. A drawing from the best preserved plate by Miss Violet Common was published as a frontispiece to the 'Observatory' for March 1890, with a note by Mr. W. H. Wesley on the character of the depicted corona. Perry's character was remarkable for sim- plicity and earnestness. He had the trans- parent candour of a child ; his unassuming kindliness inspired universal affection. In conversation he was genial and humorous, and he enjoyed nothing more than a share in the Stonyhurst games, exulting with boyish glee over a top score at cricket. Yet his dedication to duty was absolute, his patience inexhaustible. Enthusiastic astronomer as he was, he was still before all things a priest. He preached well, and his last two sermons were delivered in French to the convicts of Salut. The astronomical efficiency of the Stonyhurst observatory was entirely due to him, his efforts in that direction being ren- dered possible by the acquisition in 1867 of an 8-inch equatorial by Troughton and Simms. Various other instruments were added, including the 5-inch Clark refractor used by Prebendary T. W. Webb [q. y.] Two small spectroscopes were purchased in 1870 ; a six-prism one by Browning was in constant use from October 1879 for the measurement of the solar chromosphere and prominences ; and a fine Rowland's grating, destined for systematically photographing the spectra of sun-spots, was mounted by Hilger in 1888. In 1880 Perry set on foot the regular de- lineation by projection of the solar surface, and the drawings, executed by Mr. McKeon on a scale of ten inches to the diameter, form a series of great value, extending over nineteen years. By their means Perry dis- covered in 1881, independently of Trouve- lot, the phenomenon of ' veiled spots ; ' and he made the Stonyhurst methods of investi- gating the solar surface the subject of a Friday evening discourse at the Royal Institution in May 1889, as well as of a paper read before the Royal Astronomical Society on 14 June 1889 (Memoirs, xlix. 273). But while his chief energies were directed to solar physics, his plan of work included also observations of Jupiter's satellites, comets, and occulta- tions, besides the maintenance of a regular watch for shooting stars. The magnetic and meteorological record was moreover extended and improved. His popularity as a lecturer was great. He drew large audiences in Scotland and the nortli of England, discoursed in French to the scientific society of Brussels in 1876 and 1882 (Annales, tomes i., vi.), and to the Catholic scientific congress at Paris in 1888, delivered Perry addresses at South Kensington in 1876, in Dublin in 1886, at Cambridge, and before the British Association at Montreal in 1884. His success was in part due to the extreme carefulness of his preparation. Thoroughness "and uncompromising industry were indeed conspicuous in every detail of his scientific work. Perry served during his later years on the council of the Royal Astronomical Society, on the committee of solar physics, and on the committee of the British Association for the reduction of magnetic observations. He was a member of the Royal Meteorological Society, of the Physical Society of London, and delivered his inaugural address as presi- dent of the Liverpool Astronomical Society almost on the eve of his final departure from England. The Academia Pontificia dei Nuovi Lincei at Rome, the Societe Scientifique of Brussels, and the Society Geographique of Antwerp enrolled him among their members, and he received an honorary degree of D.Sc. from the Royal University of Ireland in 1886. He took part in the international photo- graphic congresses at Paris in 1887 and 1889. Numerous contributions from him were pub- lished in the ' Memoirs ' and l Notices ' of the Royal Astronomical Society, in the ' Pro- ceedings ' of the Royal Society, in the ' Ob- servatory,' f Copernicus,' f Nature,' and the ' British Journal of Photography.' He had some slight preparations for an extensive work on solar physics. A 15-inch refractor, purchased from Sir Howard Grubb with a fund raised by public subscript ion,was erected as a memorial to him in the Stonyhurst ob- servatory in November 1893. [Father Perry, the Jesuit Astronomer, by the Rev. A. L. Cortie, S.J., 2nd ed. 1890 (with por- trait); Monthly Notices Royal Astron. Soc. 1. 168 ; Proc. Eoyal Soc. vol. xlviii. p. xii ; Nature, xli. 279 ; E. P. Thirion, Revue des Questions Scientifiques, Brussels, 20 Jan. 1890; The Ob- servatory, xiii. 62,81, 259; Sidereal Messenger, No. 85 (with portrait) ; Men of the Time, 12th ed. 1887; Times, 8 Jan. 1890; Tablet, 11 and 25 Jan. 1 and 22 Feb. 1890.] A. M. C. PERRY, SIR THOMAS ERSKINE (1806-1882), Indian judge, born at Wandle- bank House, Wimbledon, on 20 July 1806, was the second son of James Perry [q. v.], proprietor and editor of the ' Morning Chro- nicle,' by his wife Anne, daughter of John Hull of Wilson Street, Finsbury Square, London. He was baptised in AVimbledon church on 11 Oct. 1806, Lord Chancellor Erskine and Dr. Matthew Raine of the Charterhouse being two of his sponsors (BARTLETT, History and Antiquities of Wim- bledon, 1865, pp. 115-16), and was educated Perry 39 Perry at Charterhouse and Trinity College, Cam- bridge, where he graduated B.A. in 1829. He was admitted a member of Lincoln's Inn on 3 Feb. 1827, and was for some time a pupil of John Patteson [q. v.], afterwards a justice of the king's bench; but, taking a "dislike to the law, he went in 1829 to Munich, where he resided with his friend, the second Lord Erskine, the British minister, and studied at the university. On his return to England, in the beginning of 1831, Perry took an active part in the reform agitation. He became honorary secretary of the Na- tional Political Union of London, and founded the Parliamentary Candidate Society, the object of which was, according to the pro- spectus, dated 21 March 1831, * to support reform by promoting the return of fit and proper members of parliament.' He was proposed as a candidate for Wells at the general election in the spring of 1831, but subsequently withdrew from the contest at the advice of his committee. At the general election in December 1832 he unsuccessfully contested Chatham in the advanced liberal interest against Colonel Maberly, the govern- ment candidate. Having left the society of Lincoln's Inn on 30 May 1832, he was ad- mitted to the Inner Temple on 2 June fol- lowing, and was called to the bar on 21 Nov. 1834. Though he joined the home circuit, Perry appears to have devoted himself to law reporting. In this work he collaborated with Sandford Nevile, and subsequently with Henry Davison. With Nevile he was the joint author of ' Reports of Cases relating to the Office of Magistrates determined in the Court of King's Bench,' &c. [from Michael- mas term 1836 to Michaelmas term 1837], London, 1837, 8vo, pts. i. and ii. (incom- plete), and ' Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench, and upon Writs of Error from that Court to the Exchequer Chamber,' &c. [from Michael- mas term 1836 to Trinity term 1838], Lon- don, 1837-9, 1838, 8vo, 3 vols. He was associated with Davison in the production of * Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench, and upon Writs of Error from that Court to the Exchequer Chamber,' &c. [from Michaelmas term 1838 to Hilary term 1841], London, 1839-42, 8vo, 4 vols. Having lost the greater part of his fortune by the failure of a bank in 1840, Perry applied to the government for preferment, and was appointed a judge of the supreme court of Bombay. He was knighted at Buckingham Palace on 11 Feb. 1841 (Lon- don Gazette, 1841, pt. i. p. 400), and was sworn into his judicial office at Bombay on 10 April in the same year. In May 1847 he was promoted to the post of chief justice in ;he place of Sir David Pollock, and continued ;o preside over the court until his retirement lorn the bench in the autumn of 1852. Owing to his strict impartiality in the ad- ministration of justice and his untiring exertions on behalf of education, Perry was exceedingly popular among the native com- munity of Bombay. A sum of 5,000/. was subscribed as a testimonial of their regard for him on his leaving India in November 1852 ; this sum, at his request, was devoted to the establishment of a Perry professorship of law. Soon after his return to England he wrote several letters to the ' Times,' under the pseudonym of 'Hadji,' advocating the abolition of the East India Company and the constitution of an independent council under the executive government. At a by- lection in June 1853 he unsuccessfully contested Liverpool. In May of the follow- ing year he was returned for Devonport in the liberal interest, and continued to sit for that borough until his appointment to the India council. He spoke for the first time in the House of Commons on 26 June 1854 (Parl. Debates, 3rd ser. cxxxiv. 691-4), and in August following took part in the debate on the revenue accounts of the East India Company, when he expressed his desire that 'our government in India should assume the most liberal form of policy that was compatible with the despotism that must always exist in an Asiatic country ' (ib. cxxxv. 1463-71). On 22 Dec. 1854 he warmly supported, in an able and interesting speech, the third reading of the Enlistment of Foreigners Bill (ib. cxxxvi. 830-7). On 10 May 1855 he unsuccessfully moved for the appointment of a select committee to consider how the army of India might be made ' most available for a war in Europe (ib. cxxxviii. 302-22, 358-9). On 4 March 1856 he protested against the annexation of Oude, and moved for a return ' enumerating the several territories which have been annexed or have been proposed to be annexed to the British dominions by the governor- general of India since the close of the Punjab war ' (ib. cxl. 1855). On 18 April he called the attention of the house to the increasing deficit of the India revenue, and attacked Lord Dalhousie's policy of annexation (ib. clxi 1189-1207). He was also a strenuous advocate of the policy of admitting natives to official posts in India. On 10 June IS he brought forward the subject of the right! of married women, and moved that < the rules of common law which gave all the personal property of a woman in marriage, and all Perry subsequently acquired property and earnings, to the husband are unjust in principle and injurious in their operation' (ib. cxlii. 1273- 1277, 1284). In the following session he both spoke and voted against the govern- ment on Cobden's China resolutions (ib. cxliv. 1457-63, 1847). On 14 May 1857 he brought in a bill to amend the law of pro- perty as it affected married women (ib. cxlv. 266-74), which was read a second time on 15 July, and subsequently dropped. He moved the second reading of Lord Camp- bell's bill for more effectually preventing the sale of obscene books and pictures (20 & 21 Viet. c. 83), and joined frequently in the discussion of the Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Bill in committee. Perry gave his hearty concurrence to the first reading of Lord Palmerston's Government of India Bill on 12 Feb. 1858 (ib. cxlviii. 1304-12), and supported the introduction of the Sale and Transfer of Land (Ireland) Bill on 4 May following (ib. cl. 40-1). He took a pro- minent part in the discussion in committee of the third Government of India Bill, and on the third reading of the bill declared his ' solemn conviction that it would not last more than four or five years, and that in that time the council would probably be found unworkable' (ib. cli. 1087-8). He spoke for the last time in the house on 19 July 1859, during the debate on the organisation of the Indian army, when he insisted that ' in future the government of India must be more congenial to the feelings and wishes of the people ' (ib. civ. 40-4). Shortly after Lord Palmerston's reinstate- ment in office Perry was appointed a mem- ber of the council of India (8 Aug. 1859). On his resignation of this post, a few months before his death, the queen gave her approval to his admission to the privy council. He was, however, too ill to be sworn in. He died at his residence in Eaton Place, Lon- don, on 22 April 1882, aged 75. Perry married, first, in 1834, Louisa, only child of James M'Elkiney of Brighton, and a niece of Madame Jerome Bonaparte ; she died at Byculla on 12 Oct. 1841. He married, secondly, on 6 June 1855, Elizabeth Mar- garet, second daughter of Sir John Van den Bempde-Johnstone, bart., and sister of Har- court, first lord Derwent, who still survives. Perry wrote: 1. 'Letter to Lord Campbell, Lord Chief Justice of England, on Reforms in the Common Law ; with a Letter to the Government of India on the same subject, &c.,' London, 1850, 8vo. 2. 'Cases illustra- tive of Oriental Life and the application of English Law to India decided in II. M. Su- preme Court at Bombay,' London, 1853, 8vo. 3 Perryn 3. < A Bird's-eye View of India, with Ex- tracts from a Journal kept in the provinces, Nepal,' &c., London, 1855, 8vo. He trans- lated Savigny's ' Treatise on Possession, or the Jus Possessionis of the Civil Law,' London, 1848, 8vo, and wrote an introduc- tion to ' Two Hindus on English Education . . . Prize Essays by Narayan Bhai and Bkaskar Damodar of the Elphinstone Insti- tution, Bombay,' Bombay, 1852, 8vo. He also contributed a ' Notice of Anquetil du Perron and the Fire Worshippers of India ' and ' the Van den Bempde Papers ' to the 'Biographical and Historical Miscellanies' of the Philobiblon Society, and an article of his on ' The Future of India ' appeared in the ' Nineteenth Century ' for December 1878 (iv. 1083-1104). [New Monthly Magazine, cxvii. 382-91 (with portrait) ; Law Magazine and Review, 4th ser. vii. 436; Law Journal, xvii. 234; Solicitors' Journal, xxvi. 438 ; Times, 12 Jan. and 24 April 1882; Illustrated London News, 29 April 1882 ; Men of the Time, 10th edit. 1879 ; Dod's Peer- age, &c., 1882; McCalmont's Parliamentary Poll Book, 1879, pp. 47, 72, 155, 164; Official Return of Lists of Members of Parliament, pt. ii. pp. 414, 431, 446 ; Whishaw's Synopsis of the Bar, 1835, pp. 108-9 ; Grad. Oantalr. 1856? p. 298; Parish's List of Carthusians, 1879, p. 182; Lincoln's Inn and Inner Temple Re- gisters ; Notes and Queries, 8th ser. vii. 287 ; Brit. Mus. Cat.] G. F. R. B. PERRYN, SIR RICHARD (1723-1803), baron of the exchequer, son of Benjamin Perryn of Flint, merchant, by his wife, Jane, eldest daughter of Richard Adams, town clerk of Chester, was baptised in the parish church of Flint on 16 Aug. 1723. He was edu- cated at Ruthin grammar school and Queen's- College, Oxford, where he matriculated on 13 March 1741, but did not take any degree. He was admitted a student of Lincoln's Inn on 6 Nov. 1740, and on 27 April 1746 mi- grated to the Inner Temple, where he was called to the bar on 3 July 1747. Perryn commenced practice in the court of chancery, and gradually acquired such a reputation there as to be employed during the latter years of his practice in almost every cause. On 20 July 1770 he became vice-chamberlain of Chester (OBMEKOD, History of Cheshire, 1882, i. 61), and in the same year was made a king's counsel and a bencher of the Inner Temple. On 6 April 1776 he kissed hands on his ap- pointment as baron of the exchequer in the place of Sir John Burland, and was knighted on the same day (London Gazette, 1776, No. 11654). He was called to the degree of serjeant- at-law and sworn into office on the 26th of the same month (BLACKSTONE, Reports^ 1781, ii. Persall Perse 1060). Perry n retired from the bench in the long vacation of 1799 (DTJRNTOKD and EAST Term Reports, 1817, viii. 421), and died at his house at Twickenham on 2 Jan. 1803, aged 79. He was buried on the 10th of the same month in ' the new burial-ground ' at Twickenham, and a tablet was erected to his memory in the south chancel wall of the old parish church. Perryn married Mary, eldest daughter of Henry Browne of Skelbrooke in the West Riding of Yorkshire, by whom he had several children. His wife died on 19 April 1795, aged 73. An engraved portrait of Perryn by Dupont, after Gainsborough, was published in 1779. Some remarks on Perry n's charge to the grand jury of Sussex at the Lent assizes in 1785 are appended to ' Thoughts on Executive Justice with respect to our Criminal Laws, particularly on the Circuits, London, 1785, 8vo. [Foss's Judges of England, 1864, viii. 356 ; Strictures on the Lives and Characters of the most Eminent Lawyers of the present day, 1790, pp. 175-9; Cobbett's Memorials of Twickenham, 1872, pp. 74, 75, 96-7, 363-4 ; Martin's Masters of the Bench of the Inner Temple, 1883, p. 81 ; Carlisle's Endowed Grammar Schools, 1818, ii. 944 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 171 5-1 886, iii. 1101; Lincoln's Inn Admissions; Gent. Mag. 1795 pt. i. p. 440, 1803 pt. i. p. 89 ; Haydn's Book of Dignities, 1890; Notes and Queries, 8th ser. v. 367, 435, vi. 198.1 Gr. F. E. B. PERSALL, alias HAECOUKT, JOHN (1633-1702), Jesuit, born in Staffordshire in 1633, of an ancient catholic family, made his humanity studies in the college of the English Jesuits at St. Omer. He entered the Society of Jesus at Watten on 7 Sept. 1653, under the name of John Harcourt, and was professed of the four vows on 2 Feb. 1670-1 . About 1668 he had been appointed professor of philosophy at Liege, and from 1672 to 1679 he was professor of theology there, appearing from that time under his real name of Persall. In 1683-5 he was a missioner in the Hampshire district. He was appointed one of the preachers in ordi- nary to James II, and resided in the Jesuit college which was opened in the Savoy, London, on 24 May 1687. Upon the break- ing out of the revolution in December 1688 he effected his escape to the continent. In 1694 he was declared rector of the college at Liege. He was appointed vice-provincial of England in 1696, and in that capacity attended the fourteenth general congregation of the society held at Home in the same year. In 1701 he was a missioner in the London district, where probably he died on 9 Sept. 1702. Two sermons by him, preached before James II arid his (jueen, and printed sepa- rately in London in 1686, are reprinted in A Select Collection of Catholick Sermons preached before King James II,' &c., 2 vols., London, 1741, 8vo. n" Hist iiU94; Foley's Records, v 300, vii. 588 ; Jones's Popery Tracts, p. 455 Ulivers Jesuit Collections, p. 157.] T. C PERSE, STEPHEN (1548-1615), founder of the Perse grammar school at Cambridge, born in 1548, was son of John Perse (' me- diocris fortune') of Great Massingham, Nor- folk. He was educated at Norwich school, and on 29 Oct. 1565 was admitted pensioner of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. He graduated B.A. 1568-9, and proceeded M.D. 1582. He was fellow of the college from October 1571 till his death, and bursar in 1570 and 1592. Perse was a practising phy- sician, who became rich before his death, as his will shows that he held considerable landed property in the town of Cambridge. He died unmarried on 30 Sept. 1615, and was buried in the college chapel. His will, dated 27 Sept. 1615, gave 100/. towards the building of the new library should it be commenced within a definite time, which it was not, and Perse also founded six fellowships and six scholar- ships at Caius College ; but the bulk of his property was left to found a free grammar school for the benefit of the town of Cam- bridge, with one lodging chamber for the master and another for the usher. In his will he also laid down certain provisions for the conduct of the school, to be carried out by the master and fellows of his college. A suitable site was found in what is now known as Free School Lane, at the back of Corpus Christ! College, and buildings were erected. The first master was Thomas Lovering, M.A., of Pembroke College, who, as he was after- wards said to have made the boys of Norwich grammar school * Minerva's darlings,' was probably competent. He occurs as master in 1619. Among the pupils who passed through the school was Jeremy Taylor. At the be- ginning of this century the school had de- cayed. From 1805 to about 1836 no usher is recorded to have been appointed. From 1816 to 1842 the large schoolroom was used as a picture-gallery to contain theFitzwilliam collection. A print is extant of the school when thus employed. In 1833 an informa- tion was filed in the court of chancery by the attorney-general against the master and fel- lows of Gonville and Caius College with a view to the better regulation of Dr. Perse's Denefactions. The cause was heard before Lord Langdale, master of the rolls, on 31 May Persons ^ 1837. By his lordship's direction a reference was made to one of the masters of the court, who approved a scheme for the administra- tion of the property and application of the income on 31 July 1841. Under this scheme new buildings were erected, and the school became a flourishing place of education. In 1873 a new scheme was approved by the endowed schools commission, in virtue of which, among other changes, a school for girls was established. In 1888, on the re- moval of the school to a more convenient position on the Hills Road, the old site and buildings were bought by the university for 12,500/. (3 May). The buildings, which at first were only adapted to the purposes of an engineering laboratory, have since been in great part pulled down; but the fine Jacobean roof, part of the original structure, has been carefully preserved. Perse also .founded almshouses, which have also been rebuilt ; they are now situated in Newn- ham. [Information kindly supplied by Dr. Venn and J. W. Clark, esq. ; the Perse School, Cam- bridge (notes by J. Venn and S. C. Venn) ; Cooper's Annals of Cambridge, iii. 93, &c. ; Bass Mullinger's Hist, of the Univ. of Cambridge, ii. 551 ; Blomefield's Norfolk, iii. 302-3 ; Willis and Clark's Architect. Hist, of the University of Cambridge, iii. 36, 199, 202.] W. A. J. A. PERSONS, ROBERT (1546-1610), Jesuit. [See PARSONS.] PERTH, DUKES and EARLS OF. [See DRUMMOKD, JAMES, fourth EARL and first titular DUKE, 1648-1716 ; DRUMMOND, JAMES, fifth EARL and second titular DUKE, 1675- 1720; DRUMMOKD, JAMES, sixth EARL and third titular DUKE, 1713-1747.] PERTRICH, PETER (d. 1451), chan- cellor of Lincoln Cathedral. [See PART- RIDGE.] PERUSINUS, PETRUS (1530 P-1586 ?), historian and poet. [See BIZARI, PIETRO.] PERY, EDMOND SEXTON, VISCOUNT PERY (1719-1806), eldest son of the Rev. Stackpole Pery, and grandson of Edmond Pery, esq., of Stackpole Court in co. Clare, was born in Limerick in April 1719. His family came originally from Lower Brittany, and rose into prominence in the reign of Henry VIII. Educated to be a lawyer, Edmond was called to the Irish bar in Hi- lary term 1745, and speedily attained a high position in his profession. In 1751 he was elected M.P. for the borough of Wicklow. He at first acted with government, but gra- dually adopted a more independent attitude, z Pery and was teller for the rejection of the altered money bill on 17 Dec. 1753. The journals of the Irish House of Commons bear witness to his activity in promoting the interests of Ireland, and particularly of the city of Dublin, of which he was a common coun- cillor. On 7 Jan. 1756 he presented heads of a bill for the encouragement of tillage ; on 28 Feb. heads of a bill for the better supplying the city of Dublin with corn and flour ; and on 2 March heads of a bill to prevent unlawful combination to raise the price of coals in the city of Dublin. Most of his measures gradually found their way into the statute-book, but at the time he experienced considerable opposition from government, and at the close of the session 1756 he thought himself justified in opposing the usual address of thanks to the lord lieu- tenant, the Duke of Devonshire. In the following session he took part in the attack on the pension list (cf. WALPOLE, Me- moirs of the Reign of George II, iii. 70), and, in order to secure proper parliamentary control of the revenue of the country, he supported a proposal to limit supply to one year, with the object of insuring the annual meeting of par- liament. In consequence of a rumour of an intended union with England, a serious riot took place in Dublin in September 1759, and Pery thought it right to co-operate with government. There, however, appears to be no foundation for Walpole's statement (ib. p. 254) that he allowed himself to be ' bought off,' though it is probable he was offered the post of solicitor-general, which was after- wards conferred on John Gore, lord Annaly [q. v.] He displayed great interest in the prosperity of his native city ; and when Lime- rick was in 1760 declared to be no longer a fortress, he was instrumental in causing the walls to be levelled, new roads to be made, and a new bridge and spacious quays to be built. At the general election of 1760 he was returned without opposition for the city of Limerick, which he continued to represent in successive parliaments till his retirement in 1785. In 1761 he had a serious illness. On his return to parliament he recommenced his on- slaught on the pension list. An amendment to the address, moved by him at the opening of the session in October 1763, opposing the view that the ' ordinary establishment ' included pensions, was adopted by the house, and was the means of wresting a promise from govern- ment that no new pension should be granted on the civil list ' except upon very extra- ordinary occasions.' But all his efforts to obtain an unqualified condemnation of the system (Hib. Mag. vii. 668, 800 ; Commons' Pery 43 Pery Journals, vii. 227) ended in failure. On the resignation of John Ponsonby [q. v.], Pery was elected speaker of the Irish House of Commons on 7 March 1771. He did not, as was usual, affect to decline the honour con- ferred upon him, but on being presented for the approbation of the crown he admitted that it was the highest point of his ambition, and that he had not been more solicitous to obtain it than he would be to discharge the duties of the post. On 1 May he was sworn a member of the privy council. His conduct in the chair fully approved the wisdom of his election. For not only did he preserve that strict impartiality which his position demanded, but at a time when the privileges of the commons were extremely liable to infringement he stood forth as their zealous defender. On 19 Feb. 1772 the house was equally divided on a motion censuring an increase in the number of commissioners of the revenue. Pery gave his casting vote in favour of the motion. ' This,' said he, ' is a question which involves the privileges of the commons of Ireland. The noes have opposed the privilege : the noes have been wrong ; let the privileges of the commons of Ireland stand unimpeached, therefore I say the ayes have it' (GKATTAST, Life of Gmttan, i. 109; Hib. Mag. viii. 27). Again, in presenting the supplies to the lord lieutenant at the close of the session 1773, he spoke boldly and forcibly on the deplorable state of the country, and on the necessity of removing the restrictions placed by England on Irish commerce. Equally patriotic and regardful of the privileges of the commons was his declaration that the Tontine Bill of 1775 was virtually a bill of supply, and therefore to be returned to the house for presentation to the lord lieutenant. In 1776 the friends of the late speaker Ponsonby made an in- effectual effort to prevent his re-election. Though debarred by his position from taking any open part in the political struggles of the day, he lent a generous support to the Relief Bill of 1778, and it was chiefly to his judicious management that the bill, though shorn of its concessions to the presbyterians, was allowed to pass through parliament. In 1778 he visited England in order to promote the concession of free trade. He approved of the volunteer movement, and Grattan de- rived great practical assistance from him in the struggle for legislative independence. He was re-elected to the speakership in 1783. He objected to Pitt's commercial propositions of 1785 ; but feeling the frailties of age press- ing upon him, he resigned the chair on 4 Sept., and retired from parliamentary life. In re- cognition of his long and faithful services his majesty George III was pleased to grant him a pension of 3,000/. a year, and to raise him to the peer-age by the title of Viscount Pery of Newtown-Pery in the county of Limerick. Though strongly opposed to the union, he declared that, if it were really de- sired by parliament and the country, he would feel it his duty to surrender his own opinion, and to give his best assistance in arranging the details of it (LECKY, Hist, of England, viii. 295). Ultimately he voted against it. He died at his house in Park Street, London, on 24 Feb. 1806, and was buried in the Cal vert family vault at Hunsdon in Hertfordshire. Pery married, first, on 11 June 1756, Patty, youngest daughter of John Martin, esq., who died without issue; secondly, on 27 Oct. 1762, Elizabeth Vesey, eldest daughter of John Denny, lord Knapton, and sister of Thomas, viscount De Vesci, by whom he had issue two daughters : Diana Jane, who married Thomas Knox, eldest son of Thomas, viscount Northland; and Frances, who' married Ni- cholas Calvert, esq., of Hunsdon in Hert- fordshire. His daughters inherited his per- sonal property ; but the family estate, worth 8,000/. a year, descended to his nephew, Edmund Henry Pery, earl of Limerick [q. v.] To judge from such of his speeches as have been preserved, Pery was a terse rather than a brilliant speaker; but his conduct in the chair was greatly admired by Fox, on his visit to Dublin in 1777. In private life, not- withstanding his grave and somewhat severe demeanour, he was polite and urbane, and to young people extremely indulgent. An engraved portrait is prefixed to a short memoir of him published during his life in the ' Hibernian Magazine ' (vii. 575). He pub- lished anonymously in 1757 ' Letters from an Armenian in Ireland,' very pleasantly written, and containing some curious and valuable reflections on the political situation in Ireland. His correspondence and me- moranda of his speeches form part of the collection of Lord Emly of Tervoe, co. Lime- rick, of which there is some account in the eighth report of the Historical Manuscripts Commission (App. pp. 174-208). [Hibernian Mag. vii. viii. ; Grattan's Life of Henry Grattan, i. 104-12 ; Journals of the House of Commons, Ireland, passim ; Hardy's Life of Charlemont ; Walpole's Memoirs of the Reign of George II ; Official List of Members of Parlia- ment; Gent. Mag. 1806, pt. i. p 287.; Beresf-rd Corresp. i. 27, 42, 48, 79, 114; Lemhans Hist, of Linferick, p. 322 ; Lecky's Hist, of England, iv 414 478 509, viii. 295, 344; Hist. MSS. Comm.'lst Rep. p. 128 3rd Rep. p. 146 8t Rep pp. 174-208, 9th Rep. App. n. 54, 1. Pery 44 Peryam Rep. App. ix. (Earl of Donoughmore's MSS.), 12th Rep. App. x. (Earl of Cbarlemont's MSS.), 13th Rep. App. iii. (MSS. of J. B. Fortescue); MSS. Brit. Mus. 33100 if. 320, 481, 33101 f. 101, 31417 f. 254, 34419 if. 129, 178; Notes and Queries, 3rd ser. xii. 867 ; Webb's Compen- dium.] R. D. PERY, EDMUND HENRY, EARL OF LIMERICK (1758-1845), was the only son of William Cecil Pery, lord Glentworth (1721- 1794), bishop successively of Killaloe and Limerick, who was raised to the Irish peerage on 21 May 1790, by his first wife, Jane Walcot. He was a nephew of Edmond Sexton Pery, viscount Pery [q. v.], speaker of the Irish House of Commons. Born in Ire- land on 8 Jan. 1758, Edmund was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, but did not take a degree. He travelled on the continent of Europe, and in 1786 entered the Irish House of Commons as member for the county of Limerick. He retained this seat till 4 July 1794, when he succeeded to the Irish peerage on the death of his father, Lord Glentworth. Though of overbearing manners and small talent, Pery was a successful politician. He closely attached himself to the protestant as- cendency party, which monopolised all power after Lord Fitzwilliam's recall in 1794. For his services to the government Glentworth in 1795 was made keeper of the signet, and in 1797 clerk of the crown and hanaper. On the outbreak of the rebellion of 1798 he raised a regiment of dragoons for service against the rebels at his own expense. He strongly sup- ported Lord Clare in furthering the scheme for a union between England and Ireland. He spoke frequently on its behalf in the Irish House of Lords, and did much to obtain the support of influential citizens of Dublin. In return for these services he was created a viscount in 1800, and was one of the twenty- eight temporal lords elected to represent the peerage of Ireland in the parliament of the United Kingdom after the legislative union had been carried out. On 11 Feb. 1803 he was raised to the dignity of Earl of Limerick in the peerage of Ireland ; and on 11 Aug. 1815 he was made an English peer, by the title of Lord Foxford. Subsequently Lime- rick resided greatly in England. He took a prominent part in Irish debates in the House of Lords, and steadily opposed any concession to the Irish catholics. He died on 7 Dec. 1845, in Berkshire, and was buried in Lime- rick Cathedral. Barrington describes him as ' always crafty, sometimes imperious, and frequently efficient,' and adds, ' He had a sharp, quick, active intellect, and generally guessed right in his politics.' Limerick married, on 29 Jan. 1783, Alice Mary, daughter and heiress of Henry Ormsby of Cloghan, co. Mayo, by whom he had issue. He was succeeded in his titles and property by his second grandson, William Henry Ten- nison Pery. [Lodge's Peerage; "Webb's Compendium of Irish Biography ; Sir Jonah Barrington's His- toric Memoirs of Ireland ; Cornwallis Corre- spondence ; Irish Parliamentary Debates ; Eng- lish Parliamentary Debates.] G. P. M-Y. PERYAM, SIR WILLIAM (1534-1604), judge, was the eldest son of John Peryam of Exeter, by his wife Elizabeth, a daughter of Robert Hone of Ottery St. Mary, Devonshire (POLE, Collections for Devon, p. 149). lie was born at Exeter in 1534, and was a cousin of Sir Thomas Bodley [q. v.] His father, a man of means, was twice mayor of Exeter, and his brother, Sir John, was also an alder- man of that town and a benefactor of Exeter College, Oxford. William Peryam was edu- cated at Exeter College, Oxford, where he was elected fellow on 25 April, but resigned en 7 Oct. 1551, and sat for Plymouth from 1562to 1567. He joined the Middle Temple, where his arms are placed in the hall, was called to the bar in 1565, became a serjeant- at-law in Michaelmas term 1579, and on 13 Feb. 1581 was appointed a judge of the common pleas. Upon Sir Christopher Hat- ton's death in 1591, he was named one of the commissioners to hear causes in chan- cery, and he was frequently in commissions for trials of political crimes, particularly those of Mary Queen of Scots, the Earls of Arundel and Essex, and Sir John Perrot. Accordingly in January 1593 he was pro- moted to be chief baron of the exchequer, and was knighted, and presided in that court for nearly twelve years. On 9 Oct. 1604 he died at his house at Little Fulford, near Crediton, Devonshire, and was buried at Little Fulford church, in which neighbour- hood he had bought large estates. He had also built a l fayre dwelling house ' (POLE, Collections for Devon, p. 221) at Credy Peitevin or Wiger, which he left to his daughters, and they sold it to his brother John. A picture, supposed to be his portrait, and ascribed to Holbein, is in the National Portrait Gallery, London (Notes and Queries, 5th ser. vi. 88, 135). He was thrice married : first, to Margery, daughter of John Holcot of Berkshire; secondly, to Anne, daughter of John Parker of North Molton, Devonshire ; thirdly, to Elizabeth, a daughter of Sir Ni- cholas Bacon [q. v.], lord-keeper; and he left four daughters, of whom the eldest, Mary, was married to Sir William Pole [q. v.] of Colcombe, Devonshire, and Elizabeth to Sir Peryn 45 Pestell Robert Basset of Heanton-Punchardon, De- vonshire; Jane married Thomas Poyntz of Hertfordshire; and Anne, William Williams of Herringstone, Dorset. His widow, in 1620, endowed a fellowship and two scholarships at Balliol College, Oxford, out of lands at Hambledon and Princes Risborough in Buck- inghamshire. [Boase's Registrura Coll. Exon. (Oxf. Hist. Soc.), pp. 66, 370 ; Foss's Judges of England ; Prince's Worthies; Pole's Collections for Devon; Dugdale's Origines, pp. 48, 225 ; State Trials, i. 1167, 1251, 1315, 1333; App. 4th Rep. Public Records, 272-96 ; Walter Yonge's Diary, p. 8 ; Green's Domestic State Papers, 1591-1603 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon. ; Strype's Works, Index ; Official Returns of Members of Parliament.] J. A. H. PERYN, WILLIAM (d. 1558), Domini- can, was probably connected with the Perins of Shropshire, though his name does not occur in the visitation of that county of 1623. He early became a Dominican, and was edu- cated at the house of that order in Oxford. He thence went to London, where he was a vigorous opponent of protestant opinions. For some time he was chaplain of Sir John Port [q. v.] On the declaration of royal supremacy In 1534 he went abroad, but took advantage of the catholic reaction to return in 1543, when he supplicated for the degree of B.D. at Oxford. On the accession of Edward VI he is said to have recanted on 19 June 1547 in the church of St. Mary Undershaft, but soon left England (GASQTJET and BISHOP, Edward VI and the Book of Common Prayer, p. 50). He returned in 1553, when he was made prior of the Dominican house of St. Bartholomew in Smithfield, the first of Mary's religious esta- blishments. On 8 Feb. 1558 he preached at St. Paul's Cross, and died in the same year, "being buried in St. Bartholomew's on 22 Aug. (STKYPE, Eccl. Mem. in. ii. 116). Peryn was author of: 1. ' Thre Godlye . . . Sermons of the Sacrament of the Aulter,' London [1545?], 8vo (Brit. Mus.) Dibdin describes an edition dated 1546, a copy of which belonged to Herbert. Tanner mentions another edition of 1548. It is dedicated to Edmund [Bonner], bishop of London. 2. ' Spiritual Exercyses and Goostly Medita- cions, and a neare waye to come to perfection and lyfe contemplatyve/ London, 1557, 8vo (Brit. Mus.) ; another edit., Caen, sm. 8vo, 1598(HAZLITT). 3. e to the advantage of England). Peter _eceived several marks of the pope's special avour, among others the right of not ad- mitting papal provisions unless the bulls expressly mentioned that the provision was granted notwithstanding this concession. In October 1249 Peter was commissioned, ointly with Peter of Savoy, to treat for a prolongation of the truce with France. At the same time he was empowered with ;he archbishop of York to clear up a pos- sible irregularity in Henry Ill's marriage, by reason of a precontract between him and Joan of Ponthieu. It was not until 29 March 1251 that Peter pronounced in the cathedral of Sens the papal sentence which nullified the precontract and validated the marriage of Henry and Eleanor (WURSTEM- BERGER, vol. iv. Nos. 242, 269). In 1250, Peter, like many other English barons and prelates, took the cross, with the view of following Saint Louis on his crusade (MATT. PARIS, v. 98). He took, however, no steps to carry out his vow. He was still beyond sea when the parliament met in October 1252. He returned to England with Boni- face on 18 Nov., and joined the archbishop in a fierce quarrel with William of Lusignan, bishop-elect of Winchester, one of Henry Ill's half-brothers. In August 1253 Peter accompanied Henry III to Gascony, and busily occupied himself with the affairs of that distracted province. He punished the marauding of some Welsh soldiers so severely that cer- tain of the English barons, their lords, threatened to leave the army (ib. v. 442). His name almost invariably appears in the first place on the numerous letters patent which he witnessed about this time (e.g. Roles Gascons, i. 270, 271, 272). It has been inferred that he was in consequence the chief of the king's council in Gascony (MuaxiER, p. 104), but it is clear that his precedence is simply due to his episcopal rank. Towards the end of the year Peter was sent on an important mission to Alfonso X of Castile to negotiate the proposed double marriage of Edward, the king's son, with Alfonso's sister Eleanor, and that of Beatrice, the king's daughter, with one of Alfonso's brothers. On Peter's return from Toledo, Henry confirmed his acts at Bazas on 8 Feb. 1254. In conside- ration of his ' grave expenses and labours and his laborious embassy to Spain,' Henry re- • Peter Peter mitted Peter an old debt to the crown of 300/., granted him the custody of two Shropshire manors, and made him a present of three tuns of Gascon wine (Roles Gascons, i. 305, 307). Peter was the first witness to the grant of Wales, Ireland, and Gascony to the king's son Edward on 14 Feb. 1254 (ib. i. 309). He then returned to Spain with John Mansel, and on 31 May 1254 signed a treaty with Alfonso at Toledo, by which the Castilian king yielded up his pretended claims on Gascony. In October he was with Henry at Bordeaux, just before the king's re-embarkation for England. He was thence despatched, along with Henry of Susa, arch- bishop of Ernbrun, to Innocent IV, who, in March 1254 had granted the Sicilian throne to Henry Ill's younger son, Edmund [see LANCASTER, EDMUND, EARL or, 1245-1296], and was now threatening to revoke the grant if help were not sent to him in his struggle against Manfred. Peter was given full powers to treat. But Innocent died at Naples in December, and Peter of Aigueblanche completed the negotiations with Innocent's successor, Alexander IV. On 9 April 1255 Alexander duly confirmed the grant of the Sicilian throne to Edmund on somewhat stringent conditions. He also made a series of grants of church revenues in England to provide Henry with funds for pursuing Ed- mund's claims. Among these was a tenth of ecclesiastical revenues according to the new and strict taxation. This latter had originally been assigned to the crusade, and Peter had in 1252 been appointed with others to collect it and hand it over to the king when he went beyond sea (Buss, Cal. Papal Letters, i. 279). These exactions were re- sented with extraordinary bitterness by the English prelates and monasteries, and the majority of the monastic chroniclers accuse Peter of Aigueblanche of being the author of their ruin. Peter's methods of procuring money were certainly characterised by much chicanery. According to Matthew Paris (Hist. Major, v. 510-13, ' De nimis damnosa Sroditione Episcopi Herefordensis ') and the sney chronicler (pp. 107-8), he procured from the king blank charters, sealed by various English prelates, and filled them up at Rome with pledges to pay large sums of money to various firms of Florentine and Sienese bankers who had advanced money to the pope on Henry's account. Most of the English bishops and monasteries were con- sequently called upon to pay sums of money to Italian bankers. Peter seems to have procured a blank document dated at London on 6 Sept. 1255, with the seals of seven English bishops, and to have subsequently inscribed in it words making it appear that the bishops had witnessed and consented to Peter's acceptance, as their proctor, of the conditions attaching to the papal grant of Apulia to the English king (MURATORI, An- tiquitates ItaL vol. vi. col. 104 D). This seems to have been interpreted by Henry as pledging the credit of the English clergy to support Edmund's attempt on the Sicilian crown, and all the expenses involved in it. Paris speaks of Peter's ' foxlike cunning,' and says that ' his memory exhales a detestable odour of sulphur.' The Osney chronicler draws the moral that prelates should keep their seals more carefully in the future (cf. Dunstaple Chronicle, p. 199 ; WYKES, pp. 125-7 ; Cont. FLOR. WIG. ii. 185). In May 1255 Alexander IV commissioned Rustand, a papal subdeacon and native of Gascony, to collect the crusading tenth in England. His arrival excited a great com- motion among the English. In the parlia- ment of October 1255 Henry could get no money, and Richard of Cornwall violently attacked the bishop of Hereford (MATT. PARIS, v. 520-1). At the same time the prelates met in London, and, headed by the bishop of Worcester, resisted Rustand and appealed to the pope (ib. v. 524-5). Peter strove in vain to divide them (ib. v. 527). It was said that he had bound the English bishops to pay two hundred thousand marks to the pope. Meanwhile, Peter crossed over to Ireland, where also he was empowered to collect the tenth. He travelled armed, and was surrounded by a band of armed men (ib. v. 591). Paris adds that he took a large share of the spoil as his own reward. Peter did not remain long in England or Ireland. In 1256 he was again in Gascony, where he acted as deputy for the new duke, Edward. On 17 Jan. 1257 he received a letter of thanks from Henry for his services in Gascony (Fcedera, i. 353). It appears from this that he was conducting important negotiations with Alfonso of Castile and with Gaston of Bearn. But he was now of pon- derous weight, and was moreover attacked with a polypus in his nose, which disfigured his face. He was compelled to retire to Montpellier to be cured. Matthew Paris re- joices indecently in the bishop's misfortunes, and sees in his ' shameful diseases ' the judg- ment of God for his sins (Hist. Major, v. 647). But either Matthew exaggerated Peter's complaints, or the Montpellier doctors effected a speedy cure. In the summer of 1258 Peter was in Savoy, and began his foundation at Aiguebelle, which he com- pleted several years later. Peter Peter Peter was again in England in 1261, when he was one of three persons elected on the king's part to compromise some disputes with the barons (Ann. Osen. p. 129). His past his- tory necessarily made him a royalist partisan during the barons' wars, and his border dio- cese, where the marchers and Llywelyn of Wales took opposite sides, was exposed to the fiercest outbursts of the strife. Late in 1262 Llywelyn threatened Hereford, and Peter, on the pretext of a fit of the gout, kept himself away from danger at Gloucester, while providing the castle of Hereford with garrison and provisions. In June 1263 Henry visited Hereford and wrote angrily to the bishop, complaining that he found in that city neither bishop, dean, official, nor pre- bendaries ; and the letter peremptorily or- dered him to take up his residence in his cathedral city under pain of forfeiture of temporalities (WILKINS, Concilia, i. 761). Peter was forced to comply ; but the result justified his worst fears. When regular hos- tilities had broken out in May 1263 between Montfort and the king, he was the very first to bear the brunt of the storm. The barons swooped down on Hereford, seized him in his own cathedral, robbed him of his trea- sure, slew his followers, and kept him a close prisoner at Eardisley Castle (Liber de An- tiquis legibus, p. 53 ; RISHANGEU, p. 17, Rolls Ser. ; COTTOX, p. 139). The Savoyard canons whom Peter had introduced into the cathe- dral shared his fate (Flores Hist. ii. 480). Even the royalist chronicler Wykes (p. 134), though rebuking the barons for sacrilegiously assaulting God's anointed, admits that Peter had made himself odious to the realm by his intolerable exactions. The marcher lord, John Fitzalan of Clun, now seized Peter's castles at P>ishop's Castle and Ledbury North, and, being on the king's side, was enabled to hold them until the bishop's death, six years afterward? (Swinfield Roll, p. xxii). Moreover, Harno L'Estrange, cas- tellan of Montgomery, took violent posses- sion of three townships belonging to Led- bury North, and alienated them so com- pletely from the see that in the next reign they still belonged to Llywelyn of Wales. As 'both these marches were on the king's side, it looks as if Peter was made a scape- goat of the royalist party. It is probably during his present distress that Peter alien- ated all claims to certain churches which he had hitherto contested with St. Peter's Ab- bey, Gloucester (Hist, et Cart. Mon. Glouc ii. 276, 284, Rolls Ser.) On 8 Sept. the king and the barons patchec up an agreement, and Peter, with his com- panions in misfortune, was released (Flores Hist. ii. 484 ; RISHANGER, De Hello, p. 14). Before the year was out he accompanied lenry III to await the arbitration of St. Louis at Amiens (Flores Hist. ii. 486 ; RISH- ANGER, De Bello, p. 17 ; Ann. Tewkesbury, )p. 176, 179). After the mise of Amiens he still lingered on the continent, being dis- gusted with his unruly diocese, whose tem- soralities were still largely withdrawn from iis control. In February 1264 he obtained from the pope an indulgence that, in con- sideration of his imprisonment and the other 11s he had suffered ' at the hands of certain sons of malediction,' he should not be cited before any ordinary judge or papal legate without special mandate (Boss, i. 410). After the battle of Lewes he was with Queen Eleanor and the exiles at Saint-Omer, hoping to effect an invasion of England ('Ann. Lond.' in STUBBS'S Chron. of Edward I and Edward II, i. 64, Rolls Ser.) Before the final triumph of the royalist cause, Peter retired to Savoy, and never left again his native valleys. He had always kept up a close connection with his old home. Besides his ancestral estates he had acquired some ecclesiastical preferment in Savoy. Up to 1254 he held the Cluniac priory of Ynimont in the diocese of Belley, which in May 1255 he exchanged for the priory of Sainte-Helene des Millieres (Buss, i. 301). On 7 Sept. 1255 Boniface granted to the new prior the castle of Sainte-Helene, to be held of him a fief. It was now that Peter published the statutes for his college of canons near Aigue- belle, and completed the construction of the buildings destined to receive it. He dedi- cated his foundation to St. Catherine, and established in it a provost, precentor, trea- surer, and ten other canons, five of whom were necessarily priests, and who were to perform the service according to the use of Hereford. The statutes, dated 21 April 1267. were published for the first time by M. Mugnier (pp. 299-307), who points out (p. 233) that Peter pointedly abstained from obtaining the sanction or recognition of his acts from the bishop of Maurienne, the dio- cesan. Soon afterwards he drew up his will. To his nephew, Peter of Aigueblanche— who had succeeded to the lordship of BrianQonand the headship of the house, and was at a later period the favourite friend of Peter of Savoy- he left nearly all the property that was not bequeathed to the college of St. Catherine. The witnesses to the will included several canons of St. Catherine's. He died on 27 Nov. 1268, and was buried, as he had directed, in his collegiate church, where, in the fifteenth century, a sumptuous monument of bronze Peter 64 Peter was erected over his remains. The monu- ment and great part of the church were de- stroyed during the French Revolution. It is described and partly figured in'Archseologia,' xviii. 188. The surviving portion forms the present church of Raudens. Despite Peter's evil reputation, he gave proof of liberality not only at Aiguebelle, but also at Hereford, where he was a liberal benefactor of the cathedral. If he packed the chapter with his kinsfolk, he showed zeal in forcing non-resident canons to reside for half the year in the churches where they held a prebend, and in making them proceed to the grade of holy orders necessary for their charge. In 1246 his new statutes on these points duly received papal confirmation (Buss, i. 229). He was celebrated in the church of Hereford for his long and strenuous defence of the liberties of see and chapter against * the citizens of Hereford and other rebels against the church.' He bought the manor of Holme Lacy and gave it to his church, appropriated the church of Bocklington to the treasurer, gave mitres, and chalice, vest- ments and books, and various rents (Mo- nasticon, vi. 121 6). Peter also left lands pro- ducing two hundred bushels of corn for the clerks of the cathedral, and as much for the poor of the city. As regards the fabric of his church, he is sometimes reputed to be the builder of the beautiful north-west tran- sept of Hereford Cathedral, though in its present form it is clearly of later date. Be- tween this and the north end of the choir- aisle he erected a sumptuous tomb for him- self, which remains the oldest monument to a bishop of Hereford, and is certainly the most striking monument in the cathedral. The delicacy of the details of the sculpture is thought to suggest Italian rather than English or French models. The bishop is represented in the effigy with a beard and moustache (HAVERGAL, Fasti Herefordenses, pp. 176-7 ; Monumental Inscriptions of Here- ford, p. 3). The monument is figured in Havergal's ' Fasti Herefordenses,' plate xix. It is not clear whether it remained a ceno- taph, or whether, after the very common custom of the time, some portions of the bishop's remains were brought from Savoy to be placed within it. It was generally be- lieved at Hereford that the body lay there and the heart in Savoy; but the reverse seems much more likely. Bishop Peter's younger kinsfolk were amply provided for in his church at Here- ford. He appointed one of his nephews, John, to the deanery of Hereford. After his uncle's death this John claimed his English lands as his next heir; but it is not clear that he succeeded in England (Calendarium Genealogicum, p. 185), though in the Taren- taise we find him sharing in the inheri- tance with Aimeric, his brother. Another claimant, Giles of Avenbury, drove him away from the deanery of Hereford. How- ever, on an appeal to Rome he was rein- stated (Swinfeld Roll, Ixxvii, clxxi, &c.) He lies buried at Hereford, in a tomb near his uncle's monument. Dean John secured for his nephews, Peter and Pontius de Cors, the church of Bromyard (ib. ccv), so that it was long before the diocese of Hereford was rid of the hated ' Burgundians.' An- other nephew of the bishop, James of Aigue- blanche, was archdeacon of Salop and canon of Hereford, and authorised by Innocent IV to hold a benefice in plurality so long as he resided at Hereford and put vicars in his other churches (BLISS, i. 229, cf. p. 232). In 1256, however, he was allowed five years' leave of absence to study (ib. i. 338). Other Hereford stalls went to other nephews, Aimon and Aimeric, of whom the latter, who became chancellor of Hereford, per- formed homage in 1296 to the archbishop of Tarentaise for the lordship of Brian^on as head of his family (BESSON, Memoires pour Vhistoire ecclesiastique des dioceses de Geneve, Tarantaise, Maurienne, &c., ed. 1871). Nor were the bishop's elder kinsfolk neg- lected. His brother, the clerk, named Master Aimeric, was in 1243 promised by Henry III a benefice worth sixty marks (Roles Gascons. i. 152). [Fran9ois Mugnier's Les Savoyards en Angle- terre au XIII6 siecle et Pierre d'Aigueblanche (Chambery, 1890) is a careful book that collects nearly all that is known about Peter's career, and gives complete references to the Savoyard authorities, and a most valuable appendix of inedited documents, though it misses some of the English authorities, and does not always disentangle Peter's biography from the general history. Wurstemberger's Peter der Zweite, Graf yon Savoyen (4 vols. Bern, 1856), also contains important notices of Peter, and in the fourth volume an appendix of original documents, many of which illustrate his career. The chief original sources include Matthew Paris's Hist. Major, ir. v. and vi., Annales Monastic!, FloresHistoriarum, Bart. Cotton., Eishanger's Hist. Angl. (all in Rolls Ser.) ; Expenses Roll of Bishop Swinneld, Rishanger's Chron. de Bello (both in Camden Soc.) ; Rymer's Fcedera, vol. i. ; Berger's Regis- tres d'Innocent IV, Bibl. de 1'Ecole francaise de Rome ; Potthast's Regesta Pont. Roman. ; Epistolae e Reg. pont. Rom. tome iii., in Monu- menta Germanise, Hist. ; Bliss's Calendar of Papal Registers (papal letters), vol. i. ; Francisque Michel's Roles Gascons, in Documents Inedits ; Havergal's Fasti Herefordenses ; Le Neve's Fasti Peter Peter Eccl. Angl. i. 459-82, ed. Hardy; Godwin, De Praesulibus, 1743, pp. 485-6 ; Phillott's Diocesan History of Hereford, pp. 76-82.] T. F. T. PETER OP ICKHAM nicler. [See ICKHAM.] . 1290?), chro- PETER MARTYR (1500-1562), re- former. [See VEKMIGLI, PIETRO MAETIKE.] PETER the WILD BOY (1712-1785), a protege of George I, was found in 1725 in the woods near Hamelin, about twenty-five miles from Hanover. In the words of con- temporary pamphleteers, he was observed 1 walking on his hands and feet, climbing trees like a squirrel, and feeding on grass and moss.' In November 1725 he was deposited in the house of correction at Zell, and in the same month he was presented to George I, who happened to be on a visit to Hanover. The king's interest and curiosity were ex- cited ; but the wild boy was not favourably impressed, and escaped to his wood and took refuge in a lofty tree, which had to be cut down before he was recaptured. In the spring of 1726, by the king's command, he was brought to England and ' exhibited to the nobility.' The boy, who appeared to be about fourteen years old, was baptised and committed to the care of Dr. Arbuthnot ; but he soon proved to be an imbecile, and could not be taught to articulate more than a few monosyllables. In the meantime the cre- dulity of the town had been put to a severe test. In April there appeared, among various chapbooks on the subject, a pamphlet (now rare) entitled ' An Enquiry how the Wild Youth lately taken in the woods near Han- over, and now brought over to England, could be there left, and by what creature he could be suckled, nursed, and brought up.' This work, after demonstrating that the phenomenon had been predicted by William Lilly a hundred years before, discussed the question of the wild boy's nurture, and re- jected the claims of the sow and the she-wolf in favour of those of a she-bear. Dean Swift arrived in London from Ireland about the same time that the wild boy came from Hanover, and on 16 April 1726 he wrote to Tickell that little else was talked about. He proceeded to satirise the popular craze in one of the most sardonic of his minor pieces, ' It cannot rain but it pours ; or London strewed with Rarities, being an account of . . . the wonderful wild man that was nursed in the woods of Germany by a wild beast, hunted and taken in toils ; how he be- haveth himself like a dumb creature, and is a Christian like one of us, being called Peter ; and how he was brought to the court all in VOL. XLV. green to the great astonishment of the quality and gentry.' This was followed at a short interval by a squib written in a similar vein, and probably the joint production of Swift and Arbuthnot, entitled < The Most Wonderful Wonder that ever appeared to the Wonder of the British Nation' (1726, 4to). The topic was further exploited by Defoe in ' Mere Nature delineated, or a Body with- out a Soul, being Observations upon the Young Forester lately brought to town with suitable applications ' (1726, 8vo). When, in 1773, James Burnett, lord Monboddo [q. v.], was preparing his ' Origin and Pro- gress of Language,' he seized on some of the most grotesque features of Swift's description of the wild boy, such as that he neighed like a horse to express his joy, and pressed them into the service of his theory of the lowlv origin of the human race. Monboddo's com- parison of the wild boy with an ourang- outang is extremely ludicrous (Origin and Progress of Language, i. 173). As soon as the first excitement about Peter had sub- sided, and it was established that he was an idiot, he was boarded out with a farmer at the king's expense. He grew up strong and muscular and was able to do manual labour under careful supervision ; his intelligence remained dormant, but he developed a strong liking for gin. In 1782 Monboddo visited him at Broadway Farm, near Berkhampstead, where he died in August 1785. A portrait of the ' Wild Boy,' depicting a handsome old man with a white beard, was engraved for Caulfield's 'Portraits of Remarkable Per- sons.' A manuscript poem on the ' Wild Boy,' called 'The Savage/ is among the manu- scripts of the Earl of Portsmouth at Hurst- bourne (Hist. MSS. Comm. 8th Rep., App. p. 63). [Wilson's Wonderful Characters contains a long account of the ' Wild Boy,' with various con- temporary descriptions and a portrait. See also Timperley's Encyclopaedia of Printing ; Swift's Works, ed. Scott ; Granger's Wonderful Museum ; Monboddo's Origin and Progress of Language ; Arbuthnot's Works, ed. Aitken, pp. 107, 108, 475 ; William Lee's Defoe, i. li.] T. S. PETER, DAVID (1765-1837), inde- pendent minister, was born at Aberystwith on 5 Aug. 1765. When he was seven years old his father, who was a ship carpenter, moved to New Quay, Cardiganshire. As a boy he showed great quickness of under- standing, and when he had studied for some time with the Rev. David Davies of Castell Hywel, his father, who was a churchman, wished him to become a clergyman. He pre- ferred, however, to join the independents, and became a member of the church at Penrhiw Peter 66 Peter Galed in March 1783. Soon after lie com- menced to preach, and in the course of a year or two, having made a little money by keep- ing school, proceeded to the presbyterian college, which was then at Swansea. In 1789 he was appointed assistant-tutor in this institution, a position he resigned in 1792, in order to take the pastorate of Lammas Street church, Carmarthen, where he was ordained on 8 June. The college at Swansea was broken up in 1794, but in the following year it was re-established at Carmarthen, and Peter was appointed president. He held this office, in conjunction with his pastorate, until his death, which took place on 4 May 1837. He married, first, the widow of a Mr. Lewis of Carmarthen, who died in 1820 ; and, se- condly, a sister of General Sir William Nott [q. v.] Peter translated Palmer's 'Protestant Dis- senters' Catechism,' Carmarthen, 1803. But he is best known as the author of ' Hanes Crefydd yng Nghymru,' Carmarthen, 1816 ; second edition, Colwyn, 1851 — an account of Welsh religion from the times of the Druids to the beginning of the nineteenth century. The book is one which shows fairly wide reading, and it is free from sectarian bias. The first edition has prefixed to it an en- graved portrait by Blood. [Hanes Eglwysi Anibynnol Cymru, by Rees and Thomas J J. E. L. PETER, WILLIAM (1788-1853), poli- tician and poet, born at Harlyn, St. Merryn, Cornwall, on 22 March 1788," was the eldest son of Henry Peter (d. 1821), who married, on 24 June 1782, Anna Maria, youngest daughter of Thomas Rous of Piercefield, Monmouth- shire. He matriculated from Christ Church, Oxford, 27 Jan. 1803, and graduated B.A. 19 March 1807, M. A. 7 Dec. 1809. After living for a few years in London, where he was called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn on 28 May 1813, he returned to his native county and settled on his property, which had been much aug- mented by his marriage. He became a justice of the peace and deputy-lieutenant for Corn- wall, and was conspicuous among the country gentlemen who agitated for electoral reform. When the close boroughs in that county were abolished by the first Reform Act, he was invited to stand for the enlarged constituency of Bodmin, and was returned at the head of the poll on 11 Dec. 1832. He sat until the dissolution of parliament on 29 Dec. 1834; but the enthusiasm for reform had then died away, and he refrained from contesting the constituency. Soon after that date Peter retired to the continent, and spent his days among his books or in the company of the chief men of letters in Germany. In 1840 he received the appointment of British consul in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, where he remained until his death. He died at Phila- delphia on 6 Feb. 1853, and was buried in the churchyard of St. Peter, where a monu- ment to his memory was erected at the ex- pense of a number of the leading citizens. He married, on 12 Jan. 1811, Frances, only daughter and heiress of John Thomas of Chiverton in Perranzabuloe, Cornwall. She died on 21 Aug. 1836, having had issue ten children. His second wife, whom he married at Philadelphia in 1844, was Mrs. Sarah King, daughter of Thomas Worthington of Ohio and widow of Edward King, son of Rufus King of New York. She is described as ' one of the most distinguished women in American society,' the founder of a school of design for women at Philadelphia. Peter's eldest son, John Thomas Henry Peter, fellow of Merton College, Oxford, died in July 1873. The third son, Robert Godolphin Peter, for- merly fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, became rector of Cavendish, Suffolk. Peter ... was the author or editor of: 1. ' Thoughts on the Present Crisis, in a Letter from a Constituent to his Represen- tative,' 1815 ; 2nd edit., with considerable additions, in the ' Pamphleteer,' viii. 216-80. 2. ' Speeches of Sir Samuel Romilly in the House of Commons,' 1820, 2 vols. ; memoir by Peter in vol. i. pp. vii-lxxi. 3. ' Sacred Songs, being an attempted Paraphrase or Imitation of some Portions and Passages of the Psalms, by W. Peter,' 1828 ; new edit., with other poems, by l a Layman,' 1834. 4. ' Poems by Ralph Ferrars (i.e. William Peter) ; ' a new edit. London, 1833. 5. ' A Letter from an ex-M.P. to his late Consti- tuents, containing a Short Review of the Acts of the Whig Administration,' 1835 ; 2nd edit. 1835. 6. < William Tell, from the German of Schiller,' with notes and illustra- tions, Heidelberg, 1839 ; 2nd edit. Lucerne, 1867. 7, < Mary Stuart, from the German of Schiller,' with other versions of some of his best .poems, Heidelberg, 1841 . 8. ' Maid of Orleans and other Poems,' Cambridge, 1843. 9. ' Agamemnon of ./Escliylus,' Phi- ladelphia, 1852. 10. 'Specimens of the Poets and Poetry of Greece and Rome,' by various translators, Philadelphia, 1847. This was pronounced ' the most thorough and satisfactory popular summary of ancient poetry ever made in the English language.' 11. ' Johannis Gilpin iter, Latine redditum. Editio altera,' Philadelphia, 1848. Several specimens of Peter's poetical com- positions are in Griswold's 'Poets and Poetry,' 1875 edit. pp. 240-3, and someremi- Peterborough Peters pp M niscences of his native parish are in the 1 Complete Parochial History of Cornwall,' iii. 321. There was printed at Philadelphia, in 1842, a volume of letters to him from Job R. Tyson on the 'resources and com- merce of Philadelphia, with Mr. Peter's answer prefixed.' [Foster's Alumni Oxon. ; Allibone's Diet, of English Literature ; Boase and Courtney's Bibl. Cornub. ii. 463-4, 1310 ; Boase's Collect. Cornub. . 724-5 ; Gent. Mag. 1853, pt. i. pp. 441-2 ; rs. S. J. Bale's Woman's Record, 2nd edit. pp. 870-1 ; Parochial Hist, of Cornwall, iv. 54-9.] W. P. C. PETERBOROUGH, EARLS or. [See MORDATJNT, HESTRY, second EARL, 1624?- 1697 ; MORDAUNT, CHARLES, third EARL, 1658-1735.] PETERBOROUGH, BENEDICT OF (d. 1193), reputed chronicler. [See BENE- DICT.] PETERBOROUGH, J OHN OF (fl. 1380), alleged chronicler. [See JOHN.] PETERKIN, ALEXANDER (1780- 1846), miscellaneous writer, was born on 23 March 1780, at Macduff, Banffshire, of which his father, William Peterkin, was parish minister. His father was translated to Lea dhills, Lanarkshire, in 1785, and in 1787 to Ecclesmachan, West Lothian, where he died in 1792. Alexander's education, begun at the parish school, was completed in Edin- burgh, and he closed his university curricu- lum as a law student in 1803. In this year he was enrolled in the first regiment of royal Edinburgh volunteers, feeling with Scott and others that the time needed a strong civilian army. After a full training in the office of a writer to the signet, Peterkin was duly quali- fied as a solicitor before the supreme courts (S. S. C.), and he began his professional career at Peterhead before 1811 as 'attorney, notary public, and conveyancer.' He was sheriff- substitute of Orkney from 1814 to 1823, when he returned to Edinburgh. For some years he combined journalism with his legal work ; he was connected with newspapers in Belfast and Perth, and in 1833 he became editor of the ' Kelso Chronicle.' He was a strenuous and unsparing controversialist, and, as ' a whig of 1688,' faced, with indo- mitable courage and energy, the exciting questions of the time. In those days horse- whips, duels, and riots tended to supplement the animosities of political discussion, and Pet erkin had occasion to test the advantages accruing from a splendid physique and a military training. He left the ' Kelso Chro- nicle ' on 27 May 1835. In his later years le was known as a leading ecclesiastical awyer, while still devoting his leisure to iterary work. He died at Edinburgh on 9 Nov. 1846. Peterkin married in 1807 Miss jriles, daughter of an Edinburgh citizen, by whom he had two sons and five daughters. A lover of literature for its own sake, 3eterkin numbered among his friends Scott, Jeffrey, Wilson, and the leading contem- porary men of letters in Edinburgh. He was a vigorous and lucid writer, his earlier nanner being somewhat florid, and his po- emical thrusts occasionally more forcible than polite. His writings on Orkney and Shetland may be consulted with advantage, and his learned and systematic ' Booke of the [Jniversall Kirk ' has a distinctly authorita- tive value. Besides numerous pamphlets, miscel- laneous papers in many periodicals, and an anonymous tale of Scottish life, ' The Parson- age, or my Father's Fireside,' Peterkin pub- lished : 1. 'The Rentals of Orkney,' 1820. 2. 'Notes on Orkney and Zetland/ 1822. 3. ' Letter to the Landowners, Clergy, and other Gentlemen of Orkney and Zetland,' 1823. 4. 'Scottish Peerage,' 1826. 5. 'Com- pendium of the Laws of the Church,' pt. i. 1830, pt.ii. 1831, supplement 1836. 6. ' Me- moir of the Rev. John Johnston, Edinburgh,' 1834. 7. ' The Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland,' 1839. 8. ' The Constitution of the Church of Scotland as established at the Revolution, 1689-90,' 1841. All were pub- lished at Edinburgh. Peterkin also edited Graham's ' Sabbath,' with biography, 1807 ; Robert Fergusson's 'Poems, 'with biography, 1807-9, reprinted 1810; Currie's 'Life of Burns,' with prefatory critical review, 1815; and ' Records of the Kirk of Scotland,' 1838. The elder son, ALEXANDER PETERKIX (1814-1889), was successively editor of the 'Berwick Advertiser,' sub-editor of the 'Edinburgh Advertiser,' and on the staff of the London ' Times,' from which he re- tired about 1853, owing to uncertain health. He published a poem, 'The Study of Art,' 1870. [Information from Peterkin's second son, Mr. W A Peterkin, Trinity, Edinburgh, and from Mr. Thomas Craig, Kelso ; Scott's Fasti Eccles.; Cursiter's Books and Pamphlets relating to Ork- ney and Zetland.] T- B- PETERS, CHARLES, M.D. (1695- 1746) phvsician, son of John Peters of Lon- don, was born in 1695. He matriculated from Christ Church, Oxford on 31 March 1710, graduatedB. A. in 1713 and M. A. not till 1 / 24. Peters 68 Peters Dr. Richard Mead [q. v.] encouraged him t study medicine, and lent him a copy of the rare editio princeps, printed at Verona in 1530, o that Latin poem of Hieronymus Frascatoriu, entitled ' Syphilis,' which has provided a scien tific name for a long series of pathologica phenomena. Peters published an edition o ' Syphilis sive Morbus Gallicus ' in 1720. Ii is a quarto finely printed by Jonah Bowyei at the Rose in St. Paul's Churchyard, am has a portrait of Frascatorius engraved b] Vertue for frontispiece. The contents of thi dedication to Mead indicate that the mind o the editor was more occupied with literary than with scientific questions, for the only allusion he makes to the contents of the poem is to offer emendations of three lines (bk. ii. ver. 199 and 428 and bk. iii. ver. 41) He is said to have graduated M.D. at Leyden in 1724, but his name does not appear in Peacock's ' Index.' He was elected a Rad- cliffe travelling fellow on 12 July 1725, and graduated M.B. and M.D. at Oxford on 8 Nov. 1732. In 1733 he was appointed physician- extraordinary to the king, and was elected a fellow of the College of Physicians of London on 16 April 1739, in which year he was also appointed physician-general to the army. He was physician to St. George's Hospital from April 1736 to February 1746, and was a censor in the College of Physicians in 1744 ; but illness prevented him from serving his full period. He published in the ' Philosophical Transactions' (vol. xliii.) in 1744-5, ' The Case of a Person bit by a Mad Dog,' a paper on hydrophobia, in which he expresses a favourable opinion as to the usefulness of warm baths in that disease. He died in 1746. There are two letters in his hand to Sir Hans Sloane in the British Museum referring to his fellowship. [Manuscript notes on the Radcliffe Travelling Fellows by Dr. J. B. Nias, kindly lent by the author; Munk's Coll. of Phys. ii. 143 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon.; London Magazine, 1746, p. 209; Gent. Mag. 1746, p. 273; Works; Addit. MS. 4055, ff. 136, 137, in Brit. Mus.] N. M. PETERS, CHARLES (1690-1774), He- brew scholar, born at Tregony, Cornwall, on 1 Dec. 1690, was the eldest child of Richard Peters of that place. The statement in the < Parochial History of Cornwall ' (iii. 203-4), that his ancestor was an Antwerp merchant who fled to England to escape persecution, may be dismissed from consideration. He was educated at Tregony school under Mr. Daddo, and matriculated from Exeter Col- lege, Oxford, on 3 April 1707, graduating B.A. 27 Oct. 1710, M.A. 5 June 1713, and being a batteler of his college from 8 April 1707 to 20 July 1713. Having been ordained in the English church, he was curate of St. Just in Roseland, Cornwall, from 1710 to 1715, when he was appointed by Elizabeth, baroness Mohun, to the rectory of Boconnoc in that county. He remained there until 1723, and during his incumbency built the south front of the old parsonage-house, with the apartments behind it, On 10 Dec. 1723 Peters was instituted to the rectory of Brat- ton-Clovelly, Devonshire, and in November 1726 was appointed to the rectory of St. Mabyn in his native county, holding both preferments until his death. To the poor of St. Mabyn he was very charitable ; and, being himself unmarried, he educated the two eldest sons of his elder brother. He died at St. Mabyn on 11 Feb. 1774, and was buried in the chancel of the parish church on 13 Feb. A portrait of him in oils belonged to Arthur Cowper Ranyard [q. v.] Peters knew Hebrew well (by the en- thusiastic Polwhele he was called l the first Hebrew scholar in Europe '), and at St. Mabyn he was able to pursue his studies without interruption. In 1751 he published1 ' A Critical Dissertation on the Book of Job/ wherein he criticised Warburton's account, proved the book's antiquity, and demon- strated that a future state was the popular belief of the ancient Jews or Hebrews. A second edition, corrected and with a lengthy preface of ninety pages, appeared in 1757 ;. the preface was also issued separately. War- burton, in the notes to the ' Divine Legation of Moses,' always wrote contemptuously of Peters. The retort of Bishop Lowth in the latter's behalf, in his printed letter to War- burton (1765), was that 'the very learned and ingenious person,' Mr. Peters, had given, iis antagonist ' a Cornish hug,' from which ae would be sore as long as he lived. Peters 3ublished in 1760 'An Appendix to the Critical Dissertation on Job, giving a Fur- ther Account of the Book of Ecclesiastes/ with a reply to some of Warburton's notes ; and in 1765 he was putting the finishing ;ouches to a more elaborate reply, which was never published, but descended to his nephew with his other manuscripts. After the death of Peters, in accordance- with his desire — expressed two years pre- viously— a volume of his sermons was printed n 1776 by his nephew Jonathan, vicar of St. Element, near Truro. Some extracts from he private prayers, meditations, and letters >f Peters are in Polwhele's 'Biographical Sketches ' (i. app. pp. 17-28). [Boase and Courtney's Bibl. Cornub. i. 464-5, 74-5 ; Boase's Collectanea Cornub. p. 727 ; Boase's Exeter Coll. Commoners, p. 250 ; Ni- hols's Lit. Illustrations, viii. 633 ; Polwhele's Peters 69 Peters Biogr. Sketches, i. 71-5 ; Gent. Mag. 1795, pt. ii p. 1085 ; Lowth's Letter to Author of Divine Legation, pp. 23-4.] W. P. C. PETERS or PETER, HUGH (1598- 1660), independent divine, baptised on 29 June 1598, was younger son of Thomas Dyck woode alias Peters, and Martha, daugh- ter of John Treffry of Treffry, Cornwall (BoASE, Bibl. Cornub. ii. 465, iii. 1310). Con- temporaries usually styled him ' Peters ; ' he signs himself * Peter.' His elder brother Thomas is noticed separately. At the age of fourteen he was sent to Cambridge, where lie graduated B. A. in 1617-18 as a member of Trinity College, and M. A. in 1622 (GAEDINEE, Great Civil War,'\i. 323). A sermon which he heard at St. Paul's about 1620 struck him with the sense of his sinful estate, and another .sermon, supplemented by the labours of Tho- mas Hooker, perfected his conversion. For a time he lived and preached in Essex, marry- ing there, about 1624, Elizabeth, widow of Edmund Read of Wickford, and daughter of Thomas Cooke of Pebmarsh in the same county (A Dying Father's Legacy, 1660, p. 99 ; Bibl. Cornub. iii. 1310). This marriage connected him with the Winthrop family, for Edmund Read's daughter Elizabeth was the wife of John Winthrop the younger. Peters returned to London to complete his theological studies, attended the sermons of Sibbes, Gouge, and Davenport, and preached occasionally himself. Having been licensed and ordained by Bishop Montaigne of Lon- don, he was appointed lecturer at St. Sepulchre's. ' At this lecture/ he says, ' the resort grew so great that it contracted envy and anger, though I believe above an hun- dred every week were persuaded from sin to Christ' (Legacy, p. 100). In addition to this, Peters became concerned in the work of the puritan feoffees for the purchase of impropriations. He was suspected of hetero- doxy, and on 17 Aug. 1627 subscribed a sub- mission and protestation addressed to 'the bishop of London, setting forth his adhesion to the doctrine and discipline of the English government, and his acceptance of episcopal government (PRYNNE, Fresh Discovery of Prodigious Wandering Stars, 1645, p. 33). But, according to his own account, he ' would not conform to all,' and he thought it better to leave England and settle in Holland. His departure seems to have taken place about 1629 (A Dying Father's Last Legacy, p. 100): In Holland Peters made the acquaintance of John Forbes, a noted presby terian divine, with whom he travelled into Germany to see Gustavus Adolphus, and of Sir Edward Harwood, an English commander in the Dutch service, who fell at the siege of Maes- tricht m 1632. It seems probable that Peters wasHarwood's chaplain (Harleian Miscel- lany, iv. 271 ; PETERS, Last Report of the English Wars, 1646, p. 14). About 1632 or possibly earlier, he became minister of the English church at Rotterdam. Sir William Brereton (1604-1661) [q.v.J, who visited Rotterdam in 1634, describes Peters as < a right zealous and worthy man/ and states that he was paid a salary of five thousand guilders by the Dutch government (Travels of Sir William Brereton, Chetham Soc. 1844, pp. 6, 10, 11, 24). Under the influence of their pastor the church speedily progressed towards the principles of the independents, and Peters was encouraged in his adoption of those views by the approbation of his col- league, the learned William Ames (1571- 1633) [q. v.], who told him ' that if there were a way of public worship in the world that God would own, it was that ' (Last Re- port, p. 14). Peters preached the funeral sermon of Ames, and had a hand in the pub- lication of his posthumous treatise, entitled ' A Fresh Suit against Roman Ceremonies ' (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1631-3 p. 213, 1634 pp. 279, 413). The English government, at the instiga- tion of Archbishop Laud, was at this time engaged in endeavouring to induce the Bri- tish churches in Holland to conform to the doctrine and ceremonies of the Anglican church, and its attention was called to the conduct of Peters by the informations given by John Paget and Stephen Gofie to the Eng- lish ambassador. He had drawn up a church covenant of fifteen articles for the accept- ance of the members of his congregation, and showed by his example that he thought it lawful to communicate with the Brownists in their worship. In consequence of these complaints and disputes, Peters made up his mind to leave Holland for New England 'HANBURY, Historical Memorials relating to the Independents, i. 534, ii. 242, 309, 372, iii. 139; Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1633-4, p. 318, 1635, p. 28; Brit. Mus. Addit. MS. 6394, ff. 128, 146). As far back as 1628 Peters had become connected with the Massachusetts patentees, and on 30 May 1628 had signed their in- structions to John Endecott (HuTCnmsoN, History of Massachusetts Bay, 1765, i. 9) . His relationship with John Winthrop supplied an additional motive for emigration, and he also states that many of his acquaintance when going for New England had engaged him to come to them when they sent for him (Last Legacy, p. 101). Accordingly, evading with some difficulty the attempt of the Eng- ish government to arrest him on his way Peters Peters from Holland, Peters arrived at Boston in October 1635 (Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 5th ser. i. 211). On 3 March 1635-6 he was admitted a freeman of Massachusetts, and on 21 Dec. following was established as minister of the church at Salem. From the very first he took a prominent part in all the affairs of the colony. He began by arranging, in conjunc- tion with Henry Vane, a meeting between Dudley and "Winthrop, in order to effect a reconciliation between them. His own views, as well as his connection with the Winthrop family, led him usually to act in harmony with Winthrop. In ecclesiastical matters Peters was at this time less liberal than he subsequently became. He disapproved of the favour which Vane as governor showed to Mrs. Hutchinson, and publicly rebuked him for seeking to restrain the deliberations of the clergy, telling him to consider his youth and short experience of the things of God (WINTHROP, History of New England, ed. Savage, i. 202, 211, 249, 446). At the trial of Mrs. Hutchinson in November 1637, Peters was one of the chief accusers, and endeavoured to browbeat a witness who spoke in her favour (HUTCHINSON, History of Massachusetts Bay, 1765, ii. 490, 503, 519). He also maintained orthodoxy and eccle- siastical authority by excommunicating Roger Williams and others, and utilised the execu- tion of one of his flock to warn the spectators to take heed of revelations and to respect the ordinance of excommunication (ib. i. 420; WINTHROP, i. 336). More to his credit were his successful endeavours to appease the dis- sensions of the church at Piscataqua, and his indefatigable zeal in preaching (ib. i. 222, 225, ii. 34; Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 3rd ser. iii. 106). Under his ministry the church at Salem and the whole community increased in numbers and prosperity (ib. 1st ser. vi. 250). Ecclesiastical duties, however, occupied only a portion of the time and energy of Peters. He interested himself in the founda- tion of the new colony at the mouth of the Connecticut, and endeavoured to reconcile the disputes between the English settlers there and the Dutch (WINTHROP, ii. 32). Influenced by what he had seen in Holland, he made the economic development of the colony his special care. In one of his first sermons at Boston he urged the government 4 to take order for employment of people (especially women and children) in the winter time, for he feared that idleness would be the ruin of both church and commonwealth.' He went from place to Slace ' labouring to raise up men to a public :ame of spirit/ till he obtained subscrip- tions sufficient to set on foot the fishing business. And * being a man of a very pub- lic spirit and singular activity for all occa- sions,' he procured others to join him in building a ship, in order that the colonists might be induced by his example to provide shipping of their own. On another occasion, when the colony was in distress for provi- sions, Peters bought the whole lading of a ship and resold it to the different commu- nities, according to their needs, at a much lower rate than they could have purchased it from the merchants (ib. i. 210, 221, 222, ii, 29). In 1641 the fortunes of the colony were greatly affected by the changed situation in England. The stream of emigration stopped, trade decreased, and it was thought neces- sary to send three agents to England who should represent the case of the colony to its creditors, and appeal to its friends for continued support. Peters was selected as one of these agents, in spite of the opposi- tion of Endecott. They were also charged 'to be ready to make use of any oppor- tunity God should offer for the good of the country here, as also to give any advice as it should be required for the settling the right form of church discipline there/ With this combined ecclesiastical and com- mercial mission Peters left New England in August 1641 (ib. ii. 30, 37). He succeeded in sending back commodities to the value of 500/. for the colony ; but finding the fulfil- ment of his mission obstructed by the dis- tractions of the time, and his own means running short, Peters accepted the post of chaplain to the forces raised by the adven- turers for the reduction of Ireland. From June to September 1642 he served in the abortive expedition commanded by Alex- ander, lord Forbes, and wrote an account of their proceedings (*A True Relation of the Passages of God's Providence in a Voyage for Ireland . . . wherein every day's work is set down faithfully by H. P., an eye-wit- ness thereof,' 4to, 1642 ; cf. CARTE, Ormond, ii. 315 ; WHITELOCKE, Memorials, iii. 105). On his return to England Peters speedily became prominent in controversy, war, and politics. He preached against Laud at Lam- beth, spoke disrespectfully of him during his trial, and was said to have proposed that the archbishop should be punished by transportation to New England (LAUD, Works, iv. 21, 66; PRYNNE, Canterburies Doom, 1646, p. 56 ; A Copy of the Petition . . . by the Archbishop of Canterbury . . . wherein the said Archbishop desires that he may not be transported beyond the seas into New England with Master Peters, 4to, 1642). Peters Peters He published, with a preface of his own, a vindication of the practices of the indepen- dents of New England, written by Richard Mather [q. v.], but frequently attributed to Peters himself (' Church Government and Church Covenant discussed in an Answer of the Elders of the several Churches in New England to Two-and-thirty Questions,' 4to, 1643). In September 1643 the committee of safety employed Peters on a mission to Holland, there to borrow money on behalf of the parliament, and to explain the justice of its cause to the Dutch (Cal. Clarendon Papers, i. 244). As a preacher, however, he was more valuable than as a diplomatist, and his sermons were very effective in winning recruits to the parliamentary army (Er- WAKDS, Gangrcena, iii. 77). He also became famous as an exhorter at the executions of state criminals, attended Richard Challoner on the scaffold, and improved the opportunity when Sir John Hotham was beheaded (Rusir- WOETH, v. 328, 804). But it was as an army chaplain that Peters exerted the widest in- fluence. In May 1644 he accompanied the Earl of Warwick in his naval expedition for the relief of Lyme, preached a thanksgiving sermon in the church there after its accom- plishment, and was commissioned by Warwick to represent the state of the west and the needs of the forces there to the attention of parliament (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1644, pp. 266, 271). This was the prelude to greater services of the same nature rendered to Fair- fax and the new model. As chaplain, Peters took a prominent part in the campaigns of that army during 1645 and 1646. Whenever a town was to be assaulted, it was his busi- ness to preach a preparatory sermon to the storming parties : and at Bridgwater, Bristol, and Dartmouth his eloquence was credited with a share in inspiring the soldiers (SPEIGGE, Anglia JRediviva, pp. 77, 102, 180 ; VICARS, Burning Bush, 1646, p. 198). After a victory he was equally effective in persuading the populace of the justice of the parliamentary arms, and con verting neutrals into supporters. During the siege of Bristol he made converts of five thousand clubmen ; and when Fair- fax's army entered Cornwall, his despatches specially mentioned the usefulness of Peters in persuading his countrymen to submission (SPRIGGE, p. 229 ; Cal. State Papers. Dom. 1645-7, p. 128; Master Peter's Message from Sir Thomas Fairfax, 4to, 1645). . In addition to his duties as a chaplain, Peters exercised the functions of a confidential agent of the general and of a war correspon- dent. Fairfax habitually employed him to represent to the parliament the condition of his army, the motives which determined his movements, and the details of his successes. His relations of battles and sieges were eagerly read, and formed a semi-official supplement to the general's own reports. Cromwell fol- lowed the example of Fairfax, and on his behalf Peters delivered to the House of Commons narratives of the capture of Winchester and the sack of Basing House (SPRIGGE, Anglia Rediviva, pp. 141-4, 150-3). It was a fitting tribute to his position and his services that he was selected to preach, on 2 April 1646, the thanksgiving sermon for the recovery of the west before the two houses of parliament (' God's Doings and Man's Duty,' 4to, 1646). Here, as elsewhere in his sermons, he handled the political and social questions of the moment with an outspoken courage and sometimes a rough eloquence which explain his popularity as a preacher. He pleaded for more charity between the sects, for less bitterness in theological controversy, and for more energy in the reform of abuses and social evils. Among the independents his influence was great, and he was styled by one of his opponents l the vicar-general and metropoli- tan of the independents both in Old and New England' (EDWARDS, Gangrcena, ii. 61). But moderate men among his old friends in New England held that he gave too much coun- tenance to the extremer sects (Massachusetts Hist. Soc. Coll 4th ser. viii. 277). The pres- byterians generally regarded him with the strongest aversion. 'All here,' wrote Baillie in 1644, 'take him for a very imprudent and temerarious man ' (Letters, ed. Laing, ii. 165). Thomas Edwards eagerly scrutinised his sermons for proofs of heresy, and proved without difficulty that they contained expres- sions against the Scots, the covenant, and the king ; and even independents like St. John were shocked by some specimens of his pulpit humour (Gangrcena, iii. 120-7 ; Thurloe Papers, i. 75). No one advocated toleration more strongly than Peters, but his arguments were rather those of a social reformer than a divine. He regarded doctrinal differences as of slight importance, suggested that if ministers of different views dined oftener together their mutual animosities would dis- appear, and that if the state would punish every one who spoke against either presby- tery or independency, till they could define the terms aright, a lasting religious peace might be established (PETERS, Last Re- port of the English Wars, 1646, 4to, pp. 7-8). In the same pamphlet, which was derisively termed ' Mr. Peter's Politics,' he set forth his political views. Now that the war was over, a close alliance should be made with foreign protestants, and at home the refor- mation of the law, the development of trade, Peters Peters and the propagation of the gospel should be vigorously taken in hand (ib. pp. 8-13). He added in a vindication of the army, published in the following year, a list of twenty neces- sary political and social reforms (A Word for the Army, 1647 ; Harleian Miscellany, v. 607). During the quarrel between the army and the parliament, Peters acted throughout with the former, preached often at its headquar- ters, and vigorously defended its actions. He protested on his trial that he had not been 6 ivy to the intended seizure of the king at olmty, nor taken part in any of the army's councilo. In June 1647 he had an interview with Charles at Newmarket, and was favour- ably received by Charles, who was reported to have said ' that he had often heard talk of him, but did not believe he had that solidity in him he found by his discourses.' Subse- quently he had access to the^ king at Wind- sor, and, according to his own statement, pro- pounded to his majesty three ways to pre- serve himself from danger (RusHWORTH, Historical Collections, vi. 578, vii. 815, 943 ; Last Legacy, p. 103 ; Trial of the Regicides, p. 173 ; A Conference between the King's Most Excellent Majesty and Mr. Peters at New- market, 4to, 1647). When the second civil war broke out, Peters took the field again, and did good service at the siege of Pembroke in procuring guns for the besiegers (Cromwelliana, p. 40). He also helped to raise troops in the Mid- land counties, and negotiated, on behalf of Lord Grey of Groby, for the surrender of the Duke of Hamilton at Uttoxeter. In New England it was commonly reported that Peters himself had captured Hamilton ( The Northern Intelligencer, 1648, 4to ; BTJRNET, Lives of the Dukes of Hamilton, ed. 1852, pp. 491-3 ; WINTHROP, ii. 436). Rumour also credited him with a share in drawing up the ' Army Remonstrance' of 20 Nov. 1648, and Lilburne terms him the 'grand journey-man or hackney-man of the army.' In the discussions on the * agreement of the people ' he spoke on the necessity of toleration, quoted the example of Holland, and urged the officers to ' tame that old spirit of domination among Christians ' which was the source of so much persecution (GARDI- NER, Great Civil War, iv. 236; Clarke Papers, ii. 89, 259). The royalist newspapers repre- sented Peters as one of the instigators of the king's trial and execution, which he denied himself in his post-Restoration apologies ; but his sermons during the trial, as was proved by several witnesses, justified the sentence of the court. In one of them he took for his text the words ( To bind their kings in chains and their nobles with fetters of iron,' and applied to Charles the denunciation of the king of Babylon in Isaiah xiv. 18-20 (ib. ii. 30 ; GARDINER, iv. 304, 314 ; Trial of the Regicides, pp. 170). In like manner Peters was credited with a part in contriving ' Pride's Purge,' though all he did was to release two of the imprisoned members by Fairfax's order, and to answer the inquiries of the rest as to the authority by which they were de- tained with the words ' By the power of the sword ' (GARDINER, iv. 272). Towards in- dividual royalists Peters often showed great kindness, and at his trial in 1660 he was able to produce certificates from the Earl of Nor- wich and the Marquis of Worcester express- ing their thanks for his services to them. At Hamilton's trial, also in March 1649, Peters was one of the witnesses on behalf of the duke (Trial of the Regicides, p. 173 ; BURNET, p. 493). The establishment of the republic and the end of the war seemed to set Peters free to return to New England, and at intervals since 1645 he had announced to "Winthrop his intention of embarking as soon as possible. His wife had been despatched thither in 1645. ' My spirit,' he wrote in May 1647, 1 these two or three years hath been restless about my stay here, and nothing under heaven but the especial hand of the Lord could stay me ; I pray assure all the country so.' At one time, however, illness, at an- other the necessity of first disposing of his property in England, at others the state of public affairs, prevented his departure (Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 4th ser. vi. 108, 110, 112). He was also detained by the wish to assist in the reconquest of Ireland,whither he accompanied Cromwell in August 1649. Peters landed at Dublin on 30 Aug., having been entrusted by the general with the charge of bringing up the stragglers left behind at Milford Haven (GARDINER, History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate, i. 119). He was one of the first to announce the fall of Drogheda to the parlia- ment, was present at the capture of Wexford, and returned again to England in October to superintend the forwarding of reinforcements and supplies. Cromwell even commissioned him to raise a regiment of foot for service in Ireland, but that project seems to have fallen through, owing to the illness of Peters him- self, and to some difficulties raised by the council of state (GILBERT, Aphorismical Dis- covery, ii. 262; Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1649-50, pp. 349, 390, 432; YONGE, Eng- land's Shame, 1663, p. 75). Peters remained in South Wales during the spring of 1650, employed in business connected with the ex- pedition, and in persuading the Welsh to Peters 73 Peters take the engagement of adherence to the par- liament (Cromwelliana, pp. 75, 81 ; WHITE- LOCKE, Memorials, iii. 166). He took no part in the expedition to Scotland, but seems to have been present at the battle of Worces- ter, and exhorted the assembled militia regi- ments on the significance of their victory (GAKDINEK, History of the Commonwealth, i. 445). According to the story which he subsequently told to Ludlow, he perceived that Cromwell was excessively elevated by his triumph, and predicted to a friend that he would make himself king (LTJDLOW, Me- moirs, ed. 1894, ii. 9). The fortunes of Peters were now at their zenith. On 28 Nov. 1646 parliament had conferred upon him by ordinance a grant of 2007. per annum out of the forfeited estates of the Marquis of Worcester, and he had also been given in 1644 the library of Archbishop Laud (Lords1 Journals, viii. 582; Last Legacy, p. 104). According to his own statement, however, what he had received was simply a portion of Laud's private library, worth about 1407. (ib.) When John Owen accom- panied Cromwell to Scotland as his chaplain, Peters was made one of the chaplains of the council of state in his place (17 Dec. 1650), and subsequently became permanently esta- blished as one of the preachers at Whitehall, with lodgings there and a salary of 2007. a year (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1650 p. 472, 1651 p. 72, 1651-2 pp. 9, 56). Friends from New England who visited him there were struck by his activity and his influence. ' I was merry with him, and called him the Arch- bishop of Canterbury, in regard of his atten- dance of ministers and gentlemen, and it passed very well,' wrote William Coddington (Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 4th ser. vii. 281). To Roger Williams Peters explained that his prosperity was more apparent than real, and confided the distress caused him by the in- sanity of his wife and its effect on his public life. l He told me that his affliction from his wife stirred him up to action abroad; and when success tempted him to pride, the bitter- ness in his bosom comforts was a cooler and a bridle to him ' (KNOWLES, Life of Roger Wil- liams, 1834, p. 261 ; MASSON, Life of Milton, iv. 533). In his letters he complains fre- quently of ill-health, especially of melan- cholia, or, as it was then termed, ' the spleen/ and both in 1649 and again in 1656 he was dangerously ill. His fear was, as he expressed it, that he would ' outlive his parts ' (Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 4th ser. vi. 112). Whenever Peters was in health, his rest- less energy led him to engage in every kind of public business. In March 1649 he pre- sented to the council of state propositions for building frigates which were referred to the admiralty committee (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1649-50). One of the questions he had most at heart was the reform of the law. WThile in Massachusetts he had twice been appointed on committees for drawing up a code of laws for the colony, and in Holland he had seen much which he thought worthy of imitation in England. On 17 Jan. 1652 parliament appointed a committee of twenty- one persons for the reformation of the law, of whom Peters was one. « None of them,' writes Whitelocke, ' was more active in this business than Mr. Hugh Peters, the minister, who understood little of the law, but was very opinionati ve, and would frequently men- tion some proceedings of law in Holland, wherein he was altogether mistaken ' (Me- morials, ed. 1853, iii. 388). In a tract pub- lished in July 1651, entitled 'Good Work for a Good Magistrate/ he summed up his scheme of reforms, proposing, among other things, a register of land titles and wills, and suggesting that when that was esta- blished the old records in the Tower, being merely monuments of tyranny, might be burnt (p. 33). R. Vaughan of Gray's Inn answered his proposals in detail on behalf of the lawyers, and Prynne furiously de- nounced the ignorance and folly shown in his suggestion about the records ('A Plea for the Common Laws of England/ 1651, 8vo ; ' The Second Part of a Short Demurrer to the Jews long-discontinued Remitter into England, by William Prynne/ 1656, 4to, pp. 136-47). In the same pamphlet Peters proposed the setting up of a bank in London like that of Amsterdam, the establishment of public warehouses and docks, the insti- tution of a better system for guarding against fires in London, and the adoption of the Dutch system of providing for the poor throughout the country. Unfortunately none of these public-spirited proposals led to any practical result. Peters did not limit his activity to domestic affairs. During the war with the Dutch in 1652 and 1653 he continually endeavoured to utilise his influence with the leaders of the two countries to heal the breach. At his instigation, in June 1652, the Dutch congregation at Austin Friars petitioned parliament for the revival of the conferences with the Dutch ambassadors, which had just then been broken off, and the demand was earnestly supported by Cromwell. Confident of the approval of the army leaders, who were opposed to the war, Peters even ven- tured to write to Sir George Ayscue and bid him to desist from fighting his co-religionists. Ayscue, however, sent the letter to parlia- Peters 74 Peters ment, and Peters was severely reprimanded (notes supplied by Mr. S. R. Gardiner). In April 1653 the Dutch made an overture to negotiate. A contemporary caricature re- presents Peters introducing the four Dutch envoys sent in July 1653 to Secretary Thurloe. In the same month he was described as pub- licly praying and preaching for peace, and, though it is said that he was forbidden to hold any communication with the ambassadors, it is probable that he was one of the anonymous intermediaries mentioned in the account of their mission (THTJRLOE, i. 330 ; Gal. Clarendon Papers, ii. 196, 223 ; GEDDES, John de Witt, i. 281, 360 ; STUBBE, Further Justification of the Present War against the United Nether- lands, 1673, pp. 1, 81). In this series of attempts at mediation the conduct of Peters, however indiscreet, was dictated by a laudable desire to prevent the effusion of protestant blood; but in another instance his motive seems to have been simply a wish to put himself forward. When Whitelocke was sent as ambassador to Sweden, Peters sent by him to Queen Christina a mastiff and ' a great English cheese of his country making,' accompanied by a letter stating the reasons which had led to the execution of Charles I and the expulsion of the Long parliament. With many apologies for the presumption of the sender, Whitelocke presented them to Chris- tina, ' who merrily and with expressions of contentment received of them, though from so mean a hand ' (WHITELOCKE, Journal of the Embassy to Sweden, ed. H. Reeve, i. 283 ; THTTRLOE, i. 583). During the Protectorate, Peters, who was a staunch supporter of Cromwell, continued to act as one of the regular preachers at Whitehall, but was more closely restricted to his proper functions. Besides preaching, he took an active part in ecclesiastical affairs and in the propagation of the gospel in the three kingdoms. In July 1652 he and other ministers had been instructed to confer with various officers ' about providing some godly persons to go into Ireland to preach the gospel' (CaL State Papers, Dom. 1651-2, p. 351). He corresponded with Henry Crom- well, praising his administration, and urging him to maintain ' a laborious, constant, sober ministry ' as the thing most necessary for the preservation of Ireland (Lansdowne MSS. 823, f. 32). Report credited Peters with the inspira- tion of the policy adopted by the commis- sioners for the propagation of the gospel in Wales, but he was not one of the original ' propagators ' appointed by the ordinance of 22 Feb. 1650, and no good evidence is ad- duced in support of the statement (WALKER, Sufferings of the Clergy, p. 147 ; YONGE, England's Shame, pp. 80-6). Peters was a member of a committee ap- pointed by the army to assist the commis- sioners for the propagation of the gospel among the Indians in New England, but he quarrelled with the commissioners, who, in February 1654, charged him with hindering instead of helping their work. At one time he roundly asserted that ' the work was but a plain cheat, and that there was no such thing as a gospel conversion amongst the In- dians.' At another he complained that the commissioners obstructed the work by re- fusing to allow the missionaries employed a sufficient maintenance. They answered that he was dissatisfied simply because the work was coming to perfection and he had not had the least hand or finger in it (Hutchin- son Papers, Prince Soc. i. 288). There was doubless an element of truth in these charges, for Peters, in one of his letters to Winthrop, owned that he would rather see the money collected spent on the poor of the colony than on the natives (Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 4th ser. vi. 116). He vindicated himself, how- ever, from a charge of embezzlement which had also been brought against him (Rawlinson MS. C. f. 934, f. 26, Bodleian Library). The Protector, to whom these charges were doubtless known, showed his continued con- fidence by appointing Peters one of the ' Triers ' whose business was to examine all candidates for livings (Ordinance, 20 March 1653-4 ; SCOBELL, Acts, p. 279). Peters was also frequently applied to personally when ministers were to be approved or chaplains recommended for employment (CaL State Papers, Dom. 1654 pp. 124, 553, 1655 p. 50). In December 1655, when Menasseh Ben Israel [see MENASSEH] presented his petition for the readmission of the Jews to England, Peters was one of the ministers appointed to discuss the question with the committee of the council of state. But though he had advo- cated the cause of the Jews as early as 1647, he seems now to have raised a doubt whether the petitioners could prove that they really were Jews (ib. 1655-6, pp. 52, 57, 58; Crom- welliana, p. 154). During the later years of the Protectorate Peters was less prominent, partly owing to ill-health, and in August 1656 he informed Henry Cromwell that he ' was very much taken off by age and other worry from busy business ' (Lansdowne MSS. 823, f. 34 ; Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll 3rd ser. i. 183). On 1 May 1657 he preached a rous- ing sermon to the six regiments assembled at Blackheath to serve in the expedition to Peters 75 Peters Flanders (Mercurius Politicus, 30 April to 7 May 1657). In July 1658 he was sent to Dunkirk, apparently to inquire into the pro- vision made for the spiritual needs of the newly established garrison. He utilised the opportunity to inquire into the administra- tion of the town in general, and to obtain several interviews with Cardinal Mazarin. Lockhart, the governor, praised the ' great charity and goodness ' Peters had shown in his prayers and exhortations, and in visiting and relieving the sick and wounded. In a confidential postscript to Thurloe he added : ' He returns laden with an account of all things here, and hath undertaken every man's business. I must give him that testimony, that he gave us three or four very honest sermons ; and if it were possible to get him to mind preaching, and to forbear the troubling of himself with other things, he would cer- tainly prove a very fit minister for soldiers.' ' He hath often,' he continued, l insinuated into me his desire to stay here, if he had a call ; ' but the prospect of his establishment in Dunkirk was evidently distasteful to the governor (THURLOE, vii. 223, 249). On the death of the Protector, Peters preached a funeral sermon, selecting the text, ' My servant Moses is dead ' {Hist. MSS. Comm. 5th Rep. p. 143). During the troubled period which followed he took little part in public affairs, probably owing to ill- health. He deplored the overthrow of Ri- chard Cromwell, protested that he was a stranger to it, and declared that he looked upon the whole business as l very sinful and ruining.' When Monck marched into Eng- land, Peters met him at St. Albans and preached before him, to the great disgust of the general's orthodox chaplain, John Price (MASERES, Select Tracts, ii. 756). On 24 April, in answer to some inquiries from Monck, he wrote to Monck saying * My weak head and crazy carcass puts me in mind of my great change, and therefore I thank God that these twelve months, ever since the breach of Richard's parliament, I have meddled with no public affairs more than the thoughts of mine own and others pre- sented to yoursolf ' ( manuscripts of Mr. Ley- bourne PophcHB). No professions of peace- ableness, however true, could save him from suspicion. The restored Rump deprived him of his lodgings at Whitehall in January 1660, and on 11 May the council of state or- dered his apprehension (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1659-60, pp. 305, 338, 575, 360). Pamphlets, ballads, and caricatures against him testified to his general unpopularity (Cat. of Prints in Brit. Mus., satirical, i. 518, 522, 528, 532, 535-42). On 7 June the For 4 manuscripts,' etc., read * Hist. MSS. Comm.y Leyborne-Popham MSS., p. I7Q.' Notices of Peters' sermons will be House of Commons ordered that he and Cornet Joyce should be arrested, the two being coupled together as the king's supposed executioners. On 18 June he was excepted from the Act of Indemnity (Kennet Register, pp. 176, 240). Peters, who had hidden him- self to escape apprehension, drew up an apology for his life, which he contrived to get presented to the House of Lords. It denies that he took any share in concerting the king's death, and gives an account of his public career, substantially agreeing with the defence made at his trial and the state- ments contained in his ' Last Legacy ' (Hist. MSS. Comm. 7th Rep. p. 115). Peters was arrested in Southwark on 2 Sept. 1660, and committed to the Tower. His trial took place at the Old Bailey on 13 Oct. The chief witness against him was Dr. William Young, who deposed to certain confessions made to him by Peters in 1649, showing that he had plotted with Cromwell to bring the king to the block. Other witnesses testified to sup- posed consultations of Peters with Crom- well and Ireton for the same purpose, and to his incendiary sermons during the king's trial. Peters proved the falsity of the rumour that he. had actually been present on the scaffold by showing that he was confined to his chamber by illness on the day of the king's execution, but he was unable to do more than deny that he used the particular expressions alleged to have been uttered by him. He was found guilty and condemned to death ( Trial of the Regicides, 4to, 1660, pp. 153-84). During his imprisonment Peters ' was exercised under great conflict in his own spirit, fearing (as he would often say) that he should not go through his sufferings with courage and comfort.' But, in spite of re- ports to the contrary, he met his end with dignity and calmness. On 14 Oct. he preached to his fellow-prisoners, taking as his text Psalm xlii. 11. He was executed at Charing Cross on 16 Oct. with his friend John Cook (d. 1660) [q. v.] One of the bystanders upbraided Peters with the death of the king, and bade him repent. ' Friend,' replied Peters, 'you do not well to trample on a dying man. You are greatly mistaken: I had nothing to do in the death of the king.' Cook was hanged before the eyes of Peters, who was purposely brought near by the sheriff's men to see his body quartered. ' Sir,' said Peters to the sheriff, * you have here slain one of the servants of God before mine eyes, and have made me to behold it, on purpose to terrify and discourage me; but God hath made it an ordinance to me for my strengthening and encouragement,' ' Never/ said the official newspaper, ' was person suf- Peters Peters fered death so unpitied, and (which is more) whose execution was the delight of the people' (Mercurius Publicus, 11-18 Oct. p. 670 ; The Speeches and Prayers of some of the late King's Judges, 4to, 1660, pp. 58-62 ; Eebels no Saints, 8vo, 1661, pp. 71-80). The popular hatred was hardly deserved. Peters had earned it by what he said rather than by what he did. His public-spirited exertions for the general good and his kind- nesses to individual royalists were forgotten, and only his denunciations of the king and his attacks on the clergy were remembered. Burnet characterises him as ' an enthusias- tical buffoon preacher, though a very vicious man, who had been of great use to Cromwell, and had been very outrageous in pressing the king's death with . the cruelty and rude- ness of an inquisitor ' ( Own Time, ed. 1833, i. 290). His jocularity had given as much offence as his violence, and pamphlets were compiled which related his sayings and attri- buted to him a number of time-honoured witticisms and practical jokes (The Tales and Jests of Mr. Hugh Peters, published by one that formerly hath been conversant with the author in his lifetime, 4to, 1660; Hugh Peters his Figaries, 4to, 1660). His reputa- tion was further assailed in songs and satires charging him with embezzlement, drunken- ness, adultery, and other crimes ; but these accusations were among the ordinary con- troversial weapons of the period, and deserve no credit (Don Juan Lamberto, 4to, 1661, pt. ii. chap. viii. ; YONGE, England's Shame,8vo, 1663, pp. 14, 19, 27, 53). They rest on no evidence, and were solemnly denied by Peters. In one case the publisher of these libels was obliged to insert a public apology in the newspapers (Several Proceedings in Parliament, 2-9 Sept. 1652). An examina- tion of the career and the writings of Peters shows him to have been an honest, upright, and genial man, whose defects of taste and judgment explain much of the odium which he incurred, but do not justify it. In person Peters is described as tall and thin, according to the tradition recorded by one of his successors at Salem, but his por- traits represent a full-faced, and apparently rather corpulent man (Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1st ser. vi. 252). A picture of him, described by Cole, as showing ' rather a well-looking open-countenanced man,' was formerly in the master's lodge at Queens' College, Cambridge (Diary of Thomas Burton, i. 244). One belonging to the Rev. Dr. Treffry was ex- hibited in the National Portrait Collection of 1868 (No. 724^ ; the best engraved portrait is that prefixed to ' A Dying Father's Last Legacy,' 12mo, 1660. A list of others is given in the catalogue of the portraits in the Sutherland Collection in the Bodleian Library, and many satirical prints and cari- catures are described in the British Museum Catalogue of Prints and Drawings (Satires, vol. i. 1870). Peters married twice : first, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Cooke of Pebmarsh, Essex, and widow of Edmund Read of Wick- ford in the same county ; she died about 1637. Secondly, Deliverance Sheffield ; she was still alive in 1677 in New England, and was supported by charity (Hutchinson Paper s,f Prince Soc. ii. 252). ,By his second marriage Peters had one daughter, Elizabeth, to whom his ' Last Legacy ' is addressed. She is said to have married and left descendants in America, but the accuracy of the pedigree is disputed (CAULFIELD, Reprint of the Tales and Jests of Hugh Peters, 1807, p. xiv ; Hist, of the Rev. Hugh Peters, by Samuel Peters, New York, 1807, 8vo). Hugh Peters was the author of the fol- lowing pamphlets : 1. ' The Advice of that Worthy Commander Sir Edward Harwood upon occasion of the French King's Prepara- tions . . . Also a relation of his life and death ' (the relation is by Peters), 4to, 1642 ; re- printed in the ' Ilarleian Miscellany,' ed. Park, iv. 268. 2. < A True Relation of the passages of God's Providence in a voyage for Ireland . . . wherein every day's work is set down faithfully by H. P., an eye-witness thereof,' 4to, 1642. 3. < Preface to Richard Mather's Church Government and Church Covenant discussed,' 4to, 1643. 4. ' Mr. Peter's Report from the Armies, 26 July 1645, with a list of the chiefest officers taken at Bridgewater,' &c., 4to, 1645. 5. ' Mr. Peter's report from Bristol,' 4to, 1645. 6. ' The Full and Last Relation of all things concerning Basing House, with divers other Passages represented to Mr. Speaker and divers Members in the House. By Mr. Peters who came from Lieut.-Gen. Cromwell,' 4to, 1645. 7. 'Master Peter's Message from Sir Thomas Fairfax with the narration of the taking of Dartmouth/ 4to, 1646. 8. ' Master Peter's Message from Sir Thomas Fairfax . . . with the whole state of the west and all the particulars about the disbanding of the Prince and Sir Ralph Hopton's Army,' 4to, 1646. 9. 'God's Doings and Man's Duty,' opened in a ser- mon preached 2 April 1646, 4to. 10. < Mr. Peter s Last Report of the English Wars, occasioned by the importunity of a Friend pressing an Answer to seven Queries,' 1646, 4to. 11. 'Several Propositions presented to the House of Commons by Mr. Peters con- cerning the Presbyterian Ministers of this Peters 77 Peters Kingdom, with the discovery of two great Plots against the Parliament of England/ 1646, 4to. 12. ' A Word for the Army and Two Words for the Kingdom,' 1647, 4to; reprinted in the ' Harleian Miscellany/ ed. Park, v. 607. 13. ' Good Work for a good Magistrate, or a short cut to great quiet, by honest, homely, plain English hints given from Scripture, reason, and experience for the regulating of most cases in this Common- wealth/ by H. P., 12mo, 1651. 14. A pre- face to ' The Little Horn's Doom and Down- fall/ by Mary Gary, 12mo, 1651. 1.5. ' /Eter- nitati sacrum Terrenum quod habuit sub hoc pulvere deposuit Henri cus Ireton/ Latin verses on Henry Ireton's death, fol. [1650]. 16. Dedication to * Operum Gulielmi Amesii volumen prinium/ Amsterdam, 12mo, 1658. 17. ' A Dying Father's Last Legacy to an only Child, or Mr. Hugh Peter's advice to his daughter, written by his own hand during his late imprisonment/ 12mo, 1 660. 18. ' The Case of Mr. Hugh Peters impartially com- municated to the view and censure of the whole world, written by his own hand,' 4to, 1660. 19. ' A Sermon by Hugh Peters preached before his death, as it was taken by a faithful hand, and now published for public information/ London, printed by John Best, 4to, 1660. A number of speeches, confessions, ser- mons, &c., attributed to Peters, are merely political squibs and satirical attacks. A list of these is given in ' Bibliotheca Cornubiensis.' There are also attributed to Peters : 1. ' The Nonesuch Charles his character/ 8vo, 1651. This was probably written by Sir Balthazar Gerbier [q. v.], who after the Restoration as- serted that Peters was its author (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1661-2, p. 79). 2. 'The Way ^to the Peace and Settlement of these Nations. • . . . By Peter Cornelius van Zurick-Zee/ 4to, 1659 ; reprinted in the * Somers Tracts/ ed. Scott, vi. 487. 3. ' A Way propounded to make the poor in these and other nations happy. By Peter Cornelius van Zurick-Zee/ 4to, 1659. A note in the copy of the latter in Thomason's Collection in the British Mu- seum, says : ' I believe this pamphlet was made by Mr. Hugh Peters, who hath a man named Cornelius Glover.' [An almost exhaustive list of the materials for the life of Peters is given in Boase and Courtney's Bibliotheca Cornubiensis, i. 465, iii. 1310. The earliest life of Peters is that by William Yonge, M.D.— England's Shame, or the unmasking of a politic Atheist, being a full and faithful rela- tion of the life and death of that grand impostor Hugh Peters, 12mo, 1663. This is a scurrilous collection of fabrications. The first attempt at an impartial biography was an historical and critical account of Hugh Peters after the manner of Mr. Bayle, published anonymously by Dr. William Harris in 1751, 4to, reprinted, in 1814* in his Historical and Critical Account of the Lives of James I, Charles I, &c., 5 vols, 8vo. This was followed in 1807 by the Life of Hugh Peters, by the Eev. Samuel Peters, LL.D., New York, 8vo. Both were superseded by the Rev. J. B. Felt's Memoir and Defence of Hugh Peters, Boston, 1851, 8vo; thirty-five letters by Hugh Peters are printed in the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 4th ser. yi. 91-117, vii. 199-204; a list of other letters is given in Bibliotheca Cornubiensis. Peters gives an account of his own life in his Last Legacy, pp. 97-115, which should be compared with the autobiographical statements contained in his Last Report of the English Wars, 1646, the petition addressed by him to the House of Lords in 1660 (Hist. MSS. Comm. 7th Rep. i. 115), and the statements made by him during his trial.] C. H. F. PETERS, MES. MARY (1813-1856), hymn-writer, daughter of Richard Bowly and his wife, Mary Bowly, was born at Cirencester in Gloucestershire on 17 April 1813. While very young she married John Me William Peters, sometime rector of Quen- ington in the same county, and afterwards vicar of Langford in Oxfordshire. The death of her husband in 1834 left her a widow at the age of twenty-one. She found solace in the writing of hymns and other literary pursuits. She wrote a work in seven volumes, called l The World's History from the Creation to the Accession of Queen Victoria.' It is, however, as a hymn-writer that Mrs. Peters will be best remembered. She contributed hymns to the Plymouth Brethren's ' Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs/ London, 1842, 8vo. Her poetical pieces, fifty-eight in number, appeared in 1847 under the title ' Hymns intended to help the Communion of Saints ' (London). Selections from this volume are found in various hymnals both of the established and nonconformist churches, such as ' The Hymnal Companion/ Snepp's ' Songs of Grace and Glory/ Windle's 'Church and Home Psalter and Hymnal/ 'The General Hymnary/ &c. Among her most admired hymns are those beginning: 'Around Thy table, Holy Lord/ 'Holy Father, we address Thee/ ' Jesus, how much Thy name unfolds ! r and ' Through the love of God our Saviour/ The first and last named are in very general use. Mrs. Peters died at Clifton, Bristol, on 29 July 1856. [Julian's Diet, of Hymnology, and private sources.] W. B. L. Zierickzee, a town in the province of Zeeland. Plockboy propounded the organisation of a socialistic commonwealth (see E. Bernstein in Die Vorldufer des Neueren Sozia/ismus Peters Peters PETERS, MATTHEW WILLIAM (1742-1814), portrait and historical painter and divine, was born in the Isle of Wight in 1 742. His father, Matthew Peters, is described as ' of the Isle of Wight, gent. ; ' he appears to have held a post in the customs at Dublin, where the son was brought up (FosxEK, Alumni Oxon. 1715-1886). There he attended the school of design, of which Robert West was then master. In 1759 he obtained a premium from the Society of Arts. He joined the Incorporated Society of Artists, and exhibited in Spring Gardens portraits, principally in crayons, from 1766 to 1769. He also exhibited two works at the Free Society of Artists. It is probable that he had been to Italy before 1766, as his con- tributions in that year included ' A Floren- tine Lady in the Tuscan Dress ' and * A Lady in a Pisan Dress.' In 1769 he was living in Welbeck Street, Portman Square, and, be- sides seven portraits at Spring Gardens, he had one at the exhibition (the first) of the Royal Academy. Except in 1772, 1775, and 1779, he exhibited regularly at this academy till 1780, though he spent some portion of this period in Italy, as his address is given as Venice in the catalogues of 1773 and 1774., While in Italy on this or another occasion (he visited Rome twice) he made a copy of Correggio's St. Jerome (' II Giorno ') at Parma, which is now in the church of Saffron Walden, Essex. He was elected an associate of the academy in 1771, and a full member in 1777. The only portraits to which names are given in the catalogues are 'Mr. Wortly Montagu in his dress as an Arabian Prince ' (1776) and ' Sir John Fielding as Chairman of the Quarter Sessions for the City of Westminster' (1778). He also seems to have painted a portrait of his father, which was engraved by J. Murphy in 1773 (BKOMLEY). Besides portraits, he exhibited 1 A Girl making Lace ' (1770), ' A Woman in Bed,' ' A Country Girl,' and ' St. John' (1777), and 'A View of Liverpool' (1780). He had now attained a considerable posi- tion as an artist ; but for some years before this he had seriously turned his attention to the church, for 'which profession he had been intended in his youth. He matriculated from Exeter College, Oxford, on 24 Nov. 1779, and graduated B.C.L. in 1788 ; he took orders in 1783, and in the same year became rector of Eaton, Leicestershire. He did not exhibit in 1781 or 1 782, but in 1783 he sent his second sacred subject, ' An Angel carrying the Spirit of a Child to Paradise.' This picture is at Burghley, and the angel is a portrait of Mary Isabella, afterwards wife of Charles, fourth duke of Rutland. In 1785 appeared his next and last contributions to the Royal Academy —'The Fortune Teller ' and two full-lengths of noblemen (the Duke of Manchester and Lord Petre), ' grand-masters ' of the Free- masons, for Freemasons' Hall. He painted two other ' grand-masters,' the Duke of Cumberland and the prince-regent ; several subjects for Boy dell's Shakespeare Gallery, from ' Much Ado about Nothing,' 'Henry VIII,' and 'The Merry Wives of Windsor,' and some religious pictures, one of which, the ' Annunciation/ he presented in 1799, as an altar-piece, to Exeter Cathe- dral. It was a subject of coarse ridicule by Paley, and was removed about 1853. Among others were ' Cherubs,' ' The Guardian Angel/ and the ' Resurrection of a Pious Family/ the last of which was sold at Christie's in 1886 for 23/. 2s. Many of his works were engraved by Bartolozzi, J. R. Smith, Marcuard, Simon, Thew, and Dickinson, and became very popu- lar. Although never rising to the first rank, and severely attacked by such satirists as Peter Pindar (Dr. Wolcot) and Antony Pas- quin (John Williams), he was a clever artist and pleasant colourist, and one or two of his scenes from Shakespeare (especially Mrs. Page and Mrs. Ford reading Falstaff's love- letter) are animated with a sprightly humour. His portraits at Freemasons' Hall were burnt in the fire of 1883. His career as a clergyman was prosperous. He became rector of Knighton, Leicestershire, and Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, in 1788, pre- bendary of Lincoln Cathedral in 1795, and chaplain to the Marquis of Westminster and the prince-regent. He married a niece of Dr. Turton, a physician of large practice, and died at Brasted Place. Kent, on 20 March 1814. [Redgrave's Diet.; Redgraves' Century of Painters ; Bryan's Diet, of Painters, ed. Graves and Armstrong ; Algernon Graves's Diet.; Pye's Patronage of British Art ; Bedford's Art Sales ; Peter Pindar's "Works; Antony Pasquin's Royal Academicians, a Farce ; Notes and Queries, 2nd ser. xii. 272, 6th ser. vii. 313, 389, viii. 54, 253 ; Catalogues of the Royal Academy, &c.] C. M. PETERS or PETER, THOMAS (d. 1654), puritan divine, was son of Thomas Dyck- woode, alias Peters, who married at Fowey, Cornwall, in June 1594, Martha, daughter of John Treffry of Treffry, and elder brother of Hugh Peters [q. v"] He matriculated from Brasenose College, Oxford, in 1610, and graduated B.A. oh 30 June 1614, M.A. 6 April 1625. For many years, probably from 1628, he was vicar of Mylor in his native county of Cornwall. He emigrated to" America, arriving in New England, ac- cording to one historian, on 15 July 1639 Peters 79 Peterson (FELT, Eccl. Hist. New England, i. 410, 564, 592-3, 615) ; but the more probable state- ment is that he was driven out of Cornwall by the troops of Sir Ralph Hopton in 1643, and reached America in 1644. Peters was at Saybrook, Connecticut, in the summer of 1645, and afterwards with John Winthrop the younger at Pequot plantation. When this became the permanent settlement of New London, he was appointed in May 1646 its first minister ; and, as he ' intended to inhabite in the said plantation,' was asso- ciated by the court at Boston With Winthrop in its management. A letter from him com- plaining of the Indian chief Uncus, ' for some injurious hostile insolencies/ was read before the commissioners of the United Colonies in September 1646, and in the following July he was reproved ; but the commissioners did not think that the complaints justified any stronger proceedings (Records of New Ply- mouth, ed. Pulsifer, i. 71-3, 99-100). Mean- time Peters had been ill ; and on an in- vitation from his old parish in Cornwall had sailed from Boston in December 1646. He returned to England by way of Spain, leaving Nantucket on 19 Dec. 1646, and ar- riving at Malaga on 19 Jan. 1646-7, after ' a full month of sad storms.' Peters again ministered at Mylor, and died there in 1654, in the fifty-seventh year of his age. A gravestone in the churchyard records his memory. His wife, who is said to have been a sister of Winthrop, did not accompany him to New England. Peters is described by Cotton Mather as ' a worthy man and a writer of certain pieces ' (Magnolia Christi Americana, bk. iv. chap, i.) He himself, in the preface to his sermon, ' A Remedie against Ruine/ preached before the judges at the Launceston assizes, 17 March 1651-2, says that he ' never before peep'd in the Presse beyond the letters of my name.' A long preface deals with his differences with the Rev. Sampson Bond, rector of Mawgan in Meneague, Cornwall, whom he had accused of unsoundness, and of having stolen about a fourth of a ser- mon from the Rev. Daniel Featley [q. v.] The charge resulted in an accusation against Peters of perjury. But the case ended in a victory for him. Letters from Peters are in WTinthrop's f History of New England,' 1853 edit. pp. 463-4; the 'New England Historical and Genealogical Register,' ii. 63-4 ; and in the 'Massachusetts Historical Society's Col- lections', 3rd ser. i. 23-4, 4th ser. vi. 519-20, viii. 428-33. He is said to have been of a milder disposition than his brother Hugh. [Boase and Courtney's Bibl. Cornub. ii. 475, iii. 1081; Foster's Oxford Alumni; Allen's American Biogr. Diet. (1857 edit.); Gaulkins's New London, pp. 43-53 ; Savage's G-eneal. Diet, iii. 402-3 ; Farmer's Geneal. Reg. pp. 224-5.1 W. P. C. PETERSDORFF, CHARLES ERD- MAN (1800-1886), legal writer, third son of Christian F. Petersdorff, furrier, of 14 Gough Square, London, and of Ivy House, Totten- ham, was born in London on 4 Nov. 1800. He became a student of the Inner Temple on 24 Sept. 1818, and was called to the bar on 25 Jan. 1833. He was for some time one of the counsel to the admiralty, and by order of the lords of the admiralty he com- piled a complete collection of the statutes relating to the navy, to shipping, ports, and harbours. He was created a serjeant-at-law on 14 June 1858, and nominated, on 1 Jan. 1863, a judge of the county courts, circuit 57 (north Devonshire and Somerset), an ap- pointment which he resigned in December 1885. He was killed by accidentally falling into the area of his house, 23 Harley Street, London, on 29 July 1886. On 15 Nov. 1847 he married Mary Anne, widow of James Mallock, of 78 Harley Street, London. He was the author of: 1. 'A General Index to the Precedents in Civil and Criminal Pleadings from the Earliest Period/ 1822. 2. ' A Practical Treatise on the Law of Bail,' 1824. 3. 'A Practical and Elementary Abridgment of Cases in the King's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, and at Nisi Prius from the Restoration/ 1825-30, 15 vols. 4. ' A Practical and Elementary Abridg- ment of the Common Law as altered and established by the Recent Statutes/ 1841- 1844, 5 vols. ; 2nd edit. 6 vols. 1861-4 ; with a ' Supplement/ 1870 ; and a second edition of the ' Supplement,' 1871. 5. ' The Principles and Practice of the Law of Bankruptcy and Insolvency/ 1861 ; 2nd edit. 1862. 6. < Law Students' and Practitioners' Commonplace Book of Law and Equity. By a Barrister/ 1871. 7. 'A Practical Compendium of the Law of Master and Servant, and especially of Employers and Workmen, under the Acts of 1875,' 1876. [Debrett's House of Commons, 1 885, ed. Mair, p. 367: Law Journal. 7 Aug. 1886, p. 467. ] G-. C. B. PETERSON, ROBERT (/. 1600), trans- lator, was a member of Lincoln's Inn. He published: 1. A translation of 'Galateo/ the celebrated treatise on manners written by Giovanni della Casa, archbishop of Bene- vento. This translation, now very rare, is entitled ' Galateo of Maister John della Casa, Archebishop of Beneuenta. Or rather a treatise of the manners and behaviours it Pether Pether behoveth a man to use and eschewe in his familiar conversation. A worke very ne- cessary and profitable for all Gentlemen or other. First written in the Italian tongue and now done into English. Imprinted at London for Raufe Newbery,' 1576. The book is dedicated to l my singular good Lord the Lord Robert Dudley, Earle of Leycester, and contains dedicatory verses to the trans- lator in Italian by F. Pucci and A. Citolini ; in Latin sapphics by Edward Cradock [q. v.] ; in English by Thomas Drant [q. v.], Thomas Browne, and one J. Stoughton. It was re- printed privately in 1892, with introduction by H. J. Reid. 2. ' A Treatise concerning the Causes of the Magnificence and Greatnes of Cities, Devided into three bookes by Sig. Giovanni Botero, in the Italian Tongue, now done into English. At London, Printed by T. P. for Richard Ockould and Henry Tomes,' 1606. Dedicated to 'my verie good Lord, Sir Thomas Egerton, Knight' (WATT, Bibl. Brit.} The original was published at Milan, 1596. From the dedications it appears that Peterson had received favours from the Earl of Leicester and Lord Ellesmere. Copies of both these works, which are very rare, are in the British Museum Library. [Ames's Typogr. Antiq. (Herbert), p. 903 ; Watt's Bibl. Brit.] E. C. M. PETHER, ABRAHAM (1756-1812), landscape-painter, a cousin of William Pether [q. v.], was born at Chichester in 1756. In childhood he showed a great talent for music, and at the age of nine played the organ in one of the Chichester churches. Adopting art as his profession, he became a pupil of George Smith, whom he greatly surpassed. He painted river and moun- tain scenery, with classical buildings, in a pleasing though artificial 'style, somewhat resembling that of Wilson ; but his reputa- tion rests on his moonlight subjects, which attracted much admiration, and earned for him the sobriquet of ' Moonlight ' Pether. He was partial to the combination of moon- light and firelight, as in such subjects as ' Eruption of Vesuvius,' ' Ship on Fire in a Gale at Night,' ' An Ironfoundry by Moon- light,' &c., which he painted with fine feel- ing and harmony of colour. Pether was a large exhibitor with both the Free and the Incorporated Societies from 1773 to 1791, and at the Royal Academy from 1784 to 1811. His 'Harvest Moon,' which was at the Academy in 1795, was highly praised at the time. He had an extensive knowledge of scientific subjects, and in his moonlight pictures the astronomical conditions are always correctly observed. He was also a clever mechanic, constructing optical instru- ments for his own use, and lectured on elec- tricity. Although his art was popular, Pether was never able to do more than supply the daily wants of his large family, and when attacked by a lingering disease, which incapacitated him for work and even- tually caused his death, he was reduced to freat poverty. He died at Southampton on 3 April 1812, leaving a widow and nine children quite destitute ; and the fact that they were unable to obtain any assistance from the Artists' Benevolent Fund was made the occasion of a fierce attack upon the ma- nagement of that society. Abraham Pether is known among dealers as ' Old ' Pether, to distinguish him from his son Sebastian, who is noticed separately. THOMAS PETHEK (fl. 1781), who was pro- bably a brother of Abraham — as, according to the catalogues, they at one time lived to- gether— was a wax modeller, and exhibited portraits in wax with the Free Society from 1772 to 1781. [Pilkington's Diet, of Painters; Bryan's Diet,, ed. Stanley ; Pye's Patronage of British Art, p. 332; Dayes's Works, 1805; Exhibition Cata- logues.] F. M. O'D. PETHER, SEBASTIAN (1790-1844), landscape-painter, eldest son of Abraham Pether [q. v.], was born in 1790. He was a pupil of his father, and, like him, painted chiefly moonlight views and nocturnal con- flagrations. His works of this class are sin- gularly truthful and harmonious in colour, and should have brought him success ; but early in life the necessity of providing for a large family drove him into the hands of the dealers, who purchased his pictures for trifling sums for copying purposes, to which they readily lent themselves, and consequently they were rarely seen at exhibitions. In 1814 Pether sent to the Royal Academy ' View from Chelsea Bridge of the Destruc- tion of Drury Lane Theatre,' and in 1826 A Caravan overtaken by a Whirlwind/ The latter was a commission from Sir J. Fleming Leicester ; but as the subject was not suited to the painter's talent, this soli- dary piece of patronage was of no real benefit io him. His life was one long struggle with adversity, which reached its climax when, in 1842, three pictures which, with the help of a friendly frame-maker, he sent to the Royal Academy were rejected. Pether resembled lis father in his taste for mechanical pur- suits, and is said to have suggested the idea of the stomach-pump to Mr. Jukes the sur- geon. He died at Battersea on 14 March L844, when a subscription was raised for his Pether 81 Petit family. Pictures attributed to Sebastian Pether frequently appear at sales, but they are usually dealers' copies. His genuine works are rare. [Bryan's Diet, of Painters and Engravers, ed. Stanley; Art Union, 1844, p. 144; Seguier's Diet, of Painters.] F. M. O'D. PETHER, WILLIAM (1738 P-1821), mezzotint-engraver,was born at Carlisle about 1738, and became a pupil of Thomas Frye [q. v.], with whom he entered into partnership in 1761. In 1762 he engraved Frye's portrait of George III in three sizes, and during the following fifteen years executed a number of engravings after various English, Dutch, and Italian masters, especially Rembrandt and Joseph Wright of Derby, whose strong effects of light and shade he rendered with remark- able taste and intelligence. His plates of ' The Jewish Bride,' 1763, ' Jewish Rabbi,' 1764, < Officer of State,' 1764, and ' Lord of the Vineyard,' 1766, after Rembrandt, and * A Lecture on the Orrery,' 1768, ' Drawing from the Gladiator,' 1769, 'The Hermit,' 1770, and ' The Alchymist,' 1775, afterWright, are masterpieces of mezzotint work. Pether engraved altogether about fifty plates, some of which were published by Boydell, but the majority by himself at various addresses in London. He was also an excellent minia- turist, and painted some good life-sized por- traits in oil, three of which — Mrs. Bates the singer, the brothers Smith of Chichester, and himself in a Spanish dress — he also engraved. He was a fellow of the Incorporated Society of Artists, and contributed to its exhibitions paintings, miniatures, and engravings from 1764 to 1777. In the latter year he sent his own portrait, above mentioned, with the dis- guised title, 'Don Mailliw Rehtep.' He was also an occasional exhibitor with the Free So- ciety and the Royal Academy. Pether's career was marred by his restless temperament, which rendered him incapable of pursuing continuously any one branch of art, and sometimes led him into employing his facul- ties on subjects quite foreign to his profes- sion. He constantly changed his residence from London to the provinces and back again, and being aver.se to society, although an agreeable and accomplished man, gradu- ally sank into obscurity and neglect. His latest plate published in London is dated 1793, and he exhibited at the Royal Academy for the last time in 1794. About ten years later he appears to have settled at Bristol, where he earned a livelihood as a drawing- master and picture-cleaner, and there he en- graved the portraits of Edward Colston the philanthropist, after Richardson, and Samuel VOL. XLV. Syer, the historian of Bristol, the latter dated 1816. Pether died in Montague Street, Bristol, on 19 July 1821, aged 82 or 83, hav- ing been long forgotten in the world of art. He had many pupils, the most eminent of whom were Henry Edridge and Edward Dayes. The latter, in his ' Sketches of Ar- tists,' speaks of him with great admiration, both as an artist and a man. An engraved portrait of Pether is mentioned by Bromley. [Miller's Biographical Sketches, 1826 ; Cbal- loner Smith's British Mezzotint Portraits; G-raves's Diet, of Artists ; Dayes's Works, 1805 ; Bristol Mirror, 28 July 1821 ; information from Mr. W. George of Bristol.] F. M. O'D. PETHERAM, JOHN (d. 1858), anti- quary and publisher, issued, under the gene- ral title of ' Puritan Discipline Tracts,' be- tween 1843 and 1847, from 71 Chancery Lane, London^ with introductions and notes, re- prints of six rare tracts dealing with the Martin Mar-Prelate controversy of 1589-92. Their titles are : ' An Epitome/'An Epistle,' ' Pappe with a Hatchet,' ' Hay any Worke for Cooper ,u An Almond for aParrat,''and Bishop Cooper's 'Admonition,' 8vo. He also edited 'A Brief Discourse of the Troubles begun at Frankfort, 1575,' London, 1846, sm. 8vo, and a ' Bibliographical Miscellany,' 5 pts. (1859, in one vol.) He wrote a useful ' Historical Sketch of the Progress and Present State of Anglo-Saxon Literature in England,' London, 1840, 8vo, and 'Reasons for establishing an Authors' Publication Society,' 1843, a pam- phlet in which he recommended great reduc- tions in the prices of bookstand publication at net prices only. Petheram afterwards had a secondhand bookseller's shop in Holborn, where he died in December 1858. [Maskell's History of the Martin Mar-Prelate Controversy, 1845; Publishers' Circular, 31 Dec. 1858.] H. K. T. PETIT, JOHN LOUIS (1801-1868), divine and artist, born at Ashton-under- Lyne, Lancashire, was son of John Hayes Petit, by Harriet Astley of Dukinfield Lodge, Lancashire. The family was originally settled at Caen, and was of Huguenot opinions [see PETIT DES ETANS, LEWIS], and another JOHN" LEWIS PETIT (1736-1780), son of John Petit of Little Aston, Staffordshire, was born in the parish of Shenstone, Staffordshire, and graduated from Queens' College, Cambridge, B.A. 1756, M.A. 1759, and M.D. 1766. He was elected fellow of the College of Phy- sicians in 1767, was Gulstonian lecturer in 1768, censor in that year, 1774, and 1777, and was elected physician to St. Bartholomew's Hospital on the death of Dr. Anthony Askew [q. v.j in 1774. He died on 27 May 1780 Petit Petit , Coll. ofPhys. ii. 281 ; Original Minute- book of St. Bartholomew's Hospital). John Louis Petit was educated at Eton, and contributed to the l Etonian,' then in its palmiest days. He was elected to a scholar- ship at Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1822, graduated B. A. in 1823 and M. A. in 1826, and on 21 June 1850 was admitted ad eundem at Oxford. He took holy orders in 1824, but undertook no parochial work. Petit showed a taste for sketching in early years, and his drawings in pencil and Indian ink were very delicate and correct. His fa- vourite subject was old churches, and great part of his life was spent in visiting and sketching them. His drawings were ra- pidly executed, and his sketches were always finished on the spot. In 1839 he made his first extensive tour on the continent. The results appeared in his ' Remarks on Church Architecture' (1841, 2 vols» 8vo), with illustrations. It was followed in 1846 by ' Remarks on Architectural Character,' royal fol. In the same year Petit published a lecture which he had delivered on 24 Feb. 1846 to the Oxford Society for promoting the study of Gothic architecture, under the title ' Remarks on the Principles of Gothic Architecture as applied to ordinary Parish Churches.' It was succeeded by the ' Archi- tecture of Tewkesbury Abbey Church,' royal 8vo, 1846 ; ' Architectural Notes in the Neigh- bourhood of Cheltenham,' and ' Remarks on Wimbourne Minster,' 1847; ' Remarks on Southwell Minster,' with numerous good il- lustrations, 1848 ; ' Architectural Notices re- lating to Churches in Gloucestershire and Sussex,' 1849 ; ' Architectural Notices of the curious Church of Gillingham, Norfolk/ and an 'Account of Sherborne Minster,' 1850. In 1852 Petit published an ' A ceount of Brink- burn Priory,' a paper upon coloured brick- work near Rouen, and some careful notices of French ecclesiastical architecture. On 12 July 1853 he read before the Architec- tural Institute of Great Britain a paper on the l Architectural History of Boxgrove Priory,' which was published the same year, tpgether with some ( historical remarks and conjectures' by W. Turner. In 1854 appeared Petit's principal work, ' Architectural Studies in France, imperial 8vo. It was beautifully illustrated with fine woodcuts and facsimiles of anastatic draw- ings by the author and his companion, Pro- fessor Delamotte. It showed much learn- ing and observation, and threw light upon the formation of Gothic in France, and on the differences between English and French Gothic. A new edition, revised by Edward Bell, F.S.A., with introduction, notes, and index, appeared in 1890. The text remained unaltered, but the illustrations were reduced in size, and a few added from Petit's unused woodcuts. In 1854 Petit also published a valuable lecture delivered to the members of the Mechanics' Institute at Northampton on 21 Dec. of the preceding year, on ' Archi- tectural Principles and Prejudices.' In 1864- 1865 he travelled in the East, and executed some striking drawings. He died at Lich- field on 1 Dec. 1868, from a cold caught while sketching. Petit was one of the founders of the Bri- tish Archaeological Institute at Cambridge in 1844, and to its journal contributed, among other papers, an account of St. Germans Cathedral in the Isle of Man. He was also F.S.A., an honorary member of the Institute of British Architects, and a governor of Christ's Hospital. He was a learned and elegant writer, but was best known as an artist. Besides the work already noticed, he produced a few delicate etchings on copper. Specimens of his oil paintings are rare, but show a good sense of colour. Two of them belong to Mr. Albert Hartshorne and Mr. B. J. Hartshorne, who also possess many of his water-colour sketches. A poem by Petit, entitled ' The Lesser and the Greater Light/ was printed for the first time by his sister in 1869. [Architect, 2 Jan. -1869, by Albert Harts- horne ; Luard's Grad. Cant. ; Foster's Alumni Oxon. ; Athenaeum, 26 Dec. 1868; Guardian, 9 Dec. 1868 ; Watford's Men of the Time, 1862 ; Redgrave's Diet, of English Artists ; Bryan's Diet, of Painters and Engravers, ed. Graves ; Allibone's Diet, of English Lit. ii. 1571 ; Brit. Mus. Cat.] G. LE G. N. PETIT DBS ETANS, LEWIS (1665?- 1720), brigadier-general and military en- gineer, was descended from the ancient family of Petit des Etans, established near Caen in Normandy. He came to England on the re- vocation of the edict of Nantes in 1685. He served in the train as engineer in Ireland from 19 June 1691, the date of his commission, to 1 May 1692. He was employed in the ord- nance train which proceeded with the Channel fleet on the summer expeditions to act on the French coast in both 1692 and 1693, when he was one of the twelve engineers under Sir Martin Beckman, the king's chief engineer. The attempts on the French coast were not very successful, and the train was landed at Ostend after the battle of Landen, 19 July 1693. It was under the command-in-chief of the Duke of Leinster, and took part in the capture of Furnes, Dixmude, and Ghent. Petit wintered at Ghent, and returned to England with the train. After the treaty of Petit Petit Ryswick in 1697, a permanent train was formed ; but several engineers were placed on half-pay, and Petit appears to have been brought into the train again in 1699. On 6 April 1702 Petit was included in the royal warrant for an ordnance train to ac- company the expedition to Cadiz under the Duke of Ormonde and Admiral Sir George Rooke. Colonel Peter Carles commanded the train. The expedition sailed from Spithead on 12 July, and on 21 July anchored outside the Bay of Bulls at Cadiz. Petit was sent to reconnoitre, and the troops were landed in accordance with his proposals. The town of Rota surrendered, but, after some abortive operations on the Matagorda peninsula, the attack was abandoned. The expedition sailed for Vigo, and on 12 Oct. a successful attack was made on that town, in which Petit took an active part. Petit returned to England, and on 24 July 1703 was included in the royal warrant forming an ordnance train, which proceeded to Portugal under the command, first, of the Duke of Schomberg, and later of the Earl of Galway [see MASSFE DE RUVIGNY, HENRY], to assist the Archduke Charles in the invasion of Spain. Petit took part in the campaign against the Duke of Berwick. The Earl of Galway reported on 30 Nov. 1704 that Petit 'is very capable; but he was taken in Porta- legre, and has been sent into France. It will be very well to get -him exchanged one of the first, and send him back hither.' Directions were given accordingly. In September, when the British govern- ment heard of the capture of Gibraltar by Rooke, an ordnance train was prepared, of which Petit was one of the engineers, for the service of the new acquisition, the train being under the command of Talbot Ed- wardes. The train arrived on 18 Feb. 1705, and the siege, which the Spaniards had begun seven months before, was raised on 20 April. Petit was now appointed chief engineer to command the ordnance train for the capture of Barcelona under the Earl of Peterborough, and sailed in the fleet under Sir Clowdisley Shovell on 28 July from Gibraltar. The troops were disembarked at Barcelona on 22 Aug., and invested the city. After the strong fort of Monjuich had been carried by storm on 3 Sept. 1 705, Petit erected three siege batteries against the city, all on the west side — one of nine guns, another of twelve, and the last of upwards of thirty guns, from which a con- tinuous fire was kept up. Petit then erected another battery of six guns on a lower piece of ground opposite to the weakest part of the walls. Although he was wounded, he was not long absent from duty. The breach was made practicable, and on 4 Oct. the city capitulated. On 6 April 1706 King Philip, at the head of a large army, invested Barcelona by land while the Count de Toulouse blockaded it by sea. A small ordnance train was in the city under Petit. Owing to his exertions the fortification had been placed in an efficient condition, while the place was well provided with guns, ammunition, and defensive mate- riel. At Monjuich Petit had completed the half-formed outworks, with a good line of bastioned fortifications, with ditches, covered way, and glacis, and had thrown up a small lunette in front of a demi-bastion on the left. He had mounted several guns on the new ramparts, and the old fort formed a strong keep to the new main line of defence in front. Moreover, between the fortress and Mon- juich, in substitution for the small detached work of St. Bertram, which had been demo- lished, Petit had constructed a continuous line of entrenchment with a palisaded ditch. The siege was pushed forward with vigour. On 15 April the advanced lunette was cap- tured, and a lodgment in it converted into a five-gun battery. On the 21st the enceinte of Monjuich was stormed and captured, and the besiegers were able to concentrate their attention on the fortress itself. Petit, who was the soul of the defence, constructed en- trenchments to isolate the weak points. On 3 May the besiegers commenced mining, but Petit met them with countermines, and, by blowing in their galleries, checked their ad- vance. On 8 May Sir John Leake arrived with a relieving squadron, and the siege was raised. The success of the defence brought great credit to Petit, to whose zeal, activity, and engineering resources it was mainly due. The Archduke Charles wrote a letter to Queen Anne from Barcelona on 29 May expressing his obligation to Petit. Petit, who had been promoted colonel, was with the train at Almanza when, on 25 April 1707, the Earl of Galway was defeated by Berwick. On 11 May Petit arrived at Tortosa, where he was charged with the duty of pre- paring that fortress for a siege. On 11 June 1708 the Duke of Orleans invested the place with twenty-two thousand men. The trenches were opened on 21 June, and three days later sixteen guns, besides mortars, opened fire. The defence was spirited. But on 8 July Orleans had sapped to within fourteen yards of the counterscarp, while twenty-seven guns were battering the escarp. The next night he assaulted and carried the covered way. The garrison made a determined sortie, ef- fecting considerable injury to the works of the besiegers, and at its conclusion Petii Petit 84 Petit sprang a mine, which he had placed in the covered way, with good effect. All the efforts of the defenders were, however, un- availing, and on 10 July the town capitu- lated. It may be assumed that Petit was ex- changed almost immediately, for in August 1708 General Stanhope took him with him as chief engineer in his expedition to Minorca. He effected a landing on 26 Aug., and laid siege to Port Mahon. The place fell on 30 Sept., and a few days later the whole island surrendered to the British. Petit was appointed governor of Fort St. Philip, the citadel of Port Mahon, and lieutenant- governor of the island. He built a large work for the defence of Port Mahon harbour. He was promoted brigadier-general for his services, and given the command in Minorca. He was at this time a lieutenant-colonel in the army, and also a captain in Brigadier Joseph Wightman's regiment of foot (cf. a petition of his wife Mariana to receive his captain's pay by his authority for herself and four children). From March 1709 Petit was, according to the ' Muster Rolls,' in Spain until March 1710, when he returned to Minorca. He remained there until 1713, when he returned to England. After the treaty of Utrecht the engineers were reduced to a peace footing. But as England had acquired Gibraltar, Minorca, and Nova Scotia, an extra staff was required for each of those places. Petit is shown on the rolls in May 1714 at the head of the new establishment for home service, and seems to have been employed at the board of ordnance. On the accession of George I Petit was sent, in September 1714, to Scotland, to assist General Maitland in view of the threatened rising of the clans, and to report on the state of the works at Fort William, as well as at Dumbarton and other forts and castles in the west of Scotland. On 27 Nov. a warrant was issued for the formation of an ordnance train for Scotland, and Petit was appointed chief engineer. Petit and six other engineers went by land, leaving the train to follow by sea. The ships carrying the train lay wind- bound at the mouth of the Thames. Petit was consequently ordered to make up a train of eighteen, twelve, and nine pounders, and six small field-pieces from the guns at Edin- burgh and Berwick, and to hire out of the Dutch and British troops such men as had skill in gunnery to the number of fifty for gunners and matrosses, to be added to the old Scots corps of gunners, then at Stirling. He was also instructed to get together what ammunition and other warlike stores would be necessary, and nine thousand men, either for siege or battle, in readiness, with the utmost expedition, together with pontoons for crossing rivers. The Jacobite rebellion was soon suppressed. Petit then marched with Cadogan's army by Perth to Fort Wil- liam, and later surveyed land at the head of Loch Ness for a fort. On 3 July 1716 a warrant was issued ap- pointing Petit chief engineer and commander- in-chief of the office of ordnance at Port Mahon, Minorca. He appears to have re- turned to England the following year. In 1717 he was employed to design four barracks and to report upon their sites in Scotland to prevent robberies and depredations of the highlanders. In 1718 Petit was again at Minorca as chief engineer, and in September reported that he was making defensible the outworks for covering the body of St. Philip's Castle. The board of ordnance reported to Secretary Craggs on 14 Oct. that the cost of the work would probably be 50,000/., besides stores of war, and that only 16,965/. had been supplied. In 1720 Petit went to Italy for his health, and, dying at Naples, was buried there. His eldest son, Robert, was a captain and engineer, and was stationed at Port Mahon when his father died. John Louis Petit [q. v.] was a descendant. [War Office Eecords ; Conolly MSS. ; Porter's History of the Corps of Royal Engineers; Gust's Annals of the Wars of the Eighteenth Century ; Armstrong's History of Minorca, 1752; Carleton Memoirs, 1 728 ; Royal Warrants ; Smollett's His- tory of England, 1807; Board of Ordnance Let- ters; Rae's History of the Late Rebellion, 1718 ; Patten's History of the Rebellion of 1715, 1745 ; Boyer's Annals of Queen Anne, 1735; Addit. MSS. Brit. Museum.] R. H. V. PETIT or PETYT or PETYTE, THOMAS (fi. 1536-1554), printer, was sup- posed by Ames ' to be related to the famous John Petit,' the Paris printer ( Typogr. Antiq. i. 553). His house was at the sign of the Maiden's Head in St. Paul's Churchyard, London, where he produced in 1536 an edition of the ' Rudder of the Sea.' He also printed Taverner's New Testament (1539), the'Sarum Primer' (1541,1542, 1543, 1544, 1545) , Chaucer's ' Workes ' (n. d.), and ' Sarum Horse '(1541, 1554). On 6 April 1543 he, ' Whitchurch, Beddle, Grafton, Middleton, Maylour, Lant and Keyle, printers, for printing of suche bokes as wer thowght to be unlawfull, contrary to the proclamation made on that behalff, wer committed unto prison ' (Acts of the Privy Council, 1890, new ser. i. 107). All except Petit were subsequently released from the Fleet, on declaring 'what nomber offbookes and ballettes they have bowght wythin thiese Petit Petiver iij yeres,' and what merchants had introduced 'Englisshe bokes of ill matter' (ib. pp. 117, 125). Between 1536 and 1554 about thirty- nine books bear his name as printer or pub- lisher, among them being several law-books. [Ames's Typogr. Antiq. (Dibdin), iii. 507-16; Arber's Transcript of the Stationers' Eegisters, i. 394, vol. v. p. cii ; Dickinson's List of Service Books, 1850; Catalogue of Books in British Mu- seum to 1640; Hazlitt's Handbook and Collec- tions, 1867-89; Hansard's Typographia, 1825, p. 118.] H. K. T. PETIT, WILLIAM (d. 1213), lord justice of Ireland, was a follower of Hugh de Lacy, first earl of Meath (d. 1186) [q. v.], and probably went over to Ireland with him in 1171. He received from him Castlebrack in the present Queen's County, and Rath- kenny, co. Meath. In 1191 he served as lord-justice of Ireland. He again appears as co-justice with Peter Pipard in a charter granted between 1194 and 1200 to St. Mary's Abbey, Dublin. He was a witness to two charters to the same abbey, which can be dated 1205 and 1203-7, and to other charters of less precise date granted to St. Mary's and to St. Thomas's Abbey, Dublin. On 26 March 1204 he was appointed, with three others, to hear the complaint of Meiler Fitz- Henry [q. v.], lord justice of Ireland, against William de Burgh (Patent Rolls, p. 39). On 20 March 1208 he was sent by John with messages to the lord justice of Ireland (Close Rolls, i. 106 b\ On 28 June 1210 Petit ap- peared at Dublin, with others, as a messenger from Walter de Lacy, second earl of Meath [q. v.], praying the king to relax his ire and suffer Walter to approach his presence (Ca- lendar of Documents relating to Ireland, i. 402). In 1212 he and other Irish barons supported John against Innocent III (ib. p. 448). He died in 1213. He granted to St. Mary's Abbey, Dublin, certain lands at Machergalin, near the abbey of Kilsenecan. His son was taken by King John as a hostage for Richard de Faipo. His widow in February 1215 offered 100 marks for liberty to remarry as she pleased, and for the replacement of her son as hostage by the son of Richard de Faipo himself (Close Rolls, ii. 86). [Close and Patent Eolls, and Calendar of Documents relating to Ireland, vol.i., as quoted above ; Munimenta Hibernica (Record Comm.) iii. 56 ; Francisque Michel, Anglo-Norman Poem on the Conquest, of Ireland, pp. 148-9 ; Annals of Ireland in Cartulary of St. Mary's Abbey, ii. 312; the same cartulary, i. 30, 69, 143, 144 et passim, Register of St. Thomas's Abbey, pp. 9, 12, 34, 38, 48, 253, 254, 255 (both in the Rolls Ser.); Gilbert's Hist, of the Viceroys of Ireland, p. 55.] W. E. R. PETIT, PETYT, or PARVUS, WIL- LIAM (1136-1208), author. [See WILLIAM OF NEWBUKGH."] PETIVER, JAMES (d. 1718), botanist and entomologist, son of James and Mary Petiver, was born at Hillmorton, near Rugby, Warwickshire, between 1660 and 1670. He was, from 1676, educated at Rugby free school (Rugby School Register, p. 1) • under the patronage of a kind grandfather, Mr. Richard Elborowe' (Sloane MS. 3339, f. 10), and was apprenticed, not later than 1683, to Mr. Feltham, apothecary to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. He be- came an intimate correspondent of John Ray [q. v.], and his assistance is acknowledged in the prefaces to the second volume of Ray's 'Historia Plantarum' (1688) and to his 'Synopsis Stirpium' (1690). By 1692 he was practising as an apothecary ' at the White Cross, near Long Lane in Aldersgate Street,' and in the same street, if not in the same house, he resided for the rest of his life. In 1695, when he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society, he wrote the list of Middlesex plants for Gibson's edition of Camden's ' Britannia' (pp. 335-40, and Sloane MS. 3332, f. 129), all the other county lists being contributed by Ray. Petiver became apothecary to the Charterhouse, and seems to have had a good practice, though not one of a high order, since he advertised various quack nostrums. He corresponded with naturalists in all parts of the world, and formed a large mis- cellaneous museum. Though in 1696 he seems to have been mainly devoted to ento- mology, and his business prevented him from often leaving London, he made frequent bota- nising expeditions round Hampstead with his friends Samuel Doody and Adam Buddie [q. v.], and by 1697 had altogether between five and six thousand plants (ib. 3333, f. 255). In 1699 he visited John Ray at Black Notley in Essex, and in 1704 contributed lists of Asiatic and African plants to the third volume of his 'Historia Plantarum.' In 1707 his uncle Richard Elborowe died, bequeathing 7,000/. to him, but he seems never to have obtained the money from his half-brother, Elborowe Glentworth, the sole executor (ib. 3330 f. 937, 3331 f. 608, 3335 f. 9). From 1709, if not earlier, Petiver acted as demonstrator of plants to the Society of Apothecaries (FiELD, Memoirs of the Botanick Garden at Chelsea, p. 25). In 1711 he went to Leyden, mainly to purchase Dr. Hermann's museum for Sloane (Sloane MSS. 3337 f. 160, 3338 f. 28, 4055 f. 155). In the autumn of 1712 he madej a trip to the Bath and Bristow,' and in 1715 Petiver 86 Peto he went with James Sherard [q. v.], the phy- sician, to Cambridge (ib. 2330, f. 914). His health seems by this time to have failed, and early in 1717 he was incapable of any active exertion. He died, unmarried, at his house in Aldersgate Street about 2 April 1718. His body lay in state at Cook's Hall until the 10th, when it was buried in the chancel of St. Botolph's Church, Aldersgate Street, Sir Hans Sloane, Henry Levett [q. v.], phy- sician to the Charterhouse, and four other physicians acting as pall-bearers. His collections, for which, according to Pulteney (Biographical Sketches, ii. 32), Sir Hans Sloane, before his death, offered 4,000/., were purchased, with his books and manu- scripts, by Sloane, and are now in the British Museum. The manuscripts are mixed up with letters addressed to Sloane ; and the her- barium, consisting of plants from all countries, forms a considerable portion of the Sloane collection, now at the Natural History Mu- seum at South Kensington. Petiver's Latin was, at least sometimes, composed for him by Tancred Robinson [q. v.] (Sloane MS. 3330), and he borrowed largely, without much acknowledgment, from the botanical manuscripts of Adam Buddie. Though a good observer, and industrious in his endea- vours to make science popular, he is often hasty and inaccurate in his botanical writ- ings. His name was commemorated by Plumier in the genus Petiveria, tropical American plants, now taken as the type of an order. Petiver published : 1. ' Museum Peti- verianum,' 1695-1703, 8vo, in ten centuries, each describing one hundred plants, ani- mals, or fossils. 2. ' Gazophylacium Naturse et Artis,' 1702-9, folio, in ten decades, each containing ten plates, with descriptions. 3. ' The Monthly Miscellany, or Memoirs for the Curious,' 1707-9, 3 vols. con- taining the commencement of 'Botanicum Londinense, or the London Herbal.' 4. ' Plan- tarum Genevae Catalogus,' 1709. 5. ' Pteri- graphia Americana. Icones continens plus- quam C C C C Filicum,' 1712, folio, twenty plates. 6. ' Aquat. Animalium Amboinee Catalogus/ 1713, twenty-two plates. 7. 'Her- barii Britannici clariss. D. Raii Catalogus cum Iconibus ad vivum delineatis ; ' other copies having the title ' Catalogue of Mr. Ray's English Herball,' vol. i. with fifty copperplates, comprising over six hundred outline figures, 1713, folio; vol. ii. with twenty-two plates and about 280 figures, 1715; reprinted by Sir Hans Sloane in 1732. 8. ' Plantarum Etrurise rariorum Ca- talogus,' 1715, folio. 9. ' Plantarum Italiae marinarum et Graminum Icones,' 1715, folio, five plates. 10. ' Hortus Peruvianus medicinalis,' 1715, seven plates. 11. ' Mons- pelii desideratarum Plantarum Catalogus,' 1716, folio. 12. l Proposals for the Con- tinuation of an Iconical Supplement to Mr. John Ray his " Universal History of Plants," ' 1716. 13. ' Graminum, Muscorum, Fun- gorum . . . Concordia,' 1716, folio. 14. 'Pe- tiveriana, sive Collectanea Naturae,' iii. 1716- 1717, folio. 15. 'Plantee Silesiacse rariores,' 1717, folio, a single sheet. 16. 'Plantarum yEgyptiacarum rariorum Icones,' 1717, folio, two plates and one sheet. 17. ' English Butter- flies,'1717, six plates. Undated: 18. 'Bota- nicum Anglicum,' labels for the herbarium. 19. ' Hortus siccus Pharmaceuticus,' labels. 20.' Rudiments of English Botany, 'four plates and one sheet. 21. 'James Petiver his Book, being Directions for gathering Plants,' one sheet. 22, 'Brief Directions for the easie making and preserving Collections,' one sheet. 23. ' Plants engraved for Ray's " Eng- lish Herball," ' folio, one sheet. Petiver also published many separate plates, mostly of rare American plants. He contributed twenty- one papers to the ' Philosophi cal Transactions ' (vols. xix.-xxix.) between 1697 and 1717, explanatory of specimens of exotic plants, animals, minerals, fossils, and drugs exhi- bited by him. These are enumerated by Pulteney (Biographical Sketches, ii. 38-42). Many of his minor works became scarce, reprinted Opera Historian! Naturalem spectantia,' 1764, 2 vols. fol. and 1 vol. 8vo. [Trimen and Dyer's Flora of Middlesex. 1869, pp. 379-86, and authorities there cited ; Pulteney's Biographical Sketches of the Progress of Botany ; Sloane MSS.] G-. S. B. PETO, SIR SAMUEL MORTON (1809- 1889), contractor and politician, eldest son of William Peto of Cookham, Berkshire, who died on 12 Jan. 1849, by Sophia, daugh- ter of Ralph Allowoy of Dorking, was born at Whitmoor House, parish of Woking, Surrey, on 4 Aug. 1809. While an appren- tice to his uncle Henry Peto, a builder, at 31 Little Britain, city of London, he showed a talent for drawing, attended a technical school, and later on received lessons from a draughtsman, George Maddox of Furnival's Inn, and from Mr. Beazley, an architect. After spending three years in the carpenter's shop he went through the routine of brick- layer's work, and learnt to lay eight hun- dred bricks a day. His articles expired in 1830. In the same year Henry Peto died, and left his business to Samuel Morton and Peto Peto another nephew, Thomas Grissell (1801- 1874). The firm of Grissell & Peto during their partnership, 1830-47, constructed many buildings of importance. The first was the Hungerford Market (1832-3)^-after a public competition — for 42,400/. ; there followed the Reform (1836), Conservative (1840), and Oxford and Cambridge (1830) club-houses, the Lyceum (1834), St. James's (1835), and Olympic (1849) theatres, the Nelson Column (1843), all the Great Western railway works between Hanwell and Langley (1840), large part of the South Eastern railway (1844), and the Woolwich graving dock. It was during the construction of the rail- way works that Grissell and Peto dissolved their partnership, on 2 March 1846, the former retaining the building contracts, including the contract for the houses of parliament, which had been commenced in 1840 by the firm, and the latter retaining the railway contracts. Among the works taken over by Peto was the construction of a large portion of the South-Eastern railway, that between Folkestone and Hy the, including the viaduct and tunnel and the martello towers. He also made a large portion of the Eastern Counties railway between Wymondham and Dereham, Ely and Peterborough, Chatteris and St. Ives, Norwich and Brandon; the sections between London and Cambridge, and Cambridge and Ely (1846), the Dorset- shire portion of the London and South- Wes- tern railway (1846), and the works in con- nection with the improvement of the Severn navigation under Sir William Cubitt. Edward Ladd Betts (1815-1872), who had undertaken the construction of the South- Eastern railway between Reigate and Folke- stone, entered, in 1846, into partnership with Peto, which lasted. The works undertaken by the firm of Peto & Betts between 1846 and 1872 embraced the loop line of the Great Northern railway from Peterborough through Lincolnshire to Doncaster; the East Lincoln- shire line connecting Boston with Louth ; the Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton rail way (1852); the first section of the Buenos Ay res Great Southern railway; the Duna- berg and Witepsk railway in Russia ; the line between Blidah and Algiers, and the boulevards, with warehouses underneath, at the latter place ;*the Oxford and Birmingham railway ; the Hereford, Ross, and Gloucester railway, 1852 ; the South London and Crys- tal Palace railway, 1853 ; the East Suffolk section of the Great Eastern railway ; the Victoria Docks, London (1852-5), the Nor- wegian Grand Trunk railway between Chris- tiana and Eidsvold ; and the Thames graving docks. In connection with Thomas Brassey fq v 1 and E. L. Betts, Peto executed lines of rail- way in Australia, 1858-63 ; the Grand Trunk railway of Canada, including the Victoria Bridge (opened October 1860) ; the Canada works at Birkenhead; the Jutland and Schleswig lines, 1852 (Illustr. London News, 11 Nov. 1854) ; the railway between Lyons and Avignon, 1852; and the London, Til- bury, and Southend railway, 1852. Peto, Betts, and Thomas Russell Crampton were in partnership in carrying out the con- tracts of the Rustchuk and Varna railway, and the metropolitan extensions of the Lon- don, Chatham, and Dover railway, 1860; Peto and Betts constructed the portion be- tween Strood and the Elephant and Castle (< Memoir of E. L. Betts,' in M in. of Proc. of Instit. Civil Engineers, 1873, xxxvi. 285- 288). Peto's last railway contract was one for the construction of the Cornwall mineral railway in 1873. Peto was a member of the baptist deno- mination, and a benefactor to it by providing the funds for the erection of Bloomsbury (1849) and Regent's Park chapels. But his tolerant disposition led him also to restore the parish church on his estate at Somerley- ton, Suffolk. A staunch liberal in politics, he entered parliament as member for Nor- wich in August 1847, and sat for that con- stituency until December 1854. From 1859 to 1865 he represented Finsbury, and lastly be was member for Bristol from 1865 until his resignation on 22 April 1868. During bis parliamentary career he was the means of passing Peto's Act, 1850, which rendered more simple the titles by which religious bodies hold property, and he advocated the Burials Bill in 1861, 1862, and 1863 (Peto's Burial Bill, by Anglicanus Presbyter, 1862). On 26 Feb. 1839 Peto had been elected an associate of the Institution of Civil Engi- neers, and on 1 Sept. 1851 he became deputy chairman of the metropolitan commissioners of sewers. He aided in starting the Great exhibition of 1851 by offering a guarantee of 50,000^, and was subsequently one of her majesty's commissioners. During the Crimean war he suggested to Lord Palmerston that le should construct a railway between Bala- lava and the entrenchments. A line of thirty-nine miles in length was accordingly laid down by him in 1854-5, and proved of much service to the army before Sebastopol. Peto and Brassey presented vouchers for every item of expenditure, and received pay- ment without commission. The contract ng under government, though without srofit, obliged Peto to resign his seat in par- .iament, but for his services he was created Peto 88 Peto a baronet on 14 Feb. 1855. He spent the autumn of 1865 in America, and published next year ' The Resources and Prospects of America, ascertained during a Visit to the States.' On 11 May 1866 Peto & Betts suspended payment, owing to the financial panic, with liabilities amounting to four millions and assets estimated at five millions. This disaster obliged Peto to resign his seat for Bristol in 1868, when Disraeli and Mr. Gladstone paid tributes to his character, the latter referring to him as ' a man who has attained a high position in this country by the exercise of rare talents and who has adorned that posi- tion by his great virtues ' (HANSARD, 27 March 1868 p. 359, 22 April p. 1067). He bore his reverse of fortune with great resignation. He for some time lived at Eastcote House, Pinner, and then at Blackhurst, Tunbridge Wells, where he died on 13 Nov. 1889. He was buried at Pembury. He married, first, on 18 May 1831, Mary, eldest daughter of Thomas de la Garde Grissell, of Stockwell Common, Surrey ; she died on 20 May 1842, leaving a son — Henry Peto (b. 1840), M.A., barrister-at-law— and two daughters. Peto married, secondly, on 12 July 1843, Sarah Ainsworth, eldest daugh- ter of Henry Kelsall of Rochdale, by whom he had issue six sons and four daughters. Peto published several pamphlets, includ- ing : 1. ' Divine Support in Death,' 1842. 2. ' Observations on the Report of the De- fence Commissioners, with an Analysis of the Evidence,' 1862 ; to which three replies were printed. 3. ' Taxation, its Levy and Expenditure, Past and Future; being an Enquiry into our Financial Policy,' 1863. [Sir Morton Peto, a Memorial Sketch (1893), with two portraits ; Record of the Proceedings connected with the Presentation of a Service of Plate to Sir S. M. Peto at Lowestoft, 18 July 1860, 1860 ; Minutes of Proceedings of Institu- tion of Civil Engineers, 1890, xcix. 400-3 ; Fos- ter's Baronetage (1883), pp. 504-5; Illustr. Lon- don News, 1851 xviii. 105-6, 1857 xxx. 24-6, 1860 xxxvii. 147; Helps's Life of Mr. Brassey, 1872, pp. 163-5, 184, 216 ; Freeman, 22 Nov. 1889, pp. 769, 773; Engineer, 22 Nov. 1889, p. 438; London Figaro, 23 Nov. 1889, p. 10, with portrait; Times, 12 May 1866 p. 9, 15 Nov. 1889 p. 10.] G-. C. B. PETO, WILLIAM (d. 1558), cardinal, whose name is variously written Petow, Pey- tow, and Peytoo (the last form used by him- self), was a man of good family (HARPS- FIELD, Pretended Divorce of Henry VIII, p. 202, Camden Soc. ; HOLINSHED, Chro- nicle, iii. 1168, ed. 1587). De Thou and others say he was of obscure parentage, WnaUVAA \^^1~1.UIAJL V • O-J-W VV CIO ^<^XJ.JLt/Ok Princess Mary, Henry VII I's daugl early years (Col. State Papers, Ve simply because his parents are unknown — a fact for which one writer likens him to Mel- chizedek. Holinshed and some others call his Christian name Peter, apparently by a sort of confusion with his surname. He was related to the Throgmortons of Warwick- shire, or at least to Michael Throgmorton, a faithful attendant of Cardinal Pole, brother of Sir George Throgmorton of Coughton. As he seems to have been very old when he died, his birth must be referred to the fif- teenth century^ He was confessor to the ;hter, in her enetian, vi. 239). At the time when he first became con- spicuous he was provincial of the Grey friars- in England. On Easter Sunday (31 March) 1532 he preached before Henry VIII, at their convent at Greenwich, a bold sermon de- nouncing the divorce on which the king had set his mind, and warning him that princes, were easily blinded by self-will and flattery. After the sermon the king called him to an interview, and endeavoured to argue the point with him, but could not move him, and, as- Peto desired to attend a general chapter of his order at Toulouse, the king gave him leave to go. Next Sunday the king ordered his- own chaplain, Dr. Hugh Curwen [q. v.J, to- preach in the same place. Curwen contra- dicted what Peto had said, till he was himself contradicted by Henry Elston, warden of the convent. Peto was then called back to Green- wich and ordered to deprive the warden f which he refused to do. and they were both arrested. It seems that he was committed to- ' a tower in Lambeth over the gate ' (Letters ancPPapers, Henry VIII, vol. xii. pt. ii. p. 333). In the latter part of the year, however, he was set at liberty and went abroad. He, at least, appears by the registers of the Fran- ciscan convent at Pontoise to have been there for some time on 10 Jan. 1533. Later in that year both he and Elston were at Antwerp to- gether. His real object in wishing to go abroad the year before was to cause a book to be printed in defence of Queen Catherine's cause ; and at Antwerp he got surreptitiously printed an answer, or at least the preface to- an answer, to the book called ' The Glass of Truth' published in England in justification of the king's divorce. It was entitled ' Phi- lalethae Hyperborei in Anticatoptrum suum, quod propediem in lucem dabit, ut patet proxima pagella, parasceue ; sive adversus improborum quorundam temeritatem Illus- trissimam Angliee Reginam ab Arthuro Wallise principe priore marito suo cognitam fuisse impudenter et inconsulte adstruen- tium, Susannis extemporaria.' It professed to be printed at ' Lunenburg ' by Sebastian Peto 89 Petowe Golsen in July 1533, but doubtless the place and printer's name were both fictitious, for it does not appear that Liineburg (some two hundred and fifty miles from Antwerp) then possessed a printing press. Whether it was his own composition may be questioned; but he and his colleague Elston, who now lodged with him at Antwerp, were active in getting it conveyed into England, where, of course, it was destroyed whenever discovered by the authorities. A solitary copy is in the Gren- ville Library in the British Museum. Stephen Vaughan, a friend of Thomas Cromwell, at Antwerp, made careful inquiry about Peto and the book, and believed that the latter was written by Bishop Fisher. He learned also that Sir Thomas More had sent his books against Tyndale and Frith to Feto at Antwerp. Moreover, a friar came over from England every week to Peto. ' He cannot,' said Vaughan, ' wear the cloaks and cowls sent over to him from England, they are so many.' It was said Peto tried to enlist even Tyndale's sympathy against the king in the matter of the divorce, and sent him a book on that subject to correct ; but Tyndale refused to meddle with it. Vaughan tried hard to get him entrapped and sent to England, but failed. Peto even sent over to England two friars of his own order to search for books which might be useful to him, and they visited Queen Catherine. He seems to have remained in the Low Countries for some years, for in March 1536 we find him at Bergen-op-Zoom ; and in June 1537 John Hutton, governor of the merchant adventurers at Antwerp, reports how an English exile, desiring to act as spy upon Cardinal Pole at Liege, procured a letter from Peto to his cousin, Michael Throgmorton, who was with the cardinal there. Peto himself went soon after to the cardinal at Liege, whence he was sent in August by Throgmorton to Hutton with a message touching a proposed conference between Pole and Dr. Wilson, the king's chaplain (ib. Henry VIII, vol. xii. pt. ii. No. 619 must be later than No. 635). In December he was at Brussels, conferring with Hutton about a letter in which he offered his allegiance to the king and service to Cromwell. Nothing seems to have prevented his re- turn to England except Henry's repudiation of the pope's supremacy. He did not object to the suppression of monasteries, if only they were put to better uses, and he ad- mitted there were grave abuses that required correction. Hutton, writing to Cromwell on 20 Jan. 1538, describes him as one who could not flatter, who grew very hot in argument, and who might easily be got to let out secrets which he would have kept if questioned directly. But he saw that Eng- land was no safe place for him, and meant to go to Italy. In April he was seen at Mainz on his way thither, having laid aside his friar's habit for the journey by leave of the general bill of attainder passed against Cardinal Pole and others (31 Hen.VIII, c. 15, not printed), and for some years little or nothing is known about him, except that he wandered about on the continent, and was for some time at Rome. It was there in 1547, as the Vatican records show, that Paul III appointed him bishop of Salisbury, though he could not give him possession of the bishopric. On Mary's accession he seems to have re- turned to England. But, feeling himself too old for the proper discharge of episcopal func- tions, he resigned the bishopric of Salisbury, and was settled at his old convent at Green- wich when Mary restored it. He was highly esteemed by Paul IV, who, as Cardinal Ca"- raffa, had known him at Rome, and from the commencement of his pontificate had thought of making him a cardinal. On 14 June 1557 Paul proposed him in a consistory, and he was elected in his absence, the pope con- ferring on him at the same time the legate- ^ shi in Enland of which he deprived Cardinal Pole [see POLE, REGINALD]. These appoint- ments, however, Peto at once declined as a burden unsuited to his aged shoulders. They were, moreover, made in avowed disregard of the wishes of Queen Mary, who stopped the messenger bearing the hat to him. And though Cardinal Charles Caraffa, whom the pope sent that year to Philip II in Flanders, was commissioned among other things to get Peto to come to Rome (PALLAVICINO, lib. xiv. c. 5), the attempt was ineffectual. Peto was already worn out with age, and apparently in his dotage — 'vecchio rebam- bito,' as the English ambassador represented to the pope ; and the proposed distinction only caused him to be followed by a jeering- crowd when he went through the streets of London. He died in the following April (1558). [Annales Minorum, xix ; Cardella's Memorie Storiche de' Cardinal!, iv. 370; Pallavicino's Hist, of the Council of Trent ; Letters and Papers Henry VIII, vols. v. sqq. ; Gal. State Papers, Spanish, vol. iv. No. 934, Venetian, vols. iv. and vi.l J- G- PETOWE, HENRY (fl. 1603), poetaster, was a native of London, and marshal of the Artillery Garden there in 1612 and later Petowe Petre years. As ' Marescallus Petowe ' lie signs verses on the London Artillery Garden in Munday's edition of Stowe (1622). A pe- destrian versifier himself, he sincerely admired Marlowe's genius, and attempted to continue Marlowe's poem in ' The Second Part of Hero and Leander, conteyning their further Fortunes, by Henry Petowe. Sat cito, si sit bene. London, printed by Thomas Purfoot for Andrew Harris,' 1598, 4to. In a dedica- tory epistle to Sir Henry Guilford, Petowe says that 'being inriched by a gentleman, a friend of mine, with the true Italian dis- course of these lovers' further fortunes, I have presumed to finish the historic.' The address to the reader calls the poem Hhe firstfruits of an unripe wit, done at certaine vacant howers.' It is poor in style and in- cident, but is preceded by a striking enco- mium of Marlowe. A copy of the book is in the Bodleian Library. Specimens appear in Dyce's edition of Marlowe, 1858,pp.xlii,398- 401. Next year Petowe published 'Philo- casander and Elanira, the faire Lady of Bri- taine. Wherein is discovered the miserable passions of Love in exile, his unspeakable Joy receaved againe into favour, with the deserved guerdon of perfit Love and Con- stancie. Hurtfull to none, but pleasaunt and delightfull for all estates to contemplate. By Henry Petowe. Dulcia non meruit qui non gustavit amara,' printed by Thomas Pur- foot, 1599, 4to, 26 leaves. This is dedicated to * his very friend, Maister John Cowper,' in three six-line stanzas. It is preceded by verses signed N. R. Gent, and Henry Snell- ing, and by three verses by the author ' to the quick-sighted Readers.' The poem plagiarises the works of Surrey, Churchyard, Gascoigne, and others, and indicates that the author was courting a lady named White, perhaps an attendant on Queen Elizabeth (cf. British Bibliographer, i. 214-17). Petowe's 'Eliza- betha quasi vivens. Eliza's Funerall. A fewe Aprill drops showred on the Hearse of dead Eliza. Or the Funerall teares of a true-hearted Subject. By H. P.,' London, printed by E. Allde for M. Lawe, 1603, 4to, is dedicated to Richard Hildersham. After the metrical ' Induction ' and the poem comes ' the order and formall proceeding at the Funerall.' The poetical part of the volume is reprinted in Sir E. Brydges's ' Restituta,' iii. 23-30, and the whole of it in the ' Harleian Miscellany,' x. 332-42, and in Nichols's 'Progresses of Queen Elizabeth,' 1823, iii. 615. There fol- lowed ' Englands Caesar. His Majesties most Royall Coronation. Together with the manner of the solemne shewes prepared for the honour of his entry into the Cittie of London. Eliza her Coronation in Heaven. And Londons sorrow for her Visitation. By Henry Petowe/ London, printed by John Windet for Mat- thew Law, 1603, 4to. This is dedicated to six young gentlemen whose initials only are given. There are allusions in the poem to the ravages of the plague in London in 1603. The poem is noticed in Sir E. Brydges's ' Re- stituta,' iii. 30-4, and reprinted in the ' Har- leian Miscellany, 'x. 342-50, and in Nichols's ' Progresses of King James I,' 1828, i. 235. ' Londoners, their Entertainment in the Countrie, or a whipping of Runnawayes. Wherein is described London's Miserie, the Countries Crueltie, and Mans Inhumanitie ' (London, 1604, 4to, b. 1., printed by H. L. for C. B.), is a tract relating to the plague of 1603 (Comim,BridffewaterCataloffue,ip. 175). Another work on the plague of 1625 is en- titled ' The Countrie Ague, or London her wel- come home to her retired Children. Together with a true Relation of the warlike Funerall of Captain Richard Robyns, one of the twentie Captaines of the trayned Bands of the Citie of London, which was performed the 24 day of September last, 1625. ... By Henry Petowe, Marshall of the Artillerie Garden, London,' printed for Robert Allot, 1626, 4to. The tract is dedicated to ' Colonell Hugh Hamersley and all the Captains of the Artillerie Garden.' The dedication speaks of another tract by the author, l London Sicke at Heart, or a Caveat for Runawayes,' as published ten weeks pre- viously. Two other books, whose titles only seem to have survived, have been ascribed to Petowe: 1. 'A Description of the Countie of Surrey, containing a geographicall account of the said Countrey or Shyre, with other things thereunto apertaining. Collected and written by Henry Patt owe,' 1611 (CoRSER, Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, ix. 147). 2. ; An honourable President for Great Men by an Elegiecall Monument to the Memory of that Worthy Gentleman, Mr. John Bancks, Citizen and Mercer of London, aged about 60 yeeres, and dyed the 9th day of September, Anno Dom. 1 620. By Mariscal Petowb ' (HAZLITT, Hand- book, p. 454). The collection of epigrams by H. P., entitled ' The Mous-trap,' 1606, some- times attributed to Petowe, is by Henry Parrot [q. v.] [Corser's Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, ix. 143- 147 ; Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, p. 255 ; and authorities cited above ; Brit. Mus. Libr. Cat. ; Hunter's manuscript Chorus Vatum (in Addit. MS. 24487, f. 100).] R. B. PETRE, BENJAMIN (1672-1758), Ro- man catholic prelate, born 10 Aug. 1672, was son of John Petre (1617-1690) of Fidlers or Fithlers, Essex (who was a younger brother of William Petre [q. v.], the translator), by Petre Petre his second wife, Elizabeth, daughter of John Pincheon, esq., of Writtle in that county. He was educated at the English College, Douay, and, after being admitted to the priesthood, became tutor to Lord Derwent- water, who was subsequently beheaded for treason. He was consecrated bishop of Prusa, in partibus, on 11 Nov. 1721, and appointed coadjutor, cum jure successionis, to Bonaven- ture Giffard [q.v.], vicar-apostolic of the London district. On the death of that pre- late on 12 March 1733-4, he succeeded to the vicariate. He resided chiefly at Fidlers, died on 22 Dec. 1758, and was buried in old St. Pancras churchyard. He was succeeded by Dr. Richard Challoner [q. v.] [Brady's Episcopal Succession, iii. 158, 161- 163, 257; Catholic Directory, 1894, p. 56; Howard's Koman Catholic Families, pt. i. p. 45.] T. C. PETRE, EDWARD (1631-1699), known as Father Petre or Peters, confessor of James II, born in London in 1631, was the second son of Sir Francis Petre, bart., of the Cranham branch of the family, of which the Barons Petre constituted the eldest branch. His mother was Elizabeth, third daughter of SirJ ohn Gage, bart., of Firle Place, Sussex, and grandson of Sir John Gage [q. v.], constable of the Tower under Henry VIII. The story told in ' Revolution Politicks,' implying that he was educated at Westminster under Busby, is apocryphal. His family being devout Roman catholics, he was sent in 1649 to study at St. Omer, and three years later he entered the So- ciety of Jesus at Watten, under the name of Spencer, though he was not professed of the four vows until 2 Feb. 1671 . He obtained some prominence in the society, not so much for learning as for boldness and address. On the death of his elder brother Frances, at Cran- ham in Essex, about 1679, he succeeded to the title, and about the same time he received orders from his provincial, and was sent on the English mission. Being rector of the Hampshire district at the time of the popish plot (1679), he was arrested and committed to Newgate ; but, as Oates and his satellites produced no specific charges against him, he was released, after a year's confinement, in June 1680. In the following August he be- came rector of the London district and vice- provincial of England ; and, intelligence of this appointment having leaked out, he was promptly rearrested and imprisoned until 6 Feb. 1683. Exactly two years after his liberation James II ascended the throne, and at once summoned Petre to court. His correspondence with Pere La Chaise and other ' forward ' members of the society marked him out for promotion, and he soon gave evidence of his zeal and devotion. To him was given the superintendence of the royal chapel; he was made clerk of the royal closet, and he was lodged in those apart- ments at Whitehall which James had oc- cupied when he was Duke of York. The queen appears to have regarded him with coldness, or even aversion, but he found an all-powerful ally in Sunderland. With Sunderland, along with Richard Talbot and Henry Jermyn (afterwards Lord Dover) [q. v.], he formed a sort of secret inner council, and it was by the machinations of this cabal that Sunderland eventually sup- planted Rochester in the king's confidence ; at the same time the king entrusted to Petre the conversion of Sunderland. James re- cognised in him < a resolute and undertaking man,' and resolved to assign him an official place among his advisers. As a preliminary step, it was determined to seek some prefer- ment for him from Innocent XI. In De- cember 1686 Roger Palmer, earl of Castle- maine [q. v.], was sent to Rome to petition the pope to this effect. The first proposal apparently was that the pope should grant Petre a dispensation which would enable him to accept high office in the English church, and Eachard states that the dignity ulti- mately designed for Petre was the arch- bishopric of York, a see which was left vacant (from April 1686 to November 1688) for this purpose. The pope, however, who had little fondness for the Jesuits, proved obdurate, both to the original request and to the subsequent proposal which Sunderland had the effrontery to make, that Petre should be made a cardinal. Innocent professed himself utterly unable to comply ' salva conscientia,' and added that ' such a promotion would very much reflect upon his majesty's fame ' (see abstract of the correspondence in DODD'S Church Hist. iii. 424-5 ; If Adda Correspondence in Addit. MS. 15396). He shortly afterwards ordered the general of the Jesuits to rebuke Petre for his ambition. Notwithstanding this rebuff, and in strong opposition to the wishes of the queen, James on 11 Nov. 1687 named Petre a privy council- lor, along with the catholic lords Powis, Arundel, Belasyse, and Dover. The impolicy of such an appointment was glaring. James subsequently owned in his * Memoirs ' (ii. 77) that he was aware of it ; but he ' was so bewitched by my Lord Sunderland and Father Petre as to let himself be prevailed upon to doe so indiscreete a thing.' Petre him- self stated that he accepted the king's ofier with the greatest reluctance, and it may cer- tainly have been that he was over-persuaded Petre Petre by Sunderland. Until he took his seat at the council board his elevation was kept a pro- found secret from every one save Sunderland, whose efforts to remove Rochester from the council he henceforth powerfully seconded. With Sunderland he also took an active part in ' regulating ' the municipal corporations and revising the commission of the peace. In December he was appointed chief almoner, and he had an important voice in filling up the vacant fellowships at Magdalen College. During these proceedings the pope's nuncio D'Adda frequently had occasion to write to Rome of Petre's rashness and indiscretion, while he said, with perfect truth, that his appointment gave a very powerful handle against the king (Hist. MSS. Comm. 7th Rep. App. p. 225, 10th Rep. App. v. p. 119). The proclamation which the king caused to be made in the ' Gazette ' of 2 Jan. 1687-8, to the effect that the queen was with child, was the signal for a crop of the most scur- rilous broadsides against the king's confessor; and when the young prince was born, on Trinity Sunday, it was plainly insinuated that Petre was the father. Many versions, however, represented him as merely being the medium of the transference of the child from the ' miller's wife ' to the queen's bed. When the crisis came in November 1688, Petre resolutely adjured the king not to leave Westminster (BARiLLOtf, 9, 18, 22, 25 Nov. ; DFMONT, Lettres Historiques, November 1688). This was probably the best advice that Petre had ever tendered to his sovereign, but he was thought to speak from interested motives — it being well known that he was most obnoxious to the rabble, and that his life would not be worth a day's purchase if he were left behind at Whitehall. Petre took ample precautions to avert this con- tingency. The night before the king's de- parture he slept at St. James's, whence, making his exit next day by a secret passage, he escaped to Dover in disguise, and suc- ceeded in reaching France before his master. He never saw James again. His rooms at Whitehall were occupied by Jeffreys for a short time after his flight; when Jeffreys himself decamped to Wapping, they were broken into by a protestant mob (cf. Twelve Bad Men, ed. Seccombe, p. 92). Petre spent the next year quietly at St. Omer, unheeding the torrent of abusive pamphlets and broad- sides with which he was assailed. In De- cember 1689 he was at Rome, but ' not much lookt on there ' (LTTTTRELL, i. 616). In 1693 he was appointed rector of the college at St. Omer, where the enlightened attention that he paid to the health and cleanliness of the community made him highly valued (OLIVER, Collections). In 1697 he was sent to Watten, where he died on 15 May 1699. His voluminous correspondence was trans- ferred from St. Omer to Bruges, where it was unfortunately lost during the suppres- sion of the Jesuits by the Austrian govern- ment in October 1773. A few of his letters, however, are preserved among Lord Braye's papers at Stamford Hall, Rugby (Hist. MSS. Comm. 10th Rep. App. vi. p. 124). The abiding hatred with which he was regarded by the London mob was shown by the burn- ing in effigy to which he was submitted on Guy Fawkes day and Queen Elizabeth's birth- day until the close of Anne's reign. There is no contemporary likeness of Petre (excepting caricatures) ; an imaginary por- trait is given a conspicuous position in E. M. Ward's well-known picture in the National Gallery, ' James II receiving the news of the landing of the Prince of Orange/ Satirical portraits are affixed to numerous broadsides. Of those in the British Museum the following are characteristic : 1 . Petre as man-midwife, 10 June 1688 (F. G. STEEVENS, Cat. i. No. 1156). 2. Petre sitting by a cradle explaining to the miller's wife that the Society of Jesus must have an heir (ib. No. 1158). 3. Petre nursing the infant on board the yacht upon which the queen and her child embarked in their flight. 4. Petre as a conjuror with a satchel of 'Hokus Pokus' slung round his neck (ib. No. 1235). In an elaborate caricature entitled 'England's Memorial' (1689) the Jesuit is depicted as ' Lassciveous Peters.' His flight from Whitehall is also illustrated by numerous medals. The portrait prefixed to the scandalous ' History of Petre's Amorous Intrigues ' is of course unauthentic. Petre's younger brother Charles (1644- 1712) was also educated as a Jesuit at St. Omer, and was attached to the English mission ; he was included among Oates's in- tended victims, but succeeded in evading arrest. He was favoured by James II, and fled from Whitehall shortly after his brother in November 1688. He was arrested at Dover, but was soon liberated, and subsequently held various offices at St. Omer, where he died on 18 Jan. 1712. [Foley's Records of the English Province of the Society of Jesus, v. 372, vii. 590; Oliver's Collections, 1848, p. 164 ; Dodd's Church Hist. ; D'Orleans's Revolutions in England, p. 304 ; Quadriennium Jacobi, 1689; Higgons's Short View of English History, p. 329; Macpherson's Original Papers, 1775; Burnet's Own Time; Eachard's Hist, of England, vol. ii.; Rapin's Hist, of England, vol. ii.; Ranke's Hist, of Eng- land, vol. v. ; Macaulay's Hist. 1858, ii. 319; Lingard's Hist, of England, x. 61, 98, 128, 170 ; Petre 93 Petre Bloxam's Magdalen College and James II (Oxf. Hist. Soc.); Kyan's William III, 1836, p. 120; Banks's Life of William III ; Granger's Biogr. Hist, of England; Eoxburgh Ballads, iv. 316; Bagford Ballads, ed. Ebbsworth, ii. 317; The Muses Farewell to Popery and Slavery, 1689 ; Keresby's Diary ; Hatton Correspondence (Cam- den Soc.) ; Cartwright's Diary (Camden Soc.) ; Dalrymple's Memoirs of Great Britain ; Lons- dale's Memoirs of the Reign of James II, 1857 ; Notes and Queries, 1st ser. i. 104, vi. 418, 589, 2nd ser. i. 31. See also An Account of the Life and Memorable Actions of Father Petre appended to the Popish Champion, 1689; An Ironical Friendly Letter to Father Petre concerning his part in the late King's Government, 1690; A Dialogue between Father Peters and the Devil, 1687; Rome in an Uproar, or the Pope's Bulls brought to the Baiting Stake by old Father Petre, 1689 ; Les Heros de la Ligue on la Procession Monacale conduitte par Louis XIV pour la con- version des Protestans de son Royaume, Paris, 1691 ; and Histoire des intrigues amoureuses du PerePeters,jesuite . . . ou Ton voit ses avantures les particuliers, Cologne, 1698.] T. S. PETRE, SIK WILLIAM (1505 P-1572), secretary of state, born at Tor Newton, Devonshire, about 1505, was son of John Petre, said to be a rich tanner of Torbryan, Devonshire, by his wife Alice or Alys, daugh- ter of John Collinge of Woodlands in the same county. He was the eldest son of a family of nine ; of his four brothers, the eldest, John (d. 1568), who is supposed by family tradi- tion'to have been senior to William, inherited Tor Newton ; the second was chief customer at Exeter ; Richard, the third, is stated to have been chancellor of Exeter and archdeacon of Buckingham ; but the only preferment with which Le Neve credits him is a prebend in Peterborough Cathedral, which he received on 14 Jan. 1549-50 and resigned on 5 Oct. 1565 ; he was, however, installed precentor of Ely Cathedral on 28 Dec. 1557, and, though disapproving of Elizabeth's ecclesiastical policy, retained his office until 1571 (OLIVEK, Collections, p. 198). The youngest brother, Robert (d. 1593), was auditor of the exchequer. William was educated at Exeter College, Oxford, and elected fellow of All Souls' in 1523, whence he graduated bachelor of civil and canon law on 2 July 1526, and D.C.L. on 17 Feb. 1532-3. Probably about 1527 he became principal of Peckwater's or Vine Hall, and tutor to George Boleyn (after- wards Viscount Rochford) [q. v.] (LLOYD, State Worthies,pA30 ; cf. WOOD, Athena, i. 98). It was no doubt through the influence of Boleyn's sister Anne that Petre was in- troduced at court and selected for govern- ment service. He was sent abroad, and re- sided on the continent, chiefly in France, for more than four years. On his return he was appointed a clerk in chancery. He had secured the favour of Cromwell and Cran- mer, who spoke in November 1535 of making Petre dean of arches, there ' being no man more fit for it.' Anne Boleyn also sent him presents, and promised him any pleasure it was in her power to give. On 13 Jan. 1536 he was appointed deputy or proctor for Cromwell in his capacity as vicar-general. In the same year he was made master in chancery, and granted the prebend of Lang- ford Ecclesia in Lincoln Cathedral, which he resigned next year. He was largely en- gaged in visiting the lesser monasteries. On 16 June 1536 Petre appeared in convocation and made a novel claim to preside over its deliberations, on the ground that the king was supreme head of the church, Cromwell was the king's vicegerent, and he was Crom- well's deputy. After some discussion his claim was allowed. In the same year he was placed on a commission to receive and examine all bulls and briefs from Rome, and in 1537 was employed to examine Robert Aske [q. v.] and other prisoners taken in the Lincolnshire and Yorkshire rebellions. In 1536 he had been appointed visitor of the greater monasteries in Kent and other southern counties. He was one of the most zealous of the visitors; in 1538 he procured the surrender of twenty monasteries, and in the first three months of 1539 thirteen more fell before him ; his great achievement was the almost total extirpation of the Gil- bertines, the only religious order of English origin (cf. DIXON'S Church Hist. ii. 26-30, 116; GASQTJET, Henry VIII and the Monas- teries). In 1539 Petre was one of those appointed to prepare a bill for the enactment of the Six Articles, and in the following year was on the commission which declared the nul- lity of Henry's marriage with Anne of Cleves. Early in 1543 he was knighted ; in the same year he served on various commis- sions to examine persons accused of heresy, and was appointed secretary of state in Wriothesley's place. On 9 July 1544 he was selected to assist Queen Catherine in carry- ing on the regency during Henry's absence, and to raise supplies for the king's expedition to Boulogne. In 1545 he was sent ambas- sador to the emperor, and at the end of the year was summoned to the privy council. He was appointed an assistant executor to Henry's will in 1547. During Edward VI's reign Petre's im- portance and activity increased. In August 1547 he was entrusted with the great seal for use in all ecclesiastical affairs. In 1549 Petre 94 Petre he served on commissions to visit the uni- versity of Oxford, to inquire into heresies, to examine the charges against Lord Seymour of Sudeley, and to try Bonner. He did not take part in Bonner's trial after the first day, and it was rumoured that he i was turning about to another party.' On 6 Oct. he was sent by Somerset to the council to demand the reason of their coming together, but, finding them the stronger party, he re- mained and signed the council's letter to the lord mayor denouncing the protector ; four days later he also signed the proclamation against Somerset. In February 1550 he was sent to Boulogne to negotiate the terms of peace with France, and in the following May exchanged ratifications of it at Amiens. In the same year he was treasurer of firstfmits and tenths, and one of the commissioners to examine Gardiner ; he was also sent to New Hall, Essex, to request Mary to come to court or change her residence to Oking. In August 1551 Petre was one of those who communicated to Mary the council's decision forbidding mass in her household, and in October was appointed to confer with the German ambassadors on the proposed protes- tant alliance ; in December he was on a com- mission for calling in the king's debts. In 1553 hedrewup the minutes for Edward VI's will and, in the interest of Lady Jane Grey, signed the engagement of the council to maintain the succession as limited by it. On 20 July, however, he, like the majority of the council, declared for Mary. He re- mained in London during the next few days transacting secretarial business, but his wife joined Mary and entered London with her. Petre had been identified with the coun- cil's most obnoxious proceedings towards Mary, and his position was at first insecure. He resumed attendance at the council on 12 Aug., but in September it was rumoured that he was out of office. He was, however, installed chancellor of the order of the Garter on 26 Sept., when he was directed by the queen to expunge the new rules formulated during the late reign. He further ingra- tiated himself with Mary by his zeal in trac- ing the accomplices of Wyatt's rebellion and by his advocacy of the Spanish marriage. Petre now devoted himself exclusively to his official duties ; he rarely missed attendance at the council, and was frequently employed to consult with foreign ambassadors. He acquiesced in the restoration of the old religion, and took a prominent part in the reception of Pole and ceremonies connected with the absolution of England from the guilt of heresy. But with great dexterity he succeeded in obtaining from Paul IV a bull confirming him in possession of the lands he had derived from the suppression of the monasteries (DUGDALE, Monasticon, vi. 1645). It was on his advice that Mary in 1557 forbade the landing of the pope's to declining in 1557. On Elizabeth's accession Petre was one of those charged to transact all business pre- vious to the queen's coronation, and was still employed on various state affairs, but his at- tendances at the council became less frequent. They cease altogether after 1566, and Petre retired to his manor at Ingatestone, Essex, where he devoted himself to his charitable foundations. He died there, after a long ill- ness, on 13 Jan. 1571-2, and was buried in Ingatestone church, where a handsome altar- tomb to his memory, between the chancel and south chapel, is still extant. Petre's career is strikingly similar to those of other statesmen of his time, such as Cecil, Mason, and Rich, who, 'sprung from the willow rather than the oak,' served with equal fidelity Henry, Edward, Mary, and Elizabeth. Camden calls him l a man of ap- proved wisdom and exquisite learning,' and Strype says he was ' without spot that I could find except change of religion.' He was ' no seeker of extremity or blood, but of moderation in all things.' As a diplomatist his manner was ' smooth, reserved, resolved, yet obliging : ' ( Ah ! * said Chatillon of Petre at Boulogne in 1550, 'we had gained' the last two hundred thousand crowns without hostages, had it not been for that man who said nothing.' In his later years he was said to be a papist, a creed to which his descendants have consistently adhered. But his piety was not uncompromising, and did not stand in the way of his temporal advancement ; as he himself wrote to Cecil, ' we which talk much of Christ and his holy word have, I fear me, used a much contrary way ; for we leave fishing for men, and fish again in the tempestuous seas of this world for gain and wicked mammon.' Though lie was less rapacious than his colleagues in profiting by the fall of Somerset, Petre acquired enormous property by the dissolu- tion of the monasteries ; in Devonshire alone he is said to have secured thirty-six thou- sand acres ; but his principal seat was at Ingatestone, Essex, which he received on the dissolution of the abbey of St. Mary's, Barking. The hall which he built there still stands almost unimpaired (cf. BAKRETT, Essex Highways, &c., 2nd ser. pp. 32, 178-80). A considerable portion of his wealth,however, Petre 95 Petre was spent on charitable objects ; lie founded almshouses at( Ingatestone, and designed scholarships for 'All Souls'College, Oxford, but his chief benefactions were to Exeter College, Oxford, and entitle him to be considered its second founder (for full details see BOASE, Registrum Coll. Exon. pp. Ixxxv et seq.) In other ways Petre was a patron of learning ; his correspondence with English envoys abroad contains frequent requests for rare books. He was himself governor of Chelms- ford grammar school, and Ascham benefited by his favour, which he is said to have re- quited by dedicating to Petre his ' Osorius de Nobilitate Christiana.' A mass of Petre's correspondence has been summarised in the 'Calendars of State Papers,' and many of the originals are in the Cottonian, Harleian, and Additional MSS. in the British Museum; his transcript of the notes for Edward VI's will is in the Inner Temple Library. Two undoubted portraits of Petre, with one of doubtful authenticity, all belonging to the Right Rev. Monsignor Lord Petre, were ex- hibited in the Tudor exhibition ; of these, one (No. 159), by Sir Antonio More, was painted ' retatis suse xl ; ' the third portrait (No. 149) is by Holbein, but bears the inscription on the background ' eetatis suee 74 An.0 1545,' which does not agree with the facts of Petre's life (cf. Notes and Queries, 7th ser. ix. 247, 334, 415). Another portrait is in the hall of Exeter College, Oxford. Petre married, first, about 1533, Gertrude, youngest child of Sir John Tyrrell, knt., of Warley, and his wife Anne, daughter of Edward Norris ; she died on 28 May 1541, leaving two daughters, one of whom, Dorothy (1534-1618), married Nicholas Wadham [q. v.], founder of Wadham College, Oxford ; and the other, Elizabeth, married John Gost- wick. Petre married, secondly, Anne, daugh- ter of Sir William Browne, lord mayor of London, and relict of John Tyrrell (d. 1540) of Heron, Essex, a distant cousin of Sir John Tyrrell, father of Petre's first wife (see pedigree in the Visitation of Essex, 1558). Anthony Tyrrell [q. v.] was the second Lady Petre's nephew. She died on 10 March 1581- 1582, and was buried by her husband's side in Ingatestone church. By her Petre had two daughters, Thomasine and Katherine, and three sons, of whom two died young ; the other, John (1549-1613), was knighted in 1576, sat in parliament for Essex in 1585-6, was created Baron Petre of Writtle, Essex, by James I on 21 July 1603, and died at West Horndon, Essex, on 11 Oct. 1613, being buried in Ingatestone church. He augmented his father's benefactions to Exeter College, con- tributed 95/. to the Virginia Company (BROWN, Genesis U.S.A.}, and became a Roman catho- lic. Exeter College published in his honour a thin quarto entitled ' Threni Exoniensium in obitum . . . D. Johannis Petrei, Baronis de Writtle,' Oxford, 1613 (Brit. Mus.) He married Mary, daughter of Sir Edward Wai- grave, or Waldegrave, and left four sons, of whom the eldest, William, second Lord Petre, was father of William Petre (1602-1677) [q. v.], and grandfather of William, fourth baron Petre [q. v.] [Cal. State Papers, Dom., For., and Venetian series ; Letters and Papers of Henry VIII, ed. Gairdner ; Burghley State Papers, passim ; Pro- ceedings of the Privy Council ; Rymer's Fcedera, original edition; Cotton. MSS. Cal. B. x. 101, Galba B. x. 210, 225; Harl. MS. 283, f 187- Addit. MSS. 25114 ff. 333, 344, 346, 32654 ff. SO* 123, 32655 ff. 95, 152, 247-8, 32656 ff. 28, 185, 226 ; Ashmole MSS. 1 1 21 f. 231, 1137 f. 142, 1729 f. 192; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500-1714: Bur- rows's Worthies of All Souls'; Boase's Registrum Coll. Exon., Stapleton's Three Oxford Parishes, and Plummer's Elizabethan Oxford (all published by Oxford Hist. Soc.); Wood's Fasti, i. 73, 74, 93, 158, and City of Oxford, i. 597 ; Lit. Remains of Edward VI (Roxburghe Club), passim ; Chron. of Queen Jane, pp. 82, 88, 90, 109, Narr. of Reformation, pp. 282, 284, Annals of Queen Elizabeth, p. 11, Machyn's Diary, passim, and Wriothesley's Chron. ii. 31 (all published by Camden Soc.) ; Camden's Britannia and Eliza- beth ; Stow's Annals ; Holinshed's Chronicles ; Sir John Hayward's Life and Raigne of Edward the Sixt, 1630; Lloyd's State Worthies, pp. 430-4 ; Prince's Worthies of Devon, ed. 1701, pp. 496, 500 ; Moore's Devon, pp. 87-91 ; Strype's Works, Index; Dodd's Church Hist.; Fuller's Church Hist. ; Dixon's Hist, of the Church of England ; Burnet's Reformation ; Foxe's Actes and Mon. ; Oliver's Collections, pp. 197-8; Morris's Troubles of our Catholic Forefathers, 2nd ser. pp. 292-3, &c.; Coote's Civilians, p. 31 ; Burgon's Gresham, i. 36, 228, &c. ; Newcourt's Repertorium, ii. 347 ; Hasted's Kent, i. 267 ; Morant's Essex, i. 115, 209; Ashmole and Beltz's Order of the Garter ; Archseologia, xxi. 39, xxx. 465, xxxviii. 106; Segar's Baronagium Geneal. ; Collins's Peerage, vii. 28, 33 ; G. E. C.'s Complete Peerage; Visitation of Devonshire, 1564 (Harl. Soc.), passim; Berry's Essex Genealogies; Genea- logical Collections illustrating the Hist, of Roman Catholic Families in England, ed. J. J. Howard, pt i • Miscell. Geneal. et Heraldica, new ser. ii. 152 ; Tytler's Edward VI, i. 76, 228, 427 ; Lin- gard's and Froude's Histories; Gent. Mag. 1792, ii. 998 ; English Hist. Rev. July 1894; Notes and Queries, 7th ser. ix. 247, 334, 415.] A. F. P. PETRE, WILLIAM (1602-1677), trans- lator, the third son of William, second lord Petre (1575-1637) of Writtle in Essex, and great-grandson of Sir William Petre [q. v.], was born in his father's house at Ingatestone, Petre 96 Petre Essex, 28 July 1602. His mother, who died in 1624, was Catherine, second daughter oJ Edward Somerset, fourth earl of Worcester. His family, who remained Roman catholic, had been steady benefactors of Exeter College, Oxford, whither he was sent as gentleman commoner, matriculating on 5 Feb. 1612, at the early age of ten. In the following year, however, when Wadham College was com- pleted by his great-aunt, Dame Dorothy Wadham, he migrated thither, and * became the first nobleman thereof (Wooo). In October 1613 his eldest brother John died, and the society of Exeter dedicated a threnody to the family (MADA.N, Early Oxford Press, p. 92). About the same time he was joined at Wadham by his elder brother Robert, and the two brothers, both of whom left without taking degrees, presented to the college two fine silver tankards, which were sacrificed to the royal cause on 26 Jan. 1643. After leaving Oxford he was entered of the Inner Temple. Subsequently he travelled in the south of Europe, and, according to Wood, 'became a gent, of many accomplishments.' In 1669 he issued from St. Omer a translation of the then popular ' Flos Sanctorum ' of the Jesuit Pedro de Ribadeneira, originally published at Barcelona in 1643, fol. The translation, which was entitled 'Lives of the Saints, with other Feasts of the Year according to the Roman Calendar,' is continued down to 1669. The first edition soon became scarce, and a second, corrected and amended, was issued at London in 1730, folio. Petre's rendering has been commended by Southey and Isaac Disraeli. Petre died on the estate at Stanford Rivers in Essex which had been given him by his father, and he was buried in the chancel of Stanford Rivers church. His wife Lucy, daughter of Sir Richard Fermor of Somerton, Oxfordshire — by whom he had three sons and two daughters — was buried by his side in March 1679. [Wood's Athense Oxon. ed. Bliss, iii. 1144; Gardiner's Register of Wadham, i. 21 ; Collins's Peerage, vii. 36 ; Dodd's Church Hist. iii. 278 ; Morant's Hist, of Essex, ' Hundred of Ongar,' p. 152; Disraeli's Curiosities of Literature; Howard's Roman Catholic Families of England, pt. i. p. 44.] T. S. PETRE, WILLIAM, fourth BARON PETRE (1622-1684), was the eldest son of Robert, third lord Petre (1599-1638), who was the great-great-grandson of Sir William Petre [q. v.] His mother, who was married in 1620 and died two years after her son, in 1685, was Mary, daughter of Anthony Browne, second viscount Montagu. William Petre [q. v.], the translator of Ribadeneira, was his uncle. He was one of the ' cavaliers ' imprisoned in 1655, but until well advanced in life did nothing to attract public notice. In 1678, however, he, as a devout Roman catho- lic, involuntarily drew upon himself the atten- tions of the perjurer Titus Gates, who charged him with being privy to the alleged popish plot. Gates swore in his deposition before Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey [q. v.] that he had seen 'Lord Peters receive a commission as lieutenant-general of the popish army destined for the invasion of England from the hands of Joannes Paulus de Oliva, the general of the Jesuits ' (cf. art. Ixxi. of Oates's Narrative, 1679). He repeated these state- ments, with em bellishments, before the House of Commons in October 1678, and the house promptly sent for Lord-chief-justice Scroggs, and instructed him to issue warrants for the apprehension of all the persons mentioned in Oates's information (Commons' Journals, 23-28 Oct. 1678). Together with four other Roman catholic lords — Powis, Belasyse, Arundel, and Stafford — who were similarly accused of being destined for high office under the Jesuitical regime, Petre was com- mitted to the Tower on 28 Oct. 1678. Articles were exhibited against him by the commons in April 1679, yet, in spite of repeated demands for a trial by the prisoners' friends, and of the clamour of the partisans of Gates on the other hand, no further steps were taken until 23 June 1680, when Lord Castlemaine, who had sub- sequently been committed, was tried and ac- quitted. A few months later Viscount Staf- ford was tried, condemned, and executed; but the patrons of the plot derived no benefit from his death, and nothing was said of the trial of the other * popish lords,' though the government took no step to release them. Their confinement does not appear to have been very rigorous. Nevertheless Petre, who was already an old man, suffered greatly in health ; and when, in the autumn of 1683, he felt that he had not long to live, he' drew up a pathetic letter to the king. In this he says : ' I have been five yeares in prison, and, what is more grievous to me, lain so long under a false and injurious calumny of a horrid plot and design against your majestie's person and government, and am now by the disposition of God's providence call'd into another world before I could by a public trial make my innocence appear.' This letter was printed, and provoked some protestant ' Observations,' which were in turn severely criticised in ' A Pair of Spectacles for Mr. Observer ; or Remarks upon the phanatical Observations on my Lord Petre's Letter,' possibly from the prolific pen of Roger L'Estrange. When, however, Petre actually died in the Tower, on 5 Jan. 1683-4, a certain Petrie 97 Petrie amount of public compassion was awakened. The remaining papist lords were brought before the court of king's bench by writ of habeas corpus on 12 Feb. 1683-4, when the judges asserted that the prisoners ought long ago to have been admitted to bail. Petre was buried among his ancestors at Ingatestone on 10 Jan. 1683-4. There is a portrait at Thorndon Hall, Essex. By his first wife, Elizabeth (d. 1665), daughter of John Savage, second earl Rivers, Petre had no issue ; by his second wife, Brid- get (d. 1695), daughter of John Pincheon of Writtle, he had an only daughter, Mary, who was born in Covent Garden on 25 March 1679, married, on 14 April 1696, George Heneage of Hainton in Lincolnshire, and died on- 4 June 1704. The first lady was probably the ' Lady Peters ' slightingly referred to by Pepys (April 1664) as 'impudent,' ' lewd,' and a ' drunken jade.' The peerage descended in succession to his brothers John (1629-1684) and Thomas, and the latter, who died on 10 Jan. 1706, left by his wife Mary, daughter of Sir Thomas Clifton of Lytham, Lancashire, an only son, Robert, seventh lord Petre. It was this baron who in 1711, being then only twenty, and very * little' for his age, in a freak of gallantry cut off a lock of hair from the head of a celebrated beauty, his distant kinswoman, Arabella Fer- mor. It was to compose the feud that sprang from this sacrilegious act that Pope wrote his ' Rape of the Lock,' first published in ' Lintot's Miscellany ' in May 1712. Lord Petre mar- ried, on 1 March 1712, not Miss Fermor — who about 1716 became the wife of Francis Perkins of Ufton Court, near Reading, and died in 1738 — but a great Lancashire heiress named Catherine Walmesley, by whom, upon his premature death on 22 March 1713, he left a posthumous son, Robert James, eighth lord Petre. The eighth lord married, on 2 May 1732, Anne, only daughter of James Radcliffe, the unfortunate earl of Derwentwater [q. v.] (Pope's Works, ed. Elwin and Courthope, v. 96 ; SPENCE, Anecdotes). [The Declaration of the Lord Petre upon his death, touching the Popish Plot, in a letter to his Most Sacred Majestie, 1683 (this letter is reprinted in Somers' Tracts, viii. 121); Obser- vations on a Paper entitled The Declaration of Lord Petre; Howard's Eoman Catholic Families of England, pt. i. p. 8; G-. E. C[okayne]'s Peerage, vi. 247; Collins's Peerage, vii. 36 ; Lingard's Hist, ix. 181, x. 47; Morant's Essex ; Evelyn's Diary; Luttrell's Relation, vol. i.] T. S. PETRIE, ALEXANDER (1594P-16G2), Scottish divine, born about 1594, was third son of Alexander Petrie, merchant and burgess of Montrose. He studied at the university of St. Andrews, and graduated YOL. XLV. M.A. in 1615. From 1620 to 1630 he was master of the grammar school of Montrose. Having received a presentation to the parish of Rhynd, Perthshire, from Charles I, he was ordained by Archbishop Spotiswood in July 1632, and inducted to the charge by the pres- bytery of Perth. Petrie joined heartily in the covenanting movement, and was in 1638 a member of the general assembly held at Glasgow which overthrew episcopacy. In several subsequent assemblies he took an active part as a member of committees. In 1642 a Scottish church was founded in Rotterdam for Scottish merchants, soldiers, and sailors, and Petrie was selected as the first minister by the presbytery of Edinburgh. He was approved by the general assembly, and was inducted by the classis or presbytery of Rotterdam on 30 Aug. 1643. The salary was provided by the States-General and the city authorities, and the church formed part of the Dutch ecclesiastical establishment; but it was exempt from the use of the Dutch liturgical formularies, and was allowed to retain the Scottish usages. The introduction of puritan innovations in the church at Rot- terdam soon afterwards caused much discord, as many of the members were warmly at- tached to the old forms prescribed in Knox's Liturgy. These difficulties were eventually overcome, mainly owing to Petrie's influence. In 1644 Petrie published at Rotterdam a pamphlet entitled ' Chiliasto Mastix, or the Prophecies in the Old and New Testament concerning the Kingdom of our Saviour Jesus Christ vindicated from the Misinterpretations of the Millenaries, and specially of Mr. [Ro- bert] Maton [q. v.], in his book called " Israel's Redemption." ' Maton's book had been taken up by the independents and baptists, and had been widely circulated among Petrie's flock, and this pamphlet was written as an antidote. In 1649 Petrie was employed in some of the negotiations with Charles II, who was then in Holland. During the later years of his life he devoted much time to the preparation of his great work, 'A Compendious History of the Catholic Church from the year 600 until the year 1600, showing her Deforma- tion and Reformation,' &c., a folio volume published at the Hague by Adrian Black in 1662. The chief interest of the work, which displays considerable learning and research, lies in the fact that it contains copious extracts from the records of the early general assemblies of the church of Scotland, which were destroyed by fire in Edinburgh in 1701. Petrie died in September 1662. He was highly esteemed by his fellow-citizens and by the Dutch clergy, and the congregation largely increased during his ministry. There Petrie 98 Petrie is a portrait of Petrie in possession of the consistory, of which an engraving is given in Stevens's ' History of the Scottish Church, Rotterdam.' It is a face indicative of sagacity and force of character, and does not belie the reputation Petrie had of possessing a some- what hasty temper. He left two sons — Alexander, minister of the Scots church at Delft ; George, an apo- thecary— and three daughters: Christian, married to Andrew Snype, minister of the Scots church at Campvere ; Isobel, married, first to William Wallace, merchant, secondly to Robert Allan ; and Elspeth, married to George Murray. [Scot's Fasti Eccl. Scot. ; Stevens's Hist, of the Scottish Church, Kotterdam ; Baillie's Let- ters ; Wilson's Presbytery of Perth ; the Scottish Church, Rotterdam, 250th Anniversary, Amster- dam, 1894.] G. W. S. PETRIE, GEORGE (1789-1866), Irish antiquary, only child of James Petrie, a por- trait-painter, was born in Dublin in 1789. His grandfather, also named James, was a native of Aberdeen who had settled in Ire- land, and his mother was daughter of Sache- verel Simpson of Edinburgh. In 1799 he was sent to the school in Dublin of Samuel White, who was the schoolmaster of Richard Brinsley Sheridan [q. v.] and of Thomas Moore [q. v.] He attended the art school of the Dublin Society, and before he was four- teen was awarded the silver medal of the society for drawing a group of figures. He early became devoted to the study of Irish antiquities, and in 1808 travelled in Wick- low, and made notes of Irish music, of eccle- siastical architecture, and of ancient earth- works and pillar-stones. He visited Wales, making landscape sketches, in 1810, and in 1813 came to London and was kindly treated by Benjamin West, to whom he had an in- troduction. After his return to Ireland he painted landscapes, chiefly in Dublin, WTicklow, Kil- dare, the King's County, and Kerry, and in 1816 he exhibited at Somerset House pictures of Glendalough and Glenmalure, both in Wicklow. Lord Whitworth bought them. In 1820 Petrie contributed ninety- six illustrations to Cromwell's f Excursions in Ireland/ and afterwards many others to Brewer's ' Beauties of Ireland,' to G. N. Wright's 'Historical Guide to Dublin/ to Wright's 'Tours/ and to the 'Guide to Wicklow and Killarney.' Nearly all these illustrations deserve careful study, and have much artistic merit as well as absolute anti- quarian fidelity. At the first exhibition of the Royal Hibernian Academy in 1826, Petrie exhibited a large picture of Ardfinane, a picturesque castle standing above a many- arched bridge on the north bank of the Suir. He exhibited the next year 'The Round Tower of Kilbannon/ co. Galway, and ' Dun Aengus/ a great cashel in Aranmor, co. Gal- way. He was elected an academician in 1828, and exhibited 'The Twelve Pins in Conne- mara/ a group of sharp-pointed mountains, and ' The Last Round of the Pilgrims at Clon- macnoise.' In 1829 he painted ' The Knight and the Lady ' and ' Culdean Abbey/ a ruin in the dried-up marsh known as 'Inis na mb6o/ to the right of the road from Thurles to Roscrea. He was appointed librarian to the Hibernian Academy in 1830, and ex- hibited six pictures, and in 1831 nine. In the course of his studies for these pictures he made many tours throughout Ireland, tra- velled along the whole course of the Shannon, thoroughly studied Clonmacnoise, Cong, Kil- fenora, the Aran islands, and many other ecclesiastical ruins. When Csesar Otway [q. v.] began the ' Dublin Penny Journal/ of which the first number appeared on 30 June 1832, Petrie joined him, and wrote many antiquarian articles in the fifty-six weekly numbers which appeared. He was the sole editor of the 'Irish Penny Journal/ which appeared for a year in 1842. Both contain much ori- ginal information on Irish history never be- fore printed, and the best articles are those of Petrie and John O'Donovan [q. v.] Petrie joined the Royal Irish Academy in 1828, was elected on its council in 1829, and worked hard to improve its museum and library. At the sale of the library of Austin Cooper in 1831 he discovered and purchased the auto- graph copy of the second part of the ' Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland/ called by Colgan the ' Annals of the Four Masters.' For the museum his exertions procured the reliquary known as the cross of Cong, the shrine called ' Domhnach airgid/ and the Dawson collec- tion of Irish antiquities. From 1833 to 1846 he was attached to the ordnance survey of Ireland, and, next to John O'Donovan, was the member of the staff who did most to preserve local history and his- torical topography. His studies on Tara, written in November 1837, were published by the Royal Irish Academy as an ' Essay on the Antiquities of Tara/ a work which contains all that is known on the topography of the ancient seat of the chief kings of Ireland. More may probably be learnt by careful ex- cavations, and certainly by a fuller considera- tion of Irish literature than Petrie, who was ignorant of Irish, could give ; but every one who has visited the locality can testify to the accuracy of Petrie and to the scholar-like Petrie 99 Petrie character of his method of investigation. The first memoir of the survey appeared in 1839, but the government of the day soon after decided to stop this invaluable public work on the ground of expense. A commission was appointed in 1843, which recommended the continuance of the work, after examining Petrie and other witnesses, but, neverthe- less, it was never resumed. The Royal Irish Academy awarded Petrie a gold medal for his essay on Tara ; but Sir William Betham [q. v.], whose theories on Irish antiquities had been demolished by Petrie, was so much opposed to this well-deserved honour that he resigned his seat on the council. In 1833 Petrie was awarded a gold medal for an ' Essay on the Origin and Uses of the Round Towers of Ireland/ and this was published, with many additions, under the title of ' The Ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland,' in 1845, with a dedication to his two warmest supporters in his studies, Dr. William Stokes [q. v.] and Viscount Adare, afterwards third earl of Dunraven [see QTTIN, EDWIN RICHAED WINDHAM]. Many books had been written on the subject before this essay, and main- tained one or other of the views that these towers, of which there are still remains of more than a hundred in Ireland, were Phoeni- cian fire-temples, towers of sorcerers, astro- nomical observatories, centres for religious dances, temples of Vesta, minarets for pro- claiming anniversaries, watch-towers of the Danes, tombs, gnomons, homes of Persian magi, and phallic emblems. Petrie demolished all these hypotheses, showed that the towers were Christian ecclesiastical buildings of various dates, and that in some cases the actual year of building was ascertainable from the chronicles. His evidence is abundant, admirably arranged, and conclusive ; but the great advance in knowledge which it repre- sents can only be appreciated by looking at the previous writings on the subject. An ' Essay on the Military Architecture of Ire- land' was never printed. Besides these, he wrote numerous papers on Irish art in description of various anti- quities, and all of these contain careful and original investigations. He also made a col- lection of Irish inscriptions, which has since his death been edited, with additions, by Miss Margaret Stokes, with the title of ' Christian Inscriptions in the Irish Language.' In 1816 he had written an 'Essay on Music ' in the ' Dublin Examiner,' and he was devoted throughout life to Irish music, collecting airs wherever he travelled, and playing them admirably on the violin. In 1855 he pub- lished 'the Ancient Music of Ireland,' a collection of songs and airs made in all parts of Ireland, on which many musicians and musical writers have since levied contribu- ions. A second volume was projected, but never appeared. He received the honorary degree of LL.D. from the university of Dub- Lin in 1847, and in 1849 a pension on the civil list. To his last years he travelled in Ireland, in 1857 again visited the isles of Aran, and in autumn 1864 made his last journey to the one region he had never seen, the Old Glen in the parish of Glencolumkille in Donegal, a region containing many curious antiquities and numerous primitive descendants of Co- nall Gulban. He died at his house in Charles Street, Dublin, on 17 Jan. 1866, and was buried in Mount Jerome cemetery, near Dub- lin. He was throughout life a disinterested student of Irish architecture, decorative art, music, and topography, and to all these sub- jects made permanent and important contri- butions. He seemed devoid of any ambition but that of making his subject clear, gave generous help to many other workers, and was beloved by a large circle of friends. His life has been admirably written by his friend Dr. William Stokes, and contains a list of his papers read before the Royal Irish Academy, of his contributions to the ' Dublin Penny Journal ' and the ( Irish Penny Journal,' and of his illustrations to books. [Stokes's Life and Labours in Art and Archaeo- logy of George Petrie, London, 1868 ; Graves's Eloge on the late George Petrie, Dublin, 1866 ; Works.] N. M. PETRIE, HENRY (1768-1842), anti- quary, born in 1768, was the son of a dancing- master who resided at Stockwell, Surrey. He was probably connected with John Petrie, M.P. for Surrey in 1796. The son was in- tended to follow in his father's profession, but soon showed an aversion to it, and devoted himself to antiquarian research. Through Thomas Frognall Dibdin [q. v.], whom Petrie is said to have instructed in the art of deportment and dancing, he was introduced to George John, second earl Spencer [q. v]., who warmly encouraged his researches. Petrie formed a close friendship with Dibdin, and rendered him valuable aid in the production of his bibliographical works. On the death of Samuel Lysons [q.v.] in 1819, Petrie was appointed keeper of the records in the Tower of London. After prolonged study of the materials for early English history, Petrie about 1816 con- ceived the project of publishing a complete 'corpus historicum' for the period. A similar scheme had been suggested by John Pinkerton [q. v.] about 1790, and keenly advocated by Gibbon. It came to nothing » H 2 Petrie 100 Petrie through Gibbon's death, and Petrie was the first to revive it. During 1818 and 1819 various meetings were held at Earl Spen- cer's house to further the project ; it was agreed that no such scheme could be under- taken by private enterprise, and an appeal was made for government aid. Petrie was selected to draw up a plan. His aim was to make the body of materials to be published absolutely complete, and to include extracts from Greek and Roman writers containing all references to early Britain ; copies of all inscriptions on stone or marble ; all letters, charters, bulls, proceedings of councils and synods; laws, engravings of coins, medals, and seals ; besides general histories, annals, and chronicles of England, and histories of particular monasteries. The plan was presented to the record com- mission in 1821, and was sanctioned by the government and parliament. The work com- menced in 1823, with Petrie as chief editor, assisted by the Rev. John Sharpe (1769- 1859) [q. v.] The Welsh portion was en- trusted to John Humffreys Parry (1786- 1825) [q. v.] and to Aneurin Owen [q. v.], and was published in 1841. The main portion entrusted to Petrie proceeded steadily until 1832, when it was interrupted by his illness. But in 1835, when the whole text of the first volume had been completed, and a large col- lection of materials made for further volumes, the work was suspended by an order of the record commissioners, due to a misunder- standing between them and Petrie. Petrie died unmarried at Stockwell, Surrey, on 17 March 1842, before the undertaking was resumed. One volume was finally completed and published in 1848 by Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy [q. v.], who had been trained by Petrie. It bore the title 'Monumenta Historica Bri- tannica, or Materials for the History of Great Britain from the Earliest Period to the Nor- man Conquest/ Hardy acknowledged valu- able aid derived from Petrie's manuscripts in his 'Descriptive Catalogue of Materials' pub- lished in 1862. Petrie also edited ' Magni Rotuli Scaccarii Normanniae/ 1830, 4to ; and his translation of the earlier portion of the * Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ' was reprinted from the ' Monumenta ' in the ' Church Historians of England/ 1854, vol. ii. pt. i. [Prefaces to the Monumenta and Descriptive Catalogue by Sir T. D. Hardy; Edinburgh Rev. xlvi. 472 ; Dibdin's Bibliographical Decameron, passim, Literary Companion, i. 103, 104, 154, 320, and Literary Reminiscences, pp. 453, 716, 717; Gent. Mag. 1834 i. 375, 1842 ii. 661-2, 1851 ii. 628; Annual Register, 1842, p. 258; Gorton's Biogr. Diet., Suppl. ; Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 233, 235.] A. F. P. PETRIE, MARTIN (1823-1892), colonel, was born on 1 June 1823, at the Manor House, King's Langley, Hertfordshire, being the second son of Commissary-general William Petrie (d. 1842), who had seen active service in Egypt, Italy, and France. His mother Mar- garet was daughter and coheiress of Henry Mitton of the Chase, Enfield. Colonel Petrie was sixth in descent from Alexander Petrie, D.D. [q. v.] His infancy was spent in Portugal, and his childhood at the Cape of Good Hope, at which places his father held appointments. In youth he was chiefly in France, Italy, and Germany. On 14 April 1846 he entered the army as an ensign in the royal Newfoundland corps, and served for eleven years in North America, becoming a lieutenant on 7 Jan. 1848 and captain on 5 May 1854. On 26 Jan. 1855 he was transferred to the 14th foot regi- ment, and left Newfoundland on 20 March in the small steamer Vesta, which carried twenty-four passengers, seven of them, in- cluding Captain Petrie, being officers on their way to join regiments in the Crimea. When three hundred miles off St. John's the vessel, already damaged by ice-floes, was caught in a terrific storm, and the engine-room was flooded. Petrie's mechanical skill and great courage enabled him to save the ship. He was called the ' hero of the Vesta ; ' but his hands were so severely lacerated and frost- bitten that he was invalided for some time, and could not proceed to the Crimea. In May 1856 Petrie joined the Royal Staff College, and in December 1858 he passed the final examination, coming out first on the list. He was attached to the topographical depart- ment of the war office from 10 March 1859 to 30 June 1864 ; and in 1860, during his first year there, he brought out a standard work in three volumes, ' The Strength, Composition, and Organisation of the Armies of Europe/ show- ing the annual revenue and military expen- diture of each country, with its total forces in peace and war. In 1863 he published a volume giving more detailed information re- specting the British army, ' The Organisa- tion, Composition, and Strength of the Army of Great Britain/ which reached a fifth edition in 1867. Petrie also compiled two important volumes, ' Equipment of Infantry ' and 'Hospital Equipment' (1865-6), forming part of a series on army equipment. For the long period of eighteen years (1864-1882) he was examiner in military administration at the staff college, and latterly at the Royal Military College also. He became major oil 13 July 1867, and exchanged to the 97th foot on 18th Dec. ; in July 1872 he retired on half- pay, in 1876 became colonel, and in 1882 with- drew from the service. Petrie read some Petrocus 101 Petrucci papers on military matters at the Royal United Service Institution, of which he was a member ; and as an enthusiastic freemason he was master of the St. John's, Newfound- land, lodge, and a member of the Quatuor Coronati lodge in London. He took an active interest in philanthropic and religious work, and was a trustee of the Princess Mary Village Homes. Petrie died on 19 Nov. 1892, at his house, Hanover Lodge, Kensington Park, London, and was buried at Kensal Green. His wife, Eleanora Grant, youngest daughter of Wil- liam Macdowall of Woolmet House, Mid- lothian, and granddaughter of Sir William Dunbar of Durn, baronet, died on 31 Jan. 1886, leaving two daughters, of whom the elder, authoress of ' Clews to Holy Writ,' 1892, is the wife of Professor Carus- Wilson of McGill University, Montreal, and the younger is an honorary missionary of the Church Mis- sionary Society in Kashmir. [Private information ; war office records.] G. A. A. PETROCUS or PETROCK, SAINT (f,. 550?). [See PEDROG.] PETRONIUS (d. 654), fifth abbot of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, is said to have been a Roman, and to have been hallowed abbot of St. Augustine's by Archbishop Honorius [q. v.] in 640, two years after the date assigned to the death of his predecessor Gratiosus. This delay is explained by the supposition that Honorius was absent on some journey. The date assigned to the death of Petronius is 654. There was no re- cord or tradition of his place of burial in the fifteenth century, nor is there any early authority known for his existence. An epitaph describes him as a good man, a teacher of his monks, and a lover of purity. [Elmham'sHist. S. August. Cant. pp. 175, 183, ed. Hardwick (Rolls Ser.) ; Thorn's Chron. S. August. Cant. col. 1769, ed. Twysden; Somner's Antiq. of Cant. pt. ii. p. 164, ed. Batteley ; Dug- dale's Monasticon, i. 120; Diet. Chr. Biogr. art. ' Petronius ' (5) by Bishop Stubbs.] W. H. PETRUCCI, LUDOVICO (fi. 1619), poet and soldier of fortune, born at Siena, was son of Aridante Petrucci, alias Petruccioli, ' no- bile ' of the territory of Peligliano, Tuscany. The father served under Orsino, count of Pe- ligliano, in the Venetian service against the Turks, distinguished himself in the capture of Castel Nuovo, and died of a wound eight days after his return. Ludovico was educated in Tuscany, but subsequently became a soldier of fortune. Having renounced Catholicism, he was imprisoned by the inquisition at Padua, remaining in prison four years (see in his Farrago his poems ' sopra la crudelta del Inquisitor di Padova '). He then entered the service of Venice, describing himself as at the time « povero mendico, and obtained in 1603 the grade of serving-major. Subsequently he transferred himself to the imperial army, and served in the Hungarian wars in the regiments, first of Count Sulma, and then of Ferdinand de Kolonitsch. In 1607 he became a captain in the Hungarian army. He subsequently en- tered the service of "the Prince of Branden- burg and Neuburg, and met some English- men at Diisseldorf. According to his own statement in his * Apologia,' he served nine years ' in bello Hungarico ; ' but this can only apply to the whole of his stay in Germany. Meeting with no success in his military career, he removed to England in 1610, and, visiting Oxford on the recommendation of the Earl of Pembroke, 'entered into the public library in the beginning of the year following.' He became a commoner of St. Edmund Hall, and later of Balliol. In spite of certificates which he obtained to the con- trary, he was suspected in the university of being a spy and popishly affected. Ac- cordingly, he was forced, or at least desired, to depart, ' such was the jealousy of the puritan party in the university.' Wood de- scribes him as ' phantasticall ' and unsettled in mind. In his ' Apologia ' he prints several certificates of his conformity to the church of England during his stay there. An epistle ' Candido Lettore,' in his 'Apologia,' is dated from the Fleet, 10 July 1619, where he was in prison. Granger mentions a portrait. Petrucci wrote : 1. ' Raccolta d' alcune rime del cavaliere Ludovico Petrucci, nobile Toscano, in piu luoghi e tempi composte e a diversi prencipi dedicate ; con la silva delle sue persecution!,' Oxford, 1613 ; in Italian and Latin ; dedicated in prose to King James, and in verse to all the royal family. The poems themselves consist of adulatory or other addresses to various notabilities, in- cluding Bacon and Archbishop Abbot, with occasional insertions of prose letters sent to him, and of certificates of character. The work concludes with a long and critical enumera- tion of his patrons, including many Oxford men and English politicians. 2. ' Apologia equitis Ludovici Petrucci contra calumnia- tores suos una cum responsione ad libellum a Jesuitis contra serenissimum Leonardum Donatum ducem Venetum promulgatum,' appeared at London in 1619, with portrait by Thomas Pothecary (Italian and Latin) ; the work is imperfect, and does not include the reply to the Jesuits mentioned in the title. Petrus 102 Pett It is dedicated to King James, with verse ad- dresses to his various English patrons. Then follows a farrago of verses, narrative, certifi- cates, addresses, &c., as in the ' Raccolta.' His main contention is that the charges against him resulted from a plot of the Jesuits. Cer- tain l Rime al re ' by Petrucci are among the Royal MSS. 140, vii. [The only authority is Petrucci 's scattered and incoherent statements and certificates in his works, from which Wood (Athense, ii. 293) has compiled a notice. Cf. Foster's Alumni; Sta- tioners' Kegister (under date 27 Nov. 1587), and Notes and Queries, 2nd ser. xii. 22, for the De- scription of Scotland set forth by Petrucci.] W. A. S. PETRUS (d. 606 ?), first abbot of St. Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury, was both a monk and a priest (BEDE, Historia Ecdesias- tica, i. cc. 27, 33), and was one of the com- panions of St. Augustine [q. v.] on his mission to England in 596-7. Either at the end of 597 or the beginning of 598, Augustine sent him in company with Lawrence or Lauren- tius [q. v.], afterwards archbishop of Canter- bury, to Pope Gregory to announce the success of the mission and to lay before him certain questions. He apparently brought back the pope's replies in 601. Ethelbert (552 P-616) [q. v.], king of Kent, was building the monastery of SS. Peter and Paul, later called St. Augustine's, at the time of Augus- tine's death, and Petrus was appointed its first abbot. His name appears in a charter of Ethelbert to the monastery recording his appointment as abbot, and in a charter of Augustine concerning the exemption of the house, but both are undoubtedly spurious (ELMHAM, pp. 114, 119-21). While fulfilling a mission to Gaul on which he had been sent by Ethelbert, he was drowned in a creek of the sea at Amfleet or Ambleteuse, a short distance north of Boulogne, probably on 30 Dec. 606. The year of his death, given by Elmham as 607, depends on the date assigned to the death of Augustine, for it is said by Elmham to have taken place one year seven months and three weeks after- wards (ib. p. 126). The year of Augustine's death, which is not certainly ascertained, is taken here to be 604. The people of the country buried the body of Petrus without any marks of respect, not knowing who he was. A miraculous light appeared by night above his grave, and those who lived in the neighbourhood were thus taught that he was a holy man ; so they made inquiries as to who he was and whence he came, removed his body to Boulogne, and there buried it in the church of St. Mary the Virgin with fitting honour (BEDE, u.s. c. 33). Petrus is said to have been highly esteemed by Augus- tine, so that for his sake Augustine gave to the new monastery the gifts sent him by Gregory. An epitaph on him is given by Elmham. There is an unprinted ' Life of Petrus,' written by Eadmer, in Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, manuscript no. 371, f. 416, and it is perhaps to this that Elmham refers in his * History of the Monastery' (p. 111). Malbrancq, writing in the seven- teenth century and quoting from the records of the church of Boulogne, gives some par- ticulars of his life, on which it would at least not be safe to lay any stress, such as that Petrus was employed by Ethelbert to preach to the Northumbrians and did so with success, that his habits were ascetic, that he worked miracles, and that his body was translated to Boulogne by an earl named Fumertius. His obit was kept at Canterbury, and was, according to the Benedictine mar- tyrology, on 30 Dec., though the English martyrology places it on 6 Jan., which, it is suggested, may have been the day of his translation (STFBBS). [Bede's Hist. Eccl. i. cc. 27, 33 (Engl. Hist, Soc.); Elmham's Hist. Mon. S. Aug. Cant. pp. 2,92,94,96, 111, 114, 121, 126 (Rolls Ser.); Thome's Chron. S. Aug. Cant. cols. 1760-6, ed. Twysden, ap Decem Scriptt. ; Hardy's Cat. of Materials, i. 206-7 (Rolls Ser.); Acta SS. Ord. Ben. ii. 1 ; Acta SS. Bolland., January, i. 334-5; Malbrancq's De Morinis, i. 285-8 ; Somner's Antiq. of Canterbury, pt. 2, pp. 164, ed.Batteley ; Diet. Chr. Biogr. art. « Petrus ' (72), by Bishop Stubbs.] W. H. PETT, PETER (d. 1589), master-ship- right at Deptford, is described as the great- grandson of Thomas Pett of Skipton in Cum- berland (LE NEVE, Pedigrees of the Knights, pp. 155-6). But Skipton is in Yorkshire, and, though some of his kin may have settled in the north, it is more probable that he belonged to the family of the name which early in the fifteenth century owned property at Pett in the parish of Stockbury in Kent (HASTED, Hist, of Kent, ii. 525 n.) Heywood stated in 1637 that for two hundred years and upwards men of the name had been officers and architects in the royal navy (CHARNOCK, Hist, of Marine Architecture, ii. 284). It appears well established that Pett's father, also Peter, was settled at Harwich, probably as a shipbuilder. Pett himself was certainly in the service of the crown from an early age ; he was already master-shipwright at Dept- ford in the reign of Edward VI, and there he continued till his death on or about 6 Sept. 1589. During this time he had a principal part in building most of the ships of the navy, though the details are wantin g. Richard F For further information, see Autobiography of Phmeas Pett, ed. W. G. Perrin, 1018. Pett 103 Pett Chapman, who built the Ark, was brought up by Pett, and so also, in all probability, was Matthew Baker, with whom, from 1570, Pett was associated in the works at Dover. In 1587 he and Baker accused Sir John Haw- kyns [q. v.], then treasurer of the navy, of mal- practices in connection with the repair of the queen's ships. The charges were apparently held to be the outcome of pique or jealousy. Hawkyns was annoyed, but suffered no ma- terial injury, and Pett remained in his office. In 1583 he was granted arms, or, on a fess gules between three ogresses, a lion passant of the field ; and the crest, out of a ducal coronet, a demi-pelican with wings expanded. He was twice married. By his first wife he had at least two sons : Joseph, who succeeded him at Deptford as master-shipwright, and died on 15 Nov. 1605 ; and Peter, who carried on business as a shipbuilder at Wapping. By his second wife, Elizabeth Thornton, sister of Captain Thornton of the navy, he had also two sons — Phineas, who is separately noticed ; and Noah, who in 1594 was master of the Popinjay with his uncle Thornton — and four daughters, one of whom, Abigail, was cruelly beaten to death with a pair of tongs by her stepfather, Thomas Nunn, in 1599. Nunn, who was a clergyman, received the queen's pardon for his crime, but died immediately afterwards (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 28 May 1599). [Calendars of State Papers, Dom. ; Defeat of the Spanish Armada (Navy Eecords Soc.); Auto- biography of Phineas Pett (Harl. MS. 6279).] J. K. L. PETT, PETER (1610-1670?), commis- sioner of the navy, fifth son of Phineas Pett [q. v.], was born at Deptford on 6 Aug. 1610. He was brought up by his father as a shipwright; while still very young was his father's assistant at Deptford and Woolwich, and in 1635-7 built the Sovereign of the Seas under his father's supervision. In 1647 he was ordered by the parliament a gratuity of 10£ for building the Phosnix at Woolwich. He would seem to have been then appointed master-shipwright at Chatham, and in 1648 to have sent up important informa- tion to the parliament, and to have been mainly instrumental in preserving the ships at Chatham from revolting. Probably as a re ward for this service, he was appointed com- missioner of the navy at Chatham, an office analogous to that of the present superin- tendent of the dockyard, with the important difference that Pett, as a practical man, exer- cised immediate and personal control over the several departments of the yard, and was thus largely responsible for the efficiency of the ships during the Dutch wars. That during the Commonwealth the ships were fairly well maintained is matter of history • but Pett excited a strong feeling of animosity by filling all the more important posts in the yard with his near relatives. As early as November 1651 complaints were laid by some of the subordinate officials, includino- the chaplain, that members of the family worked into each other's hands, that stores were wasted or misappropriated, that higher wages were charged than were paid, and that false musters were kept. A special inquiry was ordered in the following January, when Pett had little difficulty in proving that the charges were malicious ; but it is clear that there were great opportunities for fraud and reasonable grounds for suspicion. The com- missioner's cousin, Joseph Pett, was master- shipwright at Chatham ; another cousin, Peter Pett, was master-shipwright at Deptford; a younger brother, Christopher, assistant master-shipwright at Woolwich; another brother, Phineas, clerk of the check at Chat- ham, and a cousin, Richard Holborne, master- mast-maker. When, in the following summer his cousin Peter at Deptford died, he was able to have his brother Christopher promoted to the vacancy, and Peter's son Phineas ap- pointed assistant. Pett was also permitted to undertake private contracts for building ships of war (Cal. State Papers. Dom. 7 Jan 1650). He was reappointed to his office after the Restoration, and remained in it till 29 Sept. 1667, when he was charged with being the main cause of the disaster at Chatham in June, and was summarily superseded. He was accused, in detail, of having neglected or disobeyed orders from the Duke of York, the Duke of Albemarle, and the navy com- missioners to moor the Royal Charles in a place of safety, to block the channel of the Medway by sinking a vessel inside the chain, to provide boats for the defence of the river, and to see that the officers and seamen were on board their ships (ib. 19 Dec. 1667). On 18 June he was sent a prisoner to the Tower, on the 19th was examined before the council, and on 22 Oct. before the House of Com- mons. There was talk of impeaching him, but the accusation was merely the outcome of a desire to make him answerable for the sins of those in high places, and the matter was allowed to drop. The general feeling was clearly put by Marvell, in the lines be- ginning : After this loss, to relish discontent, Some one must be accused by Parliament : All our miscarriages on Pett must fall ; His name alone seems fit to answer all. Pett 104 Pett After being deprived of his office, Pett dis- appears from view. He married, on 8 Sept. 1632, Catherine (b. August 1617), daughter of Edward Cole of Woodbridge, Suffolk (Re- gister of St. Mary's, Woodbridge, by favour of Mr. Vincent B. Redstone). Mention is made of one SDn, Warwick. Pett has been confused with his cousin Peter, the master-shipwright at Deptford, who died in 1652, and with each of that Peter's two sons, Sir Peter [q. v.], advocate- general for Ireland, and Sir Phineas Pett, master-shipwright at Chatham, who was knighted in 1680, was comptroller of stores, and resident commissioner at Chatham, and is to be distinguished from the commissioner Peter's brother Phineas, a clerk of the check at Chatham. Three others, named Phineas Pett, were at the same time in the naval service at Chatham or in the Thames, one of whom was killed in action in 1666, while in command of the Tiger. The name Phineas Pett continued in the navy till towards the close of last century. [Calendars of State Papers, Dom., the indexes to which have so confused the Peters and the Phineases as to be useless ; the only possibility of clearing the confusion is by reference to the original documents, and by carefully distinguish- ing the signatures; Pepys's Diary; Harl. MS. 6279.] J. K. L. PETT, SIK PETER (1630-1699), lawyer and author, son of Peter Pett (1593-1652), master-shipwright at Deptford, grandson of Peter Pett of Wapping, shipbuilder, and great-grandson of Peter Pett (d. 1589) [q.v.], was baptised in St. Nicholas Church, Dept- ford, on 31 Oct. 1630. He was educated in St. Paul's School and at Sidney-Sussex Col- lege, Cambridge, where he was admitted in 1645. After graduating B.A. he migrated to Pembroke College, Oxford, and in 1648 was elected to a fellowship at All Souls'. He then graduated B.C.L. in 1650, was entered as a student at Gray's Inn, and settled there ' for good and all ' about a year before the Restora- tion. From 1661 to 1666 he sat in the Irish parliament as M.P. for Askeaton. He was called to the bar from the Middle Temple in 1664. When the Royal Society was formed, in 1663, Pett was one of the original fel- lows, elected on 20 May, but was expelled on 18 Nov. 1675 for ' not performing his obligation to the society.' He was probably absorbed in other interests. He had been appointed advocate-general for Ireland,where he was knighted by the Duke of Ormonde. He was also much engaged in literary work, more or less of a polemical nature. A short tract of his, headed ' Sir Peter Pett's Paper, 1679, about the Papists/ is in the Public Record Office (SJiaftesbury Papers, ii. 347). His published works are : 1. 'A Discourse concerning Liberty of Conscience,' London, 1661, 8vo. 2. 'The Happy future Estate of England,' 1680, fol. ; republished in 1689 as ' A Discourse of the Growth of England in Populousness and Trade ... By way of a Letter to a Person of Honour.' 3. ' The obligation resulting from the Oath of Supremacy . . . / 1687, fol. He edited also the ' Memoirs of Arthur [Annesley], Earl of Anglesey,' 1693, 8vo, and ' The genuine Re- mains of Dr. Thomas Barlow, late Lord Bishop of Lincoln,' 1693, 8vo. He died on 1 April 1699. Pett has been often confused with his father's first cousin, Peter, commissioner of the navy at Chatham, who is separately noticed. [Knight's Life of Colet, p. 407; Foster's Alumni Oxon.; Wood's Athense, iv. 576 ; St. Paul's School Reg. p.*43 ; Burrows's Worthies of All Souls', pp. 476, 540.] J. K. L. , PHINEAS (1570-1647), master- builder of the navy and naval commissionerr elder son of Peter Pett (d. 1589) [q. v.], by his second wife, Elizabeth Thornton, was born at Deptford on 1 Nov. 1570. After three years at the free school at Rochester,. and three more at a private school at Greenwich, he entered Emmanuel College, Cambridge, in 1586. After his father's death, in September 1589, Phineas was left destitute, and in 1590 was bound ' a covenant servant ' to Richard Chapman, the queen's master-ship- wright at Deptford. Within three years Chap- man died, and he shipped as carpenter's mate on board the Edward and Constance, in the second expedition of Edward Glemham [q. v.] The voyage had no great success, and after two years of hardship and privation Pett found himself again in London as poor as when he started. In August 1595 he was employed ' as an ordinary workman ' in rebuilding the Triumph at Woolwich. Afterwards he worked, under Matthew Baker, on the Re- pulse, a new ship which was being got ready for the expedition to Cadiz. During this winter Pett studied mathematics, drawing, and the theory of his profession, in which Baker gave him much assistance and instruction. In April 1597 Lord Howard, the lord admiral, who was much at Baker's house, accepted him as his servant. It was not, however, till near Christmas 1598 that Howard was able to em- ploy him in ' the finishing of a purveyance of plank and timber ' in Norfolk and Suffolk, which occupied Pett through the whole of 1599 ; and in June 1600 Howard appointed him ' keeper of the plankyard, timber, and other provisions ' at Chatham, ( with promise of better preferment to the utmost of his power/ For further information see Autobiography of Phineas Pett, ed. W. G. Perrin, 1918. Pett 105 Pett A quarrel with Matthew Baker followed, and for the next ten or twelve years, according to Pett's story, Baker lost no opportunity of doing him a bad turn. According to Pett, the administration of the dockyards was at the time altogether swayed by personal in- terest, jealousy, and malicious intrigue. In March 1601 Pett was appointed assistant to the master-shipwright at Chat- ham. In November 1602 his good service in fitting out the fleet in six weeks won for him Mr. Greville's 'love, favour, and good opinion ; ' and shortly after the accession of King James he was ordered by Howard to build a miniature ship — a model, it would seem, of the Ark — for Prince Henry. This was finished in March 1603-4, and Pett took her round to the Thames, where on the 22nd the prince came on board. The admiral pre- sented Pett to him; and on the following day Pett was sworn as the prince's servant, and was appointed captain of the little vessel. He was also granted the reversion of the places held by Baker or his brother Joseph, whichever should first become vacant ; and in November 1605, on the death of Joseph, he succeeded as master-shipwright at Deptford. In 1607 he was moved to Woolwich, and there remained for many years, favourably re- garded by Howard, John Trevor, the surveyor of the navy, and Mansell, the treasurer ; and, in consequence, hated and intrigued against by their enemies and his own, of which, as a successful man, he had many. In October 1608 he laid the keel of a new ship, the largest in the navy, which was launched in September 1610 as the Prince Royal; but in April 1609 definite charges of incompetence displayed in her construction were laid against him by the Earl of North- ampton, instigated by Baker and George Wey- mouth [q. v,]/a great braggadocio.' A com- mission was ordered to investigate the matter, and reported in Pett's favour; but as North- ampton refused to accept their decision and continued to press the charges, the king had the case formally tried before him at Woolwich on 8 May, and Pett was formally acquitted on all points. In 1612 Pett was the first master of the Shipwrights' Company, then incorporated by royal charter. In 1613 he was in the Prince with Howard when he took the Lady Eliza- beth and her husband, the Palatine, to Flanders; and was ordered by Howard to dine at his table during the voyage. In 1620-1 he seems to have accompanied Sir Robert Mansell [q. v.] in the expedition against the Algerine pirates; and in 1623 went to Santander in the Prince, which he had fitted specially for the reception of the in- fanta (cf. GARDINER, Hist. v. 120). Charles I, on his accession to the throne, gave him a gold chain valued at 104J. In June 1625 he was at Boulogne in the Prince, which brought the young queen to Dover on the 12th. In August 1627 he was sent to Ports- mouth to hasten the equipment of the fleet, and, continuing there, e saw many passages and the disaster which happened to the Lord Duke [of Buckingham].' In February 1629-30 he was appointed an assistant to the principal officers of the navy, and in the following December one of the principal officers and a commissioner of the navy. He still, however, continued to exercise the supervision over Deptford and Woolwich yards, assisted to a great extent by his son Peter (1610-1670?) [q. v.] In 1635 he was sent to Newcastle to provide timber, &c., for a new ship to be built at Woolwich, the keel of which was laid on 21 Dec. She was launched on 13 Oct. 1637, and named the Sovereign of the Seas — the largest and most highly ornamented ship in the English navy. A model of her, possibly contemporary, is preserved in the museum of the Royal Naval College at Greenwich. But though the Prince Royal and the Sovereign of the Seas were the chief pro- ducts of Pett's art, he was more or less re- sponsible for every ship added to the navy during the reigns of James I and Charles I, as well as for many of the largest merchant ships then built, among others the Trade's Increase and the Peppercorn [see DOWNTON, NICHOLAS ; MIDDLETON, SIR HENRY]. Dur- ing this period shipbuilding was improved and the size of ships increased. It has been said that the secrets of the trade were pre- served in the Pett family — handed down from father to son (CHARNOCK, Hist, of Marine Architecture, ii. 284) ; but Phineas Pett learned nothing directly from his father, and indirectly only so far as Chapman and Baker were his father's associates. The ex- cellence which he attained and handed down to his successors may be more justly assigned to his Cambridge training and his subse- ?uent studies in mathematics. He died in 647, and was buried at Chatham on 21 Aug. Pett was married three times : (1) in 1598, to Anne, daughter of Richard Nichols of Highwood Hill in Middlesex ; she died in February 1626-7; (2) in July 1627, to Susan, widow of Robert Yardley, and mother, or stepmother, of the wife of his son John ; she died in July 1636 ; (3) in January 1636-7, to one Mildred. By his first wife he had three daughters and eight sons, the eldest of whom, John, a captain in the navy, married, in 1625, Katharine, daughter of Robert Pettie 1 06 Pettie Yardley, and died in 1628. Peter, the fifth son, is separately noticed ; Phineas, the seventh (b. 1618), was in 1651 clerk of the check at Chatham; and Christopher, the youngest (b. 1620), was master-shipwright at Deptford, where he died in 1668, leaving a widow, Ann, and four children. [The principal authority for the life of Pett is his autobiography— Harl. MS. 6279 — a late seventeenth or early eighteenth centur}' copy. It appears to be trustworthy as to its facts, though with a strong personal bias. A lengthy abstract is printed in Archseologia, xii. 207 et seq. Pett is frequently mentioned in the Calendars of State Papers, Domestic ; see also Birch's Life of Prince Henry.] J. K. L. PETTIE, GEORGE (1548-1589), writer of romances, was younger son of John Le Petite or Pettie of Tetsworth and Stoke Talmage, Oxfordshire, by his wife Mary, daughter of William Charnell of Snareston, Leicestershire. He became a scholar of Christ Church, Oxford, in 1564, and graduated B.A. on 29 March 1569. According to Wood, Wil- liam Gager [q. v.] of Christ Church, his junior by eight or nine years, was his i dear friend/ and each encouraged the other's literary pre- dilections. Pettie travelled beyond the seas, and apparently had some military experience. On returning home he devoted his leisure to literature. The popularity bestowed on i The Palace of Pleasure ' (1566-7) of William Painter [q. v.] encouraged Pettie to attempt a similar ven- ture. His work appeared under the title of 'A Petite Pallace of Pettie his Pleasure, con- tayning many pretie Hystories by him, set foorth in comely Colourss, and most delight- fully discoursed.' It had been licensed for the press to Richard Watkins on 6 Aug. 1576, and was published soon afterwards, without date. The publisher Watkins, rather than Pettie, was, it appears, responsible for the title, which is a barefaced plagiarism of that of Painter's volumes. Pettie, in his preface, says he mainly wrote for gentlewomen, and deprecated all comparison with the ( Palace of Pleasure.' The printer adds a note, stating that he knew nothing of the author or of the author's friend who offered him the manu- script. In an ensuing l Letter of G[eorge] P[ettie] to R. B., concerning this Woorke,' dated from ' Holborn, 12 July,' the author apologises for modernising the classical tales — 'amourous stories ' Wood calls them — with which he mainly deals. R. B. are, it has been suggested, the reversed initials of Barnaby Rich [q. v.] The stories, twelve in number, are entitled, respectively ' Sinorix and Gamma/ ' Tereus and Progne/ ' Germanicus and Agrippina/ ' Amphiaraus and Eriphile/ ' Iciliusand Virginia/ < Admetus and Alcest/ ' Scilla and Minos/ 'Curiatius and Horatia/ ' Cephalus and Procris/ * Minos and Pasiphse/ ' Pigrnalions freinde and his Image/ and ' Alexius.' The book was at once popular, and two other editions, mainly differing from the first by the omission of the prefatory matter, but set up from new type, appeared in the same year. Other editions appeared in 1580 and 1598 by James Roberts, and in 1608 and 1613 by George Eld. Pettie also translated the first three books of Guazzo's ' Civile Conversation/ through the French. Richard Watkins obtained a license for the publication on 27 Feb. 1580-1. The first edition appeared in that year with a dedication addressed from Pettie's lodging near St. Paul's, London, on 6 Feb. 1581, to Marjorie, wife of Sir Henry Norris, baron Norris of Rycote [q. v.] The work is in prose, with afew verses interspersed. Asecond issue by Thomas East was dated 1586, and included a fourth book of Guazzo, begun by Pettie, but completed from the Italian by Bartholo- mew Young. Pettie died, writes Wood, in July 1589, ' in the prime of his years, at Plymouth, being then a captain and a man of note.' He was buried in ' the great Church ' at Plymouth. Lands at Aston-Rowant, Kingston, and Tetsworth, which his father had given him, he left to his brother Christopher. Another brother, Robert, was father of Mary Pettie, who was mother of Anthony a Wood. Wood, who was thus grandnephew of George Pettie,, says that Pettie f was as much commended for his neat stile as any of his time/ but of the ' Petite Pallace 'Wood wrote that it was in his day ' so far from being excellent or fine that it is more fit to be read by a schoolboy or a rustical amorata than by a gent, of mode and learning.' Wood only kept a copy in his library for the respect that by reason of his kinship he ' bore to the name of the author.' [Wood's Athense Oxon. ed. Bliss, i. 552; Wood's Life and Times, ed. Clark (Oxford Hist. Soc.), i. 32-7; Lee's Thame, p. 216; Foster's Alumni Oxon. ; Hunter's manuscript Chorus Va- tum inAddit. MS. 24488, f. 58; Eitson's English Poets; Collier's Stationers' Registers, 1570-87, pp. 20, 139; Warton'sHist.ofEngl.Poetry,iv.336-7; Park's British Bibliographer, ii. 392.] S. L. PETTIE, JOHN (1839-1893), painter, born at East Linton, Haddingtonshire, on 17 March 1839, was the son of Alexander Pettie, a tradesman of some means, and of Alison, his wife. The elder Pettie did not make the conventional resistance to his son's evident vocation for art. At the age of seven- teen Pettie began his training at the Trustees' Pettie 107 Pettie Academy in Edinburgh, under the auspices of Robert Scott Lauder [q. v.] Among his fellow-students were Mr. Orchardson, Mr. McWhirter, Mr. MacTaggart, Mr. Peter Gra- ham, Mr. Tom Graham, and George Paul Chalmers [q. v.], all of whom became distin- guished painters. The careers of Pettie and his companions mark a distinct development in the history of the modern Scottish school, which had its origin in the personality of Lauder, their master. The pictorial aims and ambitions of the group wholly differed from those of their immediate predecessors, among whom may be reckoned Sir Noel Paton, the brothers Faed, Mr. Erskine Nicol, and Robert Herdman. With all of these the chief pre- occupation was the telling or illustration of a story, the making of a dramatic point, the insistence on some domestic affection, hu- morous or pathetic. Pettie's work, on the other hand, invariably embodies some purely pictorial motive over and above the subject, specially aiming at a rich resonance of colour. His fame springs mainly from the success with which he pursued this latter ideal. Pettie's first exhibited picture, ' The Prison Pet,' appeared at the Scottish Academy in 1859, and was followed by 'False Dice,' ' Distressed Cavaliers,' and ( One of Crom- well's Divines.' In 1860 he made his debut as an exhibitor in London, sending to the Royal Academy a picture, 'The Armourers/ which found a place on the line. His next effort, 'What d'ye lack, Madam?' a study of JenkinVincent in the 'Fortunes of Nigel,' was no less popular. Thus encouraged, the young painter made up his mind in 1862 to join his friend Mr. Orchardson, who had settled in London some twelve months before. The two artists shared a studio for several years, first in Pimlico, and later at 37 Fitzroy Square, afterwards the home of Ford Madox Brown. Pettie was the earlier of the pair to win a wide recognition, his daring and assertive harmonies soon compelling attention. ^ It was, however, to a robust capacity for taking pains, no less than to the more proclamatory style of his talent, that Pettie owed his ac- ceptance as leader, when more young men came southwards to swell the band of Lon- don Scots. Prolific as he was industrious, he soon became one of the best known of British painters, and his rapid succession of canvases found a ready sale among dealers and private collectors. His first contribution to the Royal Academy after his migration was another scene from Scott, ' The Prior and Edward Glendinning.' In 1863 he was re- presented by ' The Trio,' ' The Tonsure,' and 1 George Fox refusing to take the Oath ; ' in 1864 by 'At Holker Hall;' in 1865 by 'The Drumhead Court-martial ; ' and in 1866 by ' An Arrest for Witchcraft,' a vigorous and dramatic piece of work, which secured his election as A.R.A. A year before, on 24 Aug. 1865, he had married Miss Elizabeth Ann Bossom, the sister-in-law of another Scottish painter, Mr. C. E. Johnson, and had deserted Mr. Orchardson to set up house for himself. In 1873 he was elected a full member of the Royal Academy in succession to Sir Edwin Landseer, contributing 'Jacobites, 1745' as his diploma picture. In 1881 he moved from St. John's Wood Road, where he had lived since 1869, to a house of his own building, the Lothians, in FitzJohn's Avenue, Hamp- stead, which he occupied for the rest of his life. Between 1860 and his death, in 1893, Pettie sent about 130 pictures to the Royal Academy, to say nothing of the numerous works which went privately to their destined homes. The following are among the best and most deservedly popular of his later pro- ductions : — ' Terms to the Besieged ' (1872), 'The Flag of Truce' (1873), 'Sword and Dagger Fight ' (1877), ' A Death Warrant ' (1879, now at Hamburg), 'Before his Peers' (1881), ' Monmouth and James II ' (1882), 'The Vigil ' (1884 ; Chantrey Fund collec- tion), ' Challenged ' and 'Sir Peter Teazle' (1885), 'The Chieftain's Candlesticks '(1886; a vigorous and brilliant piece of bravura, per- haps his most striking work), ' The Traitor ' (1889), and 'The Ultimatum' (1892). In his later years Pettie turned his attention to por- traiture with considerable success, and left unfinished several important commissions at his death. He was fond of painting his friends ' in costume.' His most striking portrait, perhaps, is that of Mr. Charles Wyndham in the part of David Garrick. The dash and vigour of Pettie's finer work were characteristic not only of the painter, but of the man ; and yet he was the least assertive and self-confident of craftsmen. A.n indefatigable worker, he felt the con- viction he constantly proclaimed, that his only merit, his only hope of success, lay in his capacity for hard and unremitting toil. In his best years his work exhibited a glow and transparency of colour which have seldom been surpassed ; in his later period he be- trayed a tendency on the one hand towards a hasty coarseness of execution, on the other towards a violence in his colour contrasts, which will probably lead to a future neglect of the pictures produced during the last few years of his life. For about eighteen months before his death he suffered from an affection of the ear, which eventually proved to be the result of an abscess on the brain. This Pettigrew 108 Pettigrew produced paralysis, to which he succumbed at Hastings on 21 Feb. 1893 at the early age of fifty-four. He was buried in Paddington cemetery on 27 Feb. 1893. Kindly, genial, and hospitable, he was always ready to help and encourage the more struggling members of his own profession. Pettie left three sons and a daughter (wife of Mr. Hamish McCunn, the musical com- poser). A representative exhibition of Pettie's work was held at Burlington House in the winter of 1894. The best portrait of him is one by Mr. Arthur Cope, in the possession of Mrs. Pettie. [Catalogues of the Koyal Academy ; private information.] W. A. PETTIGREW, THOMAS JOSEPH (1791-1865), surgeon and antiquary, was son of William Pettigrew, whose ancestor, the Gowan priest, ' Clerk Pettigrew/ is men- tioned by Sir Walter Scott in < Hob Roy.' The father was a naval surgeon, who served in the Victory long before the time of Nelson. Thomas was born in Fleet Street, London, on 28 Oct. 1791, and was educated at a private school in the city. He began to learn anatomy at the age of twelve, left school at fourteen, and, after acting for two years as assistant to his father in the per- formance of his duties as a parish doctor, he was apprenticed at the age of sixteen to John Taunton, the founder of the City of London Truss Society. He afterwards entered as a pupil at the Borough hospitals, at the same time acting as demonstrator of anatomy in the private medical school owned by his master Taunton. He was admitted a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England on 19 June 1812, and a fellow on 11 Dec. 1843, but as early as 1808 he had been elected a member of the Medical Society of London, and in 1811 he was made one of its secretaries, in opposition to Dr. Birkbeck. In 1813 he was appointed registrar, and took up his abode in the society's house in Bolt Court, Fleet Street. In 1808, as one of the founders of the City Philosophical Society, which met in Dorset Street, Salisbury Square, he gave the first lecture, choosing as his subject * In- sanity;' and in 1810 he helped to establish the Philosophical Society of London, where he gave the inaugural address ' On the Objects of Science and Literature, and the advan- tages arising from the establishment of Philo- sophical Societies.' In 181 3 he was appointed, by the influence of Dr. John Coakley Lettsom [q.v.], secretary of the Royal Humane Society, a post he resigned in 1820, after receiving in 1818 the society's medal for the restoration of a case of apparent death. In 1819, together with the Chevalier Aldini of the imperial university of Wilna, Pettigrew engaged in experiments, at his house in Bolt Court, in the employment of galvanism in cases of sus- pended animation. The result of these ex- periments was a joint publication entitled ' General Views of the Application of Gal- vanism to Medical Purposes, principally in cases of suspended Animation.' While he was acting as secretary to the Royal Humane Society Pettigrew became known to the Duke of Kent, who made him first surgeon extra- ordinary, and later surgeon in ordinary to himself, and, after his marriage, surgeon to the Duchess of Kent. In this capacity he vaccinated their daughter, the present Queen Victoria, the lymph being obtained from one of the grandchildren of Dr. Lettsom. The Duke of Kent shortly before his death recom- mended Pettigrew to his brother, the Duke of Sussex. The latter appointed Pettigrew his surgeon, and, at his request, Pettigrew undertook to catalogue the library in Ken- sington Palace. The first volume of this work was published in two parts in 1827. It was entitled ' Bibliotheca Sussexiana.' A second volume was brought out in 1839 ; it was commenced upon too large a scale, for the volumes issued deal only with the theo- logical division of the library, and the cata- logue remained incomplete when the books were sold in 1844 and 1845. The catalogue was well received, and, as an acknowledgment of the value of his literary work, Pettigrew was presented with the diploma of doctor of philosophy from the university of Gottingen on 7 Nov. 1826. Pettigrew in 1816 became surgeon to the dispensary for the treatment of diseases of children, then newly founded in St. Andrew's Hill, Doctors' Commons, which has since become the Royal Hospital for Children and Women in the Waterloo Road. This post he resigned in 1819, when he was elected surgeon to the Asylum for Female Orphans. In this year, too, he delivered the annual oration at the Medical Society, selecting as his subject ' Medical Jurisprudence,' and pointing out the very neglected position then occupied by forensic medicine in England. In 1819 he removed from Bolt Court to Spring Gardens, and became connected with the West London Infirmary, an institution established by Dr. Golding, which was the immediate forerunner of the Charing Cross Hospital. Pettigrew was appointed surgeon to the Charing Cross Hospital, upon its foundation, and lectured there upon anatomy, physiology, pathology, and the principles and practice of surgery. He resigned his post of senior surgeon in Pettigrew 109 Pettingall 1835, in consequence of a disagreement with the board of management, and for some years after his resignation he devoted himself to private practice, living in Savile Row. He was elected a fellow of the Royal Society in 1827, and in 1830 he took a leading part in the election of the Duke of Sussex to the office of president, on the retirement of Mr. Gilbert. He was a prominent freemason for many years before his death. Pettigrew's love for antiquities grew upon him as his age increased. In 1834 his at- tention was drawn to the subject of mummies, and he published a book on embalming. In 1843, when the British Archaeological Asso- ciation was founded, he at once took a leading part in its management. He acted as its treasurer, and during its early years the town meetings were held at his house. In 1854 his wife died, and he gave up the practice of his profession to devote himself to antiquarian and literary pursuits, at the same time re- moving to Onslow Crescent. He died on 23 Nov. 1865. His chief works are : 1. 'Views of the Base of the Brain and the Cranium,' London, 4to, 1809. 2. ' Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the late John Coakley Lettsom, M.D./ 8vo, 3 vols., London, 1817. 3. ' Biographical Me- moir of Dr. Thomas Cogan (1736-1818) [q. v.], a Founder of the Royal Humane Society,' ' An- nual Report of the Royal Humane Society ' for 1818. 4. ' History of Egyptian Mummies, and an Account of theWorship and Embalm- ing of the Sacred Animals,' 4to, London, 1834. 5. ' The Biographies of Physicians and Sur- geons in Rose's Biographical Dictionary, from " Claude Nicholas le Cat" onwards,' 1857. 6. 'Bibliotheca Sussexiana : a descriptive Catalogue, accompanied by Historical and Biographical Notices of the Manuscripts and Printed Books contained in the Library of His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, in Kensington Palace,' London, 2 vols. in three parts, imperial 8vo, 1827 and 1839 ; part i. contains 294 pages, and part ii. contains 516 7. 'The Medical Portrait Gallery, containing Biographical Memoirs of the most celebrated Physicians and Surgeons, &c.,' 4 vols. imperial 8vo, London, 1840. Petti- grew tells us that this work was begun to divert his thoughts after the death of his eldest son in 1837. 8. ' On Superstitions con- nected with the History and Practice of Medicine and Surgery/ London, 8vo, 1844. 9. ' Life of Vice-admiral Lord Nelson,' 2 vols., 8vo, London, 1849. In this work Pettigrew first conclusively proved the nature of the tie connecting Lord Nelson with Lady Hamilton, and furnished evidence of the birth of their child. 10. 'An Historiall Expostulation against the Beastlye Abusers both of Chy- rurgerie and Physyke in oure tyme, by John Halle/ edited for the Percy Society, 1844. His antiquarian works appear chiefly in the ' Journal of the British Archaeological Association ' and in the ' Archasologia ' of the Society of Antiquaries. [Autobiography in the Medical Portrait Gal- lery, 1844, vol. iv. (with an engraved portrait) ; obituary notices in Gent. Mag. 1866, i. 136, and in the Journal of the British Archaeological As- sociation for 1866, pp. 327-35.] D'A. P. PETTINGALL or PETTINGAL, JOHN (1708-1781), antiquary, born in 1708, was son of the Rev. Francis Pettingal of New- port, Monmouthshire. He matriculated at Jesus College, Oxford, on 15 March 1725, and graduated B.A. in 1728. He was after- wards incorporated at Cambridge, probably at Corpus Christi College, whence he graduated M.A. in 1740, and D.D. at a later date. He was for some years preacher at Duke Street chapel, Westminster, and on 3 June 1757 was appointed prebendary of St. Paul's Cathedral. On 28 July 1758 he was in- stalled prebendary of Lincoln. On 16 Jan. 1752 he was elected a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries (see list inBibl. Topogr.Brit. vol. x.), and read three papers before it, viz. 'On the Courts of Pye Powder/ 'On the Gule of August/ and ' Observations on an Altar with Greek Inscription at Corbridge, Northumberland ' (Archceologia, i. 190, ii. 60, 92). He died in the autumn of 1781. Pettingall also published : 1. 'A Disserta- tion on the Origin of the Equestrian Figure of the George and of the Garter/ 1753 (cf. Blackwood's Magazine, xli. 744). 2. 'The Latin Inscriptions on the Copper Table dis- covered in the year 1732, near Heraclea . . . more particularly considered and illustrated/ 1760, 4to. 3. 'A Dissertation upon the Tascia or Legend on the British Coins of Cunobelin, and others/ 1763, 4to. 4. ' An Enquiry into the Use and Practice of Juries among the Greeks and Romans, from whence the origin of the English Jury may probably be deduced/ 1769, 4to. He also translated A. C. F. Houtteville's 'Discours Historique et Critique sur la M6thode des Principaux Auteurs qui ont 6crit pour ou centre le Christianisme/ with a preface and notes, 1739. Appended to it is ' A Dissertation on the Life of Apollonius Tyaneus, with some Observations on the Platonists of the latter [sic] school.' A son, THOMAS PETTINGALL (1745-1826), tutor and censor of Christ Church from 1774 to 1779, was afterwards Whitehall preacher, and in 1782 became rector of East Hamp- stead, Berkshire. Pettitt no Pettitt [Alumni Westmonast. ; Alumni Oxon. ; G-rad, Cant. ; Lo Neve's Fasti Eccles. Angl. ii. 131,438; Walcot's Memorials of Westminster p. 72; Gent. Mag. 1781 p. 442, 1826 i. 379; Allibone's Diet. Engl. Lit. ii. 1573 ; Brit. Mus. Cat. ; authorities cited.] G. Ls G. N. PETTITT, HENRY (1848-1893), dra- matist, the son of Edwin Pettitt, a civil engineer, and the author, under the pseu- donym of Herbert Glyn, of some works of fiction, was born 7 April 1848 at Smeth- wick, near Birmingham, and educated at a school kept by the Rev. William Smerdon. Thrown on his own resources at the age of thirteen, he made various experiments, in- cluding an attempt on the stage at Sadler's Wells, and was for two years clerk in the head offices in London of Messrs. Pickford & Co., the carriers. He wrote without remune- ration for various periodicals, and obtained, about 1869, a post as junior English master in the North London Collegiate School, High Street, Camden Town. Still writing for periodicals and for the stage, he at length obtained 51. for ' Golden Fruit/ a drama pro- duced at the East London Theatre 14 July 1873. Before this time he had written, in col- laboration with Mr. Paul Merritt, ' British Born,' in a prologue and three acts, produced 17 Oct. 1872 at the Grecian, of which theatre Mr. Merritt had been a principal support. In 1875 he gave to the Grecian, in conjunction with Mr. George Conquest, ' Dead to the World ' 12 July, and ' Sentenced to Death ' 14 Oct., and, with no collaborator, ' The Pro- mised Land, or the Search for the Southern Star,' 13 Sept. Next year he gave to the same house, still in association with Mr. Con- quest, ( Snatched from the Grave ' 13 March, 1 Queen's Evidence ' 5 June, ' Neck or Nothing ' 3 Aug., and the ' Sole Survivor' 5 Oct. ; and to the Britannia, in collabora- tion with G. H. Macdermott, 'Brought to Book' 8 May. In 1877 he wrote for the Grecian, in conjunction with Mr. Conquest, 'Schriften the One-eyed Pilot' 2 April, ' During her Majesty's Pleasure' 21 May, and ' Bound to succeed, or a Leaf from the Captain's Log-book,' 22 Oct. From the same partnership sprang 'Notice to Quit' 20 April 1879, the ' Green Lanes of Eng- land ' 5 Aug., ' A Royal Pardon, or the House on the Cliff' 28 Oct., and the ' Queen's Colours ' 31 May 1879. Alone he wrote the 'Black Flag, or Escaped from Portland,' 9 Aug., and ' An Old Man's Darling/ a one- act comedy, 12 Nov. The other pieces were melodramas, and are chiefly interesting as showing fertility of invention. ' Brought to Justice,' by Pettitt and Merritt, was given on 27 March' 1880 at the Surrey. In the same year he supplied the Grecian with a panto- mime, ' Harlequin King Frolic.' This piece is said to have had the longest run of any pantomime. Meanwhile he found employment in a more important sphere. On 31 July 1880 the ' World/ by Paul Merritt, Henry Pettitt, and Augustus (afterwards Sir Augustus) Harris, was given at Drury Lane, and marked the beginning of a very prosperous era both for Pettitt and the playhouse. In 1880 and 1881 he visited America to look after his royalties and superintend the production of a version of { Le Voyage en Suisse/ which he wrote for the Hanlon-Lee troupe . In America he seems to have given the ' Nabob's Fortune.' On 31 Dec. 1881 'Taken from Life' was played at the Adelphi, and on 18 Nov. 1882 ' Love and Money/ by Pettitt and Charles Reade, followed at the same house. ' Pluck, or a story of 60,000/.,' by Pettitt and Harris, was given at Drury Lane 5 Aug. 1882. In ' In the Ranks ' (Adelphi, 6 Oct. 1883) he had for collaborator Mr. George R. Sims. On 1 Dec. Pettitt gave at the Olympic the ' Spider's Web/ first seen at the Grand Theatre, Glasgow, the 28th of the previous May. 'Human Nature/ by Pettitt and Harris, came out at Drury Lane 12 Sept. 1885. 'Harbour Lights/ by Pettitt and Sims, followed at the Adelphi on 23 Dec., and was in turn succeeded at Drury Lane by ' A Run of Luck/ written in conjunction with Augustus Harris. 28 Aug. 1886. On 28 July 1887 the Adelphi produced the ' Bells of Haslemere/ written in conjunction with Mr. Sydney Grundy, and on 19 July 1887 the ' Union Jack/ due to the same col- laboration. On 23 Dec. this was succeeded by the ' Silver Falls/ by Pettitt and Sims, which, on 14 Sept. 1889, gave way to ' London Day by Day/ by the same writers. 'Faust up to Date/ by Pettitt and Sims, was seen at the Gaiety 30 Oct. 1888. To Drury Lane he supplied, with Augustus Harris, ' A Million of Money/ 6 Sept. 1890, and he took part with Sims in ' Carmen up to Date/ a burlesque, at the Gaiety 4 Oct. 1890, previously seen in Liverpool. ' Master and Man/ by Pettitt and Sims, had been transferred from Birmingham to the Prin- cess's 18 Dec. 1889. 'A Sailor's Knot' (Drury Lane, 5 Sept. 1891) is claimed for Pettitt alone, while the ' Prodigal Daughter/ 17 Sept. 1892. is by him and Sir Augustus Harris. The ' Life of Pleasure/ a drama, by Pettitt and Sir Augustus Harris, 21 Sept. 1893, was his last play. To make room for the pantomime, it was transferred to the Princess's, at which house it ran until February 1894. Petto Pettus This list, which does not claim to be com- plete, gives an idea how productive was Pettitt during his few years of dramatic activity. His plays showed considerable knowledge of dramatic effect, a sense of situation, and general deftness of execution. His characters are conventional, and do not dwell in the memory, and his style is with- out literary quality. He was eminently successful, however, accumulating in a few years, while leading an open-handed life, a personalty declared for probate purposes to be 48,4777. Pettitt was a popular and, in the main, an unassertive man. He died in London on 24 Dec. 1893. [Personal knowledge ; Athenseum, variou8 years ; Daily Telegraph, 25 Dec. 1893 ; Archer's Theatrical World, 1893.] J. K. PETTO, SAMUEL (1624 P-1711), puri- tan divine, born about 1624, was possibly son of Sir Edward Peto,who died 24 Sept. 1658, by his wife Elizabeth, a daughter of Sir Gre- ville Verney (cf. Pedigree in DTTGDALE'S Warwickshire, i. 472, Harl. Soe. xii. 173). He entered as a sizar at Catharine Hall, Cam- bridge, 15 June 1644, matriculated 19 March 1645, and graduated M. A. About 1648 he was appointed rector or 'preacher of the word 'at Sandcroft, one of the ten parishes of the deanery or township of South Elmham, Suf- folk. In May 1658 the council recommended him to the trustees for the maintenance of ministers for a grant of 501. per annum (State Papers, Interregnum, Council Book I, pp. 78, 589). He was strongly independent, even favouring unordained preaching. He left Sandcroft before the enforcement of the act of uniformity. The living was vacant 15 Jan. 1661-2, 'per cessionem.' Petto then removed to Wortwell, Norfolk, near Harleston, and preached at Redenhall, Harleston, Wortwell, and Alburgh. In 1672, on the Declaration of Indulgence, he was licensed as a congregational teacher at his own house at Wortwell-cum- Alburgh, and at the house of John Wesgate at Redenhall- cum-IIarleston, near Sandcroft (BROWNE, Congregationalism in Norfolk and Suffolk, pp. 335, 488). He also helped in the ministry of the neighbouring congregational church at Denton. He removed to Sudbury before 1675, and became, previous to 1691, pastor of the Friars' Street independent chapel there (cf. The Independents of Sudbury, p. 53). Petto was held in great respect in the dis- trict. He died in 1711, and was buried in the churchyard of All Saints, Sudbury, 21 Sept. Petto published: 1. 'The Voice of the Spirit, or an Essay towards a Disco verie of the Witnessings of the Spirit,' London, 1654. 2. ' Roses from Sharon, or sweet Experiences gathered up by some precious Hearts whilst they followed in to know the Lord,' London, 1654, printed with No. 1 (with John Martin, minister at Edgefield, Norfolk, and Frederick Woodal of Wood- bridge). 3. ' The Preacher sent, or a Vin- dication of the Liberty of Public Preaching by some Men not Ordained,' London (30 Jan.), 1657-8. 4. 'A Vindication of the Preacher sent, or a Warrant for Public Preaching without Ordination/ London, 1659 (with Woodal, in reply to Matthew Poole's ' Quo Warranto '). 5. ' The Difference between the Old and New Covenant stated and explained,' London, 1674 (reprinted at Aberdeen, 1820, as ' The Great Mystery of the Covenant of Grace '). 6. ' Infant Baptism of Christ's Ap- pointment,' London, 1687. 7. 'Infant Bap- tism vindicated from the Conceptions of Sir Thomas Grantham [q. v.],' London, 1691. 8. ' A Faithful Narrative of the Wonderful and Extraordinary Fits which Mr. Thomas Spatchet, late of Dunwich and Cookly, was under by Witchcraft, as a Misterious Pro- vidence,' London, 1693 (Petto was an eye- witness of the events described). 9. ' The Revelation unvailed . . .,' London, 1693 ; (reprinted with ' Six Several Treatises,' infra, Aberdeen, 1820). Calamy also credits Petto with 'Two Scripture Catechisms, the one shorter and the other larger,' 1672. He com- municated an account of a parhelia observed in Suffolk, 28 Aug. 1698, to the Royal Society (( Transactions,' No. 250, p. 107) ; joined with John Manning in publishing, in 1663, ' Six several Treatises of John Tillinghast ; ' pre- fixed ' The Life of Mrs. Allen Asty ' to a sermon by Owen Stockton, London, 1681 (reprinted by Religious Tract Society, as ' Consolation in Life and Death '). [W. W. Hodson's Story of the Independents of Sudbury; Calamy's Account, p. 648, Continua- tion, p. 796 ; Palmer's Nonconformist's Memo- rial, iii. 285; Notes and Queries, vii. xii. 129; Suckling's Suffolk, i. 183; David's Noncon- formity in Essex, p. 372 ; Hanbury's Memorials, i. 357 ; information kindly supplied by C. K. Robinson, master of Catharine Hall, Cambridge, by the Rev. W. Morley Smith, rector of St. Cross, and by George Unwin, esq., of Chilworth, Surrey, a descendant.] W. A. S. PETTUS, SIE JOHN (1613-1690). deputy governor of the royal mines, was the third son of Sir Augustine Pettus of Rackheath, Norfolk, by his second wife, Abigail, third daughter of Sir Arthur Heveningham of Heveningham, Suffolk. Born in 1613, he entered the service of Charles I in 1639, and was knighted on 25 Nov. 1641, as a mark of the king's favour to Sir Richard Gurney [q. v.], Pettus 112 Pettus lord mayor of London, whose daughter Eliza- beth Pettus had married in 1639. Taken pri- soner by Cromwell at Lowestoft, he was ex- changed after fourteen months' confinement in Windsor Castle. He then raised a full regiment of horse at his own charge,but, 'this being almost discharged, he betook himself to garrison work ' at Bath and Bristol. On the fall of the latter city in 1645 his life was saved by Colonel Charles Fleetwood [q. v.], to whom he was related by marriage, and from whom he received other ' civilities.' Four charges were brought against him by the committees of Norfolk and Suffolk, to two of which he gave satisfactory answers on his examination by the committee of sequestrations in Sep- tember 1645. In November 1646 the remain- ing two charges were still unheard. In that year, however, he compounded, receiving aid from Charles Fleetwood, whose friend- ship for him caused Pettus to be suspected of disloyalty to the royal cause. He took part in attempts to save the life of Charles I, and had to sell estates worth 420/. a year to meet the expenses. After the king's execu- tion he supplied Charles II with money from time to time. He was ' clapt up ' by Brad- shaw for corresponding with Charles, but after examination by the council of state he was set free on bail of 4,000£. In August 1651 he was assessed at 600/., but, his debts amounting to 5,960/., he escaped with the payment of 40J. In 1655 he addressed a petition to Cromwell, expressing fidelity to his government, and became deputy governor of the royal mines. He became M.P. for Dunwich on 21 March 1670, and in 1672 he was appointed deputy lieutenant for Suffolk, deputy to the vice-admiral, and colonel of a regiment of the trained bands. In these offices he rendered valuable service during the Dutch war, and was instrumental in ob- taining 10,000£. for the sick and wounded. Originally a man of considerable wealth, he had purchased Cheston Hall, Suffolk, and other estates ; but he lost more than 20,000£. in the royal cause, and in later life he appears to have been several times imprisoned for debt. In July 1679 he wrote to Sancroft from the king's bench prison, begging for a loan of 20/. to set him free, and in 1683 he was said to be 'now reduced to nothing.' He was deputy governor of the royal mines for more than thirty-five years. He died in 1690. Pettus had issue a son, who died in 1662, and a daughter, Elizabeth, who married Samuel Sandys, and died on 25 May 1714, aged 74. His relations with his wife were unhappy. She deserted him in 1 657 , returned after five years' absence, but after a short time left him again and entered a nunnery. In 1672 she procured his excommunication. In defence of his conduct he published ' A Narra- tive of the Excommunication of Sir J. Pettus, of the County of Suffolk . . . obtained against him by his lady, a Roman Catholic . . . with his . . . Answers to several aspersions raised against him by her,' London, 1674, 4to. Pettus also published : 1. ' Fodinee Regales ; or the History, Laws, and Places of the chief Mines and Mineral Works in England, Wales, and the English Pale in Ireland, as also of the Mint and Mony . . . with a clavis,' &c., London, 1670, fol. This work was under- taken at the request of Prince Rupert and Shaftesbury. 2. 'England's Independency upon the Papal Power,' &c., London, 1674, 4to, consisting of two reports by Sir J. Davies and Sir E. Coke, with a preface by Pettus. 3. ' Volatiles from the History of Adam and Eve, containing many unques- tioned Truths and allowable Notions of several Natures,' London, 1674, 8vo. 4. ' The Case and Justification of Sir J. Pettus . . . con- cerning two charitable Bills now depending in the House of Lords, under his care, one for the better settling of Mr. Henry Smith's Estate . . . the other for settling of chari- table uses in the Town of Kelshall,' &c. [Lon- don], 1677-8, fol. 5. < The Constitution of Parliaments in England, deduced from the time of King Edward II, illustrated by King Charles II, in his Parliament summon'd the 18 of Feb. 1660-1, and dissolved 24 Jan. 1678-9, with an Appendix of its Sessions,' London, 1680, 8vo. 6. ' Fleta Minor, or the Laws of Art and Nature ... in ... assaying, fining, refining . . . of confin'd Metals. Trans- lated from the German of Lazarus Ereckens, Assay-master-general of the Empire of Germany. Illustrated with forty-four Sculp- tures,' London, 1683, fol. Manuscript copies by Pettus of his prefaces are among the Raw- linson MSS. (Bodleian Library, C. 927). Pettus wrote several other works, not pub- lished, including ' The Psalms in Metre' and ' King David's Dictionary,' and he left several works unfinished, including a history of his private life from 1613 to 1645. An engraving of Pettus at the age of seventy is prefixed to his 'Fleta Minor.' Granger mentions a portrait in the possession of Lord Sandys at Ombersley, Worcestershire. [Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1650 ix. 151, Charles II, x. 154, xx. 65, clxii. 51, cclv. 247; Cal. of Committee for Advance of Money, 1642- 1656, pt. iii. p. 1378 ; Rawlinson MSS. (Bodleian Library), A. xxxiii. ff. 69, 87, C. 927 ; Tanner MSS. (Bodleian Library) xxxv. 84, Ixix. 107, cxv. 95, 96, 109, 111, 115, 120, 124, 126,cxxxviii. 81, ccxc. 158, cccxii. 86; Hist. MSS. Comm. 6th Petty Hep. pp. 139, 377, 378,381, 382, 383, 387, 7th Rep. p. 796, 9th Kep. pt. ii. p. 89, llth Rep. App. iv. 26; Thurloe State Papers, iv. 277; Nalson's Collection, ii. 680 ; Loveday's Letters, Dom. and For. ; Memoirs of the Verney Family, iii. 208 ; Luttrell's Brief Relation of State Affairs, i. 534, iv. 444 ; Wood's Athenae Oxon. ed. Bliss, ii. 402 ; Suckling's Hist, of Suffolk, ii. 198; Gardner's Historical Account of Dunwich, pp. 41, 91 ; Page's Supplement to the Suffolk Traveller, p. 215 ; Granger's Biogr. Hist. iv. 91 ; Gurney's Record of the House of Gurney, pt. iii. p. 534; Donaldson's Agricultural Biogr. p. 34 ; Return of Members of Parl. pt. i. p. 528; Metcalfe's Book of Knights, p. 197; Collins's Peerage, ix. 225 ; Burke's Extinct Baronetcies, p. 407 ; Boase and Courtney's Bibl. Cornub. ii. 478.] W. A. S. H. PETTY, SIB WILLIAM (1623-1687), political economist, born at Romseyin Hamp- shire on 26 May 1623, was son of a clothier. As a child he showed a marked taste for ma- thematics and applied mechanics, 'his princi- pal amusement,' according to Aubrey, ' being to look on the artificers, e.g. smyths, the watchmakers, carpenters, joiners, &c.; and at twelve years old he could have worked at any of these trades ' (Bodleian Letters, ii. 482). He went to sea at an early age; but his preco- cious talents excited the envy of the seamen, and they deserted him on the coast of France, with a broken leg. Instead of trying to re- turn to England, he raised some money by teaching English and navigation, and en- tered himself as a student at the Jesuit Col- lege at Caen, where he received a good gene- ral education, and became an accomplished French linguist. He is next heard of in the royal navy, but on the outbreak of the civil war again retired to the continent. He studied at Utrecht and Amsterdam, and ma- triculated as a student of medicine at Leyden on 26 May 1644. He subsequently passed to Paris, and joined the coterie which met at the house of Father Mersenne, the mathematician, in the French capital. He there became the friend of Hobbes, whose influence on his sub- sequent philosophical and political opinions may be clearly traced in his writings. He also carried on a correspondence with Dr. John Pell [q. v.], the mathematician, at Amsterdam, and made the acquaintance of the Marquis of Newcastle and Sir Charles Cavendish, who were refugees at Paris. On his return to Eng- land in 1646, he for a time took up his father's business as a clothier, and devoted himself to the study of mechanical improvements in textile processes. *He soon gained some repu- tation by the invention of a manifold letter- writer, and a ( Tractate on Education ; ' in the latter he sketched out the idea of a scientific society on the lines on which the Royal So- VOL. XLV. 3 Petty ciety was afterwards founded. In order to continue his medical studies, he left Romsey and removed to Oxford. He took the degree of doctor of physic in 1649, and became a member of a scientific and philosophical club which used to meet at his own rooms and those of Dr. Wilkins ; this club may be re- garded as the parent of the Royal Society, of which Petty lived to be one of the founders. On the reorganisation of the university by the commissioners of the Commonwealth, Petty was appointed a fellow of Brasenose and deputy to the professor of anatomy, Dr. Clayton, whom he succeeded in 1651, having in the interval obtained a wide reputation by reviving the supposed corpse of one Ann Green [q. v.], who had been hanged for murder and pronounced dead by the sheriff. In the follow- ing year he was appointed physician-general to the army in Ireland, and greatly added to his reputation by reorganising the medical services and terminating the waste and con- fusion which existed. But his combination of mathematical knowledge and organising power designated him for a more important task. The government of the Commonwealth was engaged in the resettlement of Ireland, and contemplated the division of the forfeited estates of the Irish landowners among the numerous creditors of the Commonwealth in payment of their claims. These creditors fell into three classes : (1) the army, which had large arrears of pay due to it; (2) the 'ad- venturers,' who had advanced large sums to equip that army ; and (3) a large number of miscellaneous claimants. It was proposed to confiscate the properties of all the native proprietors, whether Irish or Anglo-Irish, whether catholic or protestant, who could not prove what was termed ' constant good affection' to the English government during the recent troubles, and to pay all the credi- tors of the Commonwealth with the confis- cated estates. But, in order to carry out this plan, it was first necessary to survey the country, and measure and map out these estates. Petty soon after his arrival im- pugned the accuracy of the plans of Benjamin Worsley, the surveyor-general, and offered to carry out the necessary operations more quickly, cheaply, and thoroughly. In the dis- pute which foliowed Worsley was supported by the fanatical or anabaptist section of the army, while Petty was supported by the party of the Protector, who, at this juncture, sent over Henry Cromwell on a mission of inquiry [see CEOMWELL, HENEY, and FLEETWOOD, CHAELES]. Finally, Worsley's plan — known as ( the Grosse survey ' — which had been put into operation in some places, was rejected. Another survey, known as the 'Civil Sur- Petty 114 Petty vey,' was entrusted to a commission in order to ascertain the exact position and extent of the forfeited estates, with a view to their subse- quent distribution among the army ; and to Petty was entrusted the task of measuring and mapping these estates. Petty's survey came to be known as the < Down Survey,' be- cause it was measured 'down' on maps. It was the first attempt at carrying out a survey on a large scale and in a scientific manner, the nearest approach to Petty's methods having been the survey of Tipperary by Strafford, which, with a few corrections, was adopted by Petty for that county. Petty also undertook to make a complete map of the whole of Ire- land, by counties and baronies, for which he was to receive a separate salary ; this was not specified at the time, and, as a matter of fact, was never afterwards wholly paid. This map was a completely distinct undertaking from the survey and mapping of the forfeited estates, and was not completed till the middle of the reign of Charles II in 1673, and mainly at the expense of Petty himself, to whom the undertaking had fortunately become a labour of love. It was printed at Amsterdam, and was declared by Evelyn the most exact map of the kind which had yet appeared (EvELYtf, Diary, ii. 96). The skilful and rapid manner in which he carried out the measurement and mapping of the army lands caused all the subsequent stages in the completion of the settlement of Ireland to be practically entrusted to his supervision. He mapped and measured the ad venturers' lands, and was the practical head of the committees which successively distri- buted the lands to the army, the adventurers, and the various private grantees. In these transactions his cousin John, who shared his abilities in surveying, and Thomas Taylor were his principal assistants. While the operations were in progress, he was con- tinually exposed to the watchful jealousy of Worsley, whose abilities he had probably underrated. Petty still further exasperated his rival by an imprudent use of mockery and cynical jokes at the expense of the high pretensions of religion, combined with an almost unlimited rapacity, which distin- guished him and many of the officers of the army. On the other hand, Petty gained the confidence of Henry Cromwell, who ap- pointed him his private secretary and addi- tional clerk to the privy council, and placed complete reliance on his ability and honesty. It should be borne in mind that Petty never actually held the appointment of surveyor- general of Ireland to the Commonwealth, but was nominally employed either with or under Worsley, who retained the title of surveyor-general throughout the whole of these transactions, until he was superseded by Vincent Gookin [q. v.] a few months before the end of the protectorate. The rapidity and thoroughness of PettjT's work are acknowledged by Clarendon (Life, p. 116). The work of distribution provoked, however, endless animosities and jealousies among the officers ; and all who were dis- appointed made Petty responsible for their disappointments. The principal ground of complaint was that the whole of the army debt had not been paid, and that a large portion of the forfeited estates had been used, owing to the embarrassed condition of the finances of the Commonwealth, in meeting the expenses of the survey, and, among other charges, the salary of Petty himself. The act of parliament, however, under which the survey had been carried out, expressly provided for this, and the decision was that of the privy council and not of Petty. Some lands near Limerick, which had been given to Petty instead of to a Colonel Wink- worth, and were reputed among the best in Ireland, formed a special ground of complaint. The mouthpiece of the opposition was Sir Hierome Sankey, a military officer. Aided by Worsley, he pursued Petty with great acri- mony, attacking him before the Irish privy council, in the parliament of Richard Crom- well— to which they both had been elected — in the restored Rump (1659), and in the councils of the army officers. Petty, however, defended himself with success ; and the attack of Sankey in parliament proved a complete failure. During the complicated events be- tween the death of the Protector and the Restoration — when the grantees of the Com- monwealth were everywhere entering on their Irish estates — Petty was frequently employed as the bearer of secret despatches between Henry Cromwell in Ireland and Richard Cromwell, Secretary Thurloe, Lord Faucon- berg, General Fleetwood, and others in Eng- land. He was therefore naturally involved in the ruin of the Cromwellian party in 1659. Deprived of all his appointments and ejected from Brasenose by the triumphant republi- cans, he retired to London, and there calmly awaited events in the society of his former Oxford allies, most of whom had removed to London. He was one of the members of the Rota Club which Antony Wood notes as ' the place of ingenious and smart discourse,' and one of the chosen companions of Pepys at Will's coffee-house, where all that was most brilliant in English literary and scien- tific society was in the habit of meeting to discuss the events of 'the day. The Crom- wellian party having fallen, and the ani- Petty mosity of the pure republicans — of whom Sankey was a leader — being only too clear, Petty readily acquiesced in the Restoration. Charles II affected the society of scientific men, and took a special interest in shipbuild- ing. With his brother the Duke of York, he extended a willing welcome to Petty, whose acquaintance he had probably made as one of the members of a deputation from, the Irish parliament, in which Petty sat for Enniscorthy. The king appears to have been charmed with his discourse, and protected him against the attacks of the extreme church and state party, which resented his latitudinarian opinions and viewed with dislike his connection with the Cromwell family, which Petty refused to abandon or disown. On the occasion of the first incor- poration of the Royal Society (22 April 1662), of which he was one of the original members, Petty was knighted ; and he received assur- ances of support from the Duke of Ormonde, who had probably not forgotten the efforts of Gookin and Petty on behalf of the ' ancient protestants,' of whom the duke was one, at the time of the transplantation. His cousin, John Petty, was at the same time made sur- veyor-general of Ireland. Petty contributed several scientific papers, mainly relating to applied mechanics and practical inventions, to the ' Philosophical Transactions' of the Royal Society. He de- vised a new kind of land carriage ; with Sir William Spragge he tried to fix an engine with propelling power in a ship ; he invented 1 a wheel to ride upon ; ' and constructed a double-keeled vessel which was to be able to cross the Irish Channel and defy wind and tide. This last scheme was his pet child, and he returned to it again and again. It is re- markable that the earlier trials of this class of ship — of which several were built — were more successful than the later. Petty maintained his confidence to the last in the possibility of building such a vessel ; and in modern days the success of the Calais-Douvres in crossing the English Channel, though with the assistance of steam-power, has to a great extent justified his views. He sought to in- terest the Royal Society in very many other topics. l A Discourse [made by him] before the Royal Society . . . concerning the use of duplicate proportion . . . with a new hy- pothesis of springing or elastique motions,' was published as a pamphlet in 1674. An * Apparatus to the History of the Common Practices of Dyeing,' and ' Of Making Cloth with Sheep's Wool,' are titles of other com- munications made to the society (SPRATT, Royal Society ; BIRCH, Royal Society, i. 55- 65). 5 Petty The Acts of Settlement and Explanation (14, 15 Car. II, c. 2, 17, and 18 Car. Ill, c. 2, Irish Statutes), which decided or attempted to decide between those in actual possession of the greater part of the land of Ireland and those who at the Restoration claimed to be reinstated, secured Petty in a consider- able portion of his estates. These estates, after the termination of the survey, he had greatly enlarged by prudent investments in land. The ' Down Survey ' was also declared to be the only authentic record for reference in the case of disputed claims. During the whole of the remainder of his life, however, Petty was involved in a continual struggle with the farmers of the Irish revenue, who set up adverse claims to portions of his estates, and revived dormant claims for quit- rents. These pretensions he resisted with varying success, according as parties in Eng- land and Ireland ebbed and flowed. On one occasion in 1676 he involved himself in serious trouble by the freedom with which he spoke of the lord chancellor of England ; on another he became the victim of the as- saults of one Colonel Vernon, a professional bravo of the school of Blood. He was also challenged to fight a duel by Sir Alan Brod- rick ; but having the right, as the challenged party, to name place and weapon, he named a dark cellar and an axe, in order to place himself, being short-sighted, on a level with his antagonist. He thereby turned the chal- lenge into ridicule, and the duel never took place. He received a firm support through- out the greater part of these transactions from the king and the Duke of Ormonde, though on at least two occasions he risked the loss of their favour by his firm deter- mination to assert whatever he believed to be his just rights. It is much to the honour of the king and the duke, the latter of whom Petty describes as ' the first gentleman of Europe' (Life of Petty, p. 139, letter to Southwell, March 1667), and to whose eldest son, the Earl of Ossory, he was warmly at- tached, that the independent attitude of Petty never caused more than a temporary estrange- ment. At the time of the excitement incident to the < popish plot,' Petty kept his head, not- withstanding the hatred of the system of the Roman church of which his writings show abundant evidence. He supported the mode- rate policy of the Duke of Ormonde on the ground that, even if the Roman catholic population wished to rebel, their means did not permit them to do so. His dislike also of the extreme protestant party led him to suspect the motives of those who exagge- rated the danger. He was twice offered and refused a peerage. In the letter con- I 2 Petty 116 Petty taining the refusal of the first offer, he told the bishop of Killaloe, through whom it was made, that he would ' sooner be a copper farthing of intrinsic value than a brass half-crown, how gaudily soever it be stamped or gilded ' (Life of Petty, p. 155). His ambition was, however, to be a privy councillor with some public employment, an honour which just escaped him during the events of 1679, owing to the failure of Temple's plans for reorganising the privy councils of England and Ireland. He seems to have been especially desirous of being made the head of a statistical office which should enumerate the population correctly, reorganise the valuation of property, and place the collection of the taxes on a sound basis, and should also take measures against the return of the ravages of the plague, and protect the public health. His special hos- tility was directed against the system of farming the revenue of Ireland, which in 1682 he had the satisfaction of seeing abo- lished ; but his own plans were not accepted. His constant and unceasing efforts at ad- ministrative and financial reform raised up a host of enemies, and he never, therefore, could get favour at court beyond the per- sonal good will of the king. He was, how- ever, made judge of admiralty in Ireland, a post in which he achieved a dubious success, and a commissioner of the navy in England, in which character he received commendation from the king ' as one of the best commissioners he ever had.' Evelyn draws a brilliant picture of his abilities. * There is not a better Latin poet living,' he says, ' when he gives himself that diversion ; ' nor is his excellence less in Council and pru- dent matters of state ; but he is so exceed- ing nice in sifting and examining all possible contingencies that he adventures at nothing which is not demonstration. There were not in the whole world his equal for a superin- tendent of manufacture and improvement of trade, or to govern a plantation. If I were a Prince I should make him my second Coun- sellor at least. There is nothing difficult to him . . . But he never could get favour at Court, because he outwitted all the projec- tors that came neare him. Having never known such another genius, I cannot but mention those particulars amongst a multi- tude of others which I could produce' (EVELYN, Diary, i. 471, ii. 95-7). His friend Sir Robert Southwell, clerk to the privy council, with whom he carried on a constant correspondence, once advised him not to go beyond the limits prescribed by the extent of the royal intelligence (Life, p. 284). Pepys gives an equally favourable view of the charm of his society. Describing a dinner at the Royal Oak Farm, Lombard Street, in February 1665, he enumerates the brilliant company and describes the excellent fare ; but, ' above all,' he adds, f I do value Sir William Petty,' who was one of the party. Neither, however, the praises of Pepys or Evelyn, nor the great undertaking he so successfully carried out in Ireland, nor his scientific at- tainments, considerable as they were, are hi& chief title to fame. His reputation has prin- cipally survived as a political economist; and he may fairly claim to take a leading place among the founders of the science of the origin of wealth, though in his hands what he termed political arithmetic was a practical art, rather than a theoretical science. 'The art itself is- very ancient,' says Sir William Davenant/ but the application of it to the particular objects- of trade and revenue is what Sir William Petty first began ' (DAVENANT, Works, i. 128- 129). Petty wrote principally for immediate practical objects, and in order to influence the opinion of his time. To quote his own words, he expressed himself in terms of number, weight, and measure, and used only ' argu- ments of sense,' and such as rested on 'visible- foundations in nature ' (Petty Tracts, pub- lished by Boulter Grierson, Dublin, 1769, p. 207). > Early in life Petty had gained the friend- ship of Captain John Graunt [q. v.], and had co-operated with him in the preparation of a small book entitled ' Natural and Political Observations . . . made upon the Bills of Mortality [of the City of London] ' (1662). This, which was followed in 1682 by a similar work on the Dublin bills, may be regarded as the first book on vital statistics ever pub- lished. Of its imperfections, owing to the paucity of the materials on which it was founded, nobody was more conscious than the author himself. He never ceased; for this reason, to urge on those in authority the neces- sity of providing a system and a government department for the collection of trustworthy- statistics (cf. RANZE, Hist, of England, iii. 586). In 1662 Petty published < A Treatise of Taxes and Contributions ' (anon, and often reprinted). In 1665 he wrote a financial tract entitled ' Verbum Sapienti,' and in 1672 < The Political Anatomy of Ireland.' Both were circulated in manuscript, but neither seems to have been printed until 1691 . In 1682 was- issued a tract on currency/ Quant ulumcunque concerning Money ; ' and in 1683 (London, 8vo), appeared ' Another Essay in Political Arithmetick concerning the Growth of the City of London : with the Periods, Causes, and Consequences thereof.' The publisher explains, in the preface to the second edition Petty 117 Petty in 1686, that a preliminary essay * On the Growth and Encrease and Multiplication of Mankind ' (to which reference is made) was not to be found; but he prefixes a syllabus or 4 extract ' of the work, as supplied by a corre- spondent of the author. Distinct from both these essays were ' Two Essays in Political Arithmetick, concerning the People, Housing1, Hospitals, &c., of London and Paris . . . tend- ing to prove that London hath more people than Paris and Rouen put together,' which ap- peared, simultaneously with a French trans- lation, in 1686. Various objections raised to the conclusions here arrived at were an- swered by Petty, in the following year, in his 'Five Essays in Political Arithmetick,' a brief pamphlet, printed in French and Eng- lish on opposite pages (London, twice 48 pp. •8vo). About the same time appeared ' Ob- servations upon the Cities of London and Rome' (London, 1687, 8vo). This group of •essays is completed by ' Political Arithmetick, or a Discourse concerning the extent and value of Lands, People, Buildings; Hus- bandry, Manufacture, Commerce, Fishery, Artizans, Seamen, Soldiers ; Public Re- venues, Interest, Taxes . . .' (London, 1690, 8vo), dedicated to William III by the au- thor's son ' Shelborne.' This work, written by Petty as early as 1676 or 1677, but refused a license as likely to give offence in France, had nevertheless been printed, doubtless without Petty's consent, in 1683. It then appeared in the form of an appendix to J. S.'s ' Fourth Part of the Present State of Eng- land,' 1683 (a spurious continuation of Cham- foerlayne), under the separate title ' England's Guide to Industry; or, Improvement of Trade for the Good of all People in General . . . by a person of quality ' (The only perfect atam. For three days La Bourdonnais vainly endeavoured to bring him to close ac- ion, and then returned to Pondicherry. Pey- on made the best of his way to the Hooghly,. where he remained, though he knew that Madras was exposed to attack. It was cap- ered on 10 Sept., and on 3 Oct. a hurricane- caught La Bourdonnais's ships in the open roadstead, and wrecked, shattered, or dis- persed them. But even the knowledge of jhis disaster could not tempt Peyton south,, and he was still in the Hooghly in Decem- ber, when Commodore Thomas Griffin [q. v.l rrived as successor to Barnett. Griffin, on understanding the state of affairs, put Peyton under arrest and sent lim to England, where, as no charges were . preferred against him, he was released. He- died shortly afterwards, on 4 April 1749; oppressed,' according to Charnock, 'with. ?rief and indignation at the treatment he tiad experienced.' He was married, and had issue, among others, a son Joseph, who died an admiral in 1804 and left numerous de- scendants to the navy [see PEYTON, SIR JOHN STETJTT]. Charnock, who may be con- sidered as representing the opinion of Ad- miral John Forbes [q. v.], who must have known Peyton personally, considers that Peyton's conduct was not reprehensible. It is quite possible that Peyton was not want- ing in personal courage; it can scarcely be doubted that he was wanting both in the judgment and in the high moral courage needed in an efficient commander. [Charnock's Biogr. Nav. v. 55 ; Commission and "Warrant Books and Passing Certificate in the- Public Record Office ; a Narrative of the Trans- actions of the British squadrons in the East Indies during the late war. ... By an officer who served in those squadrons (8vo, 1751); Orme's- Hist. of the Military Transactions ... in Indo- stan, 2nd edit., i. 63 ; Memoire pour le Sieur de la Bourdonnais, avec les pieces justificatives (1750), pp. 40 et seq. ; M6moires historiques de B. F. Mahe de la Bourdonnais . . . recueillis et publics par son petit-fils (1827), pp. 60 et seq.] J. K. L. PEYTON, SIE HENRY (d. 1622?), adventurer, was son of Thomas Peyton of Bury St. Edmunds, custumer of Plymouth, by his wife Cecilia, daughter of John Bour- chier, second earl of Bath. He served in the Low Countries at an early age; was knighted by the king at Royston in May 1606, and joined the household of Henry, prince of Wales. He subscribed 37 /. 10*. towards the fund for colonising Virginia in Peyton 137 Peyton 1607. In 1613 he was promised the post of governor of Brill in Holland (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1611-18, p. 212). In 1618 he was given the command, with Sir Henry Mainwaring, of a fleet enlisted in the ser- vice of the Venetian republic. He died ' be- yond seas' after 1622. His will, dated 11 April 1618, was proved on 20 Feb. 1623- 1624. He married at Long Ditton, Surrey, on 22 Sept. 1607, Mary, widow of Andrew (d. 1601), son of Sir Richard Rogers of Brian- stone, Dorset ; she was fourth daughter of Edward Seymour, first duke of Somerset, the protector, by his second wife. She was buried in Westminster Abbey on 18 Jan. 1619-20. Another Henry Peyton, born on 4 Aug. 1604, was third son of Sir John Peyton of Doddington, and grandson of Sir John Pey- ton [q. v.] He was educated at Merchant Taylors' school, was a royalist, and, having forgotten his own password, was killed by his own soldiers at Banbury during the civil wars. [Brown's G-enesis of the United States; Ches- ter's Westminster Abbey Kegisters.] PEYTON, SIR JOHN (1544-1630), go- vernor of Jersey, was the second son of John Peyton of Knowlton in Kent (d. 26 Oct. 1558), by Dorothy, daughter of Sir John Tyndale, K.B. Before 1564 he went to Ire- land to serve under his father's friend and neighbour, Sir Henry Sidney [q. v.] of Pens- hurst. In 1568 he was again in Ireland with Sidney, then lord deputy, and became a mem- ber of his household and the occasional bearer of his despatches to England. In 1585 he served with the expedition to the Nether- lands under the Earl of Leicester. In Decem- ber, Peyton was garrisoned in the fortress of Bergen-op-Zoom, and did good service during the following year, in spite of great difficulties through want of supplies (Peyton to Leicester, 11 Oct. 1586; Cotton MS. Galba, C. X. f. 59). In 1586 he received the honour of knighthood. In July 1588 he was appointed colonel in the forces levied for the defence of the queen's person in the threatened attack of the Spanish armada. In 1593 he was granted the receivership of the counties of Norfolk and Huntingdon, and of the city of Norwich. In June 1597 he was appointed lieutenant of the Tower of London. When Raleigh was under his care in 1603, the prisoner's 'strange and dejected mind ' gave Peyton much trouble ; Raleigh used to send for him five or six times a day in his passions of grief (Addit. MS. 6177, ff. 127, 128). Early in March 1603, when the queen was lying dangerously ill and the question of the succession was engaging general attention, Peyton, as lieutenant of the Tower, received communications from King James of Scot- land. But he avoided all political intrigues {Correspondence of James VI, p. liii). On the death of the queen on 23 March, and the proclamation of King James by the council, Peyton at once despatched his son to Edin- burgh to assure the king of his loyalty. He was not, however, sworn a member of the privy council, and on 30 July was removed from the lieutenancy of the Tower, and appointed, in accordance apparently with his. own wish, to the less conspicuous post of governor of Jersey (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1603-10, pp. 25-6 ; Addit. MS. 6177, f. 128). He took the usual oath before the royal court of Jersey on 10 Sept. 1603. In the following month some old conver- sation he had had about the succession was raked up at court, and his loyalty was called in question. Cecil informed him of his danger ; Peyton at once furnished a defence, dated 10 Oct. 1603, enclosing a full narrative of the conversation, and the matter dropped (cf. WATERS, Chester s ofChicheley, i. 294-7). In January 1603-4 he is stated to have 1 been disgraced for entertaining intelligence between Cobham and Raleigh,' with whom his son was very intimate (EDWARDS, Life of Raleigh, i. 373). Peyton's tenure of the governorship of Jersey was far from peaceful. The island at the time of his appointment was strictly presbyterian. But Peyton, as an ardent episcopalian, endeavoured to alter the form, of the church government (HEYLYN, Aerius Redivivus, p. 396). Complaints were made by both parties to the king in council, and all were summoned to London in June 1623. The presby terians were divided among them- selves, and Peyton triumphed. Canons esta- blishing episcopalian government were ap- proved on 30 June 1623, and David Bandi- nel [q. v.] was appointed dean. Disputes in civil matters also occupied the governor's attention. With the leader of the popular party, Sir Philip de Carteret (1584-1643) [q. v.], and with John Herault [q. v.], bailiff of Jersey, he was involved in constant strife. Peyton claimed the right of appointment to civil offices in the islands, and in 1617 the council declared that the charge of the military forces alone rested in the governor. The bailiff was entitled to control the judiciary and civil service. In 1621 Peyton, however, succeeded in getting Herault suspended from office and imprisoned in England. In 1624, when the case against Herault was heard in London, he was cleared of blame, and Peyton was Peyton 138 Peyton ordered to pay him the arrears of official salary. Peyton left Jersey finally in 1628, when his son was appointed his lieutenant. Since his wife's death, in February 1602-3, he fixed his private residence, when in England, at Doddington in the Isle of Ely. He died on 4 Nov. 1630, and was buried at Doddington on 15 Dec. Wotton (Baronetage, ed. Kimber and Johnson, ii. 340) states that he was ninety-nine at the time of his death, and on the monument of his granddaughter, Mrs. Lowe, at Oxford, he is stated to have been in his hundred-and-fifth year. He himself, however, gives his age as seventy-nine in February 1624, and as eighty in December of the same year. He may therefore safely be concluded to have died at eighty-six. Peyton was regarded with affection by such friends as Sir Philip Sidney, Peregrine Bertie, lord Willoughby de Eresby [q. v.], and Henry Cuff or Cuffe [q. v.], Essex's secretary (Corre- spondence of James VI, Camd. Soc. p. 92). In Sloane MS. 2442 is a collection made by Peyton of l several instructions and direc- tions given to divers Ambassadors and other commissioners appointed to treat with foreign princes about affairs of state, and also some things concerning the Island of Jersey and Count Mansfield,' &c. It was presented to Charles II by his grandson, Algernon Peyton, D.D., rector of Doddington. He married on 8 June 1578, at Oatwell in Nor- folk, Dorothy, only child of Edward Beaupre of Beaupre Hall, Oatwell (by his second wife, Catharine Bedingfield), and widow of Sir Robert Bell (d. 1577) [q. v.] Her large property gave Peyton a position in the county. His only son, SIR JOHN" PEYTON (1579- 1635), was born in 1579, was admitted fellow- commoner of Queens' College, Cambridge, in 1594, and was knighted on 28 March 1603. He served in the Low Countries in 1612 and 1617, and from 1628 to 1633 was appointed lieutenant-governor of Jersey on behalf of his father. He died in 1634-5, having mar- ried, on 25 Nov. 1602, Alice, second daugh- ter of his cousin, Sir John Peyton of Isle- ham [see under PEYTON, SIB EDWARD]. He was noticeable for his literary tastes, which secured for him the friendship of his neigh- bour, Sir Robert Bruce Cotton [q. v.] Among the manuscripts in the Cambridge Univer- sity Library (2044, K.k, v. 2), is < The First Part of the Observations of Sir John Peyton the younger, knt., Lieutenant-Governor of Jersey, during his travailes/ It was appa- rently written in Jersey in 1618, from notes taken when abroad in 1598 and 1599. By his will, dated 24 Feb. 1634-5 (P. C. C. 33, Sadler), he appointed his wife Alice his sole executrix ; she was buried at Doddington on 28 March 1637. [Waters's Genealogical Memoir of the Ches- ters of Chicheley, pp. 287-98, 310-22 ; Le Quesne's Constitutional Hist, of Jersey, pp. 165- 173, 215-62; Falle's Account of Jersey, ed. Darell, pp. 131-2, 224-5, 410; Gal. State Papers, 1581-1635; Collins's Peerage, 1812. ii. 10; Nichols's Progresses of James I, p. 58; Notes and Queries, 4th ser. ii. 188; Ely Epi- scopal Records, pp. 283, 288, 289; Rymer's Foedera (original edit.), xviii. 570, 580, 838 ; Memoir of William Madison Peyton, p. 323 ; Hoskin's Charles II in the Channel Islands, pp. 28-33.] B. P. PEYTON, SIR JOHN STRUTT (1786- 1838), captain in the navy, born in London on 14 Jan. 1786, was the son of William Peyton of the navy office, grandson of Ad- miral Joseph Peyton (d. 1804), and great- grandson of Commodore Edward Peyton [q. v.] His father's three brothers, too, were all in the navy; one of them, John, who died a rear-admiral in 1809, was captain of the Defence in the battle of the Nile. His grandmother was a daughter of Com- mander John Strutt; his mother was the daughter of Commander Jacob Lobb, who died in command of the Kingfisher sloop in 1773, and was sister of Captain William Granville Lobb, afterwards a commissioner of the navy. Peyton went first to sea in October 1797, on board the Hector, off Cadiz ; was then for three years in the Emerald in the Medi- terranean, and in January 1801 was ap- pointed to the San Josef, Nelson's flagship in the Channel. With Nelson he was moved to the St. George, in which he was in the Baltic and afterwards off Cadiz and in the West Indies, for part of the time under the command of his uncle, Captain Lobb. During 1802-3 he served, in quick succession, in several frigates in the Channel or in the North Sea, and in August 1803 was sent out to the Victory, carrying Nelson's flag oft' Toulon. In March 1805 he was appointed acting-lieutenant of the Canopus, from which he was moved in May to the Ambuscade frigate with Captain William Durban, em- ployed during the next two years in the Adriatic. Peyton's commission as lieutenant was dated 7 Oct. 1805. In July 1807, having been sent to destroy a vessel which ran her- self ashore near Ortona, he was wounded in the right elbow by a musket-bullet ; the arm had to be amputated, and he was invalided. On 1 Dec. 1807 he was promoted to the rank of commander, and from June 1809 to February 1811 he commanded the Ephira Peyton Pfeiffer brig in the North Sea, in the Walcheren ex- pedition, and afterwards off Cadiz. He was then appointed to the Weazel in the Archi- pelago ; and on 26 Sept. 1811 was posted to the Minstrel of 20 guns, in which, and afterwards in the Thames, he was employed on the coast of Valencia and Catalonia till near the end of the war, during which time he was repeatedly engaged with the enemies' batteries and privateers, and received the thanks of Sir Edward Pellew [q.v.], the commander-in-chief. In September 1813 the Thames returned to England and was paid off. On 25 Jan. 1836 he was nominated a K.C.H., and in June 1836 was appointed to the Madagascar of 46 guns, in which he went out to the West Indies. In the spring of 1838 he was compelled to invalid, and died in London on 20 May. He married, in 1814, a daughter of Lieutenant Woodyear, R.N., of St. Kitts, and had issue three daughters and two sons, the eldest of whom, Lumley Woodyear, died a retired commander in 1885. [Marshall's Roy. Nav. Biogr. vi. (suppl. pt. ii.), 438 ; Navy Lists ; James's Naval History; Service Book in the Public Record Office.] J. K. L. PEYTON, THOMAS (1595-1626), poet, said to have been born at Royston, Cam- bridgeshire, in 1595, was probably a younger son of Sir John Peyton of Isleham, and brother of Sir Edward Peyton [q. v.], but his name does not figure in the genealogies. After being educated at Royston he pro- ceeded to Cambridge, and in 1613 was ad- mitted a student of Lincoln's Inn. Of a studious and religious temperament, he pro- duced in London in 1620 the first part of a poem entitled ' The Glasse of Time in the First Age, divinely handled by Thomas Peyton of Lincolnes Inne, gent.' The vo- lume opens with addresses in verse to King James, Prince Charles, Lord-chancellor Bacon, and the ' Reader.' The poem con- sists of 168 stanzas, of varying lengths, in heroic verse. It relates the story of man's fall, as told in the Bible. There are many classical allusions and digressions into con- temporary religious topics. Peyton writes as a champion of the established church, and a warm opponent of the puritans. In 1623 he continued the work in a second volume entitled ' The Glasse of Time in the Second Age,' and brought the scriptural narrative to Noah's entrance into the ark. A further continuation was promised, but was never written. Some of the episodes in Peyton's poem — notably his descriptions of Paradise and of Lucifer — very faintly suggest some masterly passages on the same subject in Milton's ' Paradise Lost/ but the resem- blances are not close enough to render it probable that Milton was acquainted with his predecessor's efforts (cf. North American Review, October 1860). Copies of Peyton's two volumes are in the British Museum. A reprint appeared at New York in 1886, Peyton died in 1626. [Peyton's Glasse of Time, with introduction New York, 1886.] PFEIFFER, EMILY JANE (1827- 1890), poetess, born on 26 Nov. 1827, was the daughter of R. Davis, who was in early years an officer in the army, and was through life devoted to art. At one time possessed of considerable property in Oxfordshire, he became before his death innocently involved in the failure of his father-in-law's bank, the chief banking institution in Montgomeryshire. The straitened circumstances of the family pre- vented Emily from receiving any regular education, but her father encouraged her to study and practise painting and poetry. Pe- cuniary troubles at home, however, darkened her youth with melancholy. She found relief in a visit to the continent, and in 1853 she married J. E. Pfeiffer, a German merchant resident in London, a man of warm heart and sterling worth. At a very youthful age she produced a volume of verse, l The Holly Branch.' In 1857 appeared her first literary attempt of genuine promise, * Valis- neria,' an imaginative tale which, though much less powerful, may be compared to Sara Coleridge's ' Phantasmion.' Conscious of the imperfection of her education, she worked hard at self-culture, and published no more until 1873, when her poem of ' Gerard's Monument ' (2nd edit. 1878) made its ap- pearance. From that time forth her industry was conspicuous. A volume of miscellaneous poems appeared in 1876, ' Glan Alarch' in 1877, 'Quarterman's Grace 'in 1879, 'Sonnets and Songs' in 1880, ' Under the Aspens ' in 1882, and ' The Rhyme of the Lady of the Rock ' in 1884. A long journey undertaken in the last year through Eastern Europe, Asia, and America was gracefully described in 'Flying Leaves from East and West'.in 1885. At the same time Mrs. Pfeiffer in- terested herself in the social position of women, and issued in 1888 ' Woman and Work,' reprints of articles from periodicals on the subject. She also desired to reform modern female costume, and wrote in the ' Cornhill Magazine ' in advocacy of a modi- fied return to classical precedents. Her hus- band died in January 1889, and she never recovered from the blow. She wrote and Phaer 140 Phaer published * Flowers of the Night,' later in the same year, but she survived Pfeiffer only a year and a day, dying at their house in Putney in- January 1890. In accordance with her husband's wish, she had devoted a portion of their property to the establish- ment of an orphanage, and had designed the endowment of a school of dramatic art. By her will she left money to trustees to be applied to the promotion of women's higher education; 2,000/. from this fund was allotted towards erecting at Cardiff the Aberdare Hall for women-students of the university of South Wales, which was opened in 1895. As a poetess, Mrs. Pfeiffer resembled Mrs. Browning. With incomparably less power, she was uplifted by the same moral ardour and guided by the same delicate sensitive- ness. Her sentiment is always charming. Her defects are those of her predecessor — diffuseness and insufficient finish ; nor had she sufficient strength for a long poem. She succeeds best in the sonnet, where the metrical form enforces compression. She was also accomplished in embroidery, and she left to a niece a fine collection of her paint- ings of flowers, which are executed with great taste and skill. [A. H. Japp in Miles's Poets and Poetry of the Century ; Athenaeum and Academy, 1 Feb. 1890; Western Mail, 8 Oct. 1895; private in- formation.] K. G. PHAER or PHAYER, THOMAS (1510 P-1560), lawyer, physician, and trans- lator, is said to have been son of Thomas Phaer of Norwich (FENTON, Tour in Pem- brokeshire, 1811, p. 505). The family ap- pears to have been of Flemish origin. Phaer was educated at Oxford and at Lincoln's Inn, and was favourably noticed by William Paulet, first marquis of Winchester [q. v.] 1 As a lawyer he attained,' says Wood, l to a considerable knowledge in the municipal laws,' and he wrote two legal handbooks. The first Robert Redman published for him in 1535 : it was entitled ' Natura Brevium, newly corrected in Englishe with diuers addicions of statutes, book-cases, plees.' . . . In 1543 Edward Whitchurch issued Phaer's ' Newe Boke of Presidentes in maner of a register, wherein is comprehended the very trade of makyng all maner euydence and instrumentes of Practyse, ryght commodyous and necessary for euery man to knowe.' He was rewarded for his endeavours to popu- larise legal methods by the appointment of ' solicitor ' in the court of the Welsh marches, and settled at a house in Kilgerran or Cil- gerran Forest, Pembrokeshire. With his practice of law Phaer com- bined a study of medicine, which he began before 1539. In 1544, according to Her- bert (although the earliest edition extant in the Bodleian Library is dated 1546), he published with Whitchurch a popular medi- cal treatise, entitled ' The Regiment of Life/ a version through the French of ' Regimen Sanitatis Salerni,' of which a translation by Thomas Paynell [q. v.] had already been published in 1528 [see HOLLAND, PHILE- MON]. Phaer appended to his rendering ' A goodly Bryefe Treatise of the Pestylence, with the causes, signs, and cures of the same/ * Declaration of the Veynes of Man's Body, and to what Dyseases and Infirmities the opening of every one of them doe serve/ and { A Book of Children.' Phaer claims in this volume to have first made medical science intelligible to Englishmen in their own lan- guage. An edition, ' newly corrected and enlarged/ appeared in 1553 (by John Kings- ton and Henry Sutton in some copies, and by William How for Abraham Veale in others). Other editions are dated 1560, 1565 (?), 1567, 1570 (?), and 1596. The ' Treatise of the Plague ' was reprinted in 1772, < with a preface by a physician [W. T.]/ and some extracts figured in an appendix to ' Spiritual Preseruatiues against the Pesti- lence/ 1603, by Henry Holland (d. 1604) [q. v.], and in ' Salomon's Pesthouse, by I. D./ 1630. On 6 Feb. 1558-9 Phaer graduated M.B. at Oxford, with leave to practise, and pro- ceeded M.D. on 21 March. He stated in his supplication for the first degree that he had practised medicine for twenty years, and had made experiments about poisons and antidotes. Despite his twofold occupation as lawyer and doctor, Phaer found leisure for literary work. In 1544 he contributed a commen- datory poem to Philip Betham's 'Military Precepts.' He supplied a poetical version of the legend of 'Howe Owen Glendower, being seduced by false prophecies, toke upon him to be Prince of Wales/ to the first edi- tion of the ' Mirror for Magistrates/ 1559. Warton also says he had seen an old ballad called ' Gads-hill by Faire.' A ballad < on the robbery at Gaddes-hill' was entered in the registers of the Stationers' Company in 1558-9. In 1566— after Phaer's death- Thomas Purfoot procured a license to publish ' Certen Verses of Cupydo, by M. Fayre/ who is identified with Phaer. The work is not known to be extant. Meanwhile, on 9 May 1555, he began the translation of Virgil's ' ^Eneid ' into English verse, by which he is best known. The first book was completed on 25 May, the third on Phaer 141 Phayre 10 Oct., the seventh on 7 Dec. 1557. Each book occupied him, on the average, about twenty days. In 1558 there appeared, with a dedication to Queen Mary, ( The seven first bookes of the Eneidos of Virgill converted into Englishe meter by Thomas Phaer, esquier, sollicitour to the king and quenes maiesties [i.e. Philip and Mary], attending their honorable counsaile in the marchies of Wales, anno 1558, 28 Maij,' London (by John Kingston), 1558, 4to. At the conclu- sion of the fifth book (4 May 1556), he noted that he had escaped l periculum Karmerdini ' — an apparent reference to some accident that he sustained at Carmarthen. He completed two more books (eighth and ninth) by 3 April 1560, and had begun the tenth when he injured his hand. Phaer died at Kilgerran in August 1560, before resuming his labours on Virgil. His will is dated 12 Aug. He directed that he should be buried in Kilgerran parish church, and requested his friend George Ferrers to write his epitaph. A direction to his wife to apply 51. of his estate after his death to an unspecified purpose, on which his wife and he had come to an understanding in his lifetime, ^is believed to refer to the com- memorative rites of the Roman catholic church, and is held to prove, in the presence of Phaer's loyal dedication of his ' JEneid ' to Queen Mary, that he adhered to the old faith. His wife Ann was residuary legatee, and he made provision for three daughters : Eleanor (who had married Gruffyth ap Eynon), Mary, and Elizabeth. A eulogistic * epytaphe of maister Thomas Phayre ' ap- peared in Barnabe Googe's ' Eglogs,' 1563. In 1562 Phaer's nine completed books of his translation of Virgil were edited by Wil- liam Wightman, ' receptour of Wales.' The volume, which was dedicated to Sir Nicholas Bacon, was entitled ' The nyne fyrst bookes of the Eneidos of Virgil converted into Englishe vearse by Tho. Phaer, doctour of phisike, with so muche of tenthe booke as since his death (1560) coulde be founde in unperfit papers at his house in Kilgaran Forest in Pembrokeshire,' London (by Row- land Hall for Nicholas England), 1562, 4to. In 1584 Thomas Twine completed the translation of the ' /Eneid,' and issued what he called ' the thirteen bookes of Eneidos,' with a dedication to Robert Sackville, son of Lord Buckhurst; the thirteenth book was the supplement of Maphseus Vegius. Phaer's translation is in fourteen-sj liable rhyming ballad metre, is often spirited, and fairlv faithful. Although Gawin Douglas fq. v.l was the earliest translator of Virgil (1553) i in Great Britain, and the Earl of Surrey's translation of two books appeared in 1557, Phaer was the first Englishman to attempt a translation of the whole work. His achievement was long gratefully remem- bered. Arthur Hall [q. v.], when dedicating his Homer to Sir Thomas Cecil in 1581°, laments the inferiority of his efforts to Phaer's 'Virgilian English.' Stanihurst's clumsy version of the '^Eneid' (1586) was derided by Nash as of small account beside Phaer's efforts (pref. to GKEENE'S Menaphm, 1587). Puttenham, in his ' English Poesie,' bestows similar commendation on Phaer. [Wood's AthenseOxon. ed. Bliss, i. 316 ; J.K. Phillips's Hist, of Cilgerran, pp. 98-102 ; Fos- ter's Alumni Oxon. ; Hunter's MS. Chorus Vatum, in Addit. MS. 24490, f. 77; Fuller's Worthies; George Owen's History of Pembroke- shire, 1892 ; Fenton's Tour in Pembrokeshire, 1811 ; Shakespeare Society's Papers, 1849, iv. 1-5; Hazlitt's Bibliographical Collections.] S. L. PHALERIUS, GULLIELMUS (d. 1678), divine. [See WHITE, WILLIAM.] PHAYRE, SIE ARTHUR PURVES (1812-1885), first commissioner of British Burma, born at Shrewsbury on 7 May 1812, was son of Richard Phayre, esq., of Shrews- bury, by his wife, daughter of Mr. Ridgway, publisher, of 169 Piccadilly. Colonel Phayre of Killoughram Forest, co. Wexford, was his grandfather. He was educated at Shrews- bury School, and became a cadet in the Bengal army in 1828. He was transferred to Maul- main in 1834, was promoted lieutenant in 1838, and accompanied the expedition against the Wa-lien tribe in 1841 . He was nominated in 1846 principal assistant to the commissioner of the Tenasserim provinces of Lower Burma, and thus formed his first connection with that country, with which his later life was mainly associated. He rejoined his regiment, and accompanied it to the Punjab in 1848 ; but in 1849 he returned to Burma as captain and commissioner of Arakan, and as assistant to Captain (afterwards Sir Archibald) Bogle. In Arakan he was well trained in the details of civil administration, and his spare time was employed in acquiring an intimate know- ledge of the Burmese language. He was transferred in 1852 to the commissionership of Pegu (in Lower Burma) on its annexation after the second Burmese war. The province flourished under his rule, and his success was emphatically acknowledged by Lord Canning in 1856. During his tenure of this office in 1854 he accompanied as interpreter the mis- sion sent by the king of Burma to the governor-general of India, and in 1857 was sent to Amarapiira in charge of a mission Phayre 142 Phayre to the Burmese court with Dr. John Forsyth, of Afghanistan and Jalalabad fame, and Thomas Oldham [q. v.]f superintendent of the Geological Survey of India, and Cap- tain (afterwards Sir Henry) Yule as secre- tary. The desired treaty was not obtained ; but information of much value concerning the country, the people, and their govern- ment was collected (see Yule's Report). Phayre was promoted major in 1855, and lieutenant-colonel in 1859. In 1862 the province of British Burma was formed by combining the divisions known as Arakan, Irawadi, Pegu, and Tenasserim, and Phayre was appointed chief commissioner. He was made C.B. in 1863. His success attracted the favourable attention of Sir John Law- rence, who, when Phayre contemplated de- parture on sick leave, wrote on 2 Feb. 1867 expressing his deep regret, and recommended him for the distinction of K.C.S.L Phayre left Burma in the course of that year, and never returned. His successor, Colonel Albert Fytche, justly reported that his administra- tion was throughout conspicuously wise and conscientious. During his absence on leave (February 1868) he declined Sir Stafford Northcote's offer of the post' of resident at Haidarabad, one of the best appointments in India. Next year he travelled to India, visited Kashmir, China, Japan, and America, and, returning home in 1870, settled at Bray, near Dublin, for four years. He was promoted major- general in 1870, and lieutenant-general in 1877. In 1874 he was appointed by Lord Carnarvon to be governor of the Mauritius. His administration was both successful and popular, and he held office till the end of 1878, when he retired from the army and was created G.O.M.G. Settling again at Bray, he employed himself in compiling the ( His- tory of Burma,' which he published in 1883. The book is an excellent piece of work, founded chiefly on the ' Maharajaweng,' or ' Chronicles of the Kings of Burma,' and on other Burmese authorities. One of his last public acts was to write a letter to the ' Times ' (13 Oct. 1885) intimating his ap- proval of the annexation of independent Upper Burma. He died unmarried at Bray on 14 Dec. 1885, and was buried at Ennis- kerry. Phayre was tall, dignified in bearing, and excessively courteous in manner. By his firmness, justice, and liberality he built up the great province of Burma, where his name became a household word. There is a portrait of Phayre in uniform, painted by Sir Thomas Jones, P.R.H.A., in the coffee-room of the East India United Service Club, and a statue has been erected to his memory in Rangoon. Phayre's publications, besides the ' History of Burma/ are ' Coins of Arakan, of Pegu, and of Burma ' (part of the ' International Numismata Orientalia'), 1882, 4to, and many papers detailed in the l Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society' (1886, p. 111). [Information kindly furnished by his brother, Sir Eobert Phayre, K.C.B. ; Yule's Narrative of Major Phayre's Mission to the Court of Ava (Calcutta, 1856) ; Proceedings of the Eoyal Geographical Society, 1886, viii. 103-12, obit, notice by Colonel. Yule.] W. B-T. PHAYRE or PHAIRE, ROBERT (1619 P-1682), regicide, possibly a son of Emmanuel Phaire,whoin 1612 became rector of Kilshannig, co. Cork, was born about 1619, for on 24 March 1654 his age is reported as thirty-five. He came into prominence in connection with the outbreak of the second civil war. In February 1648 he held a com- mand as lieutenant-colonel in the south of Ireland, when he was arrested, with three other officers, for refusing to join the royalist rising under Murrough O'Brien, first earl of Inchiquin [q. v.] (CARTE, Life of Ormonde, iii. 356). On 4 Oct, these four were ex- changed for Inchiquin's son, and brought to Bristol in December by Admiral Penn, whence Phayre made his way to London. The warrant for the execution of Charles was addressed, on 29 Jan. 1649, to Colonel Francis Hacker [q. v.], Colonel Hercules Huncks, and Lieu- tenant-colonel Phayre. He was present on the 30th at Whitehall when the orders were drawn up for the executioner. In April he was given command of a Kentish regiment to join Cromwell's expedition to Ireland. In November the town of Youghal capitulated to him, and he was made one of the com- missioners for settling Munster. On 10 April 1650 he took part, under Broghill, in the victory at Macroom over the royalist forces under Boethius MacEgan, the Roman ca- tholic bishop of Ross. Next year (1651) he was appointed governor of Cork county, and held this office till 1654. He was a parliamentary republican, dissatisfied with the rule of the army officers, and unfriendly to the protectorate. He seems to have re- tired to Rostellan Castle, co. Cork. In 1656 Henry Cromwell reported that Phayre was attending quaker meetings. He does not appear to have become a member of the Society of Friends, though one of his daughters (by his first wife) married a Friend. It is somewhat remarkable that Phayre him- self married, as his second wife, Elizabeth, second daughter of Sir Thomas Herbert Phayre M3 Phelips (1606-1682) [q. v.], the faithful attendant on Charles I in his last hours. The marriage tookplace on 16 Aug.1658 at St. Werburgh's, Dublin. On 8 July 1659 the committee of safety gave Phayre a commission as colonel of foot to serve under Ludlow in 'Ireland. At the Restoration he was arrested in Cork (18 May 1660), and sent prisoner to Dublin. Thence he was removed to London, and sent to the Tower in June. He doubtless owed his life, and the easy treatment he experienced, to his connection with Herbert ; Clancarty, whose life he had spared, also pleaded for him. On 2 Nov. (Hacker had been hanged on 19 Oct. ; Huncks had saved himself by giving evidence) he petitioned the privy council to release his estate from sequestra- tion, and permit him to return to Ireland. This was not granted, but in December the sequestration was taken off his Irish estates, and he was given the liberty of the Tower on parole. On 3 July 1661 he was released for one month, on a bond of 2,000/. ; he was not to go beyond the house and gardens of Her- bert, his father-in-law, in Petty France, Westminster. On 19 July another month's absence was permitted him, with leave to go to the country for his health. On 28 Feb. 1662 he was allowed to remove to Herbert's house for three months. After this he seems to have gained his liberty. It was at this period that he made the acquaintance of Lodowicke Muggleton [q. v.], whose tenets he adopted. Some time in 1662 he brought Muggleton to Herbert's house and introduced him to his wife, who also became a convert. Their example was followed by their daugh- ters Elizabeth and Mary, and their son-in- law, George Gamble, a merchant in Cork, and formerly a quaker. On 6 April 1665 Phayre was living at Cahermore, co. Cork, when he was visited by Valentine Greatrakes [q. v.], the stroker, who had served in his regiment in 1649. Greatrakes cured him in a few minutes of an acute ague. In 1666 Phayre was implicated in the abortive plot for seizing Dublin Castle. Both Phayre and his family corresponded with Muggleton. Phayre's first letter to Muggle- ton was dated 20 March 1670 ; his second letter (Dublin, 27 May 1675) was sent by Greatrakes, who was on a visit to London and Devonshire. Phayre died at the Grange, near Cork, in 1682, probably in September ; he was buried in the baptist graveyard at Cork. His will, dated 13 Sept. 1682, was proved in November. By his first wife, whose name is not known (but is traditionally said to have been Gamble), he had a son, Onesiphorus, whose wife, Eliza- beth Phayre, died in 1702 ; a daughter Eliza- beth, married to Richard Farmer, and a daughter Mary, married to George Gamble. By his second wife, who was living on 25 May 1686 (the date of her last letter to Muggle- ton), he had three sons : Thomas (d. 1716), Alexander Herbert (d. 1752), and John, and three daughters. [Gal. State Papers, Dom. 1649-61 ; Smith's Cork, 1774, i. 205, ii. 175, 178; Eeeve and Muggleton's Spiritual Epistles, 1755 ; Supple- ment to the Book of Letters, 1831; Webb's Fells of Swarthmoor, 1867, pp. 95 sq. ; Council Book of the Corporation of Cork (Caulfield), 1876, p. 1164; O'Hart's Irish and Anglo-Irish Landed Gentry, 1884, p. 15; Cork Historical and Archaeological Journal, June 1893, pp. 449 sq. ; Notes and Queries, 5th ser. xii. 47, 311, 6th ser. ii. 150, iv. 235, 371 ; Ludlow's Memoirs, ed. Firth ; extracts from family papers furnished (1871) by W. J. O'Donnovan, esq., a descendant of Onesiphorus Phayre.] A. G. PHELIPS. [See also PHILIPPS, PHILIPS, PHILLIPPS, and PHILLIPS.] PHELIPS, SIR EDWARD (1560?- 1614), speaker of the House of Commons and master of the rolls, was fourth and youngest son of Thomas Phelips (1500-1588) of Montacute, Somerset, by his wife Eliza- beth (d. 1598), daughter of John Smythe of Long Ashton in the same county. His father stood godfather to Thomas Coryate [q. v.], and ' imposed upon him' the name Thomas. Edward was born about 1560, for according to Coryate, who refers to him as ' my illustrious Maecenas/ he was ' 53 or thereabouts' in 1613. He does not appear to have been, as Foss suggests, the Edward Philipps who graduated B.A. in 1579, and M.A. on 6 Feb. 1582-3 from Broadgates Hall, Oxford. He joined the Middle Temple, where he was autumn reader in 1596. In 1601 he entered parliament as knight of the shire for Somerset. On 11 Feb. 1602-3 he was named serjeant-at-law, but, owing to the queen's death, did not proceed to his degree until the following reign. On 17 May he was made king's Serjeant and knighted. In November he took part in the trial of Sir Walter Raleigh, but did not share in ' the brutal manner in which Coke conducted the prosecution.' He was re-elected to parlia- ment for Somerset on 11 Feb. 1603-4, and on 19 March was elected speaker. Accord- ing to Sir Julius Caesar, he was ' the most worthy and judicious speaker since 23 Eliza- beth.' Though his orations to the king were tedious, he did ' his best to help the king's business through on some critical occasions.' On 17 July 1604 he was granted the office of justice of common pleas in the county palatine of Lancaster. In this capacity he Phelips 144 Phelips was very active against the catholics. On one occasion he condemned a man to death * simply for entertaining a Jesuit,' and is said to have declared that, as the law stood, all who were present when mass was celebrated were guilty of felony. He was one of those appointed to examine the ' gunpowder plot ' conspirators, and in January 1606 opened the indictment against Guy Fawkes. He was also chancellor to Prince Henry. On 2 Dec. 1608 he was granted the reversion of the mastership of the rolls, but did not succeed to the office until January 1611. Yelverton, Coke, and Montagu all spoke highly of his conduct as a judge, though the last admitted that he was 'over swift in judging.' On 14 July 1613 he was appointed ranger of all royal forests, parks, and chases in England. Besides his house in Chancery Lane, and another at Wanstead, Essex, where he enter- tained the king, Phelips built a large mansion at Montacute, which is still standing, and in the possession of his descendants. He died on 11 Sept. 1614, having married, first, Mar- garet (d. 28 April 1590), daughter of Robert Newdegate of Newdegate, Surrey, by whom lie had two sons, Sir Robert [q. v.] and Francis ; secondly, Elizabeth (d. 26 March 1638), daughter of Thomas Pigott of Doder- sall, Buckinghamshire. There is a portrait of Phelips at Montacute House. [Pholips MSS. preserved at Montacute House, and calendared in Hist. MSS. Comm. 3rd Rep. App.; Cal. State Papers, Dom. Ser. 1603-14; Winwood's State Papers, ii. 36, &c. ; Commons Journals, passim ; Parl. Hist. i. 969, 1045, &c. ; State Trials, ii. 164, 1062, 1073, 1079 ; Official Returns of Members of Parl. ; Nichols's Pro- gresses of James I ; Coryate's Crudities, passim ; Spedding's Life and Letters of Bacon, iv. 57, 240 ; Dugdale's Origines, p. 218; Foss's Judges of England ; Sandford's Genealog. Hist. p. 562 ; Manning's Speakers ; .Tardine's Gunpowder Plot, p. 45 ; Morris's Troubles of our Catholic Fore- fathers, 3rd ser. pp. 451-2 ; Visitation of Somer- set (Harl. Soc.), p. 85 ; Genealogical Collections of Roman Catholic Families, ed. J. J. Howard, pt. ii. No. iv. : Gardiner's Hist, of England.] A. F. P. PHELIPS, SIR ROBERT (1586 P-1638), parliamentarian, eldest son of Sir Edward Phelips [q. v.], and his first wife Margaret, daughter of Robert Newdegate of Newde- gate, Surrey, is said to have been born in 1586. He entered parliament as member for East Looe, Cornwall, in 1603-4, and sat in it till its dissolution on 9 Feb. 1610-11. Tn 1603 he was knighted with his father. In July 1613 he was travelling in France, and in the same year was granted the next vacancy in the clerkship of the petty bag. In April 1614 he was elected to parliament as member for Saltash, Cornwall, and made some mark by joining in the attack on Richard Neile [q. v.], then bishop of Lincoln, for his speech in the House of Lords reflecting on the com- mons. In 1615 he went to Spain in attend- ance on John Digby, afterwards Earl of Bristol [q. v.], who was engaged in negotiating the Spanish match. He kept a diary of his move- ments for a few days (printed in Hist. MSS. Comm. 1st Rep. App. pp. 59-60), and wrote an essay on the negotiation, which is among the manuscripts at Montacute House. Pro- bably, like Digby, he was not favourably dis- posed towards it. In 1621 Phelips was returned to par- liament as member for Bath, and at once took a prominent part in its proceedings. On 5 Feb. he accused the catholics of re- joicing at Frederick's defeat in Bohemia, and meditating a second * gunpowder plot.' It was on his motion (3 March) that the house turned its attention to the patent for gold and silver thread; he served on the com- mittee appointed to inquire into the matter, and brought up its report, which furnished the main charges against Sir Giles Mom- pesson [q. v.] (GARDINER, iv. 47). In the same month he served as chairman of the com- mittee to inquire into the charges of bribery brought against Bacon ; on the 17th he pre- sented its report in a speech of great force and moderation, and was ordered to lay the evi- dence before the House of Lords. In May he was one of the first to urge the house to punish Edward Floyd [q. v.] In November he warmly attacked Spain, and proposed to withhold supplies ; a few days later he supported the commons' petition against the catholics and the Spanish marriage. For his share in these proceedings he was on 1 Jan. 1622 arrested at Montacute, whither he had retired, and on the 12th imprisoned in the Tower. Here he remained, in spite of his brother's petition, until 10 Aug. In January 1623-4, when James was in- duced to summon another parliament, he insisted that Phelips and others should be excluded. Phelips was, however, elected for Somerset, and allowed to take his seat, pro- bably by Buckingham's intercession. He again demanded war with Spain, but came into no open collision with the court. In the first parliament of the new reign Phelips again sat for Somerset, and assumed an atti- tude of pronounced hostility to Buckingham. In the first days of the session he supported an abortive motion for immediate adjourn- ment, in order to defer the granting of supplies. A few days later he carried a motion that two subsidies only should be granted. On Pheiips Phelps 5 July he wished the house to discuss the question of impositions, and rebutted the king's claim to impose duties on merchandise at will. He also objected to the liberation of priests at the request of foreign ambas- sadors. In August, when parliament reas- sembled at Oxford, Pheiips pursued his former policy. On 10 Aug., in a high strain of elo- quence, he denned the position taken up by the commons, and laid down the lines on which the struggle was fought until the Long parliament (FoKSTER, Life of Eliot, i. 239- 241). Next day parliament was dissolved. ' As far as the history of such an assembly can be summed up in the name of any single man, the history of the Parliament of 1625 is summed up in the name of Pheiips. . . . At Oxford he virtually assumed that unac- knowledged leadership which was all that the traditions of Parliament at that time per- mitted. It was Pheiips who placed the true issue of want of confidence before the House ' (GARDINER, v. 432). Another parliament was summoned for 6 Feb. 1625-6. Pheiips was naturally one of those pricked for sheriff to prevent their election as members. Nevertheless he se- cured his election, and attempted in vain to take his seat (FORSTER). In the same year he was struck off the commission of the peace for Somerset, and refused to subscribe to the forced loan. In March 1627-8 he was once more returned for Somerset. He was present at a meeting of the leaders at Sir Robert Cotton's house a few days before the session began, and again took an active part in the proceedings of the house. He protested against the sermons of Sibthorpe and Main- waring, and was prominent in the debates on the petition of right, but the informal position of leader was taken by Sir John Eliot. From this time Pheiips is said to have in- clined more towards the court. In 1629 Charles wrote, urging him to look to the interest of the king rather than to the favour of the multitude, and in 1633 he sided with the court against the puritans on the question of suppressing wakes. In the same year he protested his devotion to the king, and was again put on the commission for the peace. But in 1635 he took part in resisting the collection of ship-money. He died ( of a cold, choked with phlegm,' and was buried at Mon- tacute on 13 April 1638. Pheiips was an impetuous, ' busy, active man, whose undoubted powers were not always under the control of prudence.' Ac- cording to Sir John Eliot, his oratory was ready and spirited, but was marred by ' a redundancy and exuberance,' and ' an affected cadence and delivery;' he had 'a voice of VOL. XLV. much sweetness,' and spoke extempore. A portrait by Vandyck, preserved at Montacute, represents him holding a paper which formed the ground of the impeachment of Bacon. He married Bridget, daughter of Sir Thomas Gorges, knt., of Longford, Wiltshire. By her he had four daughters and three sons, of whom the eldest, Edward (1613-1679), succeeded him, became a colonel in the royalist army, and had his estates sequestrated. The second son Robert also became a colonel in the royalist army, helped Charles II to escape after the battle of Worcester, was groom of the bedchamber to him, M.P. for Stockbridge 1660-1, and Andover 1684-5, is said to have been chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster (his name does not appear in Haydn), and died in 1707, being buried in Bath Abbey. The notes he drew up of Charles's escape are in Addit. MS. 31955, f. 16. [Gal. State Papers, Dom. Ser. 1603-35, passim ; Hist. MSS. Comm. App. 1st and 3rd Eep. passim, 12th Kep. App. pt. i. p. 464; 13th Eep. App. pt. vii. passim; Brit. Mus. Addit. MSS. 3195-5 f. 16, 32093 f. 32, 34217 1 15; Journal? of House of Commons, passim; D'Ewes's Journals ; Parl. Hist. ; Official Eeturn of Members^ Par- liament; Strafford Papers, i. 30-1, ii. 164; Nichols's Progresses of James I, i. 207, 213 n. ; Archseologia, xxxv. 343 ; Speddine's Bacon, v. 61, 65, vii. passim ; Forster's Life of Eliot, throughout; Gardiner's Hist, of England, passim ; Metcalfe's Book of Knights ; Genealogical Col- lections of Catholic Families, ed. Howard; Visita- tion of Somersetshire (Harl. Soc.) ; Burke's Landed Gentry.] A. F. P. PHELPS, JOHN (/. 1649), regicide, matriculated at Corpus Christi College, Ox- ford, on 20 May 1636, describing himself as aged 17, and the son of Robert Phelps of Salisbury (FosTEK, Alumni Oxon. 1st ser. p. 1155). His first employment seems to have been that of clerk to the committee for plundered ministers. On 1 Jan. 1648-9 he was appointed clerk-assistant to Henry Elsing, clerk of the House of Commons, and on 8 Jan. was selected as one of the two clerks of the high court of justice which sat to try Charles I (Commons' Journals, vi. 107 ; NALSON, Trial of Charles I, 1682, pp. 7, 9). The original journal of the court, attested under the hand of Phelps, and pre- sented by the judges to the House of Com- mons, was published by John Nalson in 1682 (ib. p. xiv ; Commons'1 Journals, vi. 508). In 1650 Phelps was called to the bar at the Middle Temple. On 14 Oct. 1652 he was made clerk to the committee of parliament chosen to confer with the deputies of Scot- land on the question of the union (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1651-2, p. 439). He was em- L Phclps 146 Phelps ployed as official note-taker at the trial of Vowell and Fox in 1654, and was also con- cerned in the trial of Slingsby and Hewitt in 1658 (ib. 1654 p. 235, 1658-9 p. 11). From 7 to 14 May 1659 he again acted as clerk of the House of Commons (Commons' Journals, vii. 644, 650). By these different employments Phelps made sufficient money to purchase a part of the manor of Hampton Court, which was bought from him in 1654 for the use of the Protector (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1654, pp. 180, 223;. At the Restoration the House of Commons included Phelps and his fellow-clerk Brough- ton among the regicides, and on 14 May 1660 voted their arrest (Commons' Journals, viii. 25). Prynne was ordered to secure all the public documents which were among the papers of Phelps, and his goods were also seized (ib. pp. 27, 32, 43, 47). On 9 June it was further voted that he should be excepted from the Act of Indemnity for future punish- ment by some penalty less than death ; and on 1 July 1661 he was attainted, in company with twenty-one dead regicides (ib. pp. 60, 286). Phelps, however, succeeded in evading all pursuit, and in 1662 he was at Lausanne in company with Ludlow. At the close of that year he and Colonel John Biscoe bought goods at Geneva and other places, and re- solved to try to make a livelihood by trading in Germany and Holland (LTTDLOW, Me- moirs, ii. 344, ed. 1894). In 1666 he appears to have been in Holland, and his name was included in a list of exiles summoned on 21 July to surrender themselves within a given time to the English government (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1665-6, pp. 342, 348, 358). The date and the place of his death are unknown. A tablet to his memory was erected a few years ago in St. Martin's Church, Vevay (LUDLOW, ii. 513 ; Notes and Queries, 5th ser. vi. 13). [Authorities cited in text.] C. H. F. PHELPS, SAMUEL (1804-1878), actor, the seventh child and second son of Robert M. Phelps and his wife Ann, daughter of Captain Turner, was born 13 Feb. 1804, at 1 St. Aubyn Street, Plymouth Dock, now known as Devonport. Coming of a Somer- set stock, he was both by his father's and mother's side connected with people of posi- tion and affluence. His father's occupation was to supply outfits to naval officers. A younger brother, Robert Phelps (1808-1890), was a good mathematician. He graduated B.A. from Trinity College, Cambridge, and took holy orders. In 1833 he was elected fellow of Sidney Sussex, and from 1843 till his death was master of that college. Samuel was educated in his native town, and at a school at Saltash kept by Dr. Samuel Reece. Left an orphan at sixteen, he was sheltered by his eldest brother, who put him in the office of the ' Plymouth Herald,' where he was employed as j unior reader to the press. In his seventeenth year he tried his fort unes in London, and became reader to the ' Globe ' and the ' Sun ' newspapers. Phelps had acquired theatrical tastes, had made the acquaintance of Douglas Jerrold, and of William Edward Love [q. v.] the ' polyphonist,' and was, with them, a member of an amateur theatrical company giving frequent performances at a private theatre in Rawstorne Street, Clerken- well. At the Olympic he made, in his twenty- second year, an appearance as an amateur, playing Eustache de Saint Pierre in the 'Surrender of Calais,' and the Count of Valmont in the t Foundling of the Forest.' His success induced him to take to the stage as an occupation, and having first married, 11 Aug. 1826, at St. George's Church, Queen Square, Bloomsbury, Sarah Cooper, aged sixteen, he accepted an en- gagement of eighteen shillings a week on the York circuit. In 1830 he acquired at Shef- field some popularity in parts so diverse as King John, Norval, and Goldfinch in the ' Road to Ruin.' In 1832 he enlisted under Watkin Burroughs for the Belfast, Preston, and Dundee theatres, and subsequently under Ryder for Aberdeen, Perth, and In- verness, playing in the northernmost towns the Dougal Creature to Ryder's Rob Roy and Sir Archy McSarcasm in 'Love a la Mode.' He was next heard of in Worthing, and then in Exeter and Plymouth. He was now announced as a tragedian, playing King Lear and Sir Giles Overreach, Vir- ginius, Richard III, lago, Sir Edward Morti- mer in the ' Iron Chest/ and incurred the general fate of being advanced as a rival to Kean. This flattering comparison he sup- ported by taking in Devonport, where he played, the lodgings previously occupied by Kean. Advances came from Bunn for Drury Lane, Webster for the Haymarket,and Macready for Covent Garden. In the end Phelps signed with Macready, who came to Southampton on 14 Aug. and saw him in the ' Iron Chest.' The engagement was to begin at Covent Garden in the following October. In the interval Phelps played a short sea- son at the Haymarket under Webster. On 28 Aug. 1837, as ' Mr. Phelps from Exeter,' he made at that playhouse, as Shylock, his first appearance in London. His reception was favourable, and he was credited by the press wiith judgment and experience, as well as a good face, figure, and voice. Sir Edward Phelps 147 Phelps Mortimer, Hamlet, Othello, and Richard III followed. On 27 Oct., as Jaffier in < Venice Preserved,' to the Pierre of Macready, Phelps made his d6but at Covent Garden. This was succeeded by Othello to Macready's lago. Difficulties followed, and Phelps, bound by his engage- ment for the next two years, was cast for secondary characters: Macduff,Cassius, First Lord in ' As you like it,' Dumont in ' Jane Shore,' Antonio in the ' Tempest,' Father Joseph (an original part) in ' Richelieu,' and Charles d'Albret in ' Henry V.' He was also seen in ' Rob Roy.' At the Haymarket (August 1839 to January 1840) he alternated with Macready the parts of Othello and lago to the Desdemona of Miss Helen Faucit. His Othello was then and subsequently preferred to that of Macready, to which it was indeed superior. Master Walter in the 'Hunch- back ' and Jaques in ' As you like it ' were also played. In January 1840 Phelps, with Macready, Mrs. Warner, and Miss Faucit, was engaged for Drury Lane by W. J. Hammond, whose management soon proved a failure, and the sea- son closed in March. During this period Phelps played Gabor to Macready's Werner, Darnley in ' Mary Stuart,' and Joseph Surface. Cast at the Haymarket in 1841 for Friar Laurence in * Romeo and Juliet,' he fumed, resigned his en- gagement, and wrote to the * Spectator,' giving his reasons for his action. D uring two months of 1841 he superintended at the Lyceum the performance of 'Martinuzzi' (the 'Patriot'), by George Stephens, enacting the Cardinal Regent, Mrs. Warner being the Queen-Mother. The representation strengthened greatly the reputation of both players. After visiting the country, and ' starring ' at the Surrey, he en- gaged with Macready for three years, reduced subsequently to two, at Drury Lane. Here he was seen in the first season as Antonio in the ' Merchant of Venice/ the Ghost in ' Hamlet,' and other characters. In the fol- lowing season came Adam in ' As you like it,' Belarius in * Cymbeline/Stukeley, Gloucester in ' Jane Shore,' Hubert in ' King John,' Mr. Oakley in the ' Jealous Wife,' Leonato in 1 Much Ado about Nothing,' &c. On 8 Feb. 1842 he was the original Captain Channel in Jerrold's * Prisoners of War ; ' on 10 Dec. the original Lord Lynterne in Westland Mar- ston's ' Patrician's Daughter,' and on 11 Feb. 1843 the original Lord Tresham in Brown- ing's ' Blot on the 'Scutcheon;' 24 April saw him as the first Lord Byerdale in Knowles's ' Secretary,' and, 18 May, Dunstan in Smith's 1 Athelwold.' At the Haymarket, meanwhile, he had been, in 1842, the first Almagro in Knowles's 'Rose of Arragon.' In the autumn of 1843 he played at Covent Garden, under Henry Wallack, Gaston de Foix in Bouci- cault's ' Woman.' D uring these years Phelps had risen s teadily in public estimation. His portrait as Hubert was painted by SirWilliam Charles Ross [q.v.~ for the queen. William Leman Rede ~ 3s[q.v.] __j [q. v.J declared his Almagro a magnificent piece of acting ; and Jerrold, in ' Punch,' with charac- teristic ill-nature, declared that Phelps on the Haymarket stage had publicly presented Charles Kean with an extinguisher. Mac- ready at the close of the engagement gave Phelps 300/., and tried vainly to secure him as a companion on a proposed American trip. After some representations in the north of England, Phelps took advantage, in May 1844, of the removal by the legislature of the pri- vileges of the patent theatres to open jointly with Mrs. Warner and Thomas Greenwood the theatre at Sadler's Wells. He was the first actor to make such an experiment, and while the poetical drama was at its lowest ebb in the theatres of the west end, he succeeded in filling the * little theatre ' in Islington, and in ' making Shakespeare pay ' for nearly twenty years. This period of management constitutes the most enterprising and distinguished por- tion of Phelps's career, and his chief claim to distinction. He was an intelligent and spirited manager, and Sadler's Wells became a recog- nised home of the higher drama, and, to some extent, a training school for actors. The experiment began on Monday, 27 May 1844, with ' Macbeth,' Phelps playing the Thane, and Mrs. Warner Lady Macbeth. The performance won immediate recogni- tion. Later in the first season Phelps was seen in Othello, the Stranger, Mr. Oakley, Werner, Shylock, Sir Peter Teazle, Sir An- thony Absolute, Hamlet, Virginius, Julian St. Pierre in Knowles's ' Wife,' Melantius in the l Bridal,' Sir Giles Overreach, King John, Luke in Massinger's ' City Madam,' Claude Melnotte, Don Felix in the ' Won- der,' Richard III in the original play of Shakespeare instead of that of Gibber, which had long held possession of the stage, Rover in ' Wild Oats,' Nicholas Flam in Buckstone's piece so named, Frank Heartall in the ' Sol- dier's Daughter,' Sir Edward Mortimer, and Cardinal Wolsey, and played in the ' Priest's Daughter,' by T. J. Serle. In many of these characters he had been seen before ; one or two were wholly unsuited to him, and more than one were monopolised by Macready. Much hard work is, however, represented in these successive productions, all of them well supported by a company including George John Bennett [q. v.], Henry Marston, Jane Mordaunt (a sister of Mrs. Nisbett), and Miss L 2 Phelps 148 Phelps Cooper. Mrs. Warner was at the outset all but invariably the heroine. Among repre- sentations in the following season were Wil- liam Tell, Henri IV in Sullivan's ' King's Friend' (an original part, 21 May 1845), ' Richelieu/ Beverley in the ' Gamester,' Romont in the 'Fatal Dowry' (perhaps his greatest quasi-tragic part), Rolla in ' Pizarro,' Lear, Leontes, Evelyn in ' Money,' and Hast- ings in 'Jane Shore.' In 1846-7 Mrs. Warner retired from management. The theatre opened with the 'First Part of King Henry IV,' Phelps playing Falstaff ; Creswick making, as Hotspur, his first appearance in London, and Mrs. H. Marston playing Mistress Quickly. Phelps's characters included Brutus, Mor- daunt in the ' Patrician's Daughter ' (Miss Addison appearing as Lady Mabel), Mercutio, the Duke in ' Measure for Measure,' Damon in ' Damon and Pythias,' Adrastus in Tal- fourd's ' Ion,' Arbaces in l A King and no King ' of Beaumont and Fletcher, not seen since 1788. On 18 Feb. 1847 he produced, for the first time, 'Feudal Times,' by the Rev. James White [q. v.], and played Walter Coch- rane [Earl of Mar]. Prospero, Reuben Glen- roy in Morton's ' Town and Country,' Bertram in Maturin's ' Bertram,' and the Provost in Lovell's ' Provost of Bruges ' followed. The season 1847-8 opened with ' Cymbeline/ Phelps playing Leonatus (23 Nov.) On 3 Nov. he was the original John Savile in White's | John Savile of Haysted.' On 27 Dec. 1847, in mounting ' Macbeth,' he dispensed, for the first time since the Restoration, with the sing- ing witches. Jaques followed, and after that Malvolio and Falstaff in the ' Merry Wives of Windsor.' Next season (1848-9) opened with ' Coriolanus.' Isabella Glyn [q. v.] now re- placed Miss Addison, for Phelps did not keep his leading actresses long. Leon in Beaumont and Fletcher's ' Rule a Wife and have a Wife ' followed, and was succeeded by the 'Honest Man's Fortune,' altered by R. H. Home from Beaumont and Fletcher, in which Phelps played Montague. On 10 May 1849 he was the original Calaynos in a tragedy so named by G. H. Boker, an American. On 22 Oct. 1849 Phelps was Antony in a performance, the first for a century, of Shake- speare's ' Antony and Cleopatra.' This was perhaps Phelps's most successful revival. On 12 Dec. Phelps was the original Garcia, in 'Garcia, or the Noble Error,' of F. G. Tomlins, and on 11 Feb. 1850 the original Blackbourn in George Bennett's ' Retribu- tion.' He also added to his repertory Jeremy Diddler and Octavian in the ' Mountaineers.' On 22 Aug. 1850 Leigh Hunt's ' Legend of Florence was revived, with Phelps as Fran- cesco Agoianti. Nov. 20 saw Webster's ' Duchess of Malfi,' adapted by R. H. Home. Phelps took the part of Ferdinand. Timon of Athens was first assumed 15 Sept. 1851. On 27 Oct. he appeared as Ingomar, and on 27 Nov. was first seen in his great comic character, Sir Pertinax Macsycophant, in Macklin's ' Man of the World.' On 6 March 1852 he was the original James VI in White's 'James VI, or the Gowrie Plot.' In the following- season, 1852-3, he revived ' All's well that ends well,' play ing Parolles; 'KingHenry V,' playing the King ; and the ' Second Part of King Henry IV,' doubling the parts of Henry and Justice Shallow. Bottom, long esteemed Phelps's greatest comic character, was first seen October 1853. ' Pericles,' not acted since the Restoration, was revived 14 Oct. 1854, Phelps playing Pericles. His only other new part in that season was Bailie Nicol Jarvie in ' Rob Roy.' Christo- pher Sly, in the ' Taming of the Shrew,' was first seen in December 1856. In the ' Two- Gentlemen of Verona,' produced on 18 Feb.. 1857, Phelps did not act. Don Adriano- de Armado, in 'Love's Labour's Lost,' was first seen 30 Sept. 1857. Lord Ogleby, in the ' Clandestine Marriage,' followed on 4 Nov. On 19 Jan. 1858, as one of a series of festival performances for the marriage of the princess royal, he played Macbeth at Her Majesty's Theatre. Dr. Cantwell, in the ' Hypocrite,' was first taken 13 Oct. 1858,, and on 11 Dec. Penruddock in the ' Wheel of Fortune.' On 14 Sept. 1859 he played for the first time Job Thornberry in ' John Bull,r and on 1 8 Oct. was the original Bertuccio in the 'Fool's Revenge,' Tom Taylor's adaptation of ' Le Roi s'amuse.' In May 1859 Phelps had made a not very successful visit to Berlin and Hamburg, where he is said to have played ' King Lear ' to empty benches. In the spring of 1860 he appeared under Harris at the Princess's, playing a round of characters. The following season, 1860-1 , was the first of Phelps's sole management of Sadler's Wellsr Greenwood, upon whose financial and busi- ness capacity Phelps had entirely relied, having retired. The season was only memo- rable for the appearance of his son Edmund, who played Ulric to his father's Werner. On 24 Jan. 1861 he appeared with his company at Windsor Castle in ' Richelieu.' At the outset of Phelps's last season (1861-2) at Sadler's Wells, he appeared in the title- role of an adaptation of Casimir Delavigne's ' Louis XL' A piece called ' Doing for the- Best,' in which he played Dick Stubbs, a car- penter, was a failure. But the withdrawal of Greenwood had transferred to Phelps's shoulders business responsibilities for which he was unfitted, and on 15 March 1862 his Phelps 149 Phelps spirited and honourable enterprise at Sadler's Wells came to an end. In his farewell speech at the theatre he stated that he had made it the object of his life and the end of his management to represent the whole of Shake- speare's plays. He had succeeded in pro- ducing thirty-four of them, and they were acted under his management between three and four thousand nights. In 1863 he began a long engagement at Drury Lane, under Falconer and Chatterton, -during which he appeared in most of his favourite characters. In October 1863 he played Manfred, and in October 1866 Me- phistopheles in ' Faust.' In 1867 he was the Doge in Byron's ' Marino - Falieri.' In September 1868 he created some sensation by his performance of King James I and Trapbois in Halliday's adaptation of the * Fortunes of Nigel.' After fulfilling engage- ments in the country, he was for a time lessee of Astley's, where he lost money. He re- appeared on 23 Sept. 1871 at Drury Lane as Isaac of York in Halliday's adaptation of 4 Ivanhoe.' On 16 Dec. 1871 he played at the Princess's Dexter Sanderson, an original part in Watts Phillips's ' On the Jury.' After act- ing in Manchester, under Calvert, he went to the Gaiety, under Hollingshead, where he played Falstaff and other parts. During a short engagement at the Queen's Theatre he •appeared as Henry IV. Subsequently (1877 and 1878) he acted at the Imperial Theatre (Aquarium) under Miss Marie Litton [q. v.], the last part he took being Wolsey in * Henry VIII.' His engagement with Miss Litton he could not complete owing to failing health, and other engagements made with Ohatterton in 1878-9 he was unable to fulfil. A series of colds prostrated him, and he died on 6 Nov. 1878, at Anson's Farm, Coopersale, near Epping, Essex. His remains were brought to the house he long occupied, 420 Camden Road, and on the 13th were interred at Highgate. Phelps was a sound, capable, and powerful actor. Alone among men of consideration he held up in his middle and later life the banner of legitimate tragedy. He was not in the full sense a tragedian, being deficient in passion or imagination, grinding out his words with a formal and at times rasping delivery. Romont in the ' Fatal Dowry ' of Massinger marked the nearest approach to tragic grief, but he was good also in Arbaces, Melantius, and Macduff. In Othello, Lear, Macbeth, Sir Giles Overreach, and other heroical parts he was on the level of Charles Kean and Macready. He lived, however, in davs when conventional declamation of tra- y fell into evil odour, and when experi- ments so revolutionary as Fechter's Hamlet won acceptance. Thus, though a favourite with old stagers, and the recipient of warm praise from certain powerful organs of criti- cism, he lived to hear his tragic method con- demned and his mannerisms ridiculed. It was otherwise in comedy. His Sir Pertinax Macsycophant was a marvellously fine per- formance. His Bottom had all the sturdiness and self-assertion of that most complacently self-satisfied of men. Shallow was an ad- mirable performance, Malvolio was comic, and Falstaff, though upbraided with lack of unction, had marvellous touches. In Scot- tish characters he was generally excellent. There was, indeed, something dour and almost pragmatical about Phelps's own na- ture that may account for his success in such parts. Among those who have paid tribute to his worth and ability are Tom Taylor, Jerrold, Heraud, Tomlins, Bayle Bernard, and Pro- fessor Morley. Westland Marston praised highly his Tresham in ' A Blot on the 'Scutcheon,' and has something to say for his Richelieu, Virginius, and Timon. Dut- ton Cook credits him with the possession of a marvellously large and varied reper- toire. All allow him pathos. It was in characters of rugged strength, however, that he conspicuously shone. Intractable and difficult to manage, Phelps still won general respect, and passed through a long and arduous career without a breath of scandal being whispered against him. He took little part in public or club life. His great delight when not acting was to go fishing with a friend. He is said to have known most trout-streams in England. By his wife, who died in 1867, he had three sons and three daughters. The eldest son, William Robert (d. 1867), was for some years upon the parliamentary staff of the ' Times,' and was subsequently chief justice of the admiralty court at St. Helena. The second son, Edmund (d. 1870), was an actor. The best portrait of Phelps was painted by Johnstone Forbes-Robertson, his friend, and, in a limited sense, his pupil. It presents the actor as Cardinal Wolsey, is a striking like- ness, and was purchased by the members for bhe Garrick Club, where it now is. It has been engraved, by permission of the commit- tee, for the life by his nephew. Phelps was tall, and remained spare. [Personal knowledge ; information privately supplied by Mr. W. May Phelps ; W. May Phelps and J. Forbes-Robertson's Life and Life-Work f Phelps, 1886 ; Coleman's Memoirs of Phelps, 886 ; Westland Marston's Recollections of A.ctors ; Pascoe's Dramatic List.] J. K. Phelps Phesant PHELPS, THOMAS (fl. 1750), astro- nomer, was born at Chalgrove, Oxfordshire, in January 1694. In 1718 he was a stable- man in the service of Lord-chancellor Thomas Parker (afterwards Earl of Macclesfield) [q.v.], but rose to higher employments through his good conduct and ability. George Parker, second earl of Macclesfield [q. v.], took him into his observatory in 1742, and he was the first in England to detect the great comet of 1743. His observations of it on 23 Dec. were published without his name in the t Philo- sophical Transactions ' (xliii. 91). A curious engraving, preserved in the council-room of the Royal Astronomical Society, represents Phelps as just about to make an observation with the Shirburn Castle five-foot transit, which John Bartlett, originally a shepherd, prepares to record. The print dates from 1776, when Phelps was 82, Bartlett 54 years of age. [Scattered Notices of Shirburn Castle in Ox- fordshire, by Mary Frances, Countess of Mac- clesfield, 1887; Rigaiid's Memoirs of Bradley, pp. Ixxxiii-iv ; "Weld's Hist, of the Royal Soc. ii. 3.] • A. M. C. PHELPS, WILLIAM (1776-1856), topographer, son of the Rev. John Phelps of Flax Bourton, Somerset, matriculated from Balliol College, Oxford, in 1793, and gra- duated B.A. from St. Alban Hall in 1797. He took holy orders, was vicar of Meare and Bicknoller, Somerset, from 1824 till 1851, when he became rector of Oxcombe, Lincoln- shire. There he died on 17 Aug. 1856. He published ' A Botanical Calendar ' in 1810 and guide-books to the Duchy of Nassau (1842) and Frankfort-on-the-Main (1 844) . But his chief work was a very elaborate ' History and Antiquities of Somersetshire,' with a learned historical introduction and illustrations. Seven parts were issued between 1835 and 1839, when they reappeared in two volumes. The undertaking was left incomplete. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.; Phelps's Works; Gent. Mag. 1836 i. 174sq.] PHERD, JOHN (d. 1225), bishop of Ely, properly called JOHN OF FOUNTAINS, was a Cistercian monk of Fountains, and was chosen ninth abbot of his house in December 1211. He received the benediction from Ralph, bishop of Down, at Melrose (Chron. de Mailros, p. Ill, Bannatyne Club). In July-September 1213 he was employed on official business by the king, perhaps in con- nection with the taxation of, the Cistercians (Rot. Litt. Glaus, i. 132, 143). At a chapter- general of the Cistercians in 1218 he was one of the abbots appointed to deal with difficult cases concerning the order in England (MAR- TENE, iv.1323). On 26 April 1219 he was one of three ordered by the pope to inquire into the proposed canonisation of St. Hugh of Lincoln (Cal. Papal Registers, i. 59, 66; MATT. PARIS, iii. 58). The election of Robert of York to the bishopric of Ely having been quashed by the pope, Pherd was appointed to that see by Pandulf, the legate, and Stephen Langton, acting under authority from Honorius (Ann. Mon. iii. 56, iv. 412). He was accordingly elected 24 Dec. 1219, and received the royal assent on the same day. He was consecrated by Langton at Westminster on 8 March 1220, and was enthroned at Ely on 25 March (MATT. PARIS, iii. 58; LE NEVE, Fasti, i. 328). Oii 2 June he was appointed with Richard Poore [q. v.], bishop of Salisbury r to inquire into the charges against Richard de Marisco [q. v.], bishop of Durham. With this purpose he went to Durham, and paid a visit to Fountains on his way. On 6 Feb. 1221 proceedings were stayed, pending an appeal by Richard de Marisco, but were again resumed on 1 July. ; the matter was unsettled at Pherd's death ; he was engaged with it in 1224 and 1225 (Ann. Mon. iii. 62, 67; MATT. PARIS, iii. 62-4; Cal. Papal Registers, i. 72, 78, 82, 93, 97, 101, 104). He was employed on various matters by Pope Honorius (ib. i. 89, 90, 95-6), and was one of the bishops who witnessed the confirma- tion of the Great Charter on 11 Feb. 1225 (Ann. Mon. i. 231). He died at Downham on 6 May 1225, and was buried in the cathedral, towards the altar of St. Andrew (Anglia Sacra, i. 635). His tomb was opened ' when the choir was moved into the presbytery' (BENTHAM,, Ely, p. 76). He gave a cope and other vestments and a pastoral staff to the cathedral, and be- queathed the tithes of Hadham for his com- memoration. In the { Flores Historiarum 7 (ii. 172, Rolls Ser.) he is described as 'a just and simple man who abhorred evil.' The Bollandists include him in their catalogue of * prsetermissi ' under 9 June (Acta Sanc- torum, June, ii. 147). In contemporary chronicles he is always described simply as Johannes de Fontibus, or Johannes Eliensis. The name Pherd appears to be due to an error of Burton, who misread Elien1 in the manu- script (Monasticon Eboracense, p. 210; cf. Memorials of Fountains, i. 134). [Matthew Paris, Annales Monastici, Cartu- larium de Rameseia (all three in Rolls Ser.) ; Memorials of Fountains, i. 134-6 (Surtees Soc.) ; Wharron's Anglia Sacra, i. 634-5 ; Bliss's Calendar of Papal Registers.] C. L. K. PHESANT,PETER(1580?-1649),judge, son of Peter Phesant, barrister-at-law, of Gray's Inn, by his wife Jane, daughter of Philidor Philidor Vincent Fulnetby, was born probably at his father's manor of Barkwith, Lincolnshire, about 1580. The father was reader at Gray's Inn in Lent 1582, and also attorney-general in the northern parts. The son, on 26 Oct. 1602, entered Gray's Inn, where he was called to the bar in 1608, elected ancient in 1622, being- then one of the ; common pleaders' for the city of London, bencher in 1623, and reader in the autumn of 1624. On 19 May 1640 he was called to the degree of serjeant-at-law, and on 10 March following was prayed as counsel by attorney-general Sir Thomas Herbert on his impeachment, but excused himself on the score of ill-health. In 1641 he was justice of assize and nisi prius for the county of Nottingham. He was recorder of London in the interval, 2-30 May 1643, between the dismissal of Sir Thomas Gardiner [q. v.] and the election of Sir John Glynne [q. v.] On 30 Sept. 1645 Phesant, who had been recommended for a judgeship in the parlia- ment's propositions for peace of 1 Feb. 1642-3, was voted a judge of the court of common pleas by the House of Commons, and on the 28th of the following month was sworn in as such. On the abolition of the monarchy he accepted a new commission on condition that the fundamental laws were not abolished. He died on 1 Oct. following, at his manor of LTpwood, near Ramsay, Huntingdonshire, and was buried in Upwood church. Phesant married, about 1609, Mary Bruges, of a Gloucestershire family, who, dying about the same time as himself, was buried by his side. By her he had several children. Phe- sant's epitaph credits him with ability, con- scientiousness, and courage. [Philipps's Grandeur of the Law, p. 195 ; Old- field and Dyson's Tottenham, p. 82 ; Marshall's Genealogist, iv. 25 ; Douthwaite's Gray's Inn ; Foster's Gray's Inn Admission Eegister ; Over- all's Analytical Index to Remembrancia, p. 511 ; Parl. Hist. ii. 1125, 1327; Dugdale's Orig. p. 295, Chron. Ser. ; Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1635- 1636 p. 194, 1637-8 p. 197, 1649-50 p. 197; Cal. Committee for Advance of Money, vol. i. (1642-5), p. 312 ; Hist. MSS. Comm. 4th Rep. App. p. 64, 5th Rep. App. p. 89, 7th Rep. App. pp. 29, 46; Clarendon's Rebellion, bk. vi. § 231 ; Whitelocke's Memorials, pp. 174, 178, 378, 409 ; Sir John Bramston's Autobiogr. (Cam- den Soc.) ; Inderwick's Interregnum, p. 155; Noble's Protectoral House of Cromwell, 3rd edit, i. 430; Bray ley's Beauties of England and Wales, vii. 549*.] J. M. R. PHILIDOR, FRANQOIS ANDRE DANICAN (1726-1795), chess-player and composer, was the youngest son of Andre Danican,^ a musician, and member of the Grande Ecurie, the chambre and the chapelle of Louis XIV, by his second wife, Elisabeth Leroy. The family had long been connected with the French court in the capacity of musicians. When his great-grandfather, Michel Danican, a native of Dauphin6 and a celebrated oboist, first appeared at court, Louis XIII exclaimed, ' I have found another Filidori,' this being the name of a Sienese hautboy-player who had caused a sensation at the French court by his brilliant perform- ance. The royal compliment procured for the family the agnomen ' Philidor.' * Francois Andre was born at Dreux on 7 Sept. 1726. At the age of six he entered the Chapelle du Roy at Versailles, and learned harmony of Andre Campra. About eighty musicians were constantly in waiting at the chapelle, and, cards not being allowed in the sanctuary, they had a long table inlaid with a number of chessboards. Philidor learnt the game by watching his elders, and various anecdotes are told of the amazement caused by his prowess when he was first admitted to play. Scarcely less precocious as a musician, at the age of eleven he composed a motet, which was performed in the chapelle. When his voice broke he left the chapelle, at the age of fourteen, and went to Paris, with a view to supporting himself, like Rousseau, by giving lessons and copying music. But he seems to have neglected his pupils for the chess cafes, in particular the Cafe de la Regence, where fortune guided him to the board of M. de Kermuy, Sire de Legal, the best player in France. From Legal he derived the by no means new idea of playing without seeing the board, and his feat of playing two games in this manner simultaneously was commemo- rated by Diderot in his article ' Echecs ' in the ' Encyclopedic ' as an extraordinary ex- ample of strength of memory and imagina- tion. About the same period (1744-5) Phili- dor assisted Rousseau to put into shape the latter's opera ' Les Muses Galantes.' In the autumn of 1745, owing to the pressure of creditors, Philidor made a tour in Holland. At Amsterdam he supported him- self by exhibition game's at chess and at Polish draughts. At The Hague he met some Eng- lishmen, at whose invitation he came to England in the latter part of 1747. The principal chess club in England at this time held its meetings at Old Slaughter's Coffee- house in St. Martin's Lane. The best Eng- lish player, who was the strongest player Philidor met, with the exception of his old tutor, M. de Legal, was Sir Abraham Jans- sen. During his stay in London he played a match of ten games with Philip Starnma, a native of Aleppo, and author of * Les Strata- gemes du jeu d'Echecs/ giving him the move, Philidor 152 Philidor allowing the drawn games to be held as won by Stamma, and betting five to four on each game. The Syrian won one game, and one was drawn. In the following year Philidor returned to Holland, where he composed his ' Analyse du jeu des Echecs.' While at Aix- la-Chapelle he was advised by Lord Sand- wich to visit Eyndhoven, a village between Bois-le-Duc and Maestricht, where the Bri- tish army was encamped. Philidor there played chess with the Duke of Cumberland, who subscribed for a number of copies of the work, and procured many other subscribers. In consequence, the book was originally pub- lished in London, in 1749, 8vo, under the title * L 'Analyse des Echecs : contenant une nou- velle me"thode pour apprendre . . . ce noble jeu.' An English translation appeared in 1750, London, 8vo, and an enlarged French edition in 1777. Since that date it has been translated into most European languages, and frequently re-edited. The best edition is that of George Walker [q. v.], London, 1832, 12mo. The book, which marks an epoch in the history of the game, was the most perfect exponent of a school of chess which, in opposition to the Italian school of the eighteenth century, directed the attention of students principally to the middle game, and to the building up of a strong central position with the help of the pawns. Phili- dor's exposition is mainly characterised by the value attached to the pawns, which he called 'the soul of the game,' and by the able demonstration of the possibility of giving mate with a rook and bishop against a rook. Here, however, Philidor has required some correction from later writers. He thought the mate of rook and bishop against rook could always be forced ; whereas this is true in special position only. The argument is conducted by means of games, with illustra- tive notes. The greater part of the seven years follow- ing 1747 was spent by Philidor'in England, although in 1751, by the king of Prussia's in- vitation, he visited Potsdam, where the in- terest aroused by his presence is recorded by Euler, the famous mathematician. In 1753 Philidor undertook to set to music Con- greve's ' Ode to St. Cecilia's Day/ and his composition was performed at the Haymarket on 31 Jan. 1754. Handel heard it, and highly commended the choruses, though he said that the style of the airs left room for improvement. Recalled by Diderot and other friends to Paris in November 1754, Philidor devoted him- self almost exclusively to musical composi- tion. In 1772 he revisited England, where a new chess club had been established at the Salopian Coffee-house, and where Count Briihl was now the leading amateur. The formation of another new chess club in St. James's Street, in 1774, gave a fresh impetus to the game in England. One of the club's first steps was to provide an annual subscription as an induce- ment to Philidor to spend each season (Fe- bruary-June) in London. In 1775 he came to London in accordance with this arrange- ment, and to the new chess club he dedicated the new edition of his ' Analyse,' to which every member, including Gibbon and C. J. Fox, subscribed. He frequently advertised in the London papers that he would repeat the tour de force of playing two or three games at once blindfold. Meanwhile Philidor did not neglect musical production. In 1779 he set to music Horace's ' Carmen Seculare,' which was performed on three nights at the Free- masons' Hall with success, and was re- peated in 1788 at an entertainment given by the knights of the Bath. In 1789 he produced an English ' Ode,' followed by a 'Te Deum/ to celebrate the recovery of George III. Philidor sympathised with the French re- volutionary movement of 1789, but after the September massacres in 1792 he came back to London, and was a frequent guest at the table of Count Briihl. Although; at the conclusion of the reign of terror, anxious to return to his family in Paris, he was unable to get his name erased from the list of sus- pected Emigres. He died at No. 10 Little Ryder Street, London, on 24 Aug. 1795. As a chess-player Philidor stood, in his own day, absolutely alone. A number of his games are preserved in Walker's valuable t Selection of Games at Chess played by Philidor and his Contemporaries ' (London, 1835 ; it is also included in his larger work ( Chess Studies,' 1844, reprinted 1893). His genius is com- memorated among chess-players by ( Phili- dor's Defence' and 'Philidor's Legacy.' As a musician, Philidor, in the words of Fetis, possessed more ' musical science ' than any of his French contemporaries. His harmony is more varied than that of Duni, Monsigny, and Gr6try, although the latter two easily surpassed him in melodic grace and dramatic instinct. He was the first to introduce on the stage the 'air descriptif ' ('Le Marechal ') and the unaccompanied quartet ('Tom Jones'), and to form a duet of two independent and apparently incongruous melodies. His use of the chorus and instrumentation was supe- rior to that of any other French composer, and his compositions were treated as models, and given out as subjects of study in the Conservatoire at Paris as late as 1841 (cf. Philip 153 Philip Gustave Chouquet in GEOVE'S Diet, of Musi- cians). Philidor, whose domestic life was ex- tremely happy, married, at St. Sulpice, Paris, on 13 Feb. 1760, Angelique Henrietta Elisa- beth Richer, sister of the famous singer, and left one daughter and four sons, one of whom, Andr6, survived until 1845. An anonymous portrait in the museum at Versailles was en- graved for vol. iii. of the chess periodical, ' Le Palamede,' and there is another en- graving made by Samuel Watts for Kenny's edition of the * Analysis ' (1819). A bust, executed in terra-cotta by Pajon, was pre- sented by the city of Paris to Madame Phili- dor in 1768 ; while a portrait by Robineau is stated to have been purchased by the Lon- don Chess Club. [George Allen's Life of Philidor (1863), with a supplementary essay on Philidor as Chess-au- thor and Chess-player, by Tassilo von Heydebrand und der Lasa, constitutes the most valuable authority, being based upon careful investiga- tion of the known materials. Subsequent to this, however, is the appreciative estimate by Gustave Chouquet in Grove's Dictionary of Musicians. The most valuable of the contem- porary sources are the life in La Borde's Essai sur la Musique, Paris, 1760; Anecdotes of Mr. Philidor, communicated by himself [by Eichard Twiss] in ' Chess,' 1789, vol. ii. ; ' Closure of the Account of Mr. Philidor ' in Twiss's Miscel- lanies, 1805, ii. 105-114, the article, 'Philidor peint par lui-meme, in Palamede, vii. 2-16, and the 'Lettres de Philidor' in Palamede, 1847, passim. The most complete lists of his compo- sitions are given in Fetis and in Champlin's Cy- clopedia of Music and Musicians. See also pre- face to the 'Analysis,' ed. George Walker, 1832 ; Tomlinson's Chess Player's Annual, 1856, p. 160; Brainne's Hommes Illustres de 1'Orleanais, i. 75 ; Piot's Particularites ineiites concernant ]es oeuvres musicales de Gossec et de Philidor ; Clement's Musici ens Celebres, p. 101 ; La France Musicale, December 1867, February 1868; Castil- Blaze's De 1'Opera, i. 17 ; Chalmers's Biographi- cal Dictionary ; Burney's Hist, of Music ; Me- moir in Rees's Cyclopaedia; L'Intermediaire des Chercheurs et Curieux, xix. 679, 731, xx. 23, 79, xxiii. 36, 146, 177, xxiv. 52; there is an allu- sion to Philidor in Balzac's Maison du Chat qui pelote. The writer is indebted to the Eev. W. Wayte for a revision of the article.] T. S. PHILIP. [See also PHILLIP and PHYLIP.] PHILIP II OF SPAIN (1527-1598). [See under MARY I, queen of England.] PHILIP OF MONTGOMERY (fl. 1100). [See under ROGER OF MONTGOMERY, d. 1094.] PHILIP DE THAUN (ft. 1120), Anglo- Norman writer, probably belonged to a Nor- man family of Thaun or Than, near Caen, but had come to England, perhaps with his uncle Hunfrei de Thaun, Ii chapelein Yhan E Seneschal lu rei. The Abb6 de la Rue identified Yhan with Hugh Bigod (d. 1107), but this is lin- guistically impossible, and Mr. Wright is no doubt correct in taking it to mean the Eudo or Odo Dapifer who died on 29 Feb. 1120 (DUGDALE, Monast. Angl. iv. 607). Philip wrote : 1. ' Li Cumpoz ' or ' Computus/ less correctly styled by Wright ' Li Livre des Creatures.' This is a treatise on the ecclesiastical calendar in six-syllabled verse, compiled from Bseda, Gerland, and other writers on the ' Computus/ for the use of clerks. The probable date of its composition was between 1113 and 1119. There are seven manuscripts, viz., Cotton, Nero A. v., Arundel 230, and Sloane 1580 in the British Museum, MS. C. 3. 3. in the Lincoln Ca- thedral Library, and three in the Vatican. 2. ' Li Bestiaire ' or ' Physiologus/ which is dedicated to Adelaide of Louvain as queen of Henry I, and must therefore have been written between 1121 and 1135, perhaps in 1 125. Like the ' Computus,' the ' Physiologus ' is based on Latin originals, and is for the most part written in six-syllabled verse, though in the latter portion an octosyllabic metre is employed. There is only one manuscript, viz. Cotton, Vespasian, E. x. Philip is the first Anglo-Norman writer as to whom we have any distinct information, and is, perhaps, the earliest poet in the langue cfoil whose work has survived. Though his writings, and especially the ' Computus,' have little poetical merit, they are of great value for the history of Anglo- Norman literature. Both the 'Computus' and the ' Physiologus ' were edited by Wright in his ' Popular Treatises on Science during the Middle Ages,' pp. 20-131, with translations. The 'Physiologus' has also been edited by Dr. M. F. Mann, and the 1 Computus ' by Dr. E. Mall. [Histoire Litteraire de France, ix. 173, 190, x. pp. Ixxi-ii, xiii. 60-2 ; Wright's Biogr. Brit. Litt. Anglo-Norman, pp. 86-7; Mann's Physiologus des P. von Thaun und seine Quellen ; Mall's Computus des Philipp vori Thaun, mit einer Einleitung iiber die Sprache des Autors ; De la Rue's Bardes; Archaeologia, xii. 301-6; Gaston Paris's Litterature Fra^aise au Moyen Age, § 100; Jahrbuchfiir romanische und englische Literatur, v. 358-60, vii. 38-43 (on the Com- putus and its manuscripts); Komanische For- schung, v. 399.] c- L- K- PHILIP DE BRAOSE (/. 1172), warrior. [See BRAOSE.] Philip J54 Philip PHILIP OF POITIERS (d. 1208 ?), bishop of Durham, was a favourite clerk of Richard I. He accompanied the latter on. his crusade of 1189, and was present at his marriage with Berengaria of Navarre at Cyprus in 1191 (WALTER or COVENTRY, ii. 184, Eolls Ser.) "When he returned to England is not clear ; but Richard, during his captivity in 1193, is Said to have procured for him the arch- deaconry of Canterbury, but whether he held it is uncertain (RoG. Hov. iii. 221, Rolls Ser.) In the same year, at the king's wish, he was presented to the deanery of York by Archbishop Geoffrey (d. 1212) [q._v.] in de- fiance of the wish of the canons (ib. p. 222). The latter, however, succeeded in getting the papal confirmation for the election of their candidate, Simon of Apulia, and Philip was probably never installed. In November or December 1195, again by royal favour, he was elected to the bishopric of Durham at Northallerton in Yorkshire, in the presence of Archbishop Hubert of Canterbury. Hove- den says Philip was ordained to the priest- hood on 15 June 1196 by Henry, bishop of Llandaff, but this is not clear (loc. cit. iv. 9). He was abroad part of that year with the king, and was sent to England by the latter on financial business. The king about the same time gave him permission tore-establish the mint at Durham, and he secured for his nephew, Aimeric de Tailbois, the arch- deaconry of Carlisle, to which he added that of Durham (ib. pp. 13-14). At the end of the year he was in Normandy with Richard, and was sent by him to Rome to plead his cause against the archbishop of Rouen, who had laid Normandy under interdict because of the building of Chateau Gaillard. There Philip succeeded in arranging the terms of a compromise with the archbishop of Rouen, and was at last consecrated to the see of Durham by Celestine III on 20 April 1197 (GEOFFREY OF COLDINGHAM in Hist. Dunelm. Script, tres, Surtees Soc. p. 18). In 1198 Philip was one of Richard's re- presentatives at the election of his nephew, the emperor Otto IV, at Cologne. On his return to England he obtained through royal influence the restoration and enlargement of certain Durham properties; a portion, however, he lost the same year in a law- suit with Robert of Turnham (Roa. Hov. iv. 55, 68-9). In September King Richard wrote him an extant letter, giving an account of his war in France (ib. pp. 58-9). He made fruitless efforts at mediation between the king and Archbishop Geoffrey of York, and was himself engaged in a serious quarrel with his cathedral clergy with regard to certain rights of presentation to benefices. During the progress of this dispute, Philip's nephew, the archdeacon of Durham, besieged the monks in St. Oswald's church, but ultimately Philip yielded the point at issue (GEOFFREY OF COLDINGHAM, loc. cit. p. 19 ; ROG. Hov. loc. cit. pp. 69-70). On 23 May 1199 Philip assisted in con- secrating William de Ste. Mere 1'Egliseto the see of London, and on the 27th was present at the coronation of King John, though he protested against its taking place in the absence of Archbishop Geoffrey of York. John showed favour to Philip, and employed him in 1199 on a mission to induce the king of Scots to do homage. Next year Philip brought about a meeting between the two kings, and was one of the witnesses of the act of homage performed at Lincoln on 22 Nov. 1200 (RoG. Hov. iv. 140-1). In the latter year he obtained the royal license for hold- ing fairs at Northallerton and Howden, and in 1201 set out on a pilgrimage to Compos- tella. He was at Chinon in May, and there witnessed to the claim of Richard's queen, Berengaria, to her dower. He came home in 1202. Philip was one of the papal agents in the famous suit of Giraldus Cambrensis [q. v.] concerning the status of the see of St. David's, and in 1203 received letters from Innocent III on the subject (GiR. CAMBR. iii. 70, 282, &c., Rolls Ser.) In the great quarrel with Innocent III (1205-13) he is mentioned as one of John's evil counsellors. He died apparently in 1208, in the midst of the strife. His body is said to have been contemptuously buried by laymen outside the precincts of his church. Philip's character is painted darkly by Geoffrey of Coldingham (loc. cit.} as that of an unscrupulous and violent man. Over his will there was strife between the arch- deacon of Durham and the prior and chapter, and Innocent III interfered in 1211. [Richard of Coldingham in Hist. Dunelm. Script, tres, pp. 17 sq. and Append. Ixvii. ; Regist. Palat. Dunelm. vols. i. ii. and iii.; Roger of Hoveden, vol. iii., Walter of Coventry, vol. ii., Giraldus Cambrensis, vol. iii., Matt. Paris' s Chron. Majora, vol. ii., Gervase of Canter- bury, i. 530 (all in Eolls Ser.) ; Had. de Diceto, ii. 152; Ralph of Coggeshall, Chron. Angl. p. 70 ; Rotulus Cancellarii, p. 60, Eotuli de Liberate, &c., ed. Hardy, pp. 7, 101 (both EecordComm.) ; Eotuli Curise'Eegis, i. 433, ii. 259, ed. Palgrave ; Eymer's Foedera, i. 96, 1 34-5, ed. 1 704 ; Le Neve's Fasti Eccles. Angl. iii. 284, ed. Hardy ; Stubbs's Eegist Sacr. Angl. p. 35.] A. M. C-E. PHILIP or PHILIPPE DE RIM or DE REMI (1246P-129G) was long treated by English authorities as an Anglo-Norman Philip 155 Philip poet, to whom were assigned two romances, called respectively ' La Manekine ' and ( Jehan de Dammartin et Blonde d'Oxford.' Both show a close knowledge of Scottish and Eng- lish life and topography in the thirteenth century, and were first published by English societies — the former by the Bannatyne Club in 1840 (ed. Francisque Michel), and the latter by the Camden Society (1858, ed. Le Roux de Lincy). The unique manuscript of these poems, however, which is in the National Library at Paris (7609- Fonds Fra^ais), in- cludes besides them several poems of Philippe de Beaumanoir (1246 P-1296), a well-known jurist and poet, who compiled the l Coutumes de Beauvaisis.' There is little doubt that Philippe de Remi and Philippe de Beau- manoir were identical ; the latter, a younger son, held land at Remi, near Compiegne, was long known as Philippe de Remi, and became Sire de Beaumanoir by the death of his elder brother Girard. Moreover, the poems attributed to Philippe de Remi show an intimate acquaintance on the part of their author with Beauvaisis and adjoining country (BoRDiER, Athenceum Franqais, 1853, p. 932). The poems prove that Philippe had visited England, possibly in the suite of Simon de Montfort. Simon's family held land in Clermont and at Remi itself; and in June 1282 Amaury de Montfort, Simon's son, granted Philippe some lands in fee, ' pour 1'amour de li et pour son bon serviche ' (see I Pieces justificatives ' to BOKDIEK'S Philippe de Beaumanoir, No. xiv, pt. i. p. 108). From II May 1279 to 7 May 1282 Philippe was bailiff of Robert, count of Clermont, sixth son of St. Louis ; from November 1284 to 1288 seneschal of Poitou ; in 1288 seneschal of Saintonge ; in 1289 and 1290 bailiff of Ver- mandois ; in the course of 1292 seneschal of Saintonge, bailiffof Senlis, and bailiff of Tou- raine ; and again bailiff of Senlis from March 1293 till his death in the beginning of 1296. The 'Coutumes de Beauvaisis' was begun while he was bailiff of the county of Cler- mont, and finished in 1283. ' Le Roman de la Manekine ' and ' Le Roman de Jehan de Dammartin et Blonde d'Oxford ' were pro- bably composed by him between 1264 and 1279. [The chief authority is the biography of Philip of Beaumanoir, by M. H. L. Bordier, in Philippe de Eemi Sire de Beaumanoir, Juris- consulte et Poe'te National du Beauvaisis, Paris, 1869-73, in two parts, pp. 1-422; the second part contains his complete poetical works. The iden- tification of Philippe de Eemi with Philippe de Beaumanoir has since been confirmed with new proofs by M. Edouard Schwan in the Romanische Studien herausgegeben von Edward Boehmer, iy. .351. The best edition of the poems of Beau- manoir is that of M. Hermann Suchier (Societe des Anciens Textes Francois), 2 vols. 8vo, 1884- 1885. The Coutumede Clermont en Beauvaisis has been edited by Thaumas de la Thaumassiere (1690) and Count Beugnot (1840).] W. E. K. PHILIP BE VALONIIS (d. 1215), lord of Panmure. [See VALONIIS.] PHILIP, ALEXANDER PHILIP WIL- SON (1770 P-1851 ?), physician and physio- logist, was born in Scotland, his surname being originally Wilson. He studied medi- cine at Edinburgh, and graduated M.D. on 25 June 1792, with an inaugural dissertation ' De Dyspepsia,' and in the same year pub- lished the first of a long series of medical works. Being admitted fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh on 3 Feb. 1795, he practised in that city for a few years, and gave a course of lectures on medi- cine. About 1799 he settled at Winchester, and afterwards removed to Worcester, being elected in 1802 physician to the Worcester General Infirmary. He was successful in practice, but in 1817 resigned his appoint- ment, and removed to London. On 22 Dec. 1820 he was admitted licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, and on 25 June 1834 a fellow. In 1835 he delivered and published the Gulstonian lectures l On the Influence of the Nervous System in Disease.' He was also elected fellow of the Royal Society. Before removing to London he had assumed the additional surname of Philip ; his books appeared up to 1807 under the name of Wil- son, and after that date under that of Wilson Philip, by which he is generally known. Wilson Philip, after carrying on for many years a large and apparently lucrative prac- tice in Cavendish Square, was overtaken by misfortune in his old age. About 1842 or 1843 he suddenly disappeared from London. Dr. Munk states that his investments were injudicious, and the scheme in which he had placed his accumulated fortune failed, so that he had to leave the country to avoid arrest for debt. He went to Boulogne, and is thought to have died there, his name dis- appearing from the list of the College of Physicians in 1851. It is conjectured that these circumstances may have suggested to Thackeray the career of Dr. Firmin in ' The Adventures of Philip.' Wilson Philip deserves to be remembered, not only as a popular physician, but as an assiduous and successful worker in the ad- vancement of medicine by research, even while he was busily engaged in practice. His researches in physiology and pathology had considerable importance in their day. Philip 156 Philip lie was one of the first to employ the micro- scope in the study of inflammation, and his observations attracted much attention, both at home and abroad ; the work in which they were contained (' An Experimental En- quiry') being translated into German and Italian ; and they have been often quoted since. He was also a physiological experi- menter, and the principles which he states to have guided him in the performance of ex- periments on living animals are both rational and humane. His more practical works, especially on indigestion, were widely circu- lated, and translated into several languages. They show large medical experience. The following list gives all the more important of his numerous published works. Most of them are in the library of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society: 1. * Inquiry into the Remote Cause of Urinary Gravel,' Edin- burgh, 1795, 8vo ; in German by Stendal, 1795. 2. i Experimental Essay on the Man- ner in which Opium acts on the Living Ani- mal Body,' Edinburgh, 1795, 8vo. 3. ' Trea- tise on Febrile Diseases,' 4 vols. Winchester, 1799-1804, 8vo ; German translation by Topelmann, Leipzig, 1804-1812 ; French by L6tu, 1819 ; portions of this work were re- published as ' Treatise on Simple and Erup- tive Fevers/ 4th edit. London, 1820, 8vo; and f Treatise on Symptomatic Fevers,' 4th edit. London, 1820. 4. ' Observations on the Use and Abuse of Mercury,' Winchester, 1805, 8vo. 5. ' Analysis of the Malvern Waters,' Worcester, 1805, 8vo. 6. 'Essay on the Nature of Fever,' Worcester, 1807, 8vo. 7. ' Observations on a Species of Pul- monary Consumption,' Worcester, 1817, 8vo. S. ' Experimental Enquiry into the Laws of the Vital Functions, partly reprinted from the " Philosophical Transactions," 1815 and 1817,' London, 1817, 8vo ; 4th edit. 1839 ; in German by Sontheimer, Stuttgart, 1822 ; also in Italian by Tantini, 1823. 9. ' Treatise on Indigestion and its Consequences,' Lon- don, 1821, 8vo ; 6th edit. 1828 ; Appendix, ' On Protracted Cases of Indigestion,' 1827 ; translated into German by Hasper, 1823, and Wolf, 1823; also into Dutch by Hymans, Amsterdam, 1823. 10. 'Treatise on Pro- tracted Indigestion and its Consequences,' London, 1842, 8vo. 11. ' Treatise on Diseases which precede Change of Structure,' London, 1830, 8vo. 12. ' Observations on Malignant Cholera,' London, 1832, 8vo. 13. < Inquiry into the Nature of Sleep and Death,' Lon- don, 1834, 8vo. He also contributed to the 1 Philosophical Transactions ' several papers, among which were those ' On the Nature of the Powers on which the Circulation of the Blood depends,' 1831 j 'Relation between Nervous and Muscular Systems,' 1833 ; ' On' the Nature of Sleep,' 1833; to the 'London Medical Gazette,' where in 1831 he carried on a controversy with Dr. William Prout [q. v.], criticising the latter's Gulstonian lectures ; and to the ' Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal,' ' The Medico-Chirurgical Transactions,' and other periodicals. [Munk'sColl.ofPhys.l878,iii.227; (Upcott's) Diet, of Living Authors, 1816; Callisen's Medi- zinisches Schriftsteller Lexikon, Copenhagen, 1830, &c. vol. xv.; Gurlt und Hirsch's Bio- graphisches Lexikon der Aerzte, iv. 556.] J. F. P. PHILIP^JOHN (ft. 1566), author, pro- duced in 1566 three black-letter tracts, chiefly in doggerel verse, describing the curious trial at Chelmsford of three witches, Elizabeth Frauncis, Agnes Waterhouse, and the latter's daughter Joan, a girl of eighteen. Mrs. Waterhouse was burnt to death on 29 July 1566. The colophon of each of Philip's tracts, which appeared in London, gives the name of the printer as William Powell, that of the publisher as William Pickeringe, and the date of issue as 13 Aug. 1566. The first tract bears the title ' The Examination and Confession [before Dr. Cole and Master Fortescue] of certaine Wytches at Chemsforde in the Countie of Essex' (26 July 1566), with woodcuts of Sathan, a white-spotted cat given to Elizabeth Frauncis by her grand- mother, her instructress in witchcraft ; of a toad, into which the cat was afterwards metamorphosed, and of a dog with horns, who was the familiar of Joan Waterhouse (Lambeth and Bridgewater House). A new edition was entered to Thomas Lawe, 15 July 1589. Philip's second tract is called 'The Second Examination and Confession of Mother Agnes Waterhouse and Jone her Daughter, upon her arainement, with the Questions and Answers of Agnes Browne, the Child on whom the Spirit haunteth at this present, deliberately declared before Justice Southcote and Master Gerard, the Queens Atturney, 26 July 1566 ' (Lambeth). The third tract is entitled ' The End and last Confession of Mother Waterhouse at her Death, 29 July 1566 ' (Lambeth). [Philip's Tracts; Collier s Bibliographical Cat.] S. L. PHILIP, JOHN (1775-1851), South African missionary, was the son of a school- master of Kirkcaldy, Fife, where he was born on 14 April 1775. At an early age he was apprenticed to a linen manufacturer in Leven. For three years, from 1794, he filled a clerk- ship in Dundee. Acquiring some repute as Philip 157 Philip a speaker, he decided to enter the congrega- tional ministry, and was admitted to Hoxton Theological College, where he studied for three years. After assisting the Rev. Mr. Winter at Newbury, Berkshire, he was appointed in 1804 to the first Scottish congregational chapel in Great George Street, Aberdeen. He remained there until 1818, when, at the invitation of the London Missionary Society, in whose work he had already taken an active interest, he joined John Campbell in con- ducting an inquiry into the state of the South African missions. The deputation landed at Cape Town on 26 Feb. 1819, and found the mission stations much neglected and colonial opinion strongly opposed to the gentle methods favoured by the missionaries in dealing with the natives. Philip asserted that the native races were oppressed by the settlers, and in 1820 set forth a policy of con- ciliation in a memorial to Acting-governor Donkin on behalf of the Griquas ; while Campbell and he furnished to the society in 1822 a report which painted the situation in the darkest colours. The directors of the Lon- don Missionary Society resolved to establish a central mission-house at Cape Town, and appointed Philip the first superintendent of their South African stations. At the same time he undertook the pastorate of the new Union chapel at Cape Town, which was opened in December 1822. For the rest of his working life he made this a centre of agitation on behalf of the native races, tra- velling a great deal through the borders of the colony to inspect the mission- stations and to collect evidence in support of his theories. He supplied the commissioners, who visited the Cape in 1823, with statistics of bar- barities alleged to have been committed by the settlers ; issued in 1 824 'Distressed Settlers in Cape Town ; ' and in 1826 visited England to excite English philanthropic opinion in behalf of the Hottentots and Kaffirs. During his stay he wrote and published (April 1828) his well-known' Researches in South Africa,' a diffuse account of the Cape mission, con- taining a bitter attack upon the colonial government. The House of Commons, on the motion of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton [q. v.], supported by Sir George Murray, colonial secretary, resolved, on 19 July 1828, that the Cape government be instructed to carry out Philip's recommendations. Armed with this official sanction of his policy, he returned to Africa in October 1829 to find his un- popularity increased. William Mackay, land- drost of Somerset, one of the incriminated officials, sued Philip for libel. The trial, which caused immense excitement through- out the colony, ended, on 16 July 1830, in a unanimous verdict for Mackay. Philip's supporters at home raised a large fund to indemnify him against costs, amounting to 1,1 OO/. ; but colonial opinion supported the verdict. With the advent of a whig government at home in 1831, Philip's friends were able to control the policy of the colonial office. The new governor, Sir Benjamin D'Urban, who assumed office in January 1834, sympathised with Philip's aims. But a Kaffir war fol- lowed in December of the same year, and on its termination a British protectorate was extended over the Transkei. Philip, sup- ported by a very few followers, denounced this settlement, although even the missionaries stationed among the Kaffirs approved of it. Failing to retain the sympathies of the governor, Philip left for England on 28 Feb. 1836, with the Messrs. Read, Jan Tshatshu (a Kaffir), and Andries Stoffle (a Hottentot), in whose company he made several lecturing tours in Great Britain, to rouse public opinion against the Cape government. All three ap- peared in the same year before a parlia- mentary committee of inquiry, presided over by Fowell Buxton, and Philip himself was mainly responsible, with the chairman, for the voluminous report issued in 1837 by the committee, who adopted his views against a preponderating weight of evidence. Earl Glenelg, colonial secretary, dismissed Go- vernor D'Urban, who was replaced by Major- general Napier in January 1838, and Philip returned a month later to act as unofficial adviser to the new governor in all questions relating to the treatment of the natives. He advocated the establishment of a belt of native states to the north and east of the colony, and he undertook prolonged tours in 1839 and 1842 to promote this object. But fresh troubles soon occurred on the borders, and the Kaffir war of 1846 finally proved the futility of his schemes. Even Mr. Fair- bairn, editor of the ' Commercial Advertiser/ who had supported his policy from the first, now declared for war. Jan Tshatshu, once the companion of his English tour, had joined the invading Kaffir bands. From this time Philip took little part in public affairs. His eldest son, William, a missionary of some promise, had been accidentally drowned in the Gamtoos river, near Hankey, on 1 July 1845, and this loss greatly affected his health. In 1847 his wife died (23 Oct.) The outbreak of hostilities in the Orange River territory in 1848 completely destroyed his hopes of maintaining independent native states against colonial aggression, and in 1849 he severed his connection with politics. Philip 158 Philip He resigned his post at Cape Town, and re- tired to Hankey, where he died on 27 Aug. 1851. Philip was a man of good physique and of much energy. A powerful and convincing speaker, he was well fitted to champion his cause in England, although in the colony he never led more than a very small minority. His friends were constrained to admit that he was somewhat arbitrary and self-willed (WARDLA.W, p. 31 ; Missionary Magazine, 1851, pp. 186-7). He did much useful work in promoting the interests of education, both among the colonists and the natives; although his more ambitious plans failed, he was the most prominent politician in Cape Colony for thirty years. He was survived by a son, the Rev. Tho- mas Durant Philip, 'also a missionary at Hankey, and two daughters. [Theal's History of South Africa, vols. iii. iv. ; Ealph Wardlaw's Funeral Sermon with Appen- dix, 8vo, 1852; Eobert Philip's The Elijah of South Africa, or the Character of the late John Philip, 8vo, London, 1851 ; Missionary Maga- zine for 1836 to 1851 ; Missionary Register for 1819, &c.] E. G. H. PHILIP, JOHN BIRNIE (1824-1875), sculptor, son of William and Elizabeth Philip, was born in London on 23 Nov. 1824. His family was originally Scottish, but had been long settled in England. At the age of seventeen he entered the newly established government school of design at Somerset House, where he studied under John Rogers Herbert, R.A. [q. v.], and when the latter resigned his mastership and opened a school in Maddox Street, Philip was one of the pu- pils who seceded with him. His earliest work was done in the houses of parliament, then in course of erection, and this brought him into contact with Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin [q. v.], by whom he was much in- fluenced. Philip first appeared at the Royal Academy in 1858, sending an alto-relievo of Michael and Satan for the tympanum of the porch of St. Michael's Church, Cornhill, and a bust of Dean Lyall, and during the next five years exhibited recumbent effigies of Queen Catherine Parr (for her tomb at Sude- deley Castle), Canon Mill (for Ely Cathedral), and the Countess of Pembroke and Lord Her- bert of Lea (for Wilton Church) . Among his other public commissions were the reredos of Ely Cathedral (1857), the monument to Sir Charles Hotham at Melbourne (1858), the reredos of St. George's Chapel, Windsor (1803), the monument to the officers of the Europa in York Minster (1868), a bust of Richard Cobden for the Halifax Chamber of Commerce (1867), statues of Lord Elgin and Colonel Baird for Calcutta, eight statues of kings and queens for the Royal Gallery in the Palace of Westminster, the, statues on the front of the Royal Academy, Burlington House, and (in conjunction with Mr. H. H. Armstead) the whole of those on the facade of the new foreign office. In 1864, when Sir Gilbert Scott's design for a national me- morial to the Prince Consort in Hyde Park had been accepted, Philip was one of the sculptors who were engaged to carry it out, and to this his time was almost exclusively devoted for eight years. To him and Mr. Armstead was entrusted the execution in marble of the friezes on the podium, Philip undertaking those on the north and west sides, which were to represent the great sculptors and architects of the world ; this work, which he completed in 1872, and by which he is best known, was received with well-deserved admiration, the figures, eighty- seven in number, being most picturesquely and harmoniously grouped and carved in high relief with great skill. Philip also modelled for the canopy of the memorial four bronze statues of Geometry, Geology, Physiology, and Philosophy, and the eight angels clustered at the base of the cross on the summit. Philip did much decorative work in other directions, such as the capitals of the columns on Black- friars Bridge and some of the ornaments on the new general post office. In 1873 he sent to the academy a classical subject, 1 Narcissus,' and in 1874 a figure of a waiting angel and a marble panel entitled l Suffer little children to come unto Me ; ' his last work was the statue of Colonel Akroyd, M.P., erected at Halifax. During the early part of his career Philip occupied a studio in Hans Place, but later he removed to Merton Villa, King's Road, Chelsea ; there he died of bronchitis, after two days' illness, on 2 March 1875, and was buried in the Brompton cemetery. Philip married, in 1 854, Frances Black (who is still living), and left issue. [Redgrave's Diet, of Artists; Art Journal, 1875, p. 144; Dafforne's Albert Memorial, its History and Description, 1877 ; Royal Academy Catalogues ; private information.] F. M. O'D. PHILIP, ROBERT (1791-1858), divine, born at Huntly in Aberdeenshire in 1791, was the eldest son of an elder in the church of George Cowie, the founder of indepen- dency in the north of Scotland. His father's death in 1806 was followed by his departure for Aberdeen, where he obtained a situation as clerk in the Grandholm works. He de- veloped the tastes and aptitudes of a genuine student, and at the age of nineteen was Philip 159 Philipot admitted to Hoxton academy. Four years later, in 1815, he commenced work as minis- ! ter at Liverpool and devoted much atten- tion to the welfare of seamen, for whose benefit he published a small volume of ser- mons entitled 'Bethel Flag.' On 1 Jan. 1826 he came to London to take charge of Maberly Chapel, Kingsland, and henceforth devoted himself with assiduity to the pro- duction of a series of religious manuals, which had a very great vogue in their day both in England and America. He became known also as a powerful advocate of the claims of the London Missionary Society, whose operations he sought to extend, es- pecially in China ; and he was a convinced opponent of the opium traffic. In 1852 the honorary degree of D.D. was conferred upon him by Dartmouth College, U.S.A. He re- signed the Maberly Chapel, owing to failing health, in 1855, and died at his residence on Newington Green on 1 May 1858. Philip married, in 1818, Hannah Lassell, the sister of William Lassell [q. v.], and left issue. Of Philip's numerous works, most interest attaches to his ' Life and Times of the Rev. George Whitefield,' London, 8vo, 1837, and his ' Life, Times, and Characteristics of John Bunyan,' 1839, 8vo. The former was ad- versely criticised by Sir James Stephen in the i Edinburgh Review,' Ixvii. 506. Both are largely composed of extracts and are of small biographical value, but both are somewhat remarkable on account of the vigour and originality of their style and the strength of their evangelical tone. His other works include : 1. ' Christian Experience : Guide to the Perplexed/ 1828, 12mo ; 10th edit. 1847, 18mo. 2. ' Redemption, or the New Song in Heaven,' 1834 and 1838, 18mo. 3. ' The God of Glory : Guide to the Doubt- ing,' 5th edit. 1838, 18mo. 4. 'Eternity Realized : Guide to the Thoughtful,' 5th edit. 1839, 18mo. 5. 'On Pleasing God: Guide to the Conscientious,' 3rd edit. 1837, ISmo. 6. ' Communion with God : Guide to the Devotional,' 7th edit. 1847, 18mo. These six works were republished with an introductory essay by Albert Barnes in New- York in 2 vols. 12mo, and again in 1867, in 1 vol. 8vo, under the title of ' Devotional Guides.' Two other volumes — 'Manly Piety in its Principles' (2nd edit. 1837, 18mo) and ' Manly Piety in its Realisations ' (2nd edit. 1837, 18mo) — were republished in New York in one volume, 1838, as ' The Young Man's Closet Library.' The four works — ' The Marys, or Beauty of Female Holiness ' (3rd edit. 1840, 18mo), 'The Marthas, or Varieties of Female Piety' (3rd edit. 1840, 18mo), 'The Lydias, or Developments of Female Character ' (3rd edit. 1841, 18ino), 'The Hannahs, or Maternal Influence on Sons' (3rd edit. 1841, 12mo)— were similarly published collectively as 'The Young Ladies' Closet Library,' and passed through nume- rous editions. Philip also published an ' In- troductory Essay to the Practical Works of the Rev. R. Baxter,' 4 vols. 1838 and 1847; ' The Life and Opinions of the Rev. William Milne,' 1839 and 1840, 8vo ; ' The Life and Times of the Rev. John Campbell,' 1841, 8vo ; and a record of the life of his intimate friend, John Philip [q. v.], the African mis- sionary, under the title ' The Elijah of South Africa,' 1852, 8vo. Philip also published various sermons, and pamphlets upon China and the opium question. [Congregational Year Book, 1859, p. 213; McClintock and Strong's Cyclopsedia of Biblical Literature ; Southey's Life and Correspondence, v. 233; Allibone's Diet, of English Literature; Philip's Devotional Guides, ed. Barnes, 1867; Brit. Mus. Cat. ; private information.] T. S. PHILIPOT. [See also PHILPOT.] PHILIPOT, PHELIPOT, or PHIL- POT, SIR JOHN (d. 1384), mayor of Lon- don, was no doubt a native of Kent, but the statement of Heath (Grocers1 Company, p. 182) that he was born at Upton Court in the parish of Sibertswold or Shebbertswell, near Dover, cannot be correct, though the estate was held by his descendants (HASTED, ix. 377). He bore the same arms — sable, a bend ermine — as the Philipots of Philpotts, near Tunbridge (ib. v. 224 ; STOW, Survey of Lon- don, bk. v. p. 114). His first wife brought him the manor of the Grench (or Grange) at Gillingham, near Chatham. Philipot became a member of the Grocers' Company of London (founded in 1345 by the amalgamation of the pepperers and spicerers), one of whose earliest members was a Phely- pot Farnham, and he soon accumulated con- siderable wealth (HEATH, pp. 47, 56). Ed- ward III gave him the wardship of the heir of Sir Robert de Ogle [q. v.] in 1362, appointed him in the following year a receiver of for- feitures on merchandise at Calais, and in 1364 licensed him to export thither wheat and other victuals (DUGDALE, Baronage, ii. 262 ; Fcedera, iii. 693, 741, Rec. ed.) Phili- pot lent the king money and acted as his pay- master (Brantingham's Issue Roll, p. 145; DEVON, Issues, p. 195). He sat for London in the parliament of February 1371, in which the clerical ministers were removed, and in the great council summoned in June to remedy the miscalculations of their succes- sors (Returns of Members, i. 185-6). In the crisis' after the Good parliament, Philipot Philipot 160 Philipot with Nicholas Brembre [q. v.], a fellow- grocer, and also connected with Kent, and William Walworth [q. v.], headed the op- position of the ruling party in London to John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster, who found support among the lesser traders then en- gaged, under the leadership of John de Northampton [q. v.], in attacking the mono- poly of municipal power enjoyed by the great companies. On the collapse of the Good parliament the Duke of Lancaster proposed in the par- liamentwhich he packed in January 1377 to replace the mayor by a captain, and give the marshal of England power of arrest within the city (19 Feb.) Philipot is said to have risen and declared that the city would never submit to such an infraction of its liberties ; but this must be a mistake, as he did not sit in this parliament (Chronicon Anglice, p. 120; Returns of Members, i. 196). The proposal, coupled with the insult inflicted on the bishop of London (William Courtenay) by Lan- caster and the marshal (Henry Percy, first earl of Northumberland [q. v.]) at the trial of Wiclif a few hours later, provoked the riot of the following day, when Lancaster and Percy had to fly for their lives. Lan- caster failed to prevent the deputation of the citizens, headed by Philipot, from ob- taining an interview with the old king, who heard their explanations and gave them a gracious answer. But the duke was impla- cable, and the city officers sought to appease him by a somewhat humiliating repara- tion. The citizens as a body, however, would have nothing to do with it, and though the king, at Lancaster's instigation, turned out the mayor (Staple), they at once (21 March) chose Brembre in his stead ( Collections of a London Citizen, p. 254 ; Chron. Angl. pp. 127, 133 ; Fcedera, iii. 1076). As soon as the king's death, on 21 June 1377, became known in the city, an influen- tial deputation was sent to the young prince Richard II and his mother, and Philipot, act- ing as spokesman, assured him of the loyalty of the city, and begged him to reconcile them with the Duke of Lancaster ( Chron. Angl. p." 147). The triumph of the principles of the Good parliament in the first parlia- ment of the new reign (October 1377) was marked by the appointment of Philipot and Walworth, at the request of the commons, to be treasurers of the moneys granted for the war with France (Rot. Parl. iii. 7, 34). They and other London merchants lent the king 10,000/. on the security of three crowns and other royal jewels (Fcedera, iv. 31-2). The capture of the Isle of Wight and burning of Hastings by the French, and the seizure by a Scot, the son of one John Mercer, with a squadron of Scottish, French, and Spanish ships, of a number of English merchant ves- sels at Scarborough, meanwhile threw the country into a state of great alarm, which was aggravated by vehement suspicions of the loyalty of John of Gaunt to his young nephew. Philipot rapidly fitted out a small squadron and a thousand armed men, at his own expense, pursued Mercer, and wrested from him his prizes, and fifteen Spanish vessels as well (Chron. Angl. p. 199). His patriotism and success roused those who re- sented the national humiliation to great enthusiasm, and were boldly contrasted with the inactivity, if not treachery, of the duke and the magnates. He thereby incurred the ill-will of the nobles, who sneered at Richard as t king of London,' and declared that Phili- pot had no right to act as he had done on his own responsibility. But he roundly told the Earl of Stafford, who complained to him of his action, that if the nobles had not left the country exposed to invasion he would never have interfered (ib. p. 200). At the height of his popularity he was chosen mayor for 1 378-9, and filled the office with his usual activity and generosity. He had the city ditch cleaned out, levying a rate of fivepence per household for the purpose, and enforced order and justice so admirably that his measures were taken as a precedent nearly forty years later (Sxow, Survey of London, bk. i. p. 12 ; Liber Albus, i. 522). Lord Beauchamp of Bletsho in December 1379 appointed Philipot one of his executors, bequeathing him l my great cup gilt which the King of Navarre gave me' (Testamenta Vetusta, p. 104). In the year after his mayoralty he earned the effusive gratitude of the city by defraying the cost of one of two stone towers, sixty feet high, built below London Bridge, between which a chain was suspended across the river to assure the safety of the city and shipping against possible French attacks (RiLEY, Memorials, p. 444). He was a member of the commission ap- pointed in March of that year, at the request of the commons, to inquire how far the heavy taxation could be lightened by greater eco- nomy in administration (Rot. Parl. iii. 373). He may have sat in this parliament, but the London writs are wanting. In the summer he provided ships for the Earl of Bucking- ham's expedition to Brittany ; and when the delay in starting forced many to pledge their armour, Philipot, as the St. Albans chronicler heard from his own lips, redeemed no fewer than a thousand jacks (Chron. AngL^. 266). It was to him that the intercepted corre- Philipot 161- Philipot spondence of Sir Ralph Ferrers with the French was brought, and Ferrers being with John of Gaunt in the north, Philipot journeyed thither and saw him safely in- terneddn Durham Castle (ib. p. 278). At the crisis of the peasants' revolt, in June 1381, Philipot came with the mayor to the young king's assistance, and Wai worth having slain Tyler in Smithfield, he and four other aldermen were knighted with Wai worth on the spot (RILBY, p. 451 ; FABYAN, p. 531). He was granted an augmentation of his coat- armour ; and it may have been now that Richard gave him an estate of 40/. a year (HEATH, p. 184 ; HASTED, iv. 237). In No- vember he again represented London in par- liament (Returns of 'Members^. 208). Filling the same position in the May parliament of the next year, Philipot was put on a com- mittee of merchants to consider the proposed loan for the king's expedition to France, and was appointed a 'receiver and guardian' of the tonnage and poundage appropriated to the keeping of the sea (Rot. Parl. iii. 123-4). But John of Northampton, who was now mayor and busy depressing the influence of the greater companies, had him deposed from his office of alderman (WALSINGHAM, ii. 71). In the spring and summer of 1383 Philipot carried out the transport arrangements for Bishop Spencer and his crusaders, and sat for London in the October parliament (ib. pp. 88, 95: DEVON, p. 222: Returns of Members. L 218). He died in the summer of 1384, 'not leaving his like behind in zeal for the king and the realm,' and was buried with his second (?) wife before the entrance into the choir of the Greyfriars Church (now Christ Church), London (Chron. Angl. p. 359; HASTED, iv. 239). He left his manor at Gillingham to his second son, whose son John exchanged it, in 1433, for Twyford, Middlesex, with Richard, son of Adam Bamme, mayor of London in 1391 and 1397 (ib^) A chapel which Philipot built there was used as a barn in Hasted's time, and is figured in the ' Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica ' (No. vi. pt. i.) His house in London was in Langbourne Ward, on the site of the present Philpot Lane, which was named after him (HEATH, p. 184). He be- queathed lands to the city of London for the relief of thirteen poor people for ever (STOW, bk. i. p. 261). Philipot was at least twice married — to Marjery Croydon, daughter of Richard Croy- don, alderman of London, who brought him the manor at Gillingham ; and to Jane Stamford (HASTED, iv. 236, 239). Hasted mentions two sons. A daughter, Margaret VOL. XLV. Philpot, married, first, T. Santlor, and, se- condly, John Neyland, and dying after 1399, was buried in the church of the Greyfriars (STOW, Survey, bk. iii. p. 133 ; Liber Albus, i. 682). Descendants of his dwelt at Upton Court, Sibertswold, near Dover, until the reign of Henry VII. [Rotuli Parliamentorum ; Rymer's Fcedera, Record ed. ; Returns of Members of Parliament, 1878 (Blue Book); Kalendars and Inventories of the Exchequer, Issue Roll of Brantingham, and Devon's Issues published by the Record Commission ; Chronicon Anglise, 1328-88 ; Wal- singham's Historia Anglicanaand the Liber Albus in Rolls Ser. ; Collections of a London Citizen (Camden Soc.); Stow's Survey of London, ed. Strype, 1720 ; Heath's Grocers' Company, 1829; Herbert's Livery Companies; Riley's Memorials of London ; Hasted's History of Kent, 8th ed. 1797 ; Sir Harris Nicolas's TestamentaVetusta.] J. T-T. PHILIPOT, JOHN (1589 ?-l 645), So- merset herald, son of Henry Philpot and his wife, daughter and coheiress of David Leigh, servant to the archbishop of Canterbury, was born at Folkestone, Kent, between 1587 and 1592. His father, who possessed con- siderable property in Folkestone, and who had been mayor of the town, was lessee of the rectorial tithes, and was buried in the parish church in 1603. From his will, dated in 1602, it appears that his son was then a boy at school. The family name was Philpot, but John insisted upon inserting an ' i ' be- tween the two syllables. At the end of 1612 he married Susan, only daughter and heir of William Glover, one of the gentlemen ushers' daily waiters in the court of James I. Her father's brother was Robert Glover (1544- 1588) [q. v.], Somerset herald, to whom no doubt Philipot owed his introduction to the College of Arms. He was appointed a pur- suivant-of-arms extraordinary, with the title of Blanch Lion, in October 1618, and on 19 Nov. he was created Rouge Dragon pursuivant -in-ordinary. By his office he was brought into close connection with Wil- liam Camden, for whom he entertained pro- found respect. Camden frequently nominated him as his deputy, or marshal, in his visita- tions; and Sir Richard St. George, when Clarenceux, and Sir John Burroughs, when Norroy, employed him in the same capacity. He visited Kent in 1619, Hampshire in 1622, Berkshire and Gloucestershire in 1623, Sus- sex in 1633, and Buckinghamshire, Oxford- shire, and Rutland in 1634. In 1622 Ralph Brooke, York herald, brought an action against Philipot in the court of common pleas for his share of the fees given to the heralds and pursuivants on Philipot 162 Philipot two great occasions of state ceremonial ( Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1619-23, p. 399). What the result was is not stated. On 10 July 1623 Philipot was appointed by the king to the office of bailiff of Sandwich, and he also held the position of lieutenant or chief gun- ner in the fort of Tilbury, with the fee of one shilling a day. On 8 July 1624 he was created Somerset herald at Arundel House in the Strand in succession to Robert Ores- well, who had been compelled by embarrassed circumstances to sell his office (NOBLE, Col- lege of Arms, p. 211). On 30 Jan. 1627-8 John Jacob of Faversham, sergeant of the admiralty of the Cinque ports, complained to Sir Edward Nicholas [q. v.], secretary of state, that ' in the port of Faversham John Philpot, a herald, keeps an admiralty court, whereby he dispossesses the duke (the lord warden) of the wrecked goods which the fishermen bring in.' There exist letters and warrants addressed in 1630 and 1631 by 'and to Philipot as steward of the royal manors of Gillingham and Grain. In 1633 he was sent abroad to knight William Bosvile, and some reminiscences of this, or of a subse- quent visit to France, occur at the end of his church notes in the British Museum (Harleian MS. 3917). Two years later he was again despatched to the continent to invest with the order of the Garter Charles Ludovic, count palatine of the Ehine and duke of Bavaria, who was then with the army in Brabant. He was one of those heralds who, on the outbreak of the civil war, adhered to the cause of the king, and he accompanied Charles to Oxford. There he was created D.C.L. 18 July 1643 (WooD, Fasti Oxon. ed. Bliss, ii. 62). Shortly afterwards he attended Charles I at the siege of Gloucester, and was the bearer of the king's summons to the citizens to surrender that city on 10 Aug. 1643 (WASH- BOURNE, BibL Glocestrensis, introd.) The scene has been admirably painted by R. Dowling. After his return to Oxford he took up his quarters at Chawley in the parish of Cum- nor, some two miles from the city. Being captured there by some parliamentary sol- diers of the garrison of Abingdon, he was sent a prisoner to London in or about 1644, but he was soon set at liberty. It was the king's intention to reward his loyalty by giving him the post of Norroy king-of-arms, but he died prematurely, in great obscurity, in London, and was buried on 25 Nov. 1645 within the precincts of the church of St. Benet, St. Paul's Wharf. His wife survived till 1664, and lies buried, together with her eldest daughter Susan, in Eltham church. His principal work is: 1. l Villare Can- tianum ; or, Kent surveyed and illustrated. Being an exact description of all the Parishes, Burroughs, Villages, and other respective Manners included in the County of Kent/ London, 1659 and 1664, fol. ; 2nd edit, cor- rected, London, 1776, fol. This work was published by and under the name of Thomas Philipot [q. v.], the author's son, who thus- endeavoured dishonestly to palm it off as his own. At the end of the book is ' An His- torical Catalogue of the High-Sheriffs of Kent.' Of Philipot's ' Visitations ' there have been published that of Kent, taken in 1619, and edited by J. J. Howard, London, 1863, 8vo- (reprinted from the ' Archaeologia Cantiana/ vol. iv.) ; of Gloucestershire (by the Harleian Society, 1885) ; and of Oxfordshire, 1634, of which a manuscript copy is in the Har- leian collection, No. 1480 (Harleian Society, 1871). There remain in manuscript visita- tions of Berkshire, 1623 (Harleian MS. 1532) ; of Sussex, 1633 (Harleian MSS. 1135 and 1406), and of Buckinghamshire, 1634 (Harleian MS. 1193). Philipot's other publications were : 1. 'List of the Constables of Dover Castle and War- dens of the Cinque Ports,' 1627 (dedicated to George, duke of Buckingham). 2. 'The Catalogue of the Chancellors of England, the Lord Keepers of the Great Seale ; and the Lord Treasurers of England. With a col- lection of divers that have beene Masters of the Holies/ 2 pts. London, 1636, 4to, dedi- cated to the Earl of Arundel (compiled from the manuscripts of Robert Glover, Somerset herald). 3. ' A perfect collection, or Cata- logue of all Knights Bachelaurs made by King James since his comming to the Crown of England, faithfully extracted out of the Records,' London, 1660, 8vo. Among Philipot's unpublished works are : 'List of the Sheriffs of Lincolnshire,' 1636? (Addit. MS. 6118, p. 407) ; 'Collections for a History of Kent' (Lansdowne MSS. 267, 268, 269, 276); /A Collection of Monu- ments and Arms in Churches of Kent, with a few pedigrees inserted' (Harleian MS. 3917). Philipot also edited the fifth edition of Camden's ' Remaines ' in 1636, and prefixed English verses to Augustine Vincent's ' Dis- covery of Errors,' 1622. To him is wrongly attributed the anonymous book by Edmund Bolton [q. v.], entitled 'The Cities Advo- cate, in this case or question of Honour and Arms, whether Apprenticeship extinguished! Gentry/ London, 1629; reprinted with an altered title-page in 1674 (cf. BRTDGES, Gen- sura Lit. 1805, i. 267 ; Addit. MS. 24488, f. 119). Philipot 163 Philipot [Memoir appended to Eev. W. A. Scott Robert- son's Mediaeval Folkestone, 1876 ; Addit. MS. 24490, f. 230 b; Beloe's Anecdotes, vi. 317-23; Brydges's Restituta, i. 467 ; Camdeni Epi- stolse, p. 352 ; Dallaway's Science of Heraldry ; Foster's Alumni Oxon. early ser. iii. 1160; Gent. Mag. 1778, p. 590 ; (rough's British Topography ; Hasted's Kent, vol. i. pp. iv, 63, 103, new edit. i. 20, 79»., 197 w., 198 »., 203 and n., 210, 215, 257, 283 ; Hearne's Curious Discourses, ii. 446 ; Hearne's Remarks and Collections (Doble), ii. 154; Hist. MSS.Comm. llth Rep. pt. vii.p. 225; Kennett's Life of Somner, p. 37 ; Lowndes's Bibl. Man. (Bonn), p. 1850 ; Moule's Bibl. Heraldica, pp. 119, 157, 193; Nichols's Lit. Anecd. viii. 716 ; Noble's College of Arms, pp. 212, 218, 220, 245 ; Notes and Queries, 3rd ser. xii. 390, 486, 4th ser. i. 31, 352, 426; Cal. State Papers ; Upcott's English Topography, i. 352, 353.1 T. C. PHILIPOT, THOMAS (d. 1682), poet and miscellaneous writer, son of John Phili- pot [q. v.], Somerset herald, by Susan, his wife, only daughter and heir of William Glover, was admitted a fellow-commoner of Clare Hall, Cambridge, on 10 Feb. 1632- 1633, and matriculated on 29 March 1633. He graduated M.A. regiis literis on 4 Feb. 1635-6, and was incorporated in that degree at Oxford in July 1640. Wood says ' he was, by those that well knew him, esteemed a tolerable poet when young, and at riper years well versed in matters of divinity, history, and antiquities' (Fasti Oxon. ed. Bliss, i. 518). He was buried at Greenwich on 30 Sept. 1682 (HASTED, Kent. 1886, i. 118). By his will, dated 11 Sept. 1680, after de- vising certain premises to Clare Hall, Cam- bridge, for establishing two Kentish fellow- ships, he left his houses in the town of Eltham and a field (sold in 1866 to the commissioners of woods and forests for 650/.) to the Clothworkers' Company to esta- blish six almshouses for four people from Eltham and two from Chislehurst, allowing them 51. each a year. Philipot published as his own in 1659 his father's ' Villare Can- tianum.' His genuine works are : 1 . ' Elegies offer'd up to the Memory of William Glover, Esquire, late of Shalston in Buckinghamshire,' Lon- don, 1641, 4to. 2. ' A congratulatory Elegie offered up to the Earle of Essex, upon his in- vestiture with the dignitie of Lord Chamber- lame/ London, 1641, 4to. 3. ' Poems,' Lon- don, 1646, 8vo; dedicated to the Earl of Westmorland. In one copy the date is cor- rected in manuscript to 3Feb.l645(BRYDGES, Restituta, i. 232). 4. f St. Thomas the archbishop, she proceeded to London, where she was received with re- joicing, and was presented with gifts of the value of three hundred marks. Leaving London on the 27th, she spent 1 Jan. 1328 at the abbey of Peterborough, and went on to York, where she was married to the king on the 30th (Annales Paulini, ap. Chronicles Edward II, i. 339). Her Flemish atten- dants then for the most part returned home, though a young esquire, Walter Manny [q. v.], remained with her to wait upon her (JEHAN LE BEL, u.s.) On 15 May the king pledged himself to assign her the dower in lands and rents promised on his behalf by the bishop of Lichfield (Fcedera, ii. 743). At the time of her marriage Philippa was in her fourteenth year (FEOISSAET, i. 285). Her marriage was of political importance. Queen Isabella had already used Philippa's marriage portion in hiring troops that helped her to depose her husband and set her son on the throne ; Isabella landed in England with a large body of Hainaulters under Philippa's uncle, Sir John of Hainault. In the war with Scotland in 1327 Sir John and his Hainaulters took a prominent part. It was, however, when Edward was entering on his long war with France that his mar- riage was specially important to him, for it gave him a claim on the alliance of his queen's father and brother, her brothers-in- law the Emperor Lewis of Bavaria and Wil- liam, marquis of Juliers, and other princes and lords, and her abiding affection for her own people helped forward his plans. With Philippa's marriage with Edward must pro- bably be connected his efforts to persuade Flemish weavers to settle in England and pursue and teach their trade there (CUNNING- HAM, English Industry and Commerce, i. 9, 282). Many of these alien workmen appear to have settled in Norwich, and it is probable that the queen took a personal interest in their welfare, for she visited the city several times, in 1340, 1342, and 1344 (BLOMEFIELD, Norfolk, i. 83-8). On Edward's return from France in Jane 1329 he hastened to rejoin his wife at Windsor [see under EDWAED III]. She was crowned at Westminster on 1 March 1330,^ and on 15 June, at Woodstock, bore her first child, Edward [q. v.], called the Black Prince. Her nurse was Katherine, daughter of Sir Adam Banaster of Shevington, Lan- cashire, and wife of Sir John Haryngton of Farleton in that county (BELTZ, Order of the Garter, p. 244). In* September 1331 she had a narrow escape at a tournament in Cheapside, for the stand from which she and her ladies were watching the proceedings broke down, and they were all thrown to the ground. Neither she nor her attendants were injured, though many others were badly hurt. The carpenters would have suffered for their negligence had she not interceded . For '4 March, 1330', read '18 February, 1330 (Annales Paulini, p. 349; Historia Roffensis in Anglia Saera, Philippa '65 Philippa for them on her knees with the king and his friends. Her pitifulness on this occasion excited general love for her (GEOFFREY LE BAKER, p. 48 ; Annales Paulini, p. 355 ; MURIMTJTH, p. 63). After spending Christ- mas 1333 with the king at Wallingford, she parted from him when the festival was over, and went to Woodstock, where she bore a daughter, Isabella. While she was there, in February 1334, a letter was addressed to her by the chancellor and masters of the university of Oxford, praying her to write to the pope on their behalf against the at- tempt to set up a university at Stamford to which many of the Oxford students had seceded (Collectanea, i. 8, Oxf. Hist. Soc.) She was at Bamborough apparently in the winter of 1335, when the king was at war with Scotland. The Scots, under the Earl of Moray, made an attempt on the town, were met and defeated before they reached it, and the earl was brought to the queen as a prisoner (KNIGHTON, col. 2567). She is said to have taken part in a chivalrous ceremony called the 'vow of the heron '.in 1338 (Political Poems, i. 23), and, being about to cross over to Flanders with the king, received from him 564/. 3s. 4d. for horses, dress, and jewels (Fcedera, ii. 1059). She landed at Antwerp with Edward in July, accompanied him on his journey to Coblentz as far as Herenthals, and returned to Antwerp, where, on 29 Nov., she bore her son Lionel (afterwards Duke of Cla- rence) [q. v.] In 1339 the king's need of money forced him to pledge her crown, which was not redeemed until 1342 (ib. p. 1210). She stayed at Antwerp, Louvain, Brussels, and Ghent, where she was left at St. Peter's Abbey by the king in February 1340, when he proceeded to Antwerp and thence to England. During his absence in March she bore her son John of Gaunt [q.v.]> and was constantly visited by Jacob van Artevelde and the ladies of the city. Having been rejoined by the king, she accompanied him to England in November. In 1342 she received a visit from her brother William, count of Hainault, and a tournament was held in his honour at Eltham, at which he was hurt in the arm. She was also present at a great tournament held that year at Northampton, where many were seriously hurt (MuRiMUTH, p. 124 ; NICOLAS, Orders of Knighthood, i. Introd. p. Ixxx). On 20 Nov. the king gave her the custody of the earldom of Richmond granted to her son John of Gaunt, together with full powers as guardian of him and her other younger children and of their lands (Fcedera, ii. 1214-15). She was staying in the Tower of London when the king returned from Brittany in March 1343, and, having been joined by him there, spent Easter with him at Havering atte Bower in Essex. When Edward held his festival of the ' Round Table ' at Windsor in January 1344, at which there was jousting for three days and much magnificence, Philippa took part in the rejoicings, splendidly apparelled, and at- tended by a large number of ladies (MuRi- MUTH, p. 155 ; FROISSART, iii. 41, 258). She made some vow of pilgrimages to places over sea, and in 1344 appointed a proxy to per- form it for her (Fcedera, iii. 18). On the j death of her brother Count William in 1345, her inheritance in Zealand was claimed by I the king on her behalf (ib. pp. 61, 65, 80). During Edward's absence on the campaign i of Crecy, David, king of Scotland, was de- i feated and taken prisoner at the battle of Neville's Cross, near Durham, on 17 Oct. 1346. Jehan le Bel and Froissart relate that the English forces were summoned by Philippa, though her son Lionel was the nominal 1 guardian of the kingdom ; that she met and ! harangued them at Newcastle before the battle ; and Froissart says that after the battle she rode from Newcastle to the field, and remained there that day with her army (JEHAN LE BEL, ii. 109-10 ; FROISSART, iv. 18-29). As this is not confirmed by any known English or Scottish authority, it must I be regarded as exceedingly doubtful, espe- cially as both the Flemish chroniclers were : evidently mistaken as to the situation of the I battle (cf. FROISSART, ed. Buchon, i. 253 n. ; LONGMAN, Life of Edward III, i. 269). The Adctory was won by William de la Zouche, archbishop of York, and the lords and forces of the north (MuRiMFTH, p. 218 ; AVESBURY, p. 376 ; Fcedera, iii. 91). Before Christmas Philippa joined the king at the siege of Calais. During the siege he is said to have been unfaithful to her, as he had doubtless been before (Political Poems, i. 159). Wrhen the town surrendered on 5 Aug. 1347, and six of the principal burgesses appeared be- fore Edward in their shirts and with halters round their necks, putting themselves at his mercy, she joined with the lords there pre- sent in beseeching the king to pardon them, and, being then great with child, knelt before him, weeping and praying him that since she had crossed the sea in much peril he would grant her request ' for the love of our Lady's Son.' For her sake the king spared the lives of the burgesses, and granted them to her, and she provided them with raiment, food, and a gift of money (there is not the slightest reason for doubting the truth of this story : see under EDWARD III). Having returned to England with the king in Octo- Philippa 166 Philippa her, she soon after, at Windsor, bore a son, who died in infancy. The offer of the im- perial crown to her husband in 1348 caused her much anxiety and sorrow, but Edward declined it (KNIGHTOST, col. 2597). She ap- pears to have made a progress in the west in 1349, and while at Ford Abbey, Dorset, made an offering at the tomb of Hugh Courtenay, earl of Devon. In August 1350 she went with the king to Winchelsea, Sussex, where the fleet was gathered to in- tercept the Spaniards, and she remained in a religious house there, or in the immediate neighbourhood, while the king and her two sons, the Prince of Wales and John of Gaunt, sailed forth on the 28th to engage the enemy, with whom they fell in on the next day. " She passed the day of the battle of 'Lespagnols sur mer ' in great anxiety, doubting of the issue ; for her attendants, who could see the battle from the hills, told her of the number and size of the enemy's ships. In the evening, after the victory was won, the king and her sons joined her, and the night was spent in revelry (FROISSART, iv. 4, 97, 327). Her presence at the festival of the Garter on St. George's day, 23 April, 1351, is expressly noted ; and in March 1355 she was at a grand tournament held by the king at Woodstock to celebrate her recovery after the birth of her son Thomas at that place. The story related in her ' Life ' (STRICKLAND) of her contribution to the ransom of Bertrand du Guesclin after the battle of Poitiers is worthless so far as she is concerned (see Memoires sur Bertrand du Guesclin, c. 26). A special grant was made by the king for her apparel at the St. George's festival of 1358, wThich was of extraordinary splendour. During the summer of that year she and the king stayed at Marlboro ugh and at Cosham, and while she was hunting there she met with an accident in riding, and dis- located her shoulder-joint (Eulogium, iii. 227). She did not accompany the king to France in 1359. In 1361 Froissart came over to England and presented her with a book that he had written on the war with France, and spe- cially the battle of Poitiers, the germ of his future chronicles. Philippa, who loved the people of her own land, received him and his gift with kindness, made him her clerk or secretary, and encouraged him to pursue his historical work. He was lodged in the palace, entertained her with noble tales arid discourses on love, and received from her the means of travelling about the country to collect materials for his work, being once sent by her to Scotland with letters setting forth that he was one of her secretaries, and there and everywhere he found that for love of his sovereign mistress, that ' noble and valiant lady/ great lords and knights wel- comed him and gave him aid. For five years he remained in England in her service, and when he left in 1366 travelled as a member of her household (DARMESTETER, Froissart, pp. 13-28). Her presence at the magnificent tournaments held in Smithfield in May 1362 is expressly noted. After Christmas she went with the king from Windsor to Berk- hampstead in Hertfordshire, on a visit to the Prince of Wales, who resided there, to take leave of him before he went to his government in Aquitaine. She bore her share in the festivities of that year and the early months of 1364, when the kings of France, Scotland, and Cyprus were all in London at the same time, entertained King John of France at Eltham, and gave many rich feasts to King Peter de Lusignan of Cyprus, and made him presents when he left. The illness and death of King John caused her much grief. Her nephew William, count of Holland, second son of the Emperor Lewis of Bavaria, had been insane since 1 357, and his dominions were governed for him by his brother Albert of Bavaria as regent. Albert desired to be recognised as sovereign, but the claims that Edward acquired by his marriage with Philippa were unsettled, and hindered the accomplishment of his wish. To remove this obstacle, he obtained from the estates of Holland, assembled at Gertruy- denberg on 25 April 1364, a decision that the English queen could not inherit any part of the dominions of her brother Count Wil- liam, his sovereignty being indivisible. Al- bert visited the English court in 1365, but was unable to obtain the king's assent to his wishes respecting Philippa's rights (V Art de verifier les Dates, xiv. 448 ; FfKdera, iii. 779, 789). In 1369 she joined the king in his vain endeavours to procure Albert as an ally against France, and it was probably in con- nection with this attempt that she sent cer- tain jewels over to Maud, countess of Hol- land, a daughter of Henry of Lancaster, first duke of Lancaster [q. v.] (ib. p. 868). In the course of that year she was dangerously ill at Windsor Castle, and, knowing that she was dying, took leave of the king, requesting that he would fulfil all her engagements to merchants and pay her debts ; that he would pay all that she had left or promised to churches in England or the continent, wherein she had made her prayers ; and would pro- vide for all her servants, and that he would be buried by her side at Westminster, which things the king promised. She was attended on her deathbed by William of Wykeham, Philippa 167 Philippa bishop of Winchester (for the scandalous tale about her pretended confession to the ibishop, see under JOHN OF GAUNT and Chro- nicon Anglia, pp. 107, 398). She died on 15 Aug., and was buried with great pomp on the south side of the chapel of the kings, where her tomb, built by her husband, stands, with her recumbent effigy, evidently a likeness, surrounded by the effigies of thirty persons of princely rank who were connected with her by birth (STANLEY, Memorials of West- minster, p. 122). A bust by an unknown sculptor, taken from this effigy, is in the National Portrait Gallery, London. There are also heads, be- lieved to be hers, in some of the Bristol churches, specially in the crypt of St. Nicho- las ; for, like other queens, she had the town and castle of Bristol as part of her dower (TATLOK, Bristol, Past and Present, i. 75, ii. 159). A painting of her is said to have been found in the cloisters of St. Stephen's, Westminster, and a statue of her is over the principal entrance of Queen's College, Oxford. In person Philippa was tall and handsome. She was prudent, kindly, humble, and de- Tout ; very liberal and pitiful, graceful in manner, adorned, Froissart says, * with every noble virtue, and beloved of God and all men.' While she was strongly attached to the people of her fatherland, she'greatly loved the English, and was extremely popular with them. Her death was a terrible inisfortune to her husband. She bore him seven sons and five daughters. Two mottoes that she used were ' Myn Biddenye ' and * Iche wrude muche/ and they were worked on two richly embroidered corsets that were given to her by the king (NICOLAS, Orders of Knighthood, ii. 485). She greatly enlarged the hospital of St. Katherine, near the Tower, and was a benefactress to the canons of St. Stephen's, Westminster, and to Queen's College, Ox- ford, founded and called after her by her chaplain, Robert of Eglesfield [q. v.] Queen- borough, in the Isle of Sheppey, Kent, where part of her dower lay, was founded and called after her by Edward III, who, in honour of her, made the place a free borough in 1366 (HASTED, History of Kent, ii. 620, •656). [Jehan le Bel, ed. Polain ; Froissart s Chro- niques, ed. Luce (Societe del'Histoire de France) ; Geoffrey le Baker, ed. Thompson; Knighton, ed. Twisden ; Murimuth and Robert of Avesbury ; "Walsingham; Chron. AnglisejPolit.Poems; Eulo- giumHist. (these six in Rolls Ser.); Rymer's Foe- dera (Record edit.); Collectanea, vol. i. (Oxford Hist. Soc.) ; Beltz's Hist, of the Garter ; Nico las's Orders of Knighthood ; L'Art de verifier les Dates (Hainault, Holland), vols. xiii. xiv. ; Blomefield's Hist, of Norfolk ; Hasted's Hist, of Kent ; Taylor's Bristol, Past and Present ; Stan- ley's Memorials of "Westminster, 5th edit. ; Darmesteter's Froissart ( Grands EcrivainsFran- 9ais) ; Strickland's Queens of England, i. 543- 590 ; Longman's Life of Edward III.] W. H. PHILIPPA OF LANCASTER (1359-1415), queen of John I of Portugal, born in 1359, was'daughter of John of Gaunt, duke of Lan- caster, and was first brought to Portugal by her father on his expedition in aid of Portu- guese independence in 1386. While aiding his ally against Castille, the Duke of Lan- caster settled the terms of a marriage alliance by which John I of Portugal, the founder of the house of Aviz, who had led the national rising against the threatened Castilian suc- cession since 1383, was to marry his daugh- ter Philippa. After King John had been re- leased by Urban VI from the vows of celibacy which he had taken in earlier life as master of the order of Aviz. the marriage took place on 2 Feb. 1387. Philippa was twenty-eight years old on her marriage, and became the mother of five celebrated sons, the 'royal race of famous Infantes,' viz. King Edward I, Don Pedro the traveller and the great regent, Prince Henry the navigator, Ferdinand the saint, and John. Her two eldest children, Dona Branca and Don Alfonso, died in infancy. During her last illness in -1415 she was moved from Lisbon to Sacav.em, while her husband and sons were on the point of starting for the con- quest of Ceuta in Barbary. On her deathbed she spoke to her eldest son of a king's true vocation, to Pedro of his knightly duties in the protection of widows and orphans, to Henry of a general's care for his men. A story tells how she roused herself before she died to ask what wind it was that blew so strongly against the house, and being told it was the north, exclaimed to those about her 'It is the wind for your voyage, which must be about St. James's day ' (25 July). She died on 13 July, and was buried in Batalha Abbey church, where her recumbent statue rests by the side of King John's. She enjoyed the reputation of a perfect wife and mother. Her husband survived her till 1433, and was succeeded by their eldest son, Ed- ward. Philip II of Spain descended from her through his mother Isabella, daughter of King Emanuel of Portugal, Philippa's great- grandson [see under MAKY I OF ENGLAND]. [Chevalier's Repertoire ; Notice by Ferd. Denis in Nouvelle Biographie Generale; Jose Soares de Silva's Memorias para a Historia del -Rey dom Joao I ; Barbosa's Catalogo das Rainhas ; Schseffer's Historia de Portugal ; Souza's His- Philippart 168 Philipps toria Genealogica; Retraces e Elogios ; Fernan Lopez's Chronicle of D. John I ; Oliveiro Martins' SODS of D. John I ; Major's Prince Henry the Navigator : Ramsay's York and Lancaster.] C. R. B. PHILIPPART, JOHN (1784 P-1874), military writer, born in London about 1784, was educated J military academy, and was subsequently placed in the office of a Scottish solicitor. His inclinations, however, tended more to military than to legal studies. In 1809 he became private secretary to John Baker Holroyd, first baron and afterwards first earl of Sheffield [q. v.], president of the board of agriculture, and two years later he was appointed a clerk in the war office. He pro- posed, in pamphlets issued in 1812 and 1813, the establishment of a benefit fund for officers, an idea suggested by Colonel D. Roberts. The scheme was supported by persons of influence in the profession, but it failed owing to the fear on the part of ministers that such a com- bination might weaken the discipline of the army. Philippart also suggested, in a further pamphlet, a means of rendering the militia available for foreign service, and part of his plan was adopted by Lord Castlereagh. Philippart was one of the body of members of the order of St. John of Jerusalem, or knights-hospitallers, who contributed to the revival of the English langue. He was elected a knight of St. John of Jerusalem on 11 Nov. 1830, chevalier of justice in 1831, and bailiff ad honores in 1847. He was chancellor of the order for forty-three years, and outlived all the knights who had revived the English langue except the Chevalier Philippe de Chastelain. His interest in the duties of a knight-hospitaller induced him to aid in founding in 1856 the West London Hospital, which was originally called the Fulham and Hammersmith General Dispensary. He was honorary treasurer of the institution from 1856 to 1861, and an active member of the committee from that date until his death. He was created a knight of the Swedish orders of Gustavus Vasa and of the Polar Star of Sweden in 1832. He died at his residence, College House, Church Lane, Hammersmith, in 1874. Philippart was an industrious compiler of many books of reference relating to the army. From October 181 2 to September 1814 he owned and edited a journal called ' The Military Panorama.' In 1813 he published his ' Northern Campaigns, from . . . 1812 . . . June 4, 1813, with an appendix, containing all the Bulletins issued by the French Ruler,' 2 vols. To the same class belong his l Royal Military Calendar, containing the Services of every general officer ... in the British Army . . . and Accounts of the Operations of the Army under Lieut.-Gen. Sir John Murray on the Eastern Coast of Spain in 1812-13,' London, 3 vols. 1815-16, and ' The East India Military Calendar,' 1823. Among other works by Philippart were : 1. ' Memoirs of the Prince Royal of Sweden,' 1813. 2. ' Memoirs of General Moreau,' &c., London, 1814. 3. ' General Index to the first and second series of Hansard's Parlia- mentary Debates,' London, 1834. 4. ' Me- moir of ... Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn ' (vol. ii. of ' Queen Victoria, from her Birth to her Bridal'), London, 1840. [War Office Records ; Biogr. Diet. Living Authors, 1816 ; Records of the Order of St. J(,hn of Jerusalem.] B. H. S. PHILIPPS. [See also PHELIPS, PHILIPS, PHILLIPPS, and PHILLIPS.] PHILIPPS, BAKER (1718?-1745),lieu- tenant in the navy, born about 1718, entered the navy in 1733, and having served in the Diamond, in the Greenwich, with Captain James Cornewall [q. v.], and in the Prince of Orange on the home station, with Captain William Davies, passed his examination on 27 Nov. 1740, being then, according to his cer- tificate, upwards of twenty-two. On 5 Feb. 1740-1 he was promoted to be lieutenant of the Royal Sovereign ; on 20 April 1744 he was appointed second lieutenant of the Anglesea, a 44-gun ship stationed on the south coast of Ireland to protect the homeward trade. On 28 March she sailed from Kinsale on a cruise, having left her first lieutenant on shore sick. The next day she sighted a large ship to wind- ward, which the captain, Jacob Elton, and the m aster wrongly supposed to be her consort, the Augusta of 60 guns. The stranger, with a fair wind, came down under a press of sail. A master's mate who was on the forecastle suddenly noticed that her poop-nettings and quarter showed unmistakably French orna- mentation, and ran down to tell the captain. It was about two o'clock in the afternoon, and he was at dinner. Thereupon the stranger, which proved to be the French 60-gun ship Apollon, in private employ, ran under the Anglesea's stern, and poured in a heavy fire of great guns and small arms at less than a hundred yards' distance. The Anglesea replied as she best could ; but her decks were not cleared and her fire was very feeble. Hoping to fore-reach on the Frenchman, and so gain a little time, Elton set the foresail. The only effect was to prevent her from firing her lower-deck guns. The Apollon's second broadside killed both Elton and the master. Philipps was left in command, and, seeing no Philipps 169 Philipps possibility of defence, he ordered the colours to be struck. The court-martial which, on the return of the prisoners, examined into the affair rightly pronounced that the loss of the ship was due to Elton's confidence and neglect ; but it further pronounced that after Elton's death Philipps had been guilty of neglect of duty, and sentenced him to be shot, adding, how- ever, a recommendation to mercy. The lords justices, to whom it was referred, saw no reason for advising his majesty to grant it, and the sentence was carried out on the fore- castle of the Princess Royal at Spithead, at 11 A.M. on 19 July 1745. It is difficult now to understand the grounds on which Philipps was condemned, for the ship was virtually lost before he succeeded to the command. The probable explanation seems to be that the government was thoroughly alarmed, and suspected Jacobite agency. But this was not mentioned at the court-martial, and there is no reason to suppose that Philipps had meddled with politics. He was married, but left no children. His widow married again, and a miniature of Philipps is still preserved by her descendants. [Commission and Warrant Books, Minutes of Court-Martial, vol. xxviii., and other documents in the Public Kecord Office ; information from the family.] J. K. L. PHILIPPS, SIR ERASMUS (d. 1743), economic writer, was the eldest son of Sir John Philipps, of Picton Castle, Pembroke- shire, by his wife Mary, daughter and heiress of Anthony Smith, an East India merchant. His cousin, Katharine Shorter, was the first wife of Sir Robert Walpole. Matriculating at Pembroke College, Oxford, on 4 Aug. 1720, he left the university in the following year without graduating. He was entered as a student of Lincoln's Inn on 7 Aug. 1721, and succeeded to the baronetcy on the death of his father in 1736. He was M.P. for Haverfordwest from 8 Feb. 1726 until his death. He was accidentally drowned in the river Avon, near Bath, on 7 Oct. 1743. He was unmarried. Philipps published: 1. 'An Appeal to Common-sense ; or, some Considerations offered to restore Publick Credit,' 2 parts, London, 1720-21, 8vo. 2. ' The State of the Nation in respect to her Commerce, Debts, and Money,' London, 1725, 8vo ; 2nd edit. 1726, 8vo ; the same edition, but with new title-page, 1731, 8vo. 3. 'The Creditor's Advocate and Debtor's Friend. Shewing how the Effects of the Debtor are spent in Law . . . that may be saved for the credi- tor,' &c., London, '1731, 8vo. 4. < Miscella- neous works, consisting of Essays Political and Moral,' London, 1751, 8vo. Extracts from the diary which he kept while a student at Oxford (1 Aug. 1720 to 24 Sept. 1721) are printed in ' Notes and Queries ' (2nd ser. x. 365, 366, 443-5). An epitaph on him by Anna Williams is sometimes attributed to Dr. Johnson (Notes and Q. ,'ies, 3rd ser. v. 254, and ANNA WILLIAMS, Miscellanies). [Gent. Mag. 1743, p. 554; Nicholas's County Families of Wales, pp. 298, 908 ; Lodge's Irish Peerage, vii. 100; Burke's Baronetage, p. 1129; Foster's Alumni Oxon. (1715-1886), p. 1107; Eeturn of Members of Parliament,, ii. 59, 70, 82, 95 ; Boswell's Life of Johnson, ed. Hill, i. 60, 203.] W. A. S. H. PHILIPPS, FABIAN (1601-1690), au- thor, eon of Andrew Philipps, was born at Prestbury, Gloucestershire, on 28 Sept. 1601. His father, who belonged to an old Here- fordshire family, owned estates at Leominster. His mother, whose family, the Bagehots, had been settled at Prestbury for four hundred years, was heiress of one of her brothers. Philipps studied first at one of the inns of chancery, but afterwards migrated to the Middle Temple. He was also at Oxford for some time in 1641, 'for the sake of the Bodleian Library.' A zealous advocate of the king's prerogative, he spent much money in the publication of books in support of the royal cause. In 1641 he was appointed filazer of London, Middlesex, Cambridgeshire, and Huntingdonshire, in the court of common pleas. His claim to the emoluments of the office was disputed, and fourteen years later the case was still unsettled. Two days before Charles I's execution, Philipps wrote a ( pro- testation,' which he printed, and ' caused to be put on all posts and in all commonplaces ' (WOOD). It was published with the title ' King Charles the First no man of Blood ; but a Martyr for his People. Or, a sad and impart iall Enquiry whether the king or par- liament began the Warre,' &c., London, 1649, 4to. Another edition bore the title ' Veri- tas Inconcussa,' London, 1660, 8vo. On the suppression of the court of chancery in 1653, he published ' Considerations against the dissolving and taking away the Court of Chancery and the Courts of Justice at West- minster,' &c., for which he received the thanks of Lenthall. He wrote three works against the abolition of tenures by knight service, viz., ' Tenenda non Tollenda, or the Necessity of preserving Tenures in Capite and by Knight Service,' &c., London, 1660, 4to; 'LigeanciaLugens, or Loyaltie lament- ing the many great Mischiefs and Inconve- niences which will fatally and inevitably follow the taking away of the Royal Pour- Philipps 170 Philipps veyances and Tenures in Capite/£c., London, 1661, 4to ; and ' The Mistaken Recompense by the Excise for Pourveyance and Tenures/ &c., 1664. On 30 Nov. 1661 Philipps and John Moyle received a grant, with survivorship, of the office of remembrancer of the court of the council and marches of Wales. In his eightieth year he still retained his ' great me- mory.' He died on 17 Nov. 1690, and was buried near his wife in the south-west part of the church of Twyford, near Acton, Mid- dlesex. He wrote his own epitaph some years before his death. Philipps ' was emi- nent in his time, considering that his parts were never advanc'd, when young, by aca- demical education '( WOOD) ; he was ' of great assiduity and reading, and a great lover of antiquities ' (AUBEEY). In addition to the works mentioned above, Philipps published : 1. ' Restauranda ; or the necessity of Publick Repairs, by setting of a certain and royal yearly Revenue for the king/ &c., London, 1662, 4to. 2. ' The An- tiquity, Legality, Reason, Duty, and Neces- sity of Prae-emption, and Pourveyance for the King/ &c., London, 1663, 4to. 3. < The Antiquity, Legality ... of Fines paid in Chancery upon the suing out or obtaining some sorts of Writs returnable into the Court of Common Pleas/ &c., London, 1663, 4to ; Somers' * Tracts/ vol. iii. 1750, 4to ; ib. vol. viii. 1809, 4to. 4. 'Pretended Perspective Glass ; or, some Reasons . . . against the proposed registering Reformation/ 1669, 4to. 5. ' The Reforming Registry ; or, a Repre- sentation of the very many Mischiefs and Inconveniences ... of Registers/ &c., Lon- don, 1671, 4to. 6. ' Regale Necessarium ; or the Legality, Reason, and Necessity of the Rights and Privileges . . . claimed by the King's Servants/ London, 1671, 4to. 7. ' Some reasons for the Continuance of the Processof Arrest/London, 1671, 4to. 8. ' Rea- sons against the taking away the Process of Arrest, which would be a loss to the King's Revenue/ &c., 1675. 9. ' The Ancient, Legal, Fundamental, and Necessary Rights of Courts of Justice, in their Writs of Capias, Arrests, and Process of Outlawry/ &c., Lon- don, 1676, 4to. 10. ' Necessary Defence of the Presidentship and Council in the Prin- cipality and Marches of Wales, in the neces- sary Defence of England and Wales protect- ing each other.' 11. < Ursa Major and Minor. Showing that there is no such Fear as is factiously pretended of Popery and arbitrary Power/ London, 1681. 12. ' Plea for the Pardoning Part of the Sovereignty of the Kings of England/ London, 1682. 13. « The established Government of England vindi- cated from all Popular and Republican Principles and Mistakes/ &c., London, 1687, fol. [Biogr. Brit. ; Watkins's Biogr. Diet. 1821, p. 846 ; Aubrey's Letters written by Eminent Per- sons, ii. 491, 492; Wood's Athenae Oxon. ed. Bliss, iii. 377, 380, 4,51, 997; Fasti, ii. 5; Journals of the House of Lords, iv. 144; Cal. State Papers, Dom. Ser. Charles II, xliv. 141, cxxxvii. 142; Hist. MSS. Comm. 4th Rep, p. 44, 5th Rep. pp. 75, 97, 119, 578, 6th Rep. pp. 2, 5, 10, 51, 7th Rep. pp. 180, 232; Notes and Queries, 2nd ser. x. 210.] W. A. S. H. PHILIPPS, JENKIN THOMAS (d. 1755), translator, of Welsh origin, studied at the university of Basle, and there pro- nounced in 1707 a Latin oration on the t Uses of Travel ' which was published in London in 1715. He appears to have oc- cupied some place about the English court as early as 1715, when he wrote in Latin and French a ' Discours touchant 1'Origine & le Progres de la Religion Chretienne parmi la Nation Britannique. Presente au Roi.' The Latin version (3rd edit. 1731) was repub- lished in the author's ' Dissertationes His- toricse Quatuor/ London, 1735. Philipps, who was an accomplished linguist, was en- gaged as a private tutor between 1717 and 1720, and expounded his methods in ' A com- pendious Way of teaching Ancient and Modern Languages/ London, 2nd edit. 1723 ; 4th, much enlarged, London, 1750. In 1717 he translated from the German 'An Account of the Religions, Manners, and Learning of the People of Malabar, in several Letters, written by some of the most learned Men of that Country to the Danish Missionaries/ London, 12mo, which was followed by ' Thirty-four Conferences between the Danish Missionaries and the Malabarian Bramans (or Heathen Priests) in the East Indies, concerning the Truth of the Christian Re- ligion/ London, 1719, 8vo. Before 1726 Philipps became tutor to the children of George II, including William Augustus, duke of Cumberland, for whose use he published ' An Essay towards a Universal and Rational Grammar ; together with Rules in English to learn Latin. Collected from the several Grammars of Milton, Shirley, Johnson, and others/ London, 1726 (3rd edit. 1741, 12mo). He also published for the duke's use ' Epistolse Laconicae ex operibus Ciceronis, Plinii, Erasmi/ 1729 ^editio nova, 1772) ; ' Epistolae sermone facili conscriptse/ 1731 and 1770, 8vo; and ' Epistola hortativa ad serenissimum Principem Gulielmum/ 1737, 4to. Philipps was appointed ' histo- riographer' to the king, and died on 22 Feb. 1755. Philipps 171 Philipps Besides the works noticed, Philipps issued in London many Latin dissertations : ' De Rebus Santgallensibus in Helvetia/ 2nd edit. 1715; -De Papatu,' 2nd edit. 1715; 'De Sacramento Eucharistise,' from the Greek of Hieromonachus Maximus, 1715, 4to; and 4De Atheismo,' which were collected in